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RESUMO: O artigo seguinte objetiva investigar o retrato do humanismo do século XIII desenvolvido pelo historiador Walter Ullmann. Busca desse modo oferecer uma contribuição ao debate relacionado ao desenvolvimento contemporâneo da... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyHumanismHistory of Medieval PhilosophyXiiI century
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryGiottoXiiI century
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCatalan StudiesMedieval History
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      StatisticsLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
lien vers les illustrations et annexes : https://www.academia.edu/40284017/La_construction_de_l%C3%A9glise_de_Saint-Albain_Illustrations
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryRomanesque ArtMedieval Islamic History
În articolul de față ne-am propus să analizăm lucrările de sinteză referitoare la istoria românilor, fiind discutată ima-ginea spațiului tranislvănean și rolul jucat de el în istoria românilor. Repetatele modificări teritoriale, specifice... more
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      HistoryRomanian HistoryHistoriographyMiddle Ages
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      MilanoHistory of MilanXiiI centuryDuecento
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      историяXiiI centuryистория религий, преимущественно христианствоЯрославль
The Hoard of Medieval Coins from the Village Stizhok. In the spring of 2011, a clay pot was found in a field nearby the village Stizhok (Shumsk district, Ternopil’ region,Ukraine). The pot contained about 2500 silver coins struck in the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistoryEastern European Studies
Cet article propose de retracer les dernières découvertes réalisées sur la tour Lhermitte, composante de l’enceinte urbaine de l’ensemble fortifié de Coucy-le-Château. Deux récentes études archéologiques y ont en effet rencontré des... more
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      ArtilleryMedieval ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Siglo XVI
in "Rivista di Storia della Miniatura", 22 (2018)
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Medieval Art
Der "Breslauer Psalter" in Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. Das Werk und der Kreis seiner schlesischen Stifter im 2. Drittel des 13. Jahrhunderts
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      Manuscript IlluminationFitzwilliam MuseumXiiI centuryCodices
Resumo: Uma extensa escavação decorreu entre 1991 e 1998 em três edifícios contíguos na Rua das Pedras Negras, em Lisboa, cujos dados permanecem no essencial inéditos. Tendo o tema sido antes aflorado em data recente (Silva et al., no... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)Portuguese History
La «Storia di Manfredi» di August Karst . La critica storica sincrona e la sua lettura nel XX secolo. Il quadro complessivo del saggio di August Karst, che è possibile trarre dai giudizi di storici coevi quali Bene-detto Croce, Karl... more
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      PositivismoRegno di SiciliaXiiI centuryManfredi Re Di Sicilia
Published in: Атлантика: Записки по исторической поэтике. Том 12. М.: 2015. С. 38-56. Summary Early Middle Low German written sources from Gotland (the treaty of 1269, the oldest Statute of the Hanseatic Peterhof in Novgorod, and the... more
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      Novgorod the GreatHanseatic LeagueGotlandXiiI century
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      Medieval ArchaeologyVatican ArchivesPapal DiplomacyXiiI century
The 10 th volume of the research series "Rus' , Lithuania, Horde" is a special volume devoted to the XVI International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw (2022). e volume contains publications and analysis of numismatic and sphragistic ndings,... more
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      HoardsXiiI centuryГісторыя БеларусіГісторыя ВКЛ
This paper presents the results of the first archaeological excavation of the site of Migliana, located South-West of the town of San Miniato (Pisa). The illustration of the stratigraphic sequence and the finds is shown with the analysis... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval PotteryMedieval castles
Los registros de cancillería constituyen un instrumento de primera mano para reconstruir toda aquella documentación cuyos originales se han perdido. Para el reinado de Jaime I de Aragón (1213-1276) contamos con un treintena comprendidos... more
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      XiiI centuryJames I the ConquerorSiglo XIIIJaime I
Апстракт. Служба Преполовљењу празника представља саставни део Цветног триода и поје се у среду четврте недеље после Ускрса. До сада је проучен само један њен српски препис, сачуван у рукопису Архива САНУ 361 из средине XIII века. У овом... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksTheodore GraptosSt Andrew of CreteXiiI century
Battaglia della Meloria: gli eventi che conducono al 6 Agosto 1284 • 1º Marzo: il veneziano ​ Alberto Morosini​ eletto Podestà di Pisa. • Primi di Maggio: ​ battaglia di Tavolara​. Vittoria genovese di Enrico De Mari • 5 Aprile (mercoledì... more
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      Storia medievaleMediterraneoXiiI centuryStoria navale
The article deals with the poorly preserved murals of the Empire of Nicaea. There were several centres of art production in the Empire. At the time of the Empire’s foundation the murals of Zoodochos Pege in Monagri on Kos and of Tavşan... more
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      Byzantine artXiiI centuryNicea
Kartena and Curonian Castles at the Minija River and western frontier of the Ceklis Land
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      Medieval HistoryLocal HistoryLithuanian HistoryLocal and regional history
Seminario sobre Alfonso X y la cultura del siglo XIII organizado en la Facultad de Letras de Ciudad Real, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (8-10 de noviembre de 2016)
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      Medieval CultureAlfonso X el SabioLate Medieval Religion, Monasticism and DevotionCantigas de Santa Maria
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      ArbitrationLegal HistoryJusticeEuropean Legal History
Abdruck in: Синхрония, диахрония, текстология. Сборник научных статей и переводов: К юбилею Е.М.Чекалиной. Ред.колл. Э.Б.Крылова, Т.А.Михайлова, Е.Р.Сквайрс, Е.Л.Жильцова, И.В.Матыцина. М.:МАКС Пресс, 2016. С. 90-100. = Synchronie,... more
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      Medieval StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Language contactNovgorod the Great
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryArcheologiaCastles
Se ofrece una de las sentencias arbitrales más tempranas (1266) emitidas por una mujer documentadas hasta la fecha.
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      Civil LawGender StudiesWomen's StudiesLate Middle Ages
Curatore della mostra tenutasi dal 21 al 28 Marzo 2015 presso il Museo Civico di Lucera(FG) sull'assedio effettuato tra il 1268 e il 1269 alla città di Lucera da Carlo I D'Angiò Re di Sicilia.
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval IslamMedieval Sicily
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      Illumination (Manuscripts, Books)Vatican libraryMedieval RomeXiiI century
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      Italian (European History)Dante StudiesItalian StudiesItalian Cultural Studies
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      Cultural HeritageArchitectural HistoryMedieval ArchitectureArchitectural Heritage
Апстракт: Књига триод садржи службе покретног годишњег цилкуса, од Недеље митара и фарисеја до Недеље свих светих тј. до прве недеље после Вазнесења. Књига је добила назив по скраћеним канонима који се састоје од три, ређе и четири песме... more
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      Catholic LiturgyFirst Ecumenical CoyncilXiiI centurySveti Kliment Ohridski
Si raccolgono in questo documento i testi dei pannelli per la mostra "Ecclesia Sancte Marie de Arestano", ospitata nella Galleria delle esposizioni del Museo Diocesano Arborense (6-8 maggio 2016), curati dallo scrivente.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLocal HistoryMedieval Archaeology
Nel pannello, realizzato per la mostra "Ecclesia Sancte Marie de Arestano" ospitata nella Galleria delle esposizioni del Museo Diocesano Arborense (6-8 maggio 2016), si propone una "storia per frammenti" della perduta Cattedrale romanica... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchitectureRomanesque Art