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Mastering The Art of Selling
Mastering The Art of Selling
Mastering The Art of Selling
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Mastering The Art of Selling

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Mastering the Art of Selling

Take your selling to a new level with this straight forward 'tell it as it is' guide that will have you firing on all cylinders.

To achieve success in sales or to make the big bucks as a salesperson, you need to first have the right mindset and the right attitude.

The truth about selling and sales is it is often thought of as the highest paid hard work or the lowest paid easy work.

Developing your sales techniques, your cold calling scripts, your closing and objection handling processes all play a massive part in the development of a Sales Superstar and if you wish to be the best then you need to acquire the skills needed to give yourself the edge and confidence to not take ‘No’ as an answer from your prospects.

Success as a Salesperson also depends on the individual and what drives and motivates them. The fantastic thing about sales and selling is that the essential elements of what it takes to be successful at selling lie within us all, even if we have never sold anything before.

Successful salespeople aren't created by studying for Bachelor Degrees, nor PhD's. They aren't created by theory, or personality types. What makes a successful salesperson is usually a very strong drive towards a number of goals, self motivation, determination and a strong will to win.

Can these personal traits and drivers be learned?
Of course they can. But, you know the old story, you can always lead a horse to water but you can't ... (you know this one). Provided someone possesses that inbuilt burning desire for something better in life, then yes, these traits can be taught and learned.

For most people entering sales for the first time, or making the decision that they want to take their sales career to new heights, these goal oriented, financially driven traits need to be present before any level of success will be attained.

Mastering the Art of Selling is a book created to inspire both the novice sales person, or to re-motivate and reinvigorate the more experienced sales person looking to find that new spark in their career.

Filled with lots of guidance, sales success tips and selling advice, motivational tips, tricks and help to take your sales career to a new level. This book will leapfrog your sales successes helping you to achieve the sales goals and capabilities you've always known were within you but you just didn't how to unlock them and release them.

Tags: selling guide, how to sell, how to become a successful salesperson, the best guide to selling book, being successful at sales, become a successful salesperson, sales success tips, sales 101, success in sales, professional selling, consultative selling, sales success, consultative sales, sales & marketing

Release dateNov 21, 2013
Mastering The Art of Selling

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Too general. But for me as a beginner I find some valuable points here. There are several grammatical errors. Overall the book was ok.

Book preview

Mastering The Art of Selling - Warren Kannuck

Selling as a career

Selling as a career is one of the most fascinating careers around. People from practically any walk of life can be successful in sales. You don't have to have the gift of the gab, you don't have to be slick, and sleazy, and you don't have to know everything there is to know about something. Some of the most successful sales people on the planet have come from very humble surroundings and through sheer determination have made successful careers out of nothing more than their openness and their empathy. 

So what are the advantages of a career in sales?

The biggest advantage a career in sales can offer is that it can potentially provide you with a substantial income. The more specialized or the more consultative the sales role then often the higher the potential income earning capabilities. This does not however apply to normal retail sales as we know them, or orders taking sales roles for that matter, as these don’t usually require much in the way of sales skills. However not to undermine these roles, they can certainly offer a sound foundation of experience and may lead to a person deciding to eventually enter the field of consultative selling where the potential for big rewards can be achieved.

Putting a dollar value on the income potential for top sales people is not something that is easy to do. There are many varying industries, and they all have their average sales earnings as well as their top achiever earners. So rather than give you possible annual dollar earnings, just keep in the forefront of your mind that when you’re considering a career in sales that there is the very real potential to be in the top 5% of income earners within your country if you are able to become a top sales achiever within that field.

This basically means you can earn more than a lot of Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants and even Dentists, and many other highly qualified professionals. Think about that for a second, many of these professionals spend 4-5 years at University to acquire their degrees and then often another 5 years or more of practical experience to achieve their maximum earnings capabilities. (Not to mention that in some countries they often also have substantial educational loans to repay) Someone who desires to become a top salesperson on the other hand doesn't necessarily need to have gone through University to learn the ‘selling trade’. Much of their learning is able to be done on the job, undertaking short courses, and through learning from their colleagues and peers. A motivated and determined sales person can become top of their game in usually less than 2 years, and by that time they are likely to be challenging the earnings thresholds of their other highly trained professional counterparts.

Another important point to consider is that a successful sales career can also lead to many other career opportunities, such as business management, marketing and sales management, business ownership, and many other advanced career roles and even overseas postings with multinational corporations.

How can one get started in a sales career?

Effectively there are two ways to get started in a sales career. There's the easy way and the hard way. Ultimately (in the long run) though they should both lead you to your sales career goals, it's just that one path takes a lot more personal motivation and drive, and learning from your mistakes than the other.

The easy way means you find an advertised vacancy, or opening within a Company that appeals to you, you apply for the role and if luck is on your side you’re accepted for the role. If you are lucky enough to be offered an employment opportunity within a company as a novice or trainee salesperson where you can learn the various selling skills and techniques, where they will invest in your training and up skilling, then effectively you've hit the jackpot. Accept the role, and absorb all you can in terms of knowledge, processes, and selling techniques as this knowledge and the skills you will learn will certainly stand you in very good stead regardless of the product or service you ultimately choose to use as your long term vehicle to success. With the correct training and mentoring from successful sales peers over a couple of years, you should acquire most of the skills you need to have a financially rewarding sales career.

If, on the other hand you aren't as lucky to be offered a sales opportunity like the above, then the road will be more challenging, but at the end of the day, this can also make you a more determined, self-motivated individual. If you have the absolute determination to land yourself a sales role, then the hard road may in fact reward you better in the long run. The opportunities for a career in sales along this path do exist, however you do need to have a lot of self-confidence and belief in yourself. Why? Because you will need to go hunting for the

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