Recent papers in Tragicomédia
En el siguiente trabajo se estudia el tema de la evolución de Melibea en la obra La Celestina. Esta evolución supone una transformación del personaje a nivel psicológico y social: Melibea cambia su pensamiento y esto se ve reflejado en su... more
En este trabajo voy a tratar de abordar los insultos y las maneras despectivas de dirigirse a la mujer en el libro de La Celestina, escrito por Fernando de Rojas en 1499. La Celestina como nombre popularizado ya que se trata de la... more
Human experiences provide content and perspectives to works of literature. Tragedy and comedy are commonly known as two major categories of human experiences and they have been carried over into works of literature under these terms,... more
Abstract: This paper, which evaluates the theoretical underpinnings of tragicomedy, examines the ideas on literary decorum that formed the basis for the traditional definitions of the different dramatic genres. Within this context, an... more
Scholarly research in opera studies has already highlighted the protagonism of women in seventeenth-century librettos. Now it might be worthwhile to zoom in on the figure of the female enchantress by examining, in particular, the... more
All’interno delle opere critiche e letterarie di Giovan Battista Giraldi Cinzio si riscontrano molteplici riferimenti alle commedie di Plauto e Terenzio. Giraldi, infatti, adduce spesso l'esempio dei due commediografi latini per... more
A partir das considerações de Mikhail Bakhtin sobre os gêneros do discurso, o dialogismo e o plurilingüismo e sobre o discurso no romance, o presente trabalho propõe uma abordagem da incorporação de traços composicionais da Tragédia na... more
This article deals with genetic connections between Fyodor Dostoevsky and Catherine Breillat—using psychoanalysis and philosophy that integrates Plato and Aristotle with Kleinian psychoanalysis. The article develops the notion of two... more