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Compliance is a central concept in both the study and practice of international relations, and the body of literature is correspondingly extensive. Although justice has already been shown to play an important role in international... more
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      International SecurityNuclear WeaponsNonproliferation TreatiesJustice
Zusammenfassung:Das Memorandum über Sicherheitszusagen für die Ukraine, das im Dezember 1994 auf dem KSZE-Gipfeltreffen in Budapest unterzeichnet wurde, schuf eine Verbindung zwischen dem Nuklearen Nichtverbreitungsvertrag (NVV) von 1968... more
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      International SecurityNonproliferation TreatiesForeign Policy of UkraineNuclear proliferation
The chapter deals with peculiarities of establishment of the regional nuclear nonproliferation regime in the Asia Pacific as well as its condition in the modern period. From the standpoint of research methodology, the paper actively... more
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      Asian StudiesInternational RelationsSoutheast Asian StudiesForeign Policy Analysis
Policymakers must now assume that Iran has the enriched uranium it needs to build a nuclear weapon. Containment is a failure as Iran’s breakout time is now essentially at zero. [Additional background for non-scientists is appended].... more
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      Intelligence StudiesWeapons of Mass DestructionNuclear WeaponsNuclear Non-Proliferation Policy
Given the hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), it is easy to overstate the opportunities and challenges posed by its adoption in the military sphere. While AI could enable major improvements in many areas of warfare, including... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceNuclear Weaponsnuclear Nonproliferation
Undoubtedly, the Iran’s nuclear program has progressed significantly in the past decade, in line with Iran’s 2006 announcement that it would, in addition to the conclusion of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, begin enriching uranium.... more
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyNuclear DisarmamentInternational Relations Theory, nuclear nonproliferation
The Memorandum on Security Assurances for Ukraine, signed at the December 1994 CSCE summit in Budapest, created a link between the 1968 Treaty on Nuclear Non-Proliferation (NPT) and Ukrainian political sovereignty as well as territorial... more
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      International SecurityNonproliferation TreatiesNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyUkrainian Foreign Policy
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is the culmination of efforts of the international community to address the proliferation concerns on Iran's nuclear program since 2003. The IAEA safeguards, key to prevent proliferation,... more
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    • nuclear Nonproliferation
The paper outlines modern trends in the formation of the regional nuclear non-proliferation regime in the Asia-Pacific region, focusing on its challenges as well as recent accomplishments. International regimes theory (seen from different... more
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      Asian StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational Regimes
Russia’s annexation of Crimea and covert intervention in Donbas subvert the international nonproliferation regime on weapons of mass destruction. The Kremlin has almost fully abrogated the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, given... more
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      International SecurityWeapons of Mass DestructionNuclear WeaponsNonproliferation Treaties
The (re)emergence of new states poses the question of their status under the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The paper addresses this question with particular reference to the case of Catalonia.
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      International RelationsCatalan StudiesInternational StudiesInternational Law
Forum on David Holloway and Leopoldo Nuti, eds. “Aspects of the Global Nuclear Order in the 1970s.” The International History Review 40:5 (October 2018): 963-1221.
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      Nuclear DiplomacyInternational Nuclear Historynuclear NonproliferationNuclear History
This background guide for Tyumen International MUN '2013 Security Council covers the historical background of the conflict on the Korean Peninsula as well as the modern state of affairs. The paper also features one of the possible... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryInternational RelationsInternational Studies
In April 2014, the Marshall Islands announced it was suing all nine nuclear armed states for a purported failure to meet their nuclear disarmament obligations under international law. Logically speaking, the veracity of that charge... more
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesInternational Court of JusticeIR TheoryNuclear Disarmament
If Ukraine, formerly the world’s third-largest atomic power, can be treated this way after having naively given up its post-Soviet nuclear arsenal, what kind of support can non-nuclear states expect to receive in a crisis situation?... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityWeapons of Mass DestructionNuclear Weapons
While the new US administration should be looking for areas of cooperation with Russia where possible, it should do so without compromising the United States’ principled stance on Ukraine. Any such compromise will have grave repercussions... more
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      International SecurityNonproliferation TreatiesAmerican Foreign PolicyPost-Soviet Politics
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    • nuclear Nonproliferation
Warum ein Washingtoner Neustart der amerikanisch-russischen Beziehungen weitreichende Konsequenzen für die internationale Ordnung und insbesondere den Atomwaffensperrvertrag hätte.
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesAmerican Foreign Policy in the post-Soviet spaceNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyNuclear proliferation
Turkey is a member of several international nonproliferation treaties and organizations. It has supported to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons and furthermore suggested to establish a nuclear-weapon free zone in the Middle East. In... more
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    • nuclear Nonproliferation
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      HistoryModern HistoryAsian StudiesJapanese Studies
Interaction between technicians and experts in physics on the one hand, and specialists in history and social sciences on the other hand might be a solution in the described situation. Such cooperation can contribute to a broader... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheorySocial Research Methods and Methodology
The History of the Iran's Nuclear ProgramAccording to Morales Pedraza (2012), Iran interest in the use of nuclear energy for electricity production dates back more than 60 years ago. In 1955, the first discussion on developing a... more
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyNuclear DisarmamentAction Plan
Eine der wichtigsten außenpolitischen Fragen für die neue US-Administration wird sein, wie sie mit dem jüngsten militärischen Abenteurertum des Kremls umgeht.
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesAmerican Foreign PolicyRussian Foreign PolicyAmerican Foreign Policy in the post-Soviet space
As worries have grown about global warming and the sustainability and price of fossil fuels, the demand for nuclear energy has increased, and nuclear power is increasingly viewed as a reliable and clean resource. However, the so-called... more
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      Nuclear EnergyNuclear securitynuclear NonproliferationNonproliferation Regime
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryModern HistoryEuropean Studies
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      HistoryModern HistoryGerman StudiesComparative Politics
This policy briefing assesses the current state of global nuclear disarmament against the background of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ adjusting its Doomsday Clock to 100 seconds to midnight on 23 January 2020, as well as the... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsNuclear DisarmamentNormsNPT
Als Amerika de sancties tegen Rusland opheft, brengt het de nonproliferatie van kernwapens in gevaar, betogen Andreas Umland en Mariana Budjeryn. Met de miliaire inmenging in Oekraïne schond Rusland het Boedapest Memorandum, op grond... more
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesAmerican Foreign PolicyRussian Foreign PolicyAmerican Foreign Policy in the post-Soviet space
Москва с 2014 года, если не раньше, демонстративно и безапелляционно нарушила Будапештский меморандум, который обеспечивал Украине суверенитет, и который Россия (помимо США и Великобритании) подписала двадцать лет назад. Для остального... more
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesPost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian StudiesAmerican Foreign Policy
If an NPT signatory can't even be kept safe from one of the treaty's five guarantors, then what is the value of banning the spread of nuclear weapons? What nation with not deterrence potential or a close alliance with a nuclear power can... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityWeapons of Mass DestructionNuclear Weapons
The textbook chapter reviews international cooperation on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation between non-nuclear weapon states such as Australia and Germany, as well as their nuclear policies.
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      German StudiesInternational RelationsInternational StudiesAustralian Studies
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesAmerican Foreign PolicyAmerican Foreign Policy in the post-Soviet spaceNuclear Non-Proliferation Policy
This paper features a concise analysis of the key tracks of bilateral cooperation in the nuclear field between Australia and Germany. The fact that both countries belong to NNWSs (non-nuclear-weapon states) predetermined their similar... more
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      HistoryGerman StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy Analysis
In view of the security assurances that the United States gave Ukraine under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, a move by Washington to appease Moscow would be another crack in the splintering international nuclear nonproliferation regime.... more
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      International SecurityNonproliferation TreatiesPost-Soviet RegimesRussian Politics
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      HistoryModern HistoryGerman StudiesComparative Politics