Sampah yang identik dengan bau busuk tentu membawa dampak yang negatif bagi lingkungan hidup. Misalnya bencana banjir, wabah penyakit dan mengakibatkan polusi udara. Gas yang dihasilkan oleh sampah tersebut juga berpotensi mengakibatkan... more
Sampah yang identik dengan bau busuk tentu membawa dampak yang negatif bagi lingkungan hidup. Misalnya bencana banjir, wabah penyakit dan mengakibatkan polusi udara. Gas yang dihasilkan oleh sampah tersebut juga berpotensi mengakibatkan lapisan ozon semakin menipis. Dari berbagai dampak negatif oleh sampah tersebut, ternyata terdapat sisi positifnya. Sampah merupakan sebuah potensi biomassa yang dapat dikonversi menjadi energi listrik. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa potensi pemanfaatan sampah kota untuk pembangkit listrik di Indonesia sangatlah besar, total secara nasional sekitar 1.879,59MW ( Sebagai contoh, potensi sampah dengan penduduk yang padat yaitu berasal dari Jakarta dan sekitarnya dibuang dan dikelola di Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Terpadu (TPST) Bantar Gebang. Tidak kurang dari 25 ribu meter kubik sampah kota atau setara dengan 6.000 Ton per hari sampah kota atau dalam satuan tahun diproduksi 2.190.000 ton (Hadisuwito, 2013). Pemerintah seharusnya mengupayakan pengolahan sampah secara berkelanjutan sehingga memiliki nilai tambah ekonomis. Kebijakan pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam hal pengelolaan sampah harus memiliki landasan yang kuat. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan meliputi (1) minimasi jumlah sampah, (2) peningkatan daur ulang sampah, (3) meningkatkan sarana transportasi dan (4) Mengubah sampah menjadi energi listrik yang berkelanjutan. Pemanfaatan sampah sebagai renewable energy merupakan langkah strategis yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah indonesia mengingat jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas masyarakat kian hari kian meningkat. Perlunya pembangunan teknologi pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah sangat dibutuhkan dalam penghasilan listrik sebagai terobosan baru untuk mengurangi dampak dari sampah yang telah mejalar di lingkungan. Karya tulis ini berupa gagasan untuk merumuskan peta strategis bagaimana upaya meng-optimalkan sampah menjadi energi terbarukan alternatif mutakhir di Indonesia. Melalui gagasan ini diharapakan dapat memberikan dampak positif dan menangkal dampak negatif. Pemerintah dan masyarakat diharapkan mampu untuk saling berpartisipasi untuk mewujudkan indonesia yang bersih bebas dari sampah. Sehingga kesehatan dan kesejahteraan dapat dicapai.
Cloud computing can be depicted as a disseminated plan that is available to various types of security interruptions. An encoding strategy named homomorphic encoding is utilized for the encoding of elements which are used for the promotion... more
Cloud computing can be depicted as a disseminated plan that is available to various types of security interruptions. An encoding strategy named homomorphic encoding is utilized for the encoding of elements which are used for the promotion of data from cloud server. The fundamental issues of homomorphic encoding scheme are key association and key assignment. In light of these issues, adequacy of homomorphic encryption approach diminishes. Numerous kinds of encryption algorithms were applied in the cloud for making sure about the data. Data can be put away in the cloud in an encoded structure. In this way, another procedure called Homomorphic encryption is acquainted that permits with apply explicit procedure on the encoded data. We proposed homomorphic signature scheme for secured auditing system cloud user's delicate data with the utilization of binary tree. The proposed homomorphic encryption schemes appear to be a viable method to crush their constraints and to profit by their opposition against the privacy assaults. Also, the assurance assessment and exploratory investigation recommend that our scheme is secured and skillful.
The bite of the Amazon leech Haementeria ghilianii is not associated with prolonged bleeding, and does not secrete anticoagulant hirudin. This studies looks at the function of hementin, the fibrinogenolytic enzyme secreted by this... more
The bite of the Amazon leech Haementeria ghilianii is not associated with prolonged bleeding, and does not secrete anticoagulant hirudin. This studies looks at the function of hementin, the fibrinogenolytic enzyme secreted by this species. Conclusion it prevents clotting of blood in its long tubular proboscis.
ABSTRACT: The giant Amazon leech Haementeria ghilianii feeds by inserting an exceedingly long tubular proboscis (up to 10 cm) deep into its mammalian host. The wound from its bite is not associated with prolonged bleeding because all antihaemostatic factors, including the fibrinogenolytic enzyme hementin, appear to be secreted exclusively into the lumen of the proboscis. It is in this narrow lumen that blood first comes into contact with hementin, the secretion of which is under neuronal control from the brain. During feeding, about 15 ml of blood are sucked through the proboscis at the rate of approximately 0.14 ml/min. A complete passage of blood takes less than 1 min, much faster than the approximately 6 min needed for coagulation (fibrin formation). Therefore, it is unlikely that hementin functions in the proboscis simply to prevent fibrin formation. Of greater risk is platelet aggregation which can occur within 1-2 min. The formation of a platelet-rich clot within the proboscis could make the proboscis non-functional. Hementin's unique ability to dissolve platelet-rich clots offers a way of restoring blood flow through the proboscis. Hementin is able to disaggregate platelets by breaking the fibrinogen crosslink between platelets. Hementin's unique cleavage site in the connector region of platelet-bound fibrinogen is thought to be a most effective mechanism for eliminating the crosslinking.
Cloud Computing has been envisioned as the next generation architecture of IT Enterprise. In contrast to traditional solutions, where the IT services are under proper physical, logical and personnel controls, Cloud Computing moves the... more
Cloud Computing has been envisioned as the next generation architecture of IT Enterprise. In contrast to traditional solutions, where the IT services are under proper physical, logical and personnel controls, Cloud Computing moves the application software and databases to the large data centres, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. This unique attribute, however, poses many new security challenges which have not been well understood. In this paper, we are implementing the cloud data storage security, which has always been an important aspect of quality of service. To ensure the correctness of users’ data in the cloud, we propose an effective and flexible distributed scheme with two salient features, opposing to its predecessors. By utilizing the homomorphism token with distributed verification of erasure-coded data and low density parity check, our scheme achieves the integration of storage correctness insurance and data error localization, i.e...
PDP is a technique designed for CSP to show that complete file of the client is in secured state without downloading the whole file. PDP scheme of multi cloud includes multiple csp’s to mutually store and maintain the... more
PDP is a technique designed for CSP to show that complete file of the client is in secured state without downloading the whole file. PDP scheme of multi cloud includes multiple csp’s to mutually store and maintain the client’s data. Later CPDP was proposed which also has the Homorphic verifiable response and Hash index hierarchy properties, but there is a security flaws. The problem is, when a malicious csp or organizer generates a valid response which also clears the verification process in case of deletion of the stored data. This means, simply, an attacker gets the information without storing the client’s data. In this paper, we discuss about the security flaws in CPDP (Cooperative Provable Data Possession) scheme.
12-o-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate (TPA) down-regulates the expression of the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis (CFTR). To understand the mechanism by which TPA down-regulates CFTR, we decided to study genes specifically induced by... more
12-o-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate (TPA) down-regulates the expression of the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis (CFTR). To understand the mechanism by which TPA down-regulates CFTR, we decided to study genes specifically induced by this phorbol ester in T84 human colon carcinoma cells, which highly express CFTR, using differential display. Several strategies that allowed us to overcome false-positive reactions in differential displays are described. We have detected different cDNAs obtained from mRNAs specifically induced by TPA. A cDNA fragment corresponding to a mRNA of approximately 2.2 kb was sequenced. Part of this sequence has been reported by others in GenBank and corresponds to a cDNA from a human lung library. The function is unknown and does not have any significant homology with other sequences. It is expressed after two hrs in T84 cells treated with TPA, reaching a maximum response by four hrs. The dose-response curve shows increased mRNA levels starting at 10 ng/ml...
We are proposing to allow the users to audit the cloud storage with very lightweight and ease of communication and computation cost. The auditing which we are going through our research paper result not only ensures strong cloud storage... more
We are proposing to allow the users to audit the cloud storage with very lightweight and ease of communication and computation cost. The auditing which we are going through our research paper result not only ensures strong cloud storage accuracy guarantee, but it also simultaneously achieves fast data error localization, i.e., the identification of hacker information. And securely we are introducing an effective TPA, which is a auditing process which results in bringing in no new vulnerabilities towards user data privacy, and can introduce no additional online burden to user. In this paper, we are going to propose a secure cloud storage system which supports privacy-preserving public auditing. We will further extend our result to enable the TPA to perform audits for various users certainly and efficiently. This shows the proposed scheme is highly efficient and data modification attack, and useful in even server colluding attacks.