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Does capitalism generate prosperity and well-being in an atmosphere of freedom, as its defenders claim, or is it an unjust system in which workers are exploited for the benefit of a capital-owning minority, as its critics assert? Does... more
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      MarxismDiversityWorking ClassesCapitalism
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      RegulationTheory of Economic Regulation
This textbook of Economic Policy is made of four parts: 1. Methodological questions; 2. Welfare Economics; 3. Economic models in a closed economy 4. Economic Policy in an open economy. La Politica Economica è la disciplina che... more
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      International EconomicsPublic FinanceMicroeconomicsWelfare Economics
Mobile money is a relatively new phenomenon that allows banking services to be accessed through a cellular device. It has become a significant tool for poor and rural populations in developing countries to gain access to financial... more
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      Development EconomicsPolitical EconomyInternational Political EconomyPolitical Economy of Development
Ph.D. thesis Economic History, Uppsala University In 1971, the Swedish parliament approved a government bill that introduced extensive state regulation of marketing. Because of this, the business community’s self-regulation of... more
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      BusinessMarketingEconomic HistoryPolitical Economy
I . L'Etat dans le spectre théorique régulationniste. I.A. La régulation étatique structurelle, nouveau visage de la théorie du Capitalisme Monopoliste d'Etat. I.B. De la régulation inintentionnelle par la crise à la régulation... more
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      RegulationRegulation theoryRegulation, Institutional Theory, Administrative ReformSociological theory/analysis, qualitative research methods, social anthropology, political sociology, social movements, democratization, State-society relations, civil society role in developing countries
Turkey became an EU member candidate in 1999, and its economy achieved greater stability in the 2000s, compared to that observed before the 2000–2001 economic crisis. Nevertheless , it remains unclear whether this performance could help... more
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      International EconomicsInstitutional EconomicsMacroeconomicsInternational Macroeconomics
Banks and other financial institutions which were „too-bigto- fail“ (TBTF) played a central role in the Global Financial Crisis of 2007– 2009. The article lays out how misguided policies enabled banks to grow both in size as well as in... more
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      Financial EconomicsPolitical EconomyFinancial MarketsFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009
This article as an attempt to introduce the work of the French economist André Orléan to the new research paradigm of the cultural studies of the economy and the economy of literature. The text focuses not so much on the role economy... more
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      Political EconomyFinancializationFinancial CrisisCulture and Economy
Das Versagen internationaler Finanzmärkte in den Jahren 2007-2009 ging mit einer Infragestellung eines auf freien und selbstregulierten Märkten basierenden Kapitalismus einher, dessen Vorherrschen im Mittelpunkt vieler Erklärungsversuche... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceRegulationFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Financial Regulation
This paper empirically examines how wage growth in Turkey has been influenced by workdays lost to strikes, by inflation and by real GDP through the vector autoregression model for the annual period 1963–2015. According to empirical... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInternational EconomicsEconometrics
Este artigo procura identificar pontos de intersecção entre aspectos da teoria da regulação e interpretações de gênese e evolução de políticas de comunicação. O texto está dividido em três etapas: primeiramente, 1. abordam-se premissas... more
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      Policies, Political economy of Communication, Conflict studiesPolitical economy of regulationCommunication policiesTheory of Economic Regulation
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      Economic HistoryTheologyMedieval HistoryUrban History
French societal and "régulation" approaches are based, to a great extent, on international comparisons. As a result, they are confronted with the kind of problems facing international comparative literature which has developed outside... more
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      Comparative PoliticsStructuralismComparitive Politics and GovernmentInternational comparisons
On May 3, 1973, the Wall Street Journal carried a story about the struggle by Phelps 'Dodge Corporation to meet environmental qual- ity standards. The Journal reported that "the most economical way to [meet the... more
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      RegulationEvent StudyTheory of Economic RegulationCotton Dust Regulation