Women Mystics
Recent papers in Women Mystics
„Tu deinen Mund auf und iss, was ich dir geben werde.“ Der Adressat dieser Anweisung ist der alttestamentliche Prophet Ezechiel, der von Gott angehalten wird, eine Schriftrolle zu essen, ihren Inhalt sich einzuverleiben und die sich auf... more
This article presents a manuscript that significantly enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series of hitherto unknown writings. Aside from this, it contains what is by some distance the oldest copy of the ›Legatus... more
Mysticism refers to a religious philosophical approach emphasizing a deep, direct connection between the divine and a believer, achieved by faith and manifested through inspiration and illumination. The word finds its origin in ancient... more
Oradea (Rumänien), Christliche Universität Partium, 15.-17. Februar 2007 — Internationale Konferenz „Germanistik ohne Grenzen“ am Lehrstuhl Deutsche Sprache und Literatur (Veranstalter: Dr. Szabolcs János-Szatmári)
An article written for the Mysics of the Church Website about the extraordinary life and prophecies of the "Breton Stigmatist", Marie-Julie Jahenny. Includes her warnings for our times and new information on the promised Great Monarch of... more
The prophecies of the approved Catholic stigmatist and mystic, Marie-Julie Jahenny, also known as the "Breton Stigmatist". Translated from the French chronicles.
The main focus of this essay is the study of the image of the mirror in the works of religious women from the 13th and 14th centuries (Mechthild von Magdeburg, Hadewijch van Brabant and Marguerite Porete), especially regarding the... more
"An examination of the relation between redemption and sin in Julian of Norwich through the lens of the parable of the lord and the servant--Revelation 14, Chapter 51 of her "Showings." Instead of resolving soteriological debates... more
A look at the life of St. Matrona, and her influence in the early Byzantine world
This concise but comprehensive handbook was composed by one of Black Africa's leading Muslim women thinkers, reformers, mystics and nation builders. It is a work on Islamic theology, the purification of the heart, metaphysics and social... more
This blogpost consolidates my Masters Research Project on sadomasochism in The Book of Margery Kempe (1438), with comparisons to a modern work of erotic submission, Story of O (1954). It was published on Jan. 12, 2022 on the The Margery... more
http://www.bebeverlag.at/analecta-cisterciensia/ The focus of my paper centers on those narratives recorded in the Prologues of the Standard as well as in the Special Edition of the “Legatus” (Leipzig, University Library, Ms 827)... more
The present overview is based on manuscripts to which I have referred on various occasions in connection with my previous work with Gertrud and the ›Legatus divinae pietatis‹. It serves primarily as a platform to INDICATE NEW MSS, but... more
ERROR CORRECTION: The new discovered manuscript Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, ms. 827 doesn't contain any information about Gertrude's family name. Although the manuscript enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series... more
In the following pages I provide a Philological edition of five unpublished songs linked with the production of the Franciscan abbess Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534). I study first the source from a material point of view, and then develop a... more
The unabridged version of my poetic hagiography of 9th century girl- goddess -poet Andal as told by Tamil mystic Periyalwar, saint and 'father' of Andal. This fictionalized personal narrative was published in Andal The Autobiography of... more
This is an examination of the life and theology of Julian of Norwich, and anchorite and mystic of 14th century England, including excerpts from her meditations over many years. Written by an oblate of the Order of Julian of Norwich.
The English mystic-theologian Julian of Norwich offers us in her Revelations of Divine Love the testimony of an experience that moves between the gracious irruption of God and her inner freedom as subject of faith. Her work is not the... more
In this article we compare the language of light used by Dante Alighieri with the one used by his “heretical” contemporary Marguerite dicta Porete (†1310) to express the final contact-vision of God. We will analyze both authors’ use of... more
"Along with Hadewijch and Marguerite Porete Mechthild (of Magdeburg) is considered one of prime representatives of those Beguine Mystics who have also been literarily productive. While her exceptional position in literary history is not... more
Julian of Norwich (c. 1342-c.1416) was an anchoress, enclosed at St Julian’s church in Norwich in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries. At the age of 30, still living at home, she became gravely ill (probably with the Black... more
Summary The Involved Reader. Immersive Reading Practices in Late Medieval Reception of Mysticism The article approaches the immersive potential of Mechthild von Magdeburg’s "Fließendes Licht", dispensing the reader from his role... more
un articulo en judeoespaniol qye se acerca a la compleja personalidad de Reyna Cohen, una de las primeras escritoras sefardies en judeoespaniol, autora de 3 livros y de una autobiografia inedita en la cual explica los prigenes de su... more
Starting from an episode of gender violence suffered by the community of Franciscan tertiaries of Santa Maria de la Cruz de Cubas and caused by its prelates, we analyze here the denounce discourse formulated by these women in the... more
https://www.esv.info/978-3-503-18723-2 http://portal.uni-freiburg.de/germanistische-mediaevistik/nachrichten/interview_nemes_emmelius Reviews: Analecta Cisterciensia 69 (2019), 452–454 (M. Hildegard Brem O.Cist.) --- Archivum Fratrum... more
In Other Words The British Journal for Literary Translation
Dan l-artiklu jittratta l-mistiċiżmu, u b'mod partikolari l-mistiċiżmu femminili. Jagħti ħarsa fil-qosor lejn l-aspetti diversi li fuqhom tisħaq it-teoloġija mistika, kif ukoll jemfasizza l-importanza tad-dixxerniment fl-analiżi... more
This article looks at the ‘Lives’ of Marie d’Oignies and Douceline of Digne, two of the many laywomen mystics who emerged in Europe in the thirteenth century. It aims to show how a perception of difference based on sex shaped the ways in... more
This work is intended to examine the "Giardino spirituale", a short treatise of devout spiritual exercises and instructions addressed to nuns, composed in the first quarter of the sixteenth century by Sister Arcangela Panigarola, a mystic... more