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St. Catherine of Alexandria was born in the ancient capital city of Egypt, Alexandria, as a daughter of the king Kustos. She did not renounce her faith in the period of Christian persecution that took place in the reign of Maxentius, the... more
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      History of ReligionMisticismMechthild of MagdeburgMoyen Âge
This article presents a manuscript that significantly enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series of hitherto unknown writings. Aside from this, it contains what is by some distance the oldest copy of the ›Legatus... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval LiteratureLate Middle AgesWomen's History
One of Jala ad-Din Muhammad Rumi's important ways in relation to God-Man is "love". Man can reach God through love and achieve divine qualities. According to Islamic understanding and literature, man has been valued by God's spirit when... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionMevlana Jalaluddin RumiMisticismFelsefe
Osmanlı İmparatorluğunu ve Türkiye`yi yaklaşık iki asırdır Mason Bektâşilerin kurduğu derin örgütler yönetiyor. Masonik Bektâşi yapının geçmişte kullandığı İttihat ve Terakki geleneği Ergenekon ile bugün ortaya çıkmış gözüküyor. Mason... more
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      ReligionHistorySociologySocial Theory
Mistik diye tanımlanan deneyimin felsefenin temel problemleriyle nasıl bir ilişkisi vardır? Son dönemin deneyci filozoflarından biri olan Walter Stace eserinde bu ilişkiyi kapsamlı bir şekilde incelemeye çalışıyor. Eser sekiz temel... more
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      MisticismFelsefeDin Felsefesi
Diálogo con Italo Calvino, publicado en el diario "La Prensa", en Buenos Aires, en 1986
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      World LiteraturesSocial SciencesLiteratureJorge Luis Borges
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyMichel de Certeau
Resumen: La vida hospitalizada de Jacobo Fijman es de por sí un tema y un factor generador de un cierto tipo de discursividad, que podemos identificar en un conjunto de poemas inéditos legados a su amigo O. H. Dondo al cabo de que lo... more
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      SurrealismContemporary PoetryMisticismMadness and Art
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionBiographyReligious Studies
O presente trabalho, desenvolvido pelo recém-criado GEPPA - Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Psicologia Anomalística da Universidade CEUMA, tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão inicial da literatura sobre a... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyMusicAnomalistic Psychology
Juan de Valdes Leal In Ictu Oculi Finis Gloriae Mundi Sui significati allegorico e simbolico di queste Opere potrete trovare un'ampia letteratura. Sul Significato Anagogico nulla può essere detto, espresso, tanto meno scritto. I sinceri... more
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      AlchemyEmblems and Alchemical SymbolismÉticaGnosis
SCARAMELLI, Giovanni Battista. Discernimento dos Espíritos: para a correta condução de nossas ações e das ações dos nossos semelhantes. Trad. Leonardo Serafini Penitente. Campinas: Ecclesiae, 2015, 222p. ISBN: 978-85-8491-003-8. A obra... more
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      SpiritualitySpirituality & MysticismSpiritual TheologyJesuits
In einem trivialen Verständnis bedeutet Mystik das, was die Religionen der Erde jenseits ihrer institutionell-dogmatischen Ausprägungen miteinander verbindet. Inwieweit ein solch entkontextualisierter Mystik-Begriff wissenschaftlich... more
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      Comparative ReligionTheologySystematic TheologyPhilosophical Theology
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      Medieval HistoryGerman HistoryBiographyHistory of Roman Catholicism
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      EthnographyPhilosophical TheologyEstheticsTeologia
Catálogo y ensayo de la muestra sobre el artista Pedro Dávila realizada en la Casa Cino Fabiani (Guayaquil, Ecuador) en septiembre de 2018.
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      Latin American ArtPaintingDrawingEcuador
Abstractum: Synkretyzm religijny w tekstach chrześcijańskich, hermetycznych oraz papirusach magicznych greckich, na przykładzie problemu genezy zła Celem pracy jest omówienie problematyki związanej z synkretyzmem religijnym w wybranych... more
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      ChristianityJewish MysticismAngelologyEnoch literature
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      Quantum PhysicsPhilosophyMetaphysicsOntology
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceAlchemyIslamic Studies
Teksty źródłowe i krótkie biografie kobiet uznanych za mistyczki w X-XX wieku.
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      Feminist TheologyBiographyHildegard von BingenSt Therese of Lisieux
CAPA: João Botelho
REVISÃO: Susana Tavares Pedro
Impresso na Guide para a Guimarães em Julho de 2010
Lisboa: Guimarães [Babel], 2010.
ISBN: 978-972-665-650-0
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      HistoryComparative LiteraturePortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureHistory of Religion
In this study, a distinction that shows itself especially in several texts of al-Ghazzâlî is argued. According to this, the way of knowing truth is not reason because for the reason everything is equally possible. The sole way to... more
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      EpistemologyScepticismDialectologyAbu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (d. 1111)
Scholem fue el gran renovador de los estudios de la mística judía. Arendt conoció esta tradición a través del libro de Scholem titulado Las grandes tendencias de la mística judía y escribió en 1948 una reseña de este libro. El objetivo de... more
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      Political PhilosophyArendtKabbalahJudaism
El siguiente trabajo se dedicará a realizar un acercamiento a las formas expresivas filosófico-literarias y espirituales en las cuales se expone la concepción ontológica nómade bajo la prerrogativa de la impermanencia del mundo como... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionSubjectivitiesGilles DeleuzeSufism
A milestone, the foundation of elevation to the higher states of Being.
Pure wisdom, beyond duality, dogmatism, profane pollution.
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      KabbalahMisticismLurianic KabbalahKabbala
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
La subsistencia del misticismo medieval en una Modernidad dominada por la mentalidad científica, resulta improbable, pero en María de los Dolores Quiroga, “la monja de las llagas”, se vuelve posible. Controversial figura de la España... more
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      Cultural HistoryHispanic StudiesMisticismMística
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(Epígrafes): 1. Bibliografía escueta. 2. Introducción. 3. La cosa que conozco bien. 4. La cosa intuida. 5. La cosa que saben otros. 6. La cosa que sé a medias. 7. Dejando la cosa sin concluir.
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesCultural HeritageContemporary Spirituality
«Relegado al olvido en su patria durante siglos, en Miguel de Molinos (1628 - 1696) se cumple el aforismo “el tiempo no borra, ubica”. Y lo hace apenas desde principios del s. XIX en que comienzan a surgir estudios sobre su figura y... more
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Giriş Hələ sağlığından etibarən fikir dünyası və söz sənəti ilə çağdaşlarının diqqət mərkəzində duran, onları düşündürən və cazibə çevrəsinə daxil edən Seyyid İmadəddin Nəsiminin fəlsəfi düşüncəsinin əsasını hürufilik və təsəvvüf təşkil... more
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      LiteratureTurkish LiteratureTasavvufMisticism
Musik adalah pengaruh surga yang mendorong hati untuk mencari Tuhan. Karenanya barang siapa yang mendengarkan (dengan baik) secara rohaniah ia tengah mendekati Tuhan. Tetapi barang siapa mendengarkan hanya untuk sensasi, maka la termasuk... more
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      MusicologyMisticismSufismeMenganalisis Sufisme
Il saggio è dedicato al suggestivo profilo della clarissa Chiara Isabella Fornari (Roma 1697, Todi 1744), mistica e scrittrice vissuta nella prima metà del XVIII secolo, il cui culto si radicò profondamente a Todi nel corso del XVIII e... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMysticismReligious HistoryReligious Studies
Theophanes the Recluse (1815-1894) is a well-known saint in the Russian Orthodox Church of the last century. He left a veritable library. His works on spiritual and mystical life are among the most important for the Christianity. In this... more
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      Russian StudiesMonastic StudiesSpirituality & MysticismMisticism
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      Medieval PhilosophyWomen's StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
misticismul in crestinism
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      Christian MysticismMysticismLiteraturaTraducción
Podjęty przez Autora temat jest niezmiernie aktualny, gdyż mistyczny aspekt religijności cieszy się żywym zainteresowaniem naukowym w całym świecie. […] W książce można zauważyć godną podziwu dbałość o rzetelność dokumentowania toku myśli... more
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      History of ReligionSpiritualityContemporary ChristianityPentecostalism
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Joseph Hazzaya's Romanian translation by Hieromonk Agapie Corbu. The Introduction represents a very comprehensive and synthetic view on the theology and the age of this great spiritual author, being followed by the translation of ten... more
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      PatristicsSpiritualityMonastic StudiesEastern Christianity
Bu çalışma Plotinos'un söyleminin niteliği, Plotinos ile Antik Yunan felsefi geleneği ve dinî söylem arasındaki ilişkilere dairdir. Plotinosçuluğun özgün yanlarını, yerleştiği gelenekle sürekliliklerini ve çatışmalarını onun özgün... more
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      Ancient Greek PhilosophyPlotinus (Philosophy)MisticismMistisizm
For many people „a mystic experience”, inexpressible by nature, is a sudden act of realizing that a human mind directly experiences God it believes in. There were always people who doubted, who questioned the truthfulness of revelations... more
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      History of ReligionFeminist TheologyBiographyMiddle Ages
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      HistoryHistory of ReligionFreemasonryWestern Esotericism (History)
La redazione è costituita da Chiara Cauzzi, Mila Contestabile, Claudio Giambonini, Fernando Lepori, Laura Quadri, Giancarlo Reggi (caporedattore), Fabio Soldini. Un sunto dei contributi si trova nella presentazione sul foglio di guardia... more
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      Cultural HistoryLibrary ScienceHistory of the BookCodicology
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      Women and Gender StudiesMisticismSavonarolism
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Ленен. Божественная каббала. — СПб.: Издательство «Академия исследования культуры», 2019. — 288 с. — (Серия Code Grimoire). ISBN 978-5-94396-218-9... more
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      AngelologyAngelsChristian KabbalahKabbalah
Projet de patrimoine culturel immatériel
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      Islam and MusicGnawaMusiqueMisticism
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      Comparative ReligionIslamic StudiesSufismMisticism
RESUMEN: La psicología analítica es la obra de Carl Gustav Jung y sus seguidores. También conocida como psicología de los complejos, el término aparece oficialmente en 1913 para designar una ampliación del psicoanálisis, razón por la... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistoryCultural History
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      Jacob BoehmeÉticaGnosisMisticism