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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter June 13, 2023

A novel hybrid ensemble convolutional neural network for face recognition by optimizing hyperparameters

  • Shahina Anwarul ORCID logo EMAIL logo , Tanupriya Choudhury ORCID logo EMAIL logo and Susheela Dahiya ORCID logo
From the journal Nonlinear Engineering


A fully fledged face recognition system consists of face detection, face alignment, and face recognition. Facial recognition has been challenging due to various unconstrained factors such as pose variation, illumination, aging, partial occlusion, low resolution, etc. The traditional approaches to face recognition have some limitations in an unconstrained environment. Therefore, the task of face recognition is improved using various deep learning architectures. Though the contemporary deep learning techniques for face recognition systems improved overall efficiency, a resilient and efficacious system is still required. Therefore, we proposed a hybrid ensemble convolutional neural network (HE-CNN) framework using ensemble transfer learning from the modified pre-trained models for face recognition. The concept of progressive training is used for training the model that significantly enhanced the recognition accuracy. The proposed modifications in the classification layers and training process generated best-in-class results and improved the recognition accuracy. Further, the suggested model is evaluated using a self-created criminal dataset to demonstrate the use of facial recognition in real-time. The suggested HE-CNN model obtained an accuracy of 99.35, 91.58, and 95% on labeled faces in the wild (LFW), cross pose LFW, and self-created datasets, respectively.

1 Introduction

The need for biometric security solutions is increasing day by day to protect against theft, fraud, etc. Face recognition is a key component of biometric security systems [1,2], and it has become an effective tool for several uses, including disease diagnosis, forensic investigations, secure transactions, age estimation, finding the missing, identifying people for e-passports, mask detection, and others [3]. The analysis and comparison of essential facial features and expressions make face identification. It is a technology that aims to make our world more intelligent and safer. It can be used for verification as well as recognition of an individual. The basic steps to implement the pipeline of any face recognition system are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 
               The process pipeline of the face recognition system.
Figure 1

The process pipeline of the face recognition system.

In the face detection and recognition field, a more substantial study has been undertaken [4]. The field is separated into two categories: conventional and deep learning-based. There are various constraints present with traditional approaches, such as they do not provide efficient recognition results in the presence of unconstrained factors. On the other hand, extensive efforts have been made in deep learning to improve facial recognition and address the limitations of conventional methods. However, the deep learning methods’ reliance on large amounts of data and extensive computational resources are drawbacks. This limitation of deep learning can be overcome by using deep transfer learning [5]. The practice of transfer learning involves utilizing a previously trained model as a foundation for a new task within the domain of machine learning. In transfer learning, the knowledge gained by the model during the initial training is leveraged to improve the learning and performance of the model on a new, related task. The application of transfer learning can prove particularly beneficial when either the new task has scarce annotated data or the data distribution of the new task differs from that of the original task. Furthermore, by reusing the pre-trained model, transfer learning can save time and computational resources while improving the accuracy and generalization of the model [6]. The recent surge of machine learning and deep learning used in various applications drives the automation of all tasks [7,8,9]. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) play a significant role in implementing deep learning-based approaches. Deep learning CNNs can automatically detect higher-level features from data instead of manually selecting the features [10]. A group of small CNNs was trained to learn DeepID [11], which reached a recognition accuracy of 97.45%. The areas of the face image, such as the eyes, nose, and mouth, are sent to each CNN independently to train it, and then the learned features are combined to produce a potential model. The other deep learning-based algorithms for face recognition, like deep face recognition [12], achieved 98.95% recognition accuracy in the labeled faces in the wild (LFW) [13] and 97.3% recognition accuracy in the YouTube faces (YTF) [14] dataset. In the study of Wen et al. [15], a robust CNN was trained using a combination of softmax loss and center loss to extract deep features that enhance inter-class dispersion and intra-class compactness, crucial factors for accurate face recognition. The resulting model achieved impressive recognition accuracy rates of 99.28% on the LFW dataset and 94.9% on YTF.

The shortcomings observed in previous deep learning-based approaches for facial recognition consist of the need for copious amounts of data and advanced computational infrastructure, thereby highlighting the necessity for a resilient recognition system. Furthermore, the large volume of annotated face datasets for face recognition in video surveillance tasks is challenging to acquire due to the privacy concern of the individual. Thus, the proposed approach introduced a novel hybrid ensemble convolutional neural network (HE-CNN) by utilizing deep ensemble learning [16] from the rectified pre-trained models for face recognition. Tang et al. [17] proposed an ensemble model of CNN and local binary pattern (LBP). LBP operator is used to extract texture-related features from the face. Ten CNNs with five distinct network structures are employed to extract features further for training, optimizing the network parameters, and obtaining a classification result when the layer is fully connected (FC). The outcome of face recognition is generated using the parallel ensemble learning approach, which involves a majority vote. Alhanaee et al. [18] used the concept of deep transfer learning concept in a face recognition-based smart attendance system. They have used the knowledge of pre-trained models to calculate the recognition accuracy on their dataset. The limitation of these state-of-the-art approaches (SOTA) is that they employed the fundamental datasets, in which only a small number of uncontrolled factors are present to evaluate their model. We utilized the concepts of transfer learning and ensemble learning in the proposed model, which helps to overcome the problems mentioned in the existing SOTA. Ensemble learning enhances recognition accuracy by averaging the weights of different deep-learning models. Furthermore, it benefits from deep and ensemble learning for the final model’s higher generalization performance [19]. In the suggested method, progressive training [20] is employed to improve the recognition accuracy of the model. In addition, this approach uses a deep learning framework for continual learning. Continual learning refers to a system’s ability to tackle new tasks by utilizing previously acquired knowledge from previous tasks without significantly compromising their prior knowledge. The motivation of the proposed research is to design an efficient framework that helps recognize faces with less facial data and computational resources and ensures that accuracy is maintained.

To recapitulate, the key contributions of the proposed study are the following:

  1. The proposed study modified the architecture of the baseline model.

  1. We employed the idea of transfer learning instead of training the CNN model from scratch to obtain the fine-tuned [21] baseline models for the discussed problem.

  2. The architecture of baseline models is modified by concatenating the output feature map of global average pooling (gap) and global max pooling (gmp) [22], FC layer [23], batch normalization (BN) [24], and dropout [25] in the classification layer.

  3. The concept of progressive training is utilized by freezing and unfreezing the model, significantly improving recognition accuracy.

  1. The proposed novel hybrid ensemble model: We proposed a novel optimized hybrid ensemble CNN framework (HE-CNN) from the above-discussed fine-tuned baseline models using ensemble learning to improve the recognition rate.

  2. Investigated the performance of different face detection algorithms: For face detection, we investigated the performance of two deep learning-based algorithms, single-shot multi-box detector (SSD) [26] and multi-task cascaded convolutional networks (MTCNN), [27] to compare these with traditional algorithms such as Haar feature-based cascade classifier [28] and LBP feature-based cascade classifier [29] using two standard datasets LFW and CPLFW [30], and one self-created criminal dataset.

  3. Self-created dataset: Criminal identification is one of the applications of face recognition. Therefore, to demonstrate the real-time application of face recognition, we utilized a small self-created criminal dataset (images collected from the Internet from freely available sources) to recognize criminals. This step involved the collection of images of ten criminals. Mislabeled and vague images from the downloaded images are manually deleted, and 25 images of each class are considered to make a class-balanced dataset. The proposed dataset is available at https://rb.gy/jrjv for research purposes to evaluate the face recognition models.

The research article is classified into five sections. Section 1 discusses a brief overview of the face recognition system and addresses different SOTA. The materials and methods are discussed in Section 2. All the experiments are conducted and analyzed in Section 3. The discussion on conducted experiments is done in Section 4. Finally, we conclude with the research findings and propose the future direction in Section 5.

2 Methods and materials

In this section, we exploited different pre-trained models like ResNet50 [31], VGG16 and VGG19 [32], and DenseNet169 [33] for face recognition tasks and fine-tuned them to acquire the best hybrid model for the addressed task using ensemble transfer learning. The weights of the pre-trained models are procured by the ImageNet challenge dataset [34].

2.1 Datasets used

The authors used two standard datasets, namely LFW and CPLFW, and one small self-created criminal dataset to evaluate SOTA for face detection and recognition. Images of different classes of each dataset are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 
                  Images of each class of used datasets: (a) LFW, (b) CPLFW, (c) training set of the proposed criminal dataset, and (d) testing set of the proposed criminal dataset.
Figure 2

Images of each class of used datasets: (a) LFW, (b) CPLFW, (c) training set of the proposed criminal dataset, and (d) testing set of the proposed criminal dataset.

LFW is a benchmark for face recognition/verification and a publicly available dataset. It was published in 2007 and contained 13,233 images of 5,749 different identities. A total of 1,680 classes having more than one image in the dataset, and 4,096 have only one image in the database. The size of all the images in the dataset is 250 × 250 with a resolution of 96 DPI (dots per inch), and the image format is JPEG. Most faces are frontal and only consider unconstrained factors such as illumination variation and partial occlusion.

CPLFW is the enhanced version of the LFW standard dataset, considering images with significant pose variations. It was published in 2018 and consisted of 11,652 images of 3,928 individuals containing 2 or 3 images of each class. The accuracy of SOTA for face recognition drops by 15–20% on CPLFW compared to LFW, as it contains images with a considerable variation of unconstrained factors.

The main objective of creating the self-created criminal dataset is the class imbalance in LFW. The largest class contains 500 times more images than those in the lowest class. Due to this drawback, the model could bias toward the class having more images (i.e., the class having more images of the same person could recognize the person accurately, but the class having fewer images of the person could lead to a lower recognition rate). In LFW, unconstrained factors like large pose variation and low-resolution images are not considered. The other reason for preparing the criminal dataset is to consider the low-resolution images, as the images in standard datasets like LFW and CPLFW are captured with high-resolution cameras. There are 10 classes in the proposed dataset labeled with the name of the criminal, and all the classes contain 25 images for training the model to ensure the balance of images in each category. Images of the self-created dataset are taken from the internet, and each image’s size is set to 224 × 224 by taking the average height and width of all images. This dataset is designed to present a real-time face recognition application in video surveillance. The surveillance cameras capture images containing multiple people in a single frame to recognize individuals. Therefore, a set of another 50 images is created for testing the proposed model to recognize many faces at once. These 50 images contain the faces of the 10 criminals and other unknown individuals.

2.2 Proposed modified architecture of baseline models

The early layers of the CNN model extract the features, and the last layers are used for the classification. The architectures of the last layers of the used pre-trained models (VGG, ResNet, DenseNet) are delineated in Figure 3.

Figure 3 
                  The architecture of classification layers of pre-trained models (ResNet50, DenseNet169, VGG16, and VGG19).
Figure 3

The architecture of classification layers of pre-trained models (ResNet50, DenseNet169, VGG16, and VGG19).

In this article, the modified architecture of the base models is proposed by adding global pooling, BN, and dropout in the classification layers of models. The pooling layer helps to abbreviate a large number of trainable parameters from the model. Generally, two types of pooling techniques are used, i.e., average and max pooling, which can be mathematically described using the following equations:

(1) P = O max n , n ( F ) ,

(2) P = O avg n , n ( F ) ,

where F is the input feature map received from the previous Conv layer, O max n , n ( F ) is the maximum pooling operation on the input feature map of size n × n , O avg n , n ( F ) is the average pooling operation, and P is the output of the pooling layer. It is ascertained that sometimes the maximum value of the activation map n H × n w × n C (where n H is the height, n w is the width, and n C is the channel count in the feature map) received from the last layers gives better performance than the average value and conversely also true. In order to retain both the maximum and average values, we concatenated the max and average values using concatenate function in Keras (https://keras.io). Global pooling helps to reduce each channel in a feature map to a single value and can be used as a substitute for densely connected or FC layers in a classifier. BN effectively normalizes the positive and negative features received from the previous convolutional layer of the model, which helps to reduce the problem of covariate shift [24] and improves accuracy without any side effects [35]. Since we experienced overfitting while training, dropout layers are added for regularization. Dropout is the regularization technique to reduce overfitting. As given in the study of Garbin et al. [35], the dropout value can significantly change the model’s accuracy. Therefore, different values are considered, and we experimentally acquired the optimal dropout value for the model. The non-linearity functions, such as ReLU [36], PReLU [37], leaky ReLU [38], etc., can be placed before or after the BN layer. In our proposal, the use of leaky ReLU after the BN layer gives better results. Therefore, we used the leaky ReLU activation function because it alleviates the problem of “dying ReLU” [38]. The mathematical expression for calculating the value of leaky ReLU is given in the following equation:

(3) f ( x ) = max ( 0 . 01 * x , x ) .

The function produces a value of x when the given input is positive, but if the input is negative, it will output a minimum value of 0.01 × x . Therefore, leaky ReLU gives the output for the negative input also. This modification in ReLU leads to a non-zero gradient at the left side of the mathematical graph. In this way, dead neurons will be removed from that region. The modified architecture of the baseline model is shown in Figure 4. The persuasive reasons for the modification in the architecture of baseline models are discussed in Table 1.

Figure 4 
                  The modified architecture of the baseline model consisting of gmp, gap, BN, dropout, and FC layers (the dotted line shows the modified part of the model).
Figure 4

The modified architecture of the baseline model consisting of gmp, gap, BN, dropout, and FC layers (the dotted line shows the modified part of the model).

Table 1

Persuasive reasons for the rectification of the classification layers of baseline models

Characteristics Standard ResNet50 Standard VGG19 Standard DenseNet169 Rectified architecture Persuasive reasons for the rectification
Pooling layer Average pooling No pooling layer Global average pooling Concatenation of gap and gmp The activation map derived from the preceding layer may exhibit superior performance to its mean value, and the converse is also true
No. of fully/densely connected (FC) layer 1 3 1 2 A stronger network that facilitates improved representation and learning of the intermediary characteristics is generated by using an additional layer in ResNet and DenseNet and removing an extra layer from VGG
Linear activation ReLU ReLU ReLU Leaky ReLU To address the issue of dying ReLU
Regularization No dropout No dropout No dropout The dropout layer is used To minimize the overfitting issue

2.3 Model training and hyperparameter tuning

In the proposed approach, model training is done in the following two steps.

Step 1: First, freeze the early layers in the network and train only classification layers. However, the initial layers (i.e., the feature extraction layers) are not trained during the first step of training the network.

Step 2: Then, a fine-tuned model is loaded from step 1, and all the layers are unfreezed to train the complete model. Figure 5 provides a visual representation of the entire procedure.

Figure 5 
                  Steps for training the models.
Figure 5

Steps for training the models.

The model’s training process involves implementing a one-cycle policy [39], which replaces the fixed learning rate with cyclical learning rates. Hyperparameter tuning has proven to be an effective solution to improve machine learning model accuracy. In the conferred approach, tweaking of the learning rate, batch size, image size, epoch, and drop-out is done experimentally in Section 3.2 to tune the pre-trained models for the addressed task. The selection of learning rate should be chosen wisely; if it is too large, the optimal value may be an overshoot, and if it is too small, it will require too many iterations to converge to the best value. Therefore, the learning rate finder (LRF) curve [39] is used to locate the optimal learning rate for the model. The LRF is a valuable tool for automatically determining a reasonable learning rate for any model. For example, the red dot in Figure 6 illustrates the optimal learning rate for the deep learning model. The learning rate is gradually raised from an exponentially low value (e.g., 10−6) to a high value (e.g., 1) while training the data in small batches. During the cool-down phase, the training rate oscillates between a lower and higher learning rate boundary before returning to its initial low boundary. A one-hot vector is created through conversion to predict the class of data while employing categorical cross-entropy as the loss function in Eq. (4) within the softmax layer:

(4) L ( ϴ ) = 1 n i = 1 n j = 1 C [ y ij log ( p ij ) ] ,

where n is the count of images in training data, i is the index of the input image (i.e., ith image), j is the class’s index, y ij is the one-hot encoded label, and p ij is the probability distribution over C classes. Adam [40] optimizer is used for the optimization of the model.

Figure 6 
                  The LRF curve.
Figure 6

The LRF curve.

2.4 Proposed HE-CNN framework

Algorithm 1 acquires the optimized baseline models and utilizes the ensemble learning approach to get an efficacious hybrid model. Ensemble learning combines the predictions of more than one model to produce the optimal predictive model for the addressed task. The stacking approach of ensemble learning is used to design a hybrid model for the face recognition problem. The final prediction of the hybrid model is made by aggregating the results obtained from the fine-tuned baseline models by conducting a weighted sum operation. The weighted sum or weighted average [41] operation is often applied to ensemble models to give more importance to the predictions of the better-performing models. The idea behind the weighted sum operation is to assign different weights to the predictions of each model in the ensemble based on their relative performance on a validation set. The better-performing models are given higher weights, while the poorer-performing models are assigned lower weights. This means that the final prediction of the ensemble will be more influenced by the predictions of the better models and less influenced by the predictions of the poorer models. Using a weighted sum operation on ensemble models, we can leverage the strengths of multiple models and minimize their weaknesses. This can lead to better overall performance and more robust predictions [42]. The predicted face using the hybrid ensemble model ( P HE CNN ) is defined in Eq. (5). VGG19 shows better accuracy in Tables 3 and 5. As a result, the VGG19 version is chosen above the VGG16 variant. However, we considered VGG19, DenseNet169, and ResNet50 in the hybrid model. The complete procedure is shown in Figure 7:

(5) P HE CNN = i = 1 § W i j = 1 n 1 k = 1 C e ϴ k T f ( j ) e θ 1 T f ( j ) e θ C T f ( j ) ,

where W i denotes the weight of rectified baseline models, § = 3 because we considered three models for the ensemble framework, n is the count of image samples in training data, C is the number of classes in a dataset, f ( j ) is the feature of the j th sample, θ is the parameter matrix of the softmax loss function L ( θ ) , and θ k T f ( j ) is the inner product of θ k and f ( j ) . The optimal values of W 1 , W 2 , and W 3 are selected using VotingClassifier available in the scikit-learn library of Python (https://rb.gy/p0ig).

Figure 7 
                  The proposed HE-CNN framework.
Figure 7

The proposed HE-CNN framework.

Algorithm 1: Algorithm of the proposed approach for training to obtain fine-tuned models

Input: Training Dataset D = { x i , y i } i = 1 n , where n is the count of input images in the dataset

   Pre-trained CNN model (here, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50 and DenseNet169 are taken)

   No. of epochs (e)

   Batch size (α)

   Image size (m)

   Calculated optimal learning rate using LRF curve (η)

Output: Fine-tuned best CNN model for the addressed task (output_tuned_model).

   function TL_step 1 (D, CNN, n, α, m, η)

   first train head and freeze the remaining layers

   parameters ← load_model(CNN, train_head=True)


      for all ( x i , y i ) ϵ D do

     activation ← forward_propagation ( x i , parameters )

     cost ← Loss_function(activation, y i )

     gradient ← back_propagation(activation, cost)

     parameters ← weight_update(parameters, gradient, η)

        end for

      until e times

    return tuned_model

    function TL_step2(D, tuned_model, n, α, m, η)

     Unfreeze all the remaining layers and train the entire model

     Load model received from function TL_step1 (i.e., tuned_model)

     parameters ← load_model(tuned_model, train_head=False)


      for all ( x i , y i ) ϵ D do

     activation ← forward_propagation ( x i , parameters )

    cost ← Loss_function(activation, y i )

    gradient ← back_propagation(activation, cost)

    parameters ← weight_update(parameters, gradient, η)

      end for

      until e times

    return output_tuned_model

3 Results

To assess the effectiveness of face detection and recognition models, experiments were conducted independently. After thorough evaluation and comparison with other approaches in Section 3.2, SSD was selected to detect and align faces for the recognition phase, despite extensive research on face detection. Our system is configured with Windows 10, one Nvidia Tesla with K40, and 16 GB memory. The TensorFlow (https://www.tensorflow.org/) version is 2.4.0, while Keras and OpenCV [43] are 2.4.3 and 4.5.1, respectively.

3.1 Evaluation parameters to assess face detection and recognition algorithms

We considered three evaluation parameters for the assessment of face detection algorithms: true positive rate ( TPR ), false positive rate ( FPR ), and false negative rate ( FNR ) [44]. TPR can also be called recall or sensitivity. It determines all the significant instances of the classification model. The model with no false-negative contains the recall value as 1. FPR is the total count of false-negative assessments divided by the number of all negative evaluations. Another term for FNR is the miss rate. It gives the proportion of correct results, which were misclassified as incorrect. The estimation of the values of TPR , FPR , and FNR is done using Eqs. (6)–(8), where TP relates as having both the actual and predicted label the same. For example, an image contains a face, and the algorithm detects it as a face. FP is defined as the true label is not a face, but the predicted label is a face. FN has the true label of a face, but the predicted label does not have a face.

(6) Recall or TPR = TP TP + FN ,

(7) FPR = FP FP + TN ,

(8) FNR = FN FN + TP .

Two benchmark datasets and one self-created dataset are exerted to assess the efficacy of the discussed architecture in this study. The description of the discussed datasets is given in Section 2.1. The performance of the discussed technique and other SOTA for all datasets mentioned is measured by the classification accuracy evaluation parameter, which is determined using the following equation:

(9) Accuracy = Number of correctly recognized images Total number of images .

To evaluate the classification model [44], other measures such as precision, recall, and error rate are employed. This is because relying solely on accuracy to determine the best classifier can be insufficient due to what is known as the accuracy paradox [45]. Precision refers to the proportion of true positives concerning predicted positives. Eqs. (10) and (6) provide the formulae for deriving precision and recall. In addition, the total number of inaccurate predictions on the test set divided by all of the test set predictions can be used to compute the error rate given in Eq. (11). We can always determine the accuracy from the error rate since they are complementary quantities:

(10) Precision = Truly positives Predicted positives ,

(11) Error rate = Number of incorrect predictions Total number of images .

3.2 Face detection and recognition results

The implementation of the Haar feature and LBP feature-based face detectors rely on OpenCV, while MTCNN and SSD are available as a package in Python (https://pypi.org/project/mtcnn/, https://pypi.org/project/ssd/). Table 2 delineates the collation between the accuracy of the employed face detection models. We used the same datasets for both addressed tasks, such as detection and recognition of the face, but the ground truth bounding box annotation is not available in the dataset for evaluating face detection algorithms. Therefore, we experimentally filtered the images in which the algorithm detected no face and more than one face and manually found false positives and negatives.

Table 2

Scores of various face detection models

Face detection models, proposed year CPLFW LFW Criminal dataset
TPR (%) FPR (%) FNR (%) TPR (%) FPR (%) FNR (%) TPR (%) FPR (%) FNR (%)
SSD, 2016 96.9 1.4 1.7 99.8 0.2 0 97.9 0.7 1.4
MTCNN, 2016 96.3 1.2 2.5 99.3 0.6 0.1 96.2 1 2.8
Haar cascade (Viola Jones), 2004 53.9 0.5 45.6 98.4 0.6 1 60 2 38
LBP cascade, 2006 44.2 0.7 55.1 94.3 0.8 4.9 47 1 52

The bold value means the best value in comparison to other methods.

The tweaking of hyperparameter values used in the proposed methodology is done after rigorous experiments. The value of the learning rate is set to its optimal value with the help of the LRF curve that varies with the model and dataset. The batch size and image size for all the experiments are taken as 128 and 120 × 120, respectively, for a fair comparison. Keras does not support the loss graph over batches, so we implemented a customized callback (https://rb.gy/au69) to get the graph of loss vs batches to visualize the variation of training and validation loss concerning batches. In Tables 3 and 5, Train_head = T (True) means training of head only and the remaining layers are freezed, while Train_head = F (False) means that all the layers are unfreezed, and training is done for the complete model. When training the head while the remaining layers are freezed, the total number of epochs considered for training is 15. Otherwise, 30 epochs are taken when there is a training of the complete model (i.e., the second step of training) in LFW, while 7 and 15 epochs are taken for CPLFW during training. After obtaining the fine-tuned models, ensemble learning is utilized to design the hybrid model (HE-CNN) to achieve better accuracy.

Table 3

Training and validation loss of pre-trained models (VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, and DenseNet169) and modified pre-trained models with PC in LFW

Pre-trained models
VGG16 30 1 × 10−2 0.3234 0.6900 0.2014 0.9254 0.7985 0.8260 0.7962
VGG19 30 1 × 10−2 0.3699 0.9814 0.2716 0.9173 0.7283 0.8281 0.7257
ResNet50 30 1 × 10−2 0.2501 0.6230 0.1692 0.9221 0.8307 0.8602 0.8327
DenseNet169 30 1 × 10−2 0.2107 0.7527 0.1886 0.9234 0.8113 0.8626 0.8125
Modified pre-trained models with PC
Modified VGG16 T 15 1 × 10−2 0.1932 0.1739 0.0512 0.9345 0.9487 0.9490 0.95011
F 30 1 × 10−6, 8 × 10−5 0.0642 0.0783 0.0228 0.9812 0.9771 0.9771 0.9779
Modified VGG19 T 15 1 × 10−2 0.2115 0.2047 0.0644 0.9335 0.9355 0.9357 0.9350
F 30 1.1 × 10−5, 1 × 10−4 0.0140 0.0438 0.0135 0.9914 0.9864 0.9864 0.9866
Modified ResNet50 T 15 2.09 × 10−3 0.2099 0.2416 0.0750 0.9315 0.9249 0.9247 0.9263
F 30 1.91 × 10−6, 8 × 10−5 0.0311 0.0783 0.0238 0.9901 0.9761 0.9763 0.9768
Modified DenseNet169 T 15 1 × 10−2 0.0288 0.0560 0.0150 0.9964 0.9849 0.9845 0.9849
F 30 1.32 × 10−6, 1 × 10−5 0.0182 0.0453 0.0115 0.9987 0.9884 0.9882 0.9883

PC, proposed classifier; TH, Train_head; E, epoch; LR, learning rate; TL, training loss; VL, validation loss; ER, error rate; TA, training accuracy; VA, validation accuracy; P, precision; R, recall.

The bold values mean the best values in comparison to other comparing methods.

3.2.1 Experimental results on the LFW dataset

The split ratio of the dataset used in the experiment is 7:3, i.e., 70% of the samples in the dataset are used for training and 30% are used for validation. Section 2.1 provides an in-depth overview of the dataset. The classes containing more than one sample are considered for experimental evaluation (i.e., 1,680 classes are considered). Data augmentation [46], known as oversampling, is utilized through a series of standard transformations such as vertical flip, horizontal flip, rotation, zooming, warping, scaling, and lighting to ensure balance in the considered classes. The total number of considered images for experimental evaluation is 13,440 after data augmentation (i.e., 9,408 are used for training and 4,032 are used for validation). Dropout values are set to 0.1 and 0.2 for the layers used in the modified architecture. Training and validation losses for different models are illustrated in Tables 3 and 4; they list the comparison of the intended approach with other existing techniques. The learning rate is chosen randomly for pre-trained models, while modified pre-trained models utilize the learning rate identified through the LRF curve. Figures 8 and 9 illustrate the training and validation loss over batches processed of pre-trained and modified pre-trained models, respectively.

Table 4

Comparison of the proposed work with other SOTA in the LFW dataset

Author, year of publication Techniques used Accuracy (%) Error rate (%)
Sun et al., 2014 [11] DeepID 97.45 2.55
Parkhi et al., 2015 [12] Deep CNN 98.95 1.05
Wen et al., 2016 [15] Combination of softmax loss and center loss with CNN 99.28 0.72
Kang, 2019 [47] Self-learning CNN 94.9 5.1
Ben Fredj et al., 2020 [48] GoogleNet + Data augmentation 99.2 0.8
Mishra and Singh, 2022 [49] Deep learning architectures + Hardmining loss 95.55 4.45
Proposed approach The hybrid model of the fine-tuned pre-trained models using ensemble learning (HE-CNN) 99.35 0.65
Figure 8 
                     Training and validation loss over batches processed graphs for pre-trained (a) VGG16, (b) VGG19, (c) ResNet50, and (d) DenseNet169 in the LFW dataset.
Figure 8

Training and validation loss over batches processed graphs for pre-trained (a) VGG16, (b) VGG19, (c) ResNet50, and (d) DenseNet169 in the LFW dataset.

Figure 9 
                     Training and validation loss over batches processed graphs for modified (a) VGG16, (b) VGG19, (c) ResNet50, and (d) DenseNet169 in the LFW dataset.
Figure 9

Training and validation loss over batches processed graphs for modified (a) VGG16, (b) VGG19, (c) ResNet50, and (d) DenseNet169 in the LFW dataset.

3.2.2 Experimental results on the CPLFW dataset

In this experimental evaluation, random splitting of the CPLFW dataset is done with a splitting ratio of 8:2 (i.e., 80% of images [9,322] are used for training and 20% [2,330] are used for validating the model). The dropout values are set to 0.25 and 0.5. Training and validation losses for different models are shown in Table 5. The comparison of the proposed approach with other existing techniques is listed in Table 6. Finally, the training and validation loss over batches processed graphs for the pre-trained and fine-tuned baseline models are delineated in Figures 10 and 11.

Table 5

Training and validation loss of pre-trained models (VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, and DenseNet169) and modified pre-trained models with PC in CPLFW

Pre-trained models
VGG16 15 1 × 10−3 0.1580 0.6419 0.1215 0.9634 0.8784 0.8711 0.8734
VGG19 15 1 × 10−3 0.1623 0.6357 0.1280 0.9563 0.8719 0.8654 0.8724
ResNet50 15 1 × 10−3 0.0678 0.4507 0.0905 0.9856 0.9094 0.9001 0.9054
DenseNet169 15 1 × 10−3 0.0501 0.4378 0.0887 0.9898 0.9112 0.9200 0.9198
Modified pre-trained models with PC
Modified VGG16 T 7 2.75 × 10−2 1.1628 0.9759 0.2077 0.7734 0.7922 0.7792 0.7986
F 15 6.31 × 10−7, 1 × 10−5 0.8944 0.8895 0.1896 0.8112 0.8103 0.8264 0.8164
Modified VGG19 T 7 1.1 × 10−2 1.4396 1.2920 0.2603 0.7243 0.7396 0.7256 0.7345
F 15 1 × 10−5, 5 × 10−4 0.2921 0.4468 0.0844 0.9323 0.9155 0.9166 0.9132
Modified ResNet50 T 7 1.32 × 10−2 0.5944 0.6587 0.1314 0.8867 0.8685 0.8764 0.8678
F 15 2.2 × 10−6, 1 × 10−4 0.2334 0.4462 0.0849 0.9458 0.9150 0.9245 0.9152
Modified DenseNet169 T 7 1.32 × 10−2 0.4330 0.4568 0.0879 0.9198 0.9120 0.9132 0.9134
F 15 5 × 10−6, 5 × 10−5 0.2227 0.3583 0.0842 0.9289 0.9157 0.9234 0.9219

PC, proposed classifier; TH, Train_head; E, epoch; LR, learning rate; TL, training loss; VL, validation loss; ER, error rate; TA, training accuracy; VA, validation accuracy; P, precision; R, recall.

The bold values mean the best values in comparison to other comparing methods.

Table 6

Comparison of the proposed work with other SOTA in the CPLFW dataset

Author, year of publication Techniques used Accuracy (%) Error rate (%)
Liu et al., 2017 [50] SphereFace 81.4 18.6
Cao et al., 2018 [51] VGGFace2 84 16
Liu et al., 2021 [52] Lightweight CNN 89.52 10.48
Proposed approach Hybrid model of the fine-tuned pre-trained models using ensemble learning 91.58 8.42

The bold value means the best value in comparison to other methods.

Figure 10 
                     Training and validation loss over batches processed graphs for pre-trained (a) VGG16, (b) VGG19, (c) ResNet50, and (d) DenseNet169 in the CPLFW dataset.
Figure 10

Training and validation loss over batches processed graphs for pre-trained (a) VGG16, (b) VGG19, (c) ResNet50, and (d) DenseNet169 in the CPLFW dataset.

Figure 11 
                     Training and validation loss over batches processed graphs for modified (a) VGG16, (b) VGG19, (c) ResNet50, and (d) DenseNet169 in the CPLFW dataset.
Figure 11

Training and validation loss over batches processed graphs for modified (a) VGG16, (b) VGG19, (c) ResNet50, and (d) DenseNet169 in the CPLFW dataset.

3.2.3 Experimental results on the self-created criminal dataset

A small criminal dataset is created containing 25 images of each class of criminals, namely Haji Mastan, Vijay Mallya, Dawood, Harshad, Osama, Veerappan, Chhota Rajan, Muthappa Rai, Abu Salem, and Vikas Dubey, by downloading these images from the internet to demonstrate the real-time application of face recognition. Mislabeled and vague images from the downloaded images are manually deleted and 25 images of each class are considered to make a class-balanced dataset. Data augmentation, known as the oversampling technique, is utilized to expand the count of samples in each class. In order to maintain the balance of the class, images in individual classes are augmented to generate 50 samples using a set of transformations, such as vertical flip, horizontal flip, mirroring, warping, scaling, rotation, zooming, and lighting. The dataset is divided into two sets consisting of 80 and 20% samples (i.e., 400 samples of the dataset are considered for training and 100 samples are taken for testing). Testing on a self-created dataset is done in two ways. First, the testing is done using 100 random samples from 500 images. The accuracy of the proposed hybrid model on a self-created dataset is 95%, while the precision score, recall score, and error rate are 0.954167, 0.952393, and 5%, respectively. The confusion matrix to analyze the correct results present in the diagonal of the matrix is delineated in Figure 12.

Figure 12 
                     Confusion matrix for the testing of 100 images.
Figure 12

Confusion matrix for the testing of 100 images.

Second, another testing dataset contains 50 images with more than one face to demonstrate the real-time surveillance results. The set of 50 images is distinct from the collection of 500 images but consists of the faces of the same 10 criminals and other unknown individuals. As the testing images contain more than one face, the recognition rate of the proposed technique in the criminal dataset is calculated by manually analyzing each image, as shown in Figure 13, achieving 87% recognition accuracy.

Figure 13 
                     Results of the recognition of criminals in a self-created dataset for testing 50 images.
Figure 13

Results of the recognition of criminals in a self-created dataset for testing 50 images.

4 Discussion

The results in Table 2 demonstrate that SSD outperforms other face detection algorithms in terms of TPR while exhibiting a lower FNR on the datasets discussed earlier. SSD has an advantage in terms of efficiency and can detect even significantly blur faces, which is the main challenging factor in video surveillance. Therefore, we used the SSD in the detection step of face recognition. Based on the experimental findings regarding facial recognition algorithms, relying solely on pre-trained models is inadequate for achieving optimal accuracy. Some modifications need to be implemented to improve the recognition accuracy of the models. After obtaining fine-tuned-modified baseline models, ensemble learning can be utilized to get SOTA competent recognition rate in LFW and CPLFW, as illustrated in Tables 4 and 6. The original pre-trained models are trained on ImageNet, comprising 1,000 classes. However, the number of classes mentioned in the last FC layer of the pre-trained models is insignificant in our experiments. Therefore, the approach in this article modified only the last FC layer to mention the count of classes of the used datasets for the experimental evaluation given in Tables 3 and 5. The above results and graphs show that the pre-trained models, without any modification, do not provide desired results. The spikes in the graphs of pre-trained models in LFW show unstable validation accuracy during the whole training process, and accuracy is also significantly less than the proposed approach. The reason for getting too many spikes in validation loss can be the large value of the learning rate resolved in the graphs of CPLFW by taking the small value of the learning rate. Therefore, it is suggested to use the LRF curve to identify the optimal learning rate for the model instead of taking random values. If the training loss keeps decreasing while the validation loss increases or remains constant, this is a sign of overfitting. It is evident from Figures 8 and 10 that data overfitting is alleviated by the suggested approach, as shown in Figures 9 and 11. The results in Tables 3 and 5 show that the proposed approach gives better results for VGG19, Resnet50, and DenseNet169; therefore, these three fine-tuned models are considered for designing the ensemble framework (HE-CNN). The proposed modifications in the classification layers and the training process generated SOTA-competent results and improved the recognition accuracy of the pre-trained models in LFW up to approximately 26 and 4% in CPLFW. The proposed ensemble model achieved competent accuracy compared to other existing methods requiring millions of identities to train the network (i.e., high GPU memory consumption and computational cost are required for existing methods like ArcFace, FaceNet, etc.).

5 Conclusion and future directions

In this work, we perceived that the transfer learning approach is better than other traditional methods. The proposed hybrid architecture (HE-CNN) model for face recognition is designed by performing rigorous experiments. The experimental results of the proposed approach are comparable to SOTA that demand low computational power. Collecting a large number of face images is a difficult task due to people’s privacy concerns; therefore, the best solution is provided in the proposed approach using Transfer Learning. Moreover, our model utilized pre-trained models on the ImageNet dataset to extract features, reducing the computational cost and large data requirements. Ensemble transfer learning is implemented, provides better results, and achieves an accuracy of 99.35% in LFW, 91.58% accuracy in CPLFW, and 95% in a self-created dataset. The proposed study can be expanded to include video datasets in experimental evaluation. The self-created dataset can have more image samples in each class by getting new images from the internet or by using other data augmentation techniques such as elastic deformation to simulate the effects of distortions and stretches and the addition of Gaussian noise to help the model learn to recognize objects in noisy environments.

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  1. Funding information: No funding was received for this research.

  2. Author contributions: Shahina Anwarul performed the implementation and wrote the methodology and results sections of the manuscript. Tanupriya Choudhury wrote the introduction part and prepared some figures. Susheela Dahiya helped to write the literature review in the introduction section and prepared some figures. Finally, all authors reviewed the complete manuscript.

  3. Conflict of interest: The authors state that no conflicting or other interests affect the findings and discussions presented in this paper.

  4. Data availability statement: The results, data, and figures contained in this manuscript have not been previously published elsewhere, nor are they currently being reviewed by any other publisher for publication.

  5. Third-party material: The authors own all the materials; therefore, no permissions are necessary.


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Received: 2023-02-21
Revised: 2023-04-02
Accepted: 2023-04-04
Published Online: 2023-06-13

© 2023 the author(s), published by De Gruyter

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