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“Warlords, Strongman Governors, and the State in Afghanistan” was written by Dipali Mukhopadhyay, Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, and explores how some of the warlords in Afghanistan turned... more
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      AfghanistanState BuildingWarlordsGovernors
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesGerman LiteratureChinese Studies
Ancient Macedonia, The Macedonic Wars 320-270 bce

Macedonian empire division after the death of Alexander III of Macedon and civil wars between the Macedonic kingdoms ruled by Macedonian dynasties.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistorySociology
This article examines power dynamics in political groupings during the 2014 Afghanistan presidential election and assesses the impact on political stability and order. The focus is the power dynamics of local political-economic and... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and Development
We analyse the influence of gun culture and exogenous political events on gun regulation in post-Soviet Georgia. While neighbouring states retain restrictive Soviet-era gun laws, in Georgia, state failure, armed conflict and proliferation... more
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      Security StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesPost-Soviet PoliticsPost-Soviet Studies
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      Military HistoryComparative PoliticsSovereigntySecurity Studies
This essay reviews the actual and potential evolution of drug cartels, street gangs, and warlords from hierarchical organizations to Internetted transnational criminal actors that may further evolve into new war-making entities capable of... more
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      Transnational Organized CrimeStreet gangsTransnational street gangs3 Gen gangs
In early modern period, bosnian conquest and islamization provoke several historiographical debates - deeply close to current social and political concerns - that this paper - stemed from two lectures made at University Paris 1... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistorySouth East European StudiesBalkan Studies
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This thesis explores how three crucial variables affect stability in Afghanistan: (1) political legitimacy, (2) state-building and (3) Pakistan’s support for the Afghan Taliban. Chapter one lays the foundation for this thesis by exploring... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityInternational DevelopmentAfghanistanPakistan
Baron R.F. von Ungern-Sternberg (1885–1921) is almost a legendary figure. He was General of the Russian White Army fought against the Reds in Civil War after the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. He participated in the Civil War in... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesMilitary ScienceChinese Studies
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      Old Norse ReligionValsgärdeGamla UppsalaWarlords
The South China Morning Post. January 27, 2007
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      Political Violence and TerrorismPhilippinesPolitical ViolenceThe Moros Of Mindanao In Southern Philippines
The genesis of the first western kingdoms in early medieval Europe has often been framed as the consequence of barbarian invasions bringing down the Roman empire in its western provinces. This article considers a considerably more... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
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      Roman HistoryWarlords
16-19 March 2016
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsTerrorismInternational Studies
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      Medieval StudiesHistorical SourcesWarlordsEarly Slavs
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      Ancient HistoryMesopotamia HistoryHistory of PiracyState Theory
Η θητεία του Στρατάρχη Sir John Harding ως Βρετανός Κυβερνήτης της Κύπρου (Οκτώβριος 1955-Οκτώβριος 1957) έχει αποτυπωθεί ως πικρή εμπειρία στη συλλογική μνήμη της ελληνικής κοινότητας της Κύπρου. Για παράδειγμα, κατά τη διάρκεια του... more
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      Military HistoryCyprus StudiesNationalismColonialism
The items found represent the high status equipment belonging to elite warriors who were mounted on horseback. Video from the excavations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lznKbpUULIE These exclusive, often gilded, weapons and horse... more
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      ChristianityRoman ArmyViking Age ScandinaviaScandinavian Archaeology
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      RevolutionsHistory of Republican Period ChinaChinese history (History)Late Imperial-Modern China
World Politics Review. December 1, 2009
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      PhilippinesThe Moros Of Mindanao In Southern PhilippinesPhilippine StudiesWarlordism
To date, warlordism in Africa has been viewed solely negatively. This has come about, in part, because of the analytical lenses that have been used. Typically, warlordism has been examined at the state level; and behavioural traits,... more
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      ViolenceAfricaGovernancePolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      Italian (European History)15th Century BurgundyStoria medievaleQuattrocento
Afghanistan’s complex conflict shows little sign of abating. This paper looks at the nature of the conflict and factors that might influence its post-2014 direction. It treats Afghanistan as a qualitative intrinsic case study and... more
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      GovernanceAfghanistanTalibanEthnic Conflict and Civil War
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Resumen En las siguientes páginas se describe lo que tradicionalmente se ha llamado «la era de los señores de la guerra» en China (1916-1928). Tras el hundimiento de la dinastía Qing y la muerte sin sucesor del dictador Yuan Shikai, no... more
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      Military HistoryChinaWarlordismWarlords
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      Late Middle AgesItalian (European History)Transizione tra tardo medioevo e prima età modernaMiddle Ages
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      Early Modern HistoryRenaissanceBiographyRepresentations
This paper analyses news stories about so called warlords particualrly in Afghanistan. Based on a model of interpreting myths that builds on Saussurian linguistic analysis and Levi-Strauss' analysis of myths (hence the title), the paper... more
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      WarlordsEpistemology of ConflictMyths In International Relations
The political and military importance of Faenza and the Lamone and Senio valleys between the period of the Veneto-Visconti war and the first phase of the Italian wars (1440-1525).
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Tactics (Military Science)Early Modern History
Despite efforts to bolster failed states over the past two decades, many states in the international system still exhibit endemic weakness. External intervention often leads to political instability and in most cases fails to foster state... more
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      International SecurityAfghanistanFailed StatesWarlordism
Svante Fischer “From Italy to Scandinavia – The Numismatic Record of the Fall of the Western Empire” Abstract In the study of an era of purported mass migration such as Late Antiquity, one ought to verify to what extent people or... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
This work presents Riothamus, mysterious Briton who arrived to Gallia from Britain as emperor’s ally. He actively participated in Roman struggle against Visigoths but was defeated and quite quickly disappeared from pages of history.
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      Celtic StudiesArthurian StudiesPost-Roman BritainCeltic History
Prove di democrazia nella Somalia dimenticata, alla ricerca di difficili equilibri politici e sociali.
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      African StudiesHorn of AfricaSomalia Civil WarWarlords
The paper gives a brief overview of the last years' discussions on Feng Yuxiang, the so-called "Christian General", and his religious faith by making some notes on his figure. Feng's connection with a foreign religion is contextualized in... more
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      ReligionChinese StudiesChinaModern Chinese History
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      International RelationsAfricaDemocratic Republic of CongoWarlords
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      Social TheoryWar StudiesPolitical ViolenceWarlordism
In The Politics of Alliance: Coalition Challenges in Afghanistan, edited by Stephen Grenier & Gale Mattox. Redwood City, CA: Stanford University Press.
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      International SecurityAfghanistanFailed StatesWarlordism
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      WarlordsPrivate Security ContractorsConflicct ManagementPost Modern Policy
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      Post-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentAfghanistanWarlordismAfghanistan War - Canadian participation; Canadian military; war memoir
Tianjin’s Place in History and Historiography Some Historiographical Remarks: A Call for an International Dialogue on the Question of Imperialism in the East Asian Region Early Collaboration and Cooperation amongst Occupiers Entering... more
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      HistoryJapanese StudiesChinese StudiesCross-border cooperation
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      Development StudiesAfghanistanAfghanistan Society and PoliticsWarlords
La Historia de la Humanidad es el continuo proceso de cambios sociales con incidencias, por demás, muy lógicas, naturales, en las realidades de las economías temporal-histórico-sistémicas, en las mentalidades, las religiones y en las... more
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      Cuban StudiesRevolutionsChina studiesContemporary China
Ένα έντονο στοιχείο στη συλλογική μνήμη των Ελλήνων Κυπρίων που αποκόμισαν εμπειρίες από την περίοδο του Κυπριακού Αγώνα (1955-1959) αφορά την πικρία που νιώθουν λόγω των πολιτικών που εφήρμοσε ο Στρατάρχης Sir John Harding κατά θητεία... more
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      Military HistoryCyprus StudiesNationalismColonialism
Although barbarian aristocrats and royalty were employed in the Roman service since the time of Caesar, in the 4th and early 5th century a new tendency appeared. Barbarian warlords active in the empire and loosely associated with Rome –... more
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      Late AntiquityBarbarians and Romans in Late Antiquity and Early Middle AgesWarlords
The article is devoted a member of the Bolshevik Party ensign of Russian army A.Ya. Semashko. In 1917 he became a popular speaker of the 1st machine-gun regiment and was very influential to soldiers. Through his work on regiments’... more
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      Russian RevolutionWarlordsRussian Army
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Muitas discussões acerca da governança de recursos naturais nos Estados pós-coloniais têm ocorrido, recentemente, na literatura de Relações Internacionais. No entanto, a maior parte dessas discussões busca focar no papel do Estado. Esse... more
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      Democratic Republic of CongoAssemblage TheoryWarlordsDemocratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Conference report on Historikertag 2006: Kriegsbilder I: Die Konstruktion organisierter Gewalt in antiken Kulturen. In: H-Soz-u-Kult (2006). - Felix Pirson: Gesichter des Krieges. Kampfreliefs und Kriegserfahrung im antiken Griechenland... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsRoman HistoryJewish Studies