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Food Pharmacy: A Guide to Gut Bacteria, Anti-Inflammatory Foods, and Eating for Health
Food Pharmacy: A Guide to Gut Bacteria, Anti-Inflammatory Foods, and Eating for Health
Food Pharmacy: A Guide to Gut Bacteria, Anti-Inflammatory Foods, and Eating for Health
Ebook240 pages2 hours

Food Pharmacy: A Guide to Gut Bacteria, Anti-Inflammatory Foods, and Eating for Health

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About this ebook

"Food Pharmacy shows the extraordinary power of food to reduce inflammation, restore gut bacteria, and cure disease. Future prescriptions can be filled at the local grocery instead of at the drug store." —Dr. Mark Hyman, New York Times bestselling author of Eat Fat Get Thin

The real and practical science behind foods that will reduce inflammation, boost your immune system, and revitalize your health.

The key to a healthy life is healthy eating. We know this fact, but how do we make sense of it and live it out with the myriad of information out there on gut health, autoimmune diseases, anti-inflammatory diets, and what foods to eat and not to eat?

Food Pharmacy finally tells the complete story of friendly bacteria, intestinal flora, anti-inflammatory superfoods like turmeric, the difference between good and bad fats, vitamin D, and how we can reduce inflammation and heal chronic diseases by regulating our immune system with simply the right natural foods—nature’s pharmacy that will never cause you to overdose.

Marrying scientific research with seventeen supplementary recipes, practical advice and tips, and a quirky, humorous voice, Food Pharmacy extolls the kitchen’s anti-inflammatory heroes—like avocado, cloves, kale, cinnamon, and green bananas—and shows you how to live your healthiest life equipped with the right knowledge and food.

With facts substantiated by Professor Stig Bengmark, a former chief surgeon and stomach bacteria research scientist, Food Pharmacy is for anyone interested in learning about how what you put in your mouth affects your body’s ecosystem, and is the ultimate guide and manifesto to leading a life as anti-inflammatory and healthy as possible.
Release dateJan 2, 2018
Food Pharmacy: A Guide to Gut Bacteria, Anti-Inflammatory Foods, and Eating for Health

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Rating: 4.125 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Filled with too much redundant banter and quite lacking in sources. Still a good read for anyone with little knowledge of 21st century nutrition research.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So up to date! Everything everyone should know about food these days! They, the writers tell us in a witty way without judgement or frightening manner! It reads very quick while we learn a lot! Loved it in every way! Keep me posted on what they’ll write in the future!

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Food Pharmacy - Lina Aurell

WE ARE LINA AND MIA. A few years ago, we started to take an interest in the effect the food we eat has on how we feel, and it’s safe to say that at the time we felt somewhat bewildered. New research promoted 5:2 and LCHF diets everywhere and were touted by overconfident health experts, which made it just about impossible to sift through all the advice and findings. One day we got fed up and launched a blog to try to make some sense of all the concepts—on our own.

Actually, things didn’t begin quite like that. A few months earlier, we were in Helsingborg (a coastal city in the south of Sweden) to have lunch with Stig Bengmark, a professor of medicine. Three mouthfuls into a beet burger, Stig cracked open the door to what was for us a totally new world.

Bengmark was Professor of Surgery at the University of Lund’s Medical Faculty, in southern Sweden, from 1970 to 1994; he was also Chairman and Director of the Department of Surgery at the Lund University Hospital from 1970 to 1992. Many years ago, he realized that about 80 percent of the body’s immune system is located in the gut (gastrointestinal tract), whereupon he decided to devote the remainder of his career to finding out how to optimize one’s intestinal flora. Today, Stig is Honorary Visiting Professor at University College, London University, where his task is to conduct research and teach about the best conditions for health.

On second thought, things didn’t quite happen like that, either. A few years earlier, we had both become parents for the first time; with the concurrent births of Ninni and Ludde, we realized that we were not immortal. The sudden feeling of responsibility for someone else’s life, along with wanting to always be there for them, resulted in months of nightly sessions Googling diseases, symptoms, and information on how to stay healthy, active, and strong forever. Somewhere amid all this anxiety, an interest was sparked on how much we ourselves can influence things by what we eat.

This book is a compendium of what we have learned. After blogging day and night for two years, it’s time to summarize, in plain and simple language, all the research we have posted on the blog—and to push it even further. Even though we have long known that we have billions of bacteria in our bodies, it has taken scientists only until quite recently to grasp how critical a rich and thriving intestinal flora is to our health. Today, gastrointestinal research is one of the hottest fields in science, and we are constantly acquiring new knowledge and a deeper understanding of the connection between bacteria, intestinal flora, and well-being.

Today, we are aware that intestinal flora exerts a very strong influence on how we feel. We know that the flora consists not only of good bacteria but also bad, potentially disease-causing bacteria. We are conscious that good and bad bacteria can be strengthened or weakened depending on what we eat. We know that an excess of bad bacteria contributes to chronic inflammation; and we also know that chronic inflammation can make us ill.

In this book, we’d like to show you the fundamental connection between intestinal flora, inflammation, and your health. More important, we want to show how you can influence your intestinal flora and the way you feel in the long run through your own food choices.

This is the story of how we got interested in the link between health and food and how, to our surprise, we ended up among intestinal bacteria. Without Professor Stig, we would both still be at our old jobs (and still making a salary!). We’d also like to take the opportunity here to thank all the other science journalists, physicians, and scientists whom we’ve had the pleasure to get to know over the past few years. Thank you, everyone—without you, this book would have ended up being a simple haiku.

So, let’s start from the beginning.


Per the Food Pharmacy:

01.    Focus on what you can eat, instead of what you must avoid eating.

02.    Enjoy lots of different and colorful raw vegetables.

03.    Eat meat sparingly.

04.    Gorge on leafy greens.

05.    Drink a green smoothie daily.

06.    If you eat fish, opt for wild-caught varieties.

07.    Eat slowly and chew thoroughly.

08.    Skip processed foods.

09.    Seek out organic food.

10.    Increase foods’ nutritional values by sprouting and fermenting them.

11.    Lower the temperature by a few notches.

12.    Choose your fats wisely.


13.    Add some zing to your food with herbs and spices.

14.    Teach yourself and your kids to get comfortable without sugar.

15.    Become a nutrient hunter (and avoid fillers).

16.    Give your body a chance to rest now and then with periodic fasting.

17.    When you feel stressed out, take a deep breath and try to focus on the positives of life.

18.    Move your body often!

19.    Let food be your main source of nutrients, but feel free to give it a boost of added vitamin D, omega-3, and synbiotics.

20.    Relax, and don’t be too hard on yourself. That is the most important commandment of all.



LET US TELL YOU ABOUT Plato before we delve deeper into intestinal bacteria and inflammation. (Well, not exactly us; it’s Lina who will tell you about Plato. Mia is going to take this opportunity to paint her nails.)

Plato was born in Athens a few hundred years BC. He was a Greek philosopher, mathematician, and author, as well as the father of Platonism, which has contributed in many ways to Western philosophy. One example of Plato’s legacy is his idealism, which is part of the foundation of mathematical philosophy. Well, you can see for yourself that Plato wasn’t a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

A big part of Plato’s philosophy is known as Plato’s theory of ideas or forms. His theory encompasses two worlds, namely 1) the ideal (the perfect idea), and 2) the physical realm. According to Plato, nothing can exist in life without there also being a corresponding perfect idea (eternal, unchanging) of the same kind, in the world of ideas and forms.

For example:

When you walk past a vegetable garden and notice a potato, you think potato (if you don’t, make an appointment to see an eye doctor). You still recognize, with 100 percent certainty, that this is just a potato, even if it’s green and has begun sprouting. Plato says that this is because there is an ideal potato that all the potatoes in the real, tangible world strive to become, which is the reason you’d recognize the tuber as a potato, even if it were old and wrinkled.

But Lina my dear, what does an old spud have to do with our book?

Mia screws the cap back onto the bottle of nail polish and blows on her nails. Lina looks at her.

Hang on, I’m getting to the point soon.

Admittedly, Plato was mostly interested in mathematics, politics, and philosophy and not in potatoes, but we feel nonetheless that we can draw parallels with our relationship to food. Simply put, we could say that if the research and science presented in this book is in the realm of ideas, then we—our food-rejecting children and us and our cravings—are part of the real, material world. There exists an ideal, but there’s also a reality, which we often surrender to.

Mr. Plato

For instance, let’s say that all current research on food suggests that our intestinal flora would be at its happiest if we consumed twenty-two pounds of kale every day. We could call this Plato’s Plate Model, i.e., the idea of the perfect plate. In this ideal world, we would always eat twenty-two pounds of kale a day; however, in the real world that might end up being too big a challenge. First, most of us would probably find it difficult, not to mention a total drag, to choke down that much kale every day; and even if we were obstinate enough to try it, kale could be out of season, or the grocery store could be sold out. Second, we are humans and we have senses; if you add senses to the mix you’ll end up with a real mess. You’ll be attracted to the sight of a beautiful chocolate cake. Your sense of smell will be entranced by the aroma of freshly baked bread. The sound of a cork being pulled out of a bottle of wine will conjure up feelings of vacation and relaxation. Suddenly, there you are, gorging on a big piece of cake, working your way through a baguette, and downing several glasses of Bourgogne—even though none of these items are featured on Plato’s Plate.

Mia looks up from her coral nails.

Wow, I’d love a glass of wine …

Yes, but that just proves my point! Plato’s idealism is all about how it’s impossible to be perfect in the real world. It’s totally normal that we are unable to resist temptations; what would life be without them?

There is a prolonged silence. We hear the sound of a car passing in the street.

Before we started blogging about intestinal flora and inflammation, we were 1) thoroughly ruled by our senses, and 2) quasi-hypochondriacs. At the first smell of cardamom, we’d devour two buns with nary a thought; as soon as we heard the sparks of a fire being lit, we’d rush over to the grill, our sticks laden with marshmallows at the ready.

Then we’d head home, flip open our laptops, and read about how the rates of disease were rising all over the world; about how bad sugar was for our children; about how we got nowhere near enough fiber in our diets; and about how we’d all collapse suddenly and die if we so much as looked at a slice of bacon. It felt as though our lives were part of one big health lottery, where all we could do was close our eyes tightly, cross our fingers, and hope that we or anyone else we knew wouldn’t get sick.

But then we started to read and educate ourselves. The more we learned, the less we felt the grip of anxiety. Do you know why? Because knowing that there is an ideal we could strive for relieved us of our paranoia.

Slowly but surely, we realized that we might not just be part of one big health lottery after all, and that there is a compass out there. With that in mind, we suddenly gave ourselves permission to grab a snack to calm our senses. (Though things did get a bit out of hand—Ahem, that’s the fifth day in a row you’re eating a slice of cake for dinner. That’s not exactly the best for your intestinal flora.)

This is our reasoning:

1   Somewhere out there is a perfect plate (in the ideal world).

2   We know that not every meal from here on out will compare favorably to the perfect plate (but that’s okay, since we live in the real world).

3   But we will aim for the perfect plate, and we will try our best.

In other words, the research presented in this book is not a religion one must follow blindly. It is an ideal world we can keep in the back of our minds as we make our way through the real world full of cynical children, candy cravings, bellyaches, hunger pangs, broken hearts, and reward

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