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The Holistic Gut Prescription: Create Your Own Personal Path to Optimal Digestive Wellness
The Holistic Gut Prescription: Create Your Own Personal Path to Optimal Digestive Wellness
The Holistic Gut Prescription: Create Your Own Personal Path to Optimal Digestive Wellness
Ebook361 pages6 hours

The Holistic Gut Prescription: Create Your Own Personal Path to Optimal Digestive Wellness

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“The most thorough guide to intestinal wellness I’ve seen to date . . . to reverse leaky gut, chronic infections, candida and chronic inflammation” (Alan Christianson, NMD, New York Times–bestselling author of The Metabolism Reset Diet).
The Holistic Gut Prescription is designed to be a simple guide to healing the gut, based on the following premise: If people give the body what it needs to heal itself and remove the obstacles to its cure, then within reason, healing will follow.
“Nature Cure” is not easy to employ, but it is usually easy to understand. There are only so many building blocks, and there are only so many possible obstacles to cure. The physician’s job is not to “make someone well,” but rather to facilitate the process of healing. In this guide, Dr. Lauren helps readers recognize which obstacles to a healthy gut they face, how to remove them, and how to supply the specific building blocks they lack so they can create their own personal path to optimal digestive wellness.
“Dr. Lauren Deville drives this one HOME! This is one of the most comprehensive books on one of the most important subjects in our modern day, ‘gut health’ . . . Dr. Deville does an amazing job at helping you understand what the barriers to good gut health, therefore overall health, are and most importantly, what you can do about it to live your best life. This book covers everything you need to know to truly be empowered and help yourself heal. 5 stars from me! Bravo, excellent and timely work!” —Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, RN
Release dateFeb 6, 2018
The Holistic Gut Prescription: Create Your Own Personal Path to Optimal Digestive Wellness

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    The Holistic Gut Prescription - Lauren Deville


    I couldn’t even remember what normal felt like.

    As a child, I had severe allergies, in the usual pattern, called the atopic triad: eczema and hives, then hay fever, then asthma. When I was little, I loved dresses and frills and everything sparkly, but my rashes were so severe that I’d claw my legs open at night until they bled. My mom dressed me in long pants to hide the carnage and keep me from continuing to scratch whenever possible. (She tells me now that I pouted about it a lot.)

    I was born and spent the first few years of my life in Louisiana, but after multiple asthma attacks despite allergy shots, the allergist there told my family that perhaps I might do better in a drier climate. So, despite the fact that both my parents had lived in Louisiana for the better part of their lives, and all of my extended family was there too, my dad flew out to Arizona to look for a job—the driest of the dry states.

    In short order, we moved. And it worked: I definitely improved. Over the years, I even appeared to outgrow my allergies (provided I wasn’t around animals). As a physician myself now, though, I know that allergies are cumulative. The body reacts to environmental allergies, to food, and to chemicals in the same way: with histamine release. We succeeded in eliminating at least the environmental allergens in Louisiana, which knocked down my overall allergen load low enough that many of my symptoms faded to background noise… for a time. I don’t know if I had chemical sensitivities back then, but in retrospect, I did have food allergies: the IgG kind, the kind you can’t diagnose with a skin prick test (more on this in Chapter 1). Those symptoms don’t go away if you don’t address them—but I suspect that, with the strong healthy adrenals of a happy child, and the removal of the environmental allergens, my body was able to handle the food allergies without giving me too much trouble.


    My adrenals, the glands that help deal with stress (more on this in Chapter 4), took a major hit when my father died. I was fifteen. I suspect that they suddenly couldn’t produce enough cortisol (the stress hormone, and also the anti-inflammatory hormone) to deal with a normal day, let alone inflammatory insults like the food allergies that had been there all along. It was shortly after that when I first got acne: before that, people used to tell me I had skin like a porcelain doll. I think that was when the bloating began, too. Atopic children (those with the triad of skin problems, allergies, and asthma) commonly grow up to develop gut problems. I’d always had issues with constipation, but by the time I recognized the bloating for what it was, I was so used to it that I’d basically just tuned it out. I assumed everyone must feel this way.

    Then in college, I must have been exposed to toxic mold. (I deduced this via bloodwork in retrospect—and I did live in some pretty questionable places in college.) I think college was when the eczema came back, too. If I didn’t have leaky gut syndrome before (see Chapter 1), I had it now: and with it, overgrowth of candida (see Chapter 3), a fungal organism that eats sugar and simple carbohydrates and makes carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

    And guess what I was eating? Simple carbs. All the time.

    I thought I was being healthy, though: I ate bagels and cream cheese for breakfast, single-serve containers of fruited yogurt on the go, and occasionally I had iced mochas for lunch. (Okay, more than occasionally. The coffee cart guy gave me free coffee on a regular basis, and brought his wife to see me perform in a musical once.) But sometimes I’d snack on pieces of fruit here and there, maybe even the occasional carrots. I didn’t really cook (it seemed I always had better things to do), but I wasn’t eating fast food or desserts at every meal either, so I was doing well, right? I couldn’t explain the fact that I felt several months pregnant every time I ate, but I didn’t really think about it that much, to be honest. I was just so used to it.

    As you might imagine, naturopathic medical school was a bit of a rude awakening.

    I remember when I had my first food allergy test in the student clinic. The older student who took my case came back into the room with a somber look on her face. A sense of utter dread crashed over me.

    Please, I begged, please, just tell me I’m not allergic to coffee!

    No, she said, sliding the results over to me, but you’re allergic to everything else.

    It was almost true. To date, I think I’ve only seen one or two other patient food allergy tests to rival my own.

    Since then, it’s been quite a journey. I cut out the foods I was sensitive to and then added them back six weeks later, but (unlike most patients) the sensitivities just returned. While the bloating improved, during school, it really never went away. I’m sure this had something to do with the fact that, as a medical student, I was a stress ball. I already had a predisposition to anxiety (I have to do this, and this, and this, and oh my gosh, what if I forget that?). I was in constant fight or flight mode—which meant all the blood flowed to my limbs, and not to my gut, where it should have gone to rest and digest. I ate standing up, in the car, rushing to the next clinic rotation… anything but sitting down and chewing slowly, like I should have. This meant I wasn’t releasing sufficient digestive enzymes to break down the food I’d just thrust into my gullet—so the bacteria in my gut happily did it for me, producing an abundance of carbon dioxide and acid byproducts in the process. The bloating and cramping became especially bad, I noticed, when I was on rotation with a few attending physicians who were… let’s just say, not very nice to us students. (You know those stereotypes of medical school, where the attending physicians pick various students to humiliate at every opportunity? Yeah, that happens in naturopathic school, too. I never knew when it would be my turn to suffer wrath for something as simple as offering a patient a glass of water.) That entire quarter, and especially on one particular shift, I was one big gas bubble.

    Meanwhile, the eczema waxed and waned, mostly in response to various homeopathic remedies, which I plied upon myself like a mad scientist, lacking the patience to submit myself to a student clinician with more experience and objectivity. Once, my arms exploded in rashes from shoulders to wrists. I looked like I’d been burned: I wore long sleeves for three weeks in the Arizona summer to cover them up. The acne also stubbornly refused to budge, though it was decidedly worse around my menstrual cycle. As a woman who cared about my appearance, that was almost worse than anything else.

    Over those next four years of school, I tried a lot of things: a lot of diets, a lot of supplements, a lot of homeopathic remedies. My healthy regimen was enough to get me by, and make great strides, but not enough to get me fully better. My obstacles to cure were certainly stress (Chapter 5) and toxic thoughts—(There’s never enough time and what if I don’t get it all done?!—see Chapter 7), but also mold and recurrent candida (see Chapters 3 and 4), which prevented the leaky gut (see Chapter 1) from fully healing. Because of the mold, I wasn’t detoxing my hormones as well as I should have been either—which made everything worse around my cycle (see Chapter 6).

    Each of my issues had to be addressed, fully, in order for my own gut to heal: leaky gut syndrome and food allergies, candida, mold, seasonal allergies, adrenal fatigue, histamine intolerance, hormone imbalance, anxiety and stress. Some of those symptoms stemmed from the same root cause, and some were a root cause in and of themselves. Combined, they created my specific brand of digestive dysfunction. Every case is a little bit different—that’s why this is the Holistic Gut Prescription!

    This book is divided into two main sections: Part One discusses common obstacles to a healthy gut, including all those I had to address myself, plus some other common ones that I frequently see in many of the patients who arrive at my clinic. These chapters will contain more information than many of you need, and not enough for others. Some chapters may not be important for your particular case at all; they are here because they represent a significant percentage of the root cause of gut dysfunction I see in my patient population. In order to determine which chapters are most important for you, I recommend that you take the following quiz to determine your customized road map through this book.

    Which Are Your Most Likely Obstacles to Cure?

    1. Do you have rashes or eczema? Y/N

    2. Do you have GERD or reflux? Y/N

    3. Do you have gas and bloating? Y/N

    4. Do you have alternating constipation and diarrhea, or either one predominately? Y/N

    5. Do you have any chemical sensitivities—i.e. problems walking down the cleaning aisle, dislike of perfumes or artificial scents? Y/N

    6. Have you ever moved into a brand new home, or done any renovation in your home? Y/N

    7. Have you ever lived or worked in a place you suspected to be moldy? Y/N

    8. Do you have recurrent sinus infections? Y/N

    9. Do you consider yourself to be a Type A personality, always taking on more tasks? Y/N

    10. Do your symptoms follow a periodic, cyclical pattern, waxing and waning every few weeks? Y/N

    11. Do you sometimes feel like you look pregnant after a meal? Y/N

    12. Do you feel like there is a lot of stress in your life? Y/N

    13. Did you develop symptoms suddenly after an acutely stressful event in your life? Y/N


    a. If you are a woman, do you have trouble with your female hormones (PMS or perimenopausal symptoms)?

    b. If you are a man, do you suspect your testosterone might be low (fatigue, low motivation, depression, weight gain)? Y/N

    15. Do you feel fatigued, and/or struggle with dry skin, weight gain, hair loss, or constipation? Y/N

    16. Do you often feel hopeless? Y/N

    17. Do you struggle with following through on your good health resolutions? Y/N


    If yes to questions 1-4: Read Chapter 1

    If yes to questions 5-6: Read Chapter 2

    If yes to questions 7, 8, 10: Read Chapter 3

    If yes to questions, 3, 4, 11: Read Chapter 4

    If yes to questions 9, 12, 13: Read Chapter 5

    If yes to questions 14, 15: Read Chapter 6

    If yes to questions 16, 17: Read Chapter 7

    Each chapter includes a summary at the end, called the Take-Home Message, of steps you can take right now to improve your digestive health. This summary encompasses the most important takeaways from each chapter. If you follow just those and ignore the rest, you will still likely see significant improvement. I will intersperse patient stories to help illustrate the concepts, as well. Names and identifying information have all been changed, of course. And fair warning: I believe the Bible has a lot of wisdom for addressing the mental and spiritual struggles that often comprise our primary obstacles to cure. (It’s certainly made all the difference for me!) So in those chapters, I reference scripture often. If that doesn’t resonate with you, feel free to skim or skip those chapters—or read them anyway, and keep what works for you.

    Part Two will address how to stay better once you get better; and remember, the gut is not isolated! You can’t maintain a healthy gut without maintaining a healthy body overall. Neglect any one of the building blocks for health presented here, and your issues are likely to recur. Many times, a patient will get healthy, and leave my clinic thrilled, only to come back a few months or years later with all the old symptoms back. When I ask what happened, the answer is always some variation on, Well, once I got better, I went back to my old patterns, and it was okay for awhile, but then it caught up with me…

    This is the beauty of the naturopathic philosophy: our bodies are designed to heal themselves. If you give your body what it needs to heal and remove the obstacles to cure, health will generally follow. How simple or how complicated the interpretation of this principle becomes in a given case depends on a couple of main variables:

    1. How many obstacles to cure are present,

    2. How many building blocks are missing,

    3. How long you’ve been in the present condition, and/or

    4. How willing you are to make the necessary changes.

    I’m assuming, if you’ve picked up this book, that you’re willing! So we’ve got that one going for us.

    I’m grateful you’ve decided to go on this journey with me, and look forward to helping you achieve the healthy digestion you’ve always wanted!

    In Health,

    Dr Lauren

    Part 1


    All of the various components of digestion have to work together in order for assimilation of nutrients to happen. Before we get into the obstacles, let’s take a brief look at how things are supposed to work.

    Digestion In A Nutshell (A.K.A. Bowel Transit)

    When you chew your food, the enzymes in your saliva begin to break down the simple carbohydrates you consume, turning them into glucose. You swallow, and the food travels from your throat (A.K.A. pharynx) to your esophagus.

    The function of your esophagus is to connect your throat to your stomach, but it’s also a muscle, pushing your food downward in rhythmic waves called peristalsis.

    The esophagus opens into the stomach via a small muscle called the esophageal sphincter. The sphincter is coordinated with the peristaltic waves, opening in response to the waves, and closing in response to the low pH of the stomach acid below it.

    Your stomach processes the food bolus you’ve just swallowed, and produces hydrochloric acid which breaks down your food into bits for the next stages of the digestive process. Hydrochloric acid is especially necessary for breaking down protein; if there is too little, the later stages of digestion won’t be able to assimilate nutrients that are still trapped in their organic material, leading to malabsorption. Also, if those bits of food can’t go through later stages of digestion, the bacteria in your intestines will break it down for you, leading to gas and bloating.

    Your stomach is also the place where you secrete Intrinsic Factor, a protein necessary for the later absorption of Vitamin B12.

    Your stomach dumps food into your small intestine, where peristalsis continues. Your gut can only absorb simple molecules, so the first part of your small intestine, called the duodenum, receives digestive enzymes from the pancreas to further break down protein, carbs, and fat. Think of enzymes like pairs of scissors that cut bigger molecules into smaller pieces. There’s a different pair of scissors, or different enzymes, for different types of food.

    The duodenum also receives bile from your gall bladder (or directly from your liver if your gall bladder has been removed) to emulsify fat and allow its absorption. Bile works on fat the way soap works on dirt. Most toxins from solvents are fat-soluble, so if these have entered your digestive tract, the bile will sweep these up too.

    Nutrients absorbed by the small intestine travel to the liver for processing. This is where your body packages triglycerides into cholesterol, and the main site of storage for certain nutrients like Vitamin A and iron. Any chemicals your intestines absorb that your liver doesn’t recognize end up going through the liver’s phases of detoxification at this stage as well, so that they don’t circulate throughout your bloodstream. The liver is also the site of bile production; the gallbladder just stores it and secretes it into the intestines.

    Beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, gobble up whatever’s still not simple enough for your body to absorb, and they leave behind lactic acid as a byproduct. This process is called fermentation. A little chemistry digression here: fermentation happens in the absence of oxygen, and it’s the conversion of carbohydrates (sugar) to alcohol or lactic acid, and carbon dioxide (CO2). Lactic acid and/or alcohol act as a natural preservative, because bad bacteria cannot survive in an acidic environment—they keep the bad bacteria and yeast in check. They also break down antinutrients (called phytobiotics) that block the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals.

    Actual absorption of nutrients occurs mostly in the second and third part of the small intestine, called the jejunum and the ileum. The ileum is also the site of absorption of Intrinsic Factor, which is bound to Vitamin B12.

    After extracting all the good stuff, the ileum, the last part of the small intestine, then dumps whatever’s left over into the colon. The colon consists of the cecum (the connection between the ileum and the rest of the colon), and then the ascending, transverse, and descending colon, which are what they sound like. The descending colon turns into the sigmoid colon, so named because it’s shaped like an S, and it empties into the rectum. Peristalsis continues throughout the colon, pushing waste downward for elimination. The colon also reabsorbs water from the stool, so that it is neither too watery nor too dry.

    The rectum is about eight inches long, and acts as a storage reservoir for stool. When it becomes full, the brain tells you that it’s time to have a bowel movement (or to release gas, left over from the fermentation process above). The rectum is connected to the anal sphincter, part of the muscles of the pelvic floor. These are voluntary muscles that relax when we get to a toilet.

    Ideally this whole process takes about 24 hours. For the rest of Part One, we’ll look at reasons why things don’t always happen this way.

    Keep in mind as you read that the above nutshell is simplified. The body is composed of organs that are highly interrelated. For example, the gut also houses about 70% of your immune system; it’s also where almost 90% of your serotonin (the feel-good neurotransmitter which, if low, can lead to depression and anxiety). So many aspects of your well-being depend upon healthy gut function!

    All right, let’s jump in.

    Toxic Buildup from Food = An Inflamed Gut

    Lots of things can lead to gut inflammation. In this chapter, I’ll be discussing toxic exposures from genetically modified food, food allergies, and food additives, which can lead to (or perpetuate) gut inflammation.

    It can be easy to read this chapter and feel overwhelmed—we cover a lot of information. Again, not all of it may be important for you. We’ll recap this at the end of the chapter again, but as you read, please keep in mind that healthy eating is not all that complicated. Most of what I write in this chapter can be encompassed with a few simple rules:

    1. Read the ingredient list. The shorter the ingredient list, the better. If there is no ingredient list because the product is a whole unprocessed food, that is best of all!

    2. If you don’t recognize the ingredient, don’t eat it if you can help it.

    3. Choose foods that will spoil, and eat them before they do. The less processed, the better. You can usually accomplish this by shopping the perimeter of the grocery store: that’s where all the real foods are. The processed junk is usually in the center aisles, in bags, boxes, or cans.

    4. Avoid sugary, processed beverages. Especially avoid sugary, processed beverages laden with carcinogenic chemicals and food dyes.

    If you do just these things, you will likely feel much better. These rules may or may not be enough to get you back to where you want to be, though. For many of you, it will also be necessary to identify and remove food allergens. Before we get into food allergies, let’s talk about what allergies are in general.


    Your immune system is designed to protect your body against harmful substances, such as bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances (allergens). In that sense, allergic responses are not inherently bad. But in a person with allergies, the immune response is exaggerated, and you react to substances that are not generally harmful.

    The word allergies is kind of a catch-all term, since it can refer to allergic conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis (eczema), contact dermatitis, hay fever (seasonal allergies), or food or drug allergies, which tend to manifest symptoms all over the body.

    Common allergens include medications, dust, food (these reactions can be to the protein, starch, additive, or pesticide on the food), insect bites, mold, pet dander, pollen, hot or cold temperatures, sunlight, or other environmental triggers.

    There are actually five kinds of antibodies in your body, but for the purposes of allergy testing, we usually only test two: IgE and IgG. IgE are considered immediate sensitivity antibodies, which means your body mounts an immune response to that substance immediately. IgG are delayed sensitivity antibodies, which means it may take your body up to 72 hours to mount an immune response.

    Skin prick tests are the most common method of allergy testing. This measures IgE (immediate sensitivity antibodies). Blood tests can measure either IgE, or IgG. Food allergies are best measured with IgG antibody blood tests, because 80-95% food reactions are of the IgG variety. Blood tests for IgE antibodies are more valuable for environmental allergens such as molds, pet dander, pollens, grasses, dust and the like. These IgE tests are usually covered by insurance, but sometimes you have to fight for it. I will occasionally check IgA as well—these immunoglobulins are only present in the gut, and indicate a gut-only sensitivity, rather than a systemic sensitivity, though most gut inflammation heals by just addressing IgG immunoglobulins.

    Allergies of any kind almost always involve the gut. This is because 80% of your immune system resides in your gut. Ideally, your gut should produce a lot of IgA (a lot, but not too much), because it’s your first line of defense against any foreign substance. The flora and the lining of your gut need to be healthy in order to produce adequate IgA so that the rest of your body never has to deal with those substances. I test total IgA in stool cultures frequently, in order to identify the integrity of the body’s defense system.

    Food Allergies

    Food allergies are the first thing I think of when I see recurrent sinusitis or upper respiratory infections, asthma, ear infections, eczema, GERD (reflux), heartburn, or psoriasis. In addition to those, though, food allergies can also cause chronic gut issues (gas, bloating, IBS), fluid retention, autoimmunity, behavioral changes (lots of ADD/ADHD kids do much better when allergens are removed), and I’ve even seen cases where food sensitivities are responsible for hypertension and weight gain.

    Nobody is really sure why food allergies are so prevalent, but there are a few theories that make sense to me.

    Food allergies could stem from a lack of beneficial flora (probiotics) in our diets. Probiotics are important because they feed on the waste left over after we digest our food, and produce lactic acid, which helps protect our guts against pathogens. We used to get plenty of them by eating raw and fermented foods… but these days, our food is so processed and overheated that there are precious few good flora left over. That sets us up for overgrowth by the bad flora.

    Medicines that wipe out gut flora are also suspected of causing allergies. These include antibiotics, certainly, but they also include proton pump inhibitors (such as omeprazole), nSAIDs (like ibuprofen), steroids (like prednisone), birth control, and many others. (More on this in Chapter 4.)

    It has also been suggested that genetically modified foods may cause food allergies. If true, this could be because the glyphosate toxin produced by these foods kill off our gut flora, or because the novel components themselves are stimulating our immune systems. It has not been scientifically established that genetically modified foods cause food allergies, but the evidence is strong enough that I avoid them and counsel my patients to do the same. (More on this shortly.)

    Really, though, anything causing inflammation in the gut is capable of causing food allergies. This can be a bout of gastroenteritis, trauma, untreated malabsorption syndromes, environmental toxicity, and even chronic stress. If there’s inflammation in the lining of the small intestines for any reason, it sets you up to develop sensitivities to foods you could otherwise consume with no problem.

    If you think you might have food allergies, you have two choices: 1) see a naturopathic doctor or Functional Medicine doctor who will run an IgG food allergy test for you. 2) Follow an elimination diet. (For more information on how to do this, see Appendix A.)

    Leaky Gut Syndrome

    Leaky gut syndrome, or Intestinal Hyperpermeability, can be measured with a biomarker called zonulin, which is necessary for a tight intestinal barrier. Higher levels in the stool correlate with increased gut permeability, as do the presence of antibodies against it in the blood.¹

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