Wind band
Recent papers in Wind band
As viewed through the theoretical frameworks of Lave and Wenger’s situated learning, leisure theory, and quality-of-life theory, the purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics, attitudes and perceptions of adult community... more
Keywords: Maori music / Brass bands / Ratana bands / Juji Nakada Genre: Original cross-national historical research. Discusses: "some musical implications of the historical relations between Maori prophet Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana... more
Wind-Bands are musical ensembles existing all around the world, but with a stronger traditional presence in certain regions of the globe. One of these regions is Southern Italy. In this geographical area, this phenomenon developed... more
A comprehensive list of books, articles, theses and other material covering the brass band movement, its history, instruments and musicology; together with other related topics (originally issued in book form in January 2009)
Είναι γνωστό ότι πολλά από τα πρωτότυπα έργα Ελλήνων συνθετών για σύνολα πνευστών παραμένουν λιγότερο ή περισσότερο ανεκτέλεστα. Η διαπίστωση αυτή αφορά και σε έργα μεγάλης αισθητικής αξίας, που δεν έχουν κατορθώσει να αποτελέσουν τον... more
From the late Middle Ages, wind bands were long established as independent groups in urban centres or as members of royal or noble households. In 1526, Seville cathedral chapter decided to place them on the pay roll. Since then, these... more
Per a tothom pareix ben clara la necessitat d'una història social de la festa, però són pocs, no obstant això, els que l'han abordada en qualsevol dels seus aspectes i sempre de forma parcial. Dos dels nostres més qualificats... more
Valletta, Malta's capital city, built by the Hospitaller Knights of Malta (Order of St John) is also known as 'Humilissima Civitas Valletta' or as 'Città Umilissima'. It still presents its own particular warm and congenial aura through... more
Nicht jeder Musikverein darf auf 200 Jahre Bestand zurückblicken. Die Stadtmusik Bern ist stolz, eine der ältesten und noch bestehenden Blasmusikformationen der Schweiz zu sein – und dazu noch mit einer so vielgestaltigen und... more
This article serves to extend a critique initiated by Allsup and Benedict in their 2008 PMER article, “The Problems of Band.” Using the work of Michael Foucault as a theoretical and methodological basis, I consider ways in which today’s... more
Large ensembles (e.g., choirs-orchestras-bands) have become prominent fixtures in most secondary schools and university schools/faculties of music in Canada and the United States. At the secondary school level, large ensembles have... more
Resumen: A nivel internacional, las políticas de conmemoración se convirtieron en un arma poderosa durante el periodo de entreguerras. Estos actos constituían la ocasión en la que las élites y la población podían no solo compartir un... more
Art is a critical and widely used tool to achieve social change. Senior citizen arts has been introduced to change public perception of the elderly population. This article focuses on the challenges of promoting senior arts in Hong Kong.... more
El término «culturas políticas» ha tenido un amplio bagaje en las ciencias sociales y las humanidades desde su acuñación en los años sesenta; hasta que, en los últimos años, con la influencia de la semiótica en los estudios culturales, se... more
Il testo è una rassegna dell'attività della banda di Cittadella (PD) basata su un gruppo di carte conservate assieme a una serie di partiture manoscritte presso il Complesso Bandistico "Ciro Bianchi", una serie di elenchi compilati... more
Mi primera marcha militar
The Banda de Música Ciudad de Oviedo was established in 1992, reviving a wind band tradition in the capital of Asturias. After 25 years of activity, the Oviedo wind band has established itself as a musical point of reference in the city... more
We present a discussion of a fundamental base for the research we have been conducting on teaching in Brazilian music bands. We assume a perspective of music teaching by the diversity of discourses present in active musical making (Sílvia... more
La marcha procesional es un género que dio sus primeros pasos en la Andalucía de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y que ancla sus raíces tanto en las marchas fúnebres pertenecientes a obras cumbres del ámbito de la música como en marchas... more
Il Coro Popolare Operaio (1885) di Antonio Borgatti e Enrico Mori, scritto per la Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso di Bondeno. Nuova musica a cura di Alessandro Casali ed Enrico Scavo (2018).... more
The first volume of the Publications of the Museum of Music “Nikolaos Halikiopoulos Mantzaros” consists of six essays by Kostas Kardamis, which either examine aspects of the history of the Corfu Philharmonic Society (CPS) or refer to... more
This article was published in Canadian Winds, the journal of the Canadian Band Association. Images (N = 1906) published 1978-2020 were examined for gender representation. Female prominence was found throughout.
In assuming that the violin family of instruments is the staple of Western instrumental art music, Hautboisten, among the most important musicians of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, constitute a neglected area of research.... more
This chapter examines music teaching and learning in the wind bands of the philharmonic societies on the island of Corfu. The eighteen philharmonic societies of the island offer music education for free to anyone interested. This mainly... more
This book is the first monography about clarinet and wind music in Spain, studying the professionalisation of the Spanish clarinettists from the early 19th century. The social, academic and professional environment of wind musicians are... more
Investigates how the wind band genre has been adopted, radically reinvented, and imbued with new meanings by the Japanese. Wind band music only came to be popularized in Japan during recent generations, but the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra... more
Nicht jeder Musikverein darf auf 200 Jahre Bestand zuruckblicken. Die Stadtmusik Bern ist stolz, eine der altesten und noch bestehenden Blasmusikformationen der Schweiz zu sein – und dazu noch mit einer so vielgestaltigen und... more