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Healthy Gut, Healthy You: The Intestinal Truth
Healthy Gut, Healthy You: The Intestinal Truth
Healthy Gut, Healthy You: The Intestinal Truth
Ebook240 pages3 hours

Healthy Gut, Healthy You: The Intestinal Truth

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What does your poo say about you?

Are you spending too much time on the toilet? Is your tummy constantly grumbling? Do you feel like you have to suck in your belly any time someone looks at you? Chances are that you, like millions of others, have a digestive system that is out of shape.

Human beings have become disconnected from proper diet, and the proof is in our poop. Tired, damaged, or toxin-filled guts can make your life—and your bathroom—stink.

Fortunately, you can heal your digestive system in a healthy, natural way without having to resort to expensive and unreliable medications. With a cheerful and humorous tone, Dr. Adrian Schulte details changes that readers can make to enhance gut health, along with a ten-step intestinal fitness program. With a combination of this and other manageable lifestyle adjustments, Healthy Gut, Healthy You is a roadmap to being regular and living a longer, healthier life.
PublisherBeyond Words
Release dateFeb 5, 2019
Healthy Gut, Healthy You: The Intestinal Truth

Adrian Schulte

Dr. Adrian Schulte, MD, has been treating the consequences of careless eating habits for more than 20 years. Currently, Dr. Schulte is the chief physician and medical director at the F. X. Mayr Center for Intestinal Rehabilitation in Überlingen, Germany. There, he specializes in treating patients using natural remedies. In his spare time, he teaches how to achieve healthy digestion with the importance of slow, deliberate chewing and through lectures, articles, and his book Healthy Gut, Healthy You, which is out in nine languages.

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    Healthy Gut, Healthy You - Adrian Schulte

    Untapped Possibilities: Smelling, Tasting, Chewing

    Our cells consume energy. To provide them with this energy, we have to ingest food. That may not sound too appealing to a gourmet, and it would be a shame if eating was reduced to a purely physical level, but it is basically what drives us.

    But how do we figure out what is good for us and what isn’t, or what to buy and what’s best to avoid? It’s our sensory organs that make those decisions for us.

    Taste and Smell

    In the US and German-speaking countries (societies that have become more commercialized, with packaged foods) we tend to make decisions about what to eat based on what our eyes tell us. While in Mediterranean countries, touch and smell often play a role, since fresh foods are bought in local markets. We buy and eat better-quality fruits and vegetables if we use our sensory organs to provide our control center, the brain, with as much information as possible. In France, this is taught in school. Classes du goût are an integral part of their class schedule. Even the youngest pupils learn to train their senses of sight, touch, taste, and smell, so they can buy and enjoy their food with greater awareness. Granted, sniffing and manhandling produce before paying for it wouldn’t make you very popular in some places, but it’s a good idea all the same. We would discover that tomatoes picked abroad before ripening may have traveled long distances, but they haven’t acquired much smell. If we decided to take them home anyway, we would soon discover that they don’t have much taste either.

    Once the tomatoes have been prepared at home, smell is joined by taste. Ten thousand taste buds, which is more than in any other animal, help us make a correct judgment. A cat, for example, has a mere five hundred. Cats are carnivores. It wouldn’t occur to them to eat roots, vegetables, mushrooms, or grains, so they have no need for taste buds that tell them whether those foods are good or bad. But they do have a highly sophisticated and well-trained sense of smell that kicks in even before their sense of taste starts working. If you offer a cat something rotten, it will wrinkle up its nose and walk away. We’d be spared a lot of cases of food poisoning if we used our noses more. Think of the smell of a bad mussel or oyster or rotten meat. Those are difficult smells to forget.

    Smell and taste are closely related. You know what it’s like when you have a cold and can’t smell properly—the things you eat have less taste than usual too. Or try holding your nose while you’re eating; you can hardly taste anything.

    But how do we get our taste buds to explode like fireworks of flavor? To make full use of our sense of taste, whether for the purpose of choosing food or enjoying it, we must keep the food in our mouths for as long as possible. Swallowing after two bites is not enough to activate our taste buds. But if they are activated, and we like the taste of the food, something amazing happens. The brain pumps out dopamine, serotonin, and naturally produced opioids. These are messengers that leave us feeling not only full but also satisfied after a meal.

    Unfortunately, our sense of taste is easily tricked. High-quality, healthy food tastes good. That’s how we know we’ve made the right choice. But food that has lost its taste (if it ever had any in the first place) during the process of industrial production has flavoring or aromas added to it.

    The food industry has been doing this for decades. The majority of food consumed nowadays would never make it onto our tables if it weren’t for these added aromas. If you were to chew this food for a long time, you would notice that, unlike the taste of good-quality, healthy food, the taste provided by the artificial flavoring soon disappears. It is easy to tell the difference between artificially flavored food and fresh, healthy food. Try it yourself sometime!

    Our sense of taste does something else too. It triggers digestion. If we taste something sweet, the pancreas is stimulated to produce insulin. We need insulin to process the sugar we eat, but we only want so much insulin, as the fat reserve that some of us would like to get rid of is not broken down when insulin is at work. Fat burning is blocked. It would not be very efficient to break down fat reserves when high-energy sugar is on the way. That is why eating sweet things between meals has a doubly negative effect on our energy balance.

    We can assume that other taste sensations stimulate digestion. Let us imagine this scenario: We eat a bowl of yogurt with artificial strawberry aroma. The workers on the digestion assembly line are informed, and they get the tools ready to digest strawberries. But they don’t see any of the fruit they were expecting. Unfortunately, we know next to nothing about the consequences of such deception, but it’s easy to imagine a bunch of workers standing around with the wrong tools in their hands. They’d probably start losing interest in coming to work. They might even go on strike if we send a real strawberry their way.

    Conclusion: Use all the senses at your disposal when choosing food. Eating will be more of a pleasure and your health will benefit too.

    Chewing: The key to Healthy Digestion

    Chewing is the first step in digestion, and as you will see, it is also the last step you can actively participate in. That is why it is extremely important for us. The digestion that takes place in the mouth primarily consists of producing saliva and chewing.

    Saliva can be produced without our involvement as well, like when something makes our mouths water, which can happen even when our mouths are empty. The main control center, your brain, processes information sent to it by your eyes—when you have spotted something tasty—or it processes purely mental information, such as when you imagine something sweet you’d like to eat.

    We know of two different kinds of saliva. Watery saliva flows into your mouth like water to counteract something spicy or very sweet. Gel saliva, on the other hand, is produced by active chewing. We need it to lubricate the food we eat. Without it, you would have difficulty getting food down your esophagus. Of course, there is a trick, but it’s not good for digestion. You can rinse the unchewed food down with a drink, without having produced the necessary saliva beforehand. But, as you will see later, this takes its toll on your stomach.

    Gel saliva also contains an enzyme that begins to digest carbohydrates. That means that the splitting of the long carbohydrate chains that we call starch begins in the mouth. You can taste this if you carry out a little experiment. Chew an old piece of bread at least thirty times, and you will notice the pulp in your mouth gradually growing sweet. The short chain sugars that have been enzymatically split taste sweet to us, and the long chain sugars don’t.

    As we chew, the necessary gel saliva is produced, but there’s more. The chewing reduces the food to smaller pieces in order to digest it properly, while activating our sense of taste. An intense taste experience gives us a sense of being full (the sensory-specific satiety), which has nothing to do with a full stomach, and allows us to finish a meal without feeling bloated and tired.

    People who chew more consume fewer calories. This was demonstrated in a study that used video cameras to compare the eating habits of slim and overweight men. The overweight men did not take larger bites than the men of normal weight, but they ate more quickly, chewed less, and spent longer eating. The study showed that good chewing reduced calorie intake by an average of 11.9 percent. Assuming the men of normal weight had a daily intake of 2,000 calories, insufficient chewing would mean a calorie intake of approximately 238 calories more. In one year, that would add up to an excess of about 86,870 calories, which corresponds to about twenty-two pounds of fat! Of course, exercise, stress, and many other factors also play a role.

    However, why was the calorie intake lower? Thorough chewing leads to less of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin in our blood and a simultaneous increase in the appetite-suppressing hormones glucagon-like peptide-1 and cholecystokinin.

    And that’s not all. Chewing also improves circulation in the brain and enhances mental performance. Thorough chewing following an intestinal operation speeds up the recovery process. Recurrent bowel obstruction following an intestinal operation can be prevented by vigorous chewing. All of which demonstrates that good chewing has a significant influence on digestion, metabolism, and brain circulation.

    So why do we hardly ever see anyone chewing properly? This hasn’t always been the case. There’s an old German saying, Proper chewing leads to healthy digestion, and many of us can remember a grandmother telling us to chew each bite thirty-two times. This rule was established by the British politician William Gladstone, who thought we should chew each bite thirty-two times because we have thirty-two teeth. Horace Fletcher demonstrated how chewing can help us maintain or restore our health. Franz Xaver Mayr included chewing training in the treatments he developed to restore the performance of the digestive tract and healed many of his patients that way. How did all this knowledge get lost?

    Until the mid-twentieth century, we were expected to do something for our own health. Each individual was partly responsible for his or her health. The simpler the method, the more popular it was. It was an established fact that chewing aided digestion, thereby improving general health. However, such foundations for a healthy life were lost, as our society found itself struggling more and more with excess, and our healthcare system gradually took the burden of responsibility from the individual. Patients started to fill doctors’ waiting rooms, and there was a pill for just about everything. The emerging fast-food society replaced traditional eating cultures, and knowledge about the health-preserving qualities of chewing

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