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The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods
The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods
The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods
Ebook1,897 pages25 hours

The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

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About this ebook

From the bestselling authors of The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, the most comprehensive and practical guide available to the nutritional benefits and medicinal properties of virtually everything edible

As countless studies have affirmed, diet plays a major role in both provoking and preventing a wide range of diseases. But just what is a healthy diet? What does the body need to stay strong and get well? In The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, Michael T. Murray, N.D., and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., two of the world¹s foremost authorities on nutrition and wellness, draw on an abundant harvest of research to present the best guide available to healthy eating.

Make healthy eating a lifetime habit.

Let The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods teach you how to:
  • design a safe diet
  • use foods to stimulate the body¹s natural ability to rejuvenate and heal
  • discover the role that fiber, enzymes, fatty acids, and other dietary components
  • have in helping us live healthfully
  • understand which food prescriptions will help you safely treat more than 70 specific ailments, including acne, Alzheimer¹s disease, immune system depression, insomnia, migraine headaches, PMS, and rheumatoid arthritis
  • prepare foods safely in order to prevent illness and maximize health benefits
  • select, store, and prepare all kinds of healthful foods

Providing the best natural remedies for everyday aches and pains, as well as potent protection against serious diseases, The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods is a required daily health reference.
PublisherAtria Books
Release dateMay 11, 2010
The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

Michael T. Murray

Michael T. Murray, ND, is a doctor of naturopathy, a field of alternative medicine that seeks to harness the power of nature to prevent illness and achieve the highest level of health possible. He is the author of more than thirty books, including the acclaimed bestsellers The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine (Third Edition) and The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods (co-authored with Dr. Joseph Pizzorno). He is regarded as the world authority on natural medicine and appears regularly in national media, including The Dr. Oz Show. He is a health food industry consultant, researcher, educator, and lecturer. For more information visit his information portal, DoctorMurray.com.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a great book for those who want to avoid putting more chemicals in their body and prefer to stay healthy the natural way. You can either look up specific foods to see their benefits or you can look up specific ailments to find the best food prescriptions to heal them.

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The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods - Michael T. Murray


Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food.



First of all, it is important for us to acknowledge all the researchers, physicians, and scientists who over the years have sought to better understand the role of diet and natural medicines in the prevention and treatment of disease. Without their work, this book would certainly not exist. Next, we must acknowledge the important role that our agent, Bonnie Solow, played in linking us up with Tracy Behar and Atria Books. We are indebted to everyone on the team for having the perseverance to make our book as reader-friendly and practical as possible.

Michael T. Murray, N.D.: Most of all, I would like to acknowledge my wife, Gina. Her love, support, and patience are the major blessings in my life, along with our wonderful children, Alexa, Zachary, and Addison.

Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D.: In appreciation of my wonderful family, who blesses my life: Lara, my beloved spouse; Raven, my dear daughter; and Galen, my brilliant son. Thank you to Dr. Michael Murray, whose keen intelligence and remarkable ability to communicate have dramatically increased the public understanding of natural medicine.

Lara Pizzorno, M.A. (Divinity), M.A. (Lit.), LMT: It’s lovely to be able to publicly acknowledge my sweet soul mate and husband, Joe; Galen, our most dear son; Raven, the daughter of my heart; and our two faithful felines, Catnip, who will always live in our hearts, and Smidge, who worked late with me many nights. A special thanks to Juan San Mames for sharing his expertise on saffron, and to Dr. Jeff Dahlberg, Dr. Lloyd Rooney, and Dr. Ronald Prior for sharing their research on sorghum. Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Michael Murray; without his vision, encyclopedic knowledge, and hard work, this book would not exist.




PART IBasic Principles of a Good Diet

1. Human Nutrition: An Evolutionary Perspective

2. Designing a Healthy Diet

3. Safe Eating

PART II Food Components

4. Protein

5. Carbohydrates and Dietary Fiber

6. Fats

7. Vitamins

8. Minerals

9. Accessory Nutrients and Phytochemicals

PART III Compendium of Healing Foods

10. The Healing Power of Vegetables

11. The Healing Power of Fruits

12. The Healing Power of Grains

13. The Healing Power of Legumes (Beans)

14. The Healing Power of Nuts, Seeds, and Oils

15. The Healing Power of Herbs and Spices

16. The Healing Power of Fish and Shellfish

17. The Healing Power of Milk and Other Dairy Products

18. The Healing Power of Meat and Poultry

19. The Healing Power of Miscellaneous Foods

PART IV Food Prescriptions for Specific Diseases

20. Promoting Health and Healing with Food

APPENDIX A Glycemic Index, Carbohydrate Content, and Glycemic Load of Selected Foods

APPENDIX B Acid-Alkaline Values of Selected Foods

APPENDIX C Pesticide Content of Popular Fruits and Vegetables

APPENDIX D Oxalate Content of Selected Foods

APPENDIX E Food-Drug Interactions

APPENDIX F Nutrient Content of Selected Foods per 3½-Ounce (100 Gram) Serving




There is an ever-growing appreciation of the role of diet in determining our level of health. It is now well established that certain dietary practices cause, as well as prevent, a wide range of diseases. In addition, more and more research is accumulating that indicates certain diets and foods offer immediate therapeutic benefit.

However, as people learn more about the value of proper nutrition, they often become confused by the conflicting opinions they encounter. The purpose of this book is to provide the most up-to-date answers to some important basic questions about nutrition:

What is a healthy diet?

How do I know what to eat and in what quantities?

How much protein, fat, fiber, and other food factors do I need in my diet?

What properties do individual foods possess?

If foods are medicines, which ones offer the greatest benefit for specific health problems?

More important, we hope that this information will inspire you to make healthier food choices. Our belief is that healthier food choices will result in a healthier and happier existence.

The human body is remarkable and truly wondrous, but most Americans are not feeding the body the high-quality fuel it deserves and needs. When a dynamic living organism does not receive the proper building blocks it needs for energy, maintenance, or repair, it is only a matter of time before it fails to run in an efficient manner. Stated another way, if the body is not fed the full range of nutrients it needs, how can it be expected to stay in a state of good health?

The human body, the vessel of your soul, is something to be cherished. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, The first wealth is health. We agree with this sentiment and urge you to make eating a healthy diet a lifetime habit. With that goal in mind, we offer you The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods: A Comprehensive Guide to the Healing Power of Nature’s Best Medicine.

•  •  •

May you live in good health, with passion and joy!

Michael T. Murray, N.D.

Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D.

Lara Pizzorno, M.A., L.M.T.

Basic Principles of a Good Diet

Human Nutrition: An Evolutionary Perspective

In order to answer the question What is a healthy diet?, it is important to first take a look at what our body is designed for. Is the human body designed to eat plant foods, animal foods, or both? Respectively, are we herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?

While the human gastrointestinal tract is capable of digesting both plant and animal foods, there are indications that we evolved to digest primarily plant foods. Specifically, our teeth are composed of twenty molars, which are perfect for crushing and grinding plant foods, along with eight front incisors, which are well suited for biting into fruits and vegetables. Only our front four canine teeth are designed for meat eating, and our jaws swing both vertically to tear and laterally to crush, while carnivores’ jaws swing only vertically. Additional evidence that supports the human body’s preference for plant foods is the long length of the human intestinal tract. Carnivores typically have a short bowel, while herbivores have a bowel length proportionally comparable to humans’.

To answer the question of what humans should eat, many researchers look to other primates, such as chimpanzees, monkeys, and gorillas. These nonhuman wild primates are omnivores. They are also often described as herbivores and opportunistic carnivores in that although they eat mainly fruits and vegetables, they may also eat small animals, lizards, and eggs if given the opportunity. For example, the gorilla and the orangutan eat only 1 percent and 2 percent of animal foods as a percentage of total calories, respectively. The remainder of their diet is derived from plant foods. Since humans are between the weight of the gorilla and orangutan, it has been suggested that humans are designed to eat around 1.5 percent of their diet in the form of animal foods. However, most Americans derive well over 50 percent of their calories from animal foods.

Since wild primates fill up on wild fruit and other highly nutritious plant foods, those weighing one tenth the amount of a typical human ingest nearly ten times the level of vitamin C and much higher amounts of many other vitamins and minerals (see Table 1.1). How is this possible? One reason is that the cultivated fruit in an American supermarket is far different from the wild fruit of the primate’s diet, having a slightly higher protein content and a higher content of certain essential vitamins and minerals. Cultivated fruit tends to be higher in sugars and, while very tasty to humans, it is not nearly as nutritious. In fact, it raises blood sugar levels much more quickly than its wild counter-parts do.

There are other differences in the wild primate diet that are also important to highlight, such as a higher ratio of alpha-linolenic acid—the essential omega-3 fatty acid—to linoleic acid—the essential omega-6 fatty acid. A higher ratio of omega-3 fatty acid decreases the likelihood of the development of inflammatory and chronic diseases as well as their severity. Finally, the wild primate diet is very high in fiber, while the average American diet is not. A high-fiber diet protects against heart disease and many types of cancer.

Determining what diet humans are best suited for may not be as simple as looking at the diet of wild primates. Humans have some significant structural and physiological differences compared to apes. The key difference may be our larger, more metabolically active brains. In fact, it has been theorized that a shift in dietary intake to more animal foods may have produced the stimulus for human brain growth. The shift itself was probably the result of limited food availability, which forced early humans to hunt grazing mammals such as antelope and gazelle. Archaeological data support this association—humans’ brains started to grow and become more developed at about the same time evidence shows an increase of animal bones being butchered with stone tools at early villages.

While improved dietary quality alone cannot fully explain why human brains grew, it definitely appears to have played a critical role. With their bigger brains, early humans were able to engage in more complex social behavior, which led to improved foraging and hunting tactics, which, in turn, led to even higher quality food intake that fostered additional brain evolution.

Data from anthropologists looking at evidence from hunter-gatherer cultures is providing much insight as to what humans are designed to eat. However, it is important to point out that these cultures were not entirely free to determine their diets. Instead, their diets were molded as a result of what was available to them. For example, the diet of the Inuit Eskimos is far different from that of the Australian Aborigines. Therefore, it may not be appropriate to answer the question What should humans eat? simply by looking at these studies alone.

Nonetheless, regardless of whether a hunter-gatherer community relied on animal or plant foods, the rate of diseases of civilization such as heart disease and cancers was extremely low.

How is this possible? One reason is that the meat our ancestors consumed was much different from the meat we find in the supermarket today. Domesticated animals have always had higher fat levels than their wild counterparts, but the desire for tender meat has driven the fat content of domesticated animals to 25 to 30 percent or higher compared to a fat content of less than 4 percent for free-living animals or wild game. In addition, the type of fat is considerably different. Domestic beef contains primarily saturated fats and virtually undetectable amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. In contrast, the fat of wild animals contains over five times more polyunsaturated fat per gram and has desirable amounts of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids (approximately 4 percent).

What conclusions can we draw from the evidence of the wild primate and hunter-gatherer diets about how we should eat today? Overwhelmingly, it appears that humans are better suited to a diet composed primarily of plant foods. This position is supported also by a tremendous amount of evidence showing that deviating from a predominantly plant-based diet is a major factor in the development of heart disease, cancer, strokes, arthritis, and many other chronic degenerative diseases. It is now the recommendation of many health and medical organizations that the human diet should focus primarily on plant-based foods, comprising vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

The evidence supporting diet’s role in chronic degenerative diseases is substantial. There are two basic facts linking the diet-disease connection:

A diet rich in plant foods is protective against many diseases that are extremely common in Western society.

A diet providing a low intake of plant foods is a causative factor in the development of these diseases and provides conditions under which other causative factors became more active.

The Pioneering Work of Denis Burkitt and Hugh Trowell

Much of the link between diet and chronic disease originated from the work of two medical pioneers: Denis Burkitt, M.D., and Hugh Trowell, M.D., editors of Western Diseases: Their Emergence and Prevention, first published in 1981. Although now extremely well recognized, the work of Burkitt and Trowell is actually a continuation of the landmark work of Weston A. Price, a dentist and author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. In the early 1900s, Dr. Price traveled the world observing changes in teeth and palate (orthodontic) structure as various cultures discarded traditional dietary practices in favor of a more civilized diet. Price was able to follow individuals as well as cultures over periods of twenty to forty years, and he carefully documented the onset of degenerative diseases as their diets changed.

Based on the extensive studies examining the rate of diseases in various populations (epidemiological data), including the groundbreaking work of Dr. Price and their own observations of primitive cultures, Burkitt and Trowell formulated the following sequence of events:

First stage: In cultures consuming a traditional diet consisting of whole, unprocessed foods, the rate of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer is quite low.

Second stage: Commencing with eating a more Western diet, there is a sharp rise in the number of individuals with obesity and diabetes.

Third stage: As more and more people abandon their traditional diet, conditions that were once quite rare become extremely common. Examples of these conditions include constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and appendicitis.

Fourth stage: Finally, with full Westernization of the diet, other chronic degenerative or potentially lethal diseases, including heart disease, cancer, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout, become extremely common.

Since the publication in Western Diseases of Burkitt and Trowell’s pioneering research, a virtual landslide of data has continually verified the role of the Western diet as the key factor in virtually every chronic disease, but especially in obesity and diabetes. In 1984, the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council established the Committee on Diet and Health to undertake a comprehensive analysis on diet and major chronic diseases. Their findings, as well as those of the U.S. surgeon general, the National Cancer Institute, and other highly respected medical groups brought to the forefront the need for Americans to change their eating habits to reduce their risk for chronic disease. Table 1.2 lists diseases with convincing links to a diet low in plant foods. Many of these now-common diseases were extremely rare before the twentieth century.

Trends in U.S. Food Consumption

During the twentieth century, food consumption patterns changed dramatically. Total dietary fat intake increased from 32 percent of calories in 1909 to 43 percent by the end of the century; carbohydrate intake dropped from 57 percent to 46 percent; and protein intake has remained fairly stable at about 11 percent.

Compounding these detrimental changes are the individual food choices accounting for the changes. There were significant increases in the consumption of meat, fats and oils, and sugars and sweeteners in conjunction with a decreased consumption of noncitrus fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products. But the biggest change in the last hundred years of human nutrition was the switch from a diet with a high level of complex carbohydrates, as found naturally occurring in grains and vegetables, to a tremendous and dramatic increase in the number of calories consumed in the form of simple sugars. Currently, more than half of the carbohydrates being consumed are in the form of sugars such as sucrose (table sugar) and corn syrup, which are added to foods as sweetening agents. High consumption of refined sugars is linked to many chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

The Government and Nutrition Education

Throughout the years, various governmental organizations have published dietary guide-lines, but it has been the recommendations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that have become the most widely known. In 1956,the USDA published Food for Fitness—A Daily Food Guide. This became popularly known as the Basic Four Food Groups. The Basic Four were:

The Milk Group: milk, cheese, ice cream, and other milk-based foods

The Meat Group: meat, fish, poultry, and eggs, with dried legumes and nuts as alternatives

The Fruits and Vegetables Group

The Breads and Cereals Group

One of the major problems with the Basic Four Food Groups model was that it suggested graphically that the food groups were equal in health value. The result was an overconsumption of animal products, dietary fat, and refined carbohydrates and insufficient consumption of fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes. This in turn resulted in the diet being responsible for many premature deaths, chronic diseases, and increased health care costs.

To replace the Basic Four Food Groups model, various other government and medical organizations developed guidelines of their own, designed either to reduce a specific chronic degenerative disease such as cancer or heart disease or to reduce the risk for all chronic diseases.

In an attempt to create a new model in nutrition education, the USDA published the Eating Right Pyramid in 1992. Since it received harsh criticism from numerous experts and other organizations, it was altered visually in 2005 (see page 10).

One of the main criticisms of the Eating Right Pyramid is that it does not stress strongly enough the importance of quality food choices. For example, the USDA thinks foods from the Bread, Cereal, Rice, & Pasta Group should make up the bulk of your diet. Eat six to eleven servings a day from this group, and you are supposedly on your way to a healthier life. What the pyramid doesn’t tell you is that you are setting yourself up for insulin resistance,obesity,and adult-onset diabetes if you consistently choose refined products (those containing white flour) rather than whole-grain products in this important category.


USDA Eating Right Pyramid

You see, the Eating Right Pyramid does not take into consideration how quickly blood sugar levels rise after eating a particular type of food—an effect referred to as the food’s glycemic index, or GI. The GI is a numerical scale used to indicate how fast and how high a particular food raises blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. There are two versions of the GI, one based on a standard of comparison that uses glucose scored as 100, while the other is based on white bread. Foods are tested against the results of the selected standard. Foods with a lower glycemic index create a slower rise in blood sugar, while foods with a higher glycemic index create a faster rise in blood sugar.

The glycemic indices of some of the foods the pyramid is directing Americans to eat more of, such as breads, cereals, rice, and pasta, can greatly stress blood sugar control, especially if they are derived from refined grains, and are now being linked to an increased risk for obesity, diabetes, and cancer. As a result, while the goal of the Eating Right Pyramid was to improve the health of Americans and, it was hoped, slow down the growing trend for obesity and diet-related disease, the fact is that because of poor individual food choices within the categories, the pyramid has only worsened the problem.

In light of this, the big question consumers may want to ask is Is it appropriate to have the USDA making these food recommendations in the first place? After all, the USDA serves two somewhat conflicting roles. First, it represents the food industry, and second, it is in charge of educating consumers about nutrition. Many people believe that the pyramid was more weighted toward dairy products, red meat, and grains due to the influence of the dairy, beef, and grain farming and processing industries. In other words, the pyramid was not designed as a way to improve the health of Americans but rather to promote the USDA agenda of supporting multinational food giants.

The Optimal Health Food Pyramid

We do like the concept of graphically illustrating what constitutes a healthful diet, so we are offering our version of the Eating Right Pyramid: the Optimal Health Food Pyramid.

The Optimal Health Food Pyramid incorporates the best aspects from two of the most healthful diets ever studied: the traditional Mediterranean diet and the traditional Asian diet. It also more clearly defines what the healthy components within the categories are and stresses the importance of regular consumption of vegetable oils as part of a healthy diet. Let’s take a closer look at each category.

Foods to avoid entirely:

Refined white flour products, including breads, pastas, cakes, muffins, and pretzels

Refined sugar-loaded products, including cereals, candies, and baked goods

Processed foods packed full of empty calories (sugar and fat) and/or salt, for example, canned soups, theater-style popcorn, and potato chips

Margarine, butter, and shortening

Smoked and cured meats, including bacon, hot dogs, smoked luncheon meats, sausages, ham, and Spam

Meats cooked at extremely high temperatures or cooked to well done

Heavily sweetened or artificially sweetened soft drinks, flavored drinks, and teas

Fried foods, including French fries, potato chips, corn chips, and doughnuts

Vegetables: Five to Seven Servings Daily

The word vegetable comes from the Latin vegetare, meaning to enliven or animate. Vegetables give us life and should be the main focus of any health-promoting diet. Vegetables provide the broadest range of nutrients of any food class. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and protein. They also provide high quantities of cancer-fighting phytochemicals.

It is very important not to overcook vegetables. Overcooking will not only result in the loss of important nutrients, it will also drain the flavor. Light steaming, baking, and quick stirfrying are the best ways to cook vegetables. And do not boil vegetables unless you are making soup, as much of the nutrients will leach into the water.


The Optimal Health Food Pyramid

If fresh vegetables are not available, frozen vegetables are preferred over their canned counterparts. The only exception is tomato products, for example, soup, paste, or sauce, because canned products actually provide more absorbable lycopene than do raw tomatoes.

There are three vegetable categories: green leafy and cruciferous; low-glycemic; and starchy. Eating a variety of vegetables from each category daily will help you achieve a rainbow assortment and allow you to focus on low-glycemic choices. One vegetable serving equals:

1 cup of raw leafy vegetables (such as lettuce or spinach);

½ cup raw nonleafy, cooked vegetables, or fresh vegetable juice.


Alfalfa sprouts

Beet greens

Bok choy


Brussels sprouts



Chard Spinach

Chinese cabbage

Collard greens





Lettuce (the darker, the better)

Mustard greens


Turnip greens



Artichoke (1 medium)


Bean sprouts

Bell peppers








Peas (fresh or frozen)



String beans (green or yellow)

Tomatoes, tomato

paste, tomato

sauce, tomato

Summer squash

juice cocktail

juice, vegetable









Winter, acorn, or butternut squash

Yams or sweet potatoes

Good Oils and Fats (Nuts, Seeds, and Vegetable Oils): Four Servings Daily

Nuts and seeds, especially those providing the monounsaturated and medium-chain fatty acids, contain beneficial oils. Regular consumption of nuts has been shown to improve blood sugar regulation and lower the risk for diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer.

Be sure to focus on raw nuts and seeds, avoiding nuts and seeds roasted in oils or coated with sugar. Nuts and seeds are great to add to salads and sautéed greens. Try to mix it up a bit by eating a variety such as almonds, Brazil nuts, flaxseeds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds.

Use canola, flaxseed, macadamia, or olive oil to replace the butter, margarine, and shortening that you use for cooking, or try them in your homemade salad dressings. However, you never want to cook with flaxseed oil because it is very rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, which are easily damaged by heat. Coconut and macadamia nut oils are the best cooking oils because of their ability to remain stable at high temperatures, but olive oil is great for sautéed vegetables and canola oil is usually best for baked goods because it has the least nutty flavor. Avoid using safflower, sunflower, soy, and corn oil because they contain too much omega-6 fattyacid, which feeds into inflammatory pathways in the body.

We suggest that you have at least one serving of nuts or seeds (one serving equals ¼ cup) and 3 tablespoons of the healthy oils per day.

Whole Grains: Three to Five Servings Daily

It is very important to choose whole-grain products, such as whole-grain breads, whole-grain flour products, and brown rice, over their processed counterparts, including white bread, white flour products, and white rice. Whole grains provide substantially more nutrients and health-promoting properties. They are a major source of complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, magnesium and other minerals, and B vitamins. The protein content and quality of whole grains is also greater than that of refined grains. Diets rich in whole grains have been shown to be helpful in both the prevention and treatment of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Beans (Legumes): Two to Three Servings Daily

Beans, a mainstay in most diets of the world, are second only to grains in supplying calories and protein to the world’s population. Compared to grains, they supply about the same number of total calories but usually provide two to four times as much protein and are a richer source of the soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol and stabilizes blood sugar levels. While we do not recommend using canned vegetables or fruit, canned beans retain their fiber content and anticancer flavonoids. Plus, given the long preparation time for cooking beans, canned beans are extremely quick and convenient. A serving size for beans is ½ cup.

Fruits: Three to Four Servings Daily

Fruits are a rich source of many beneficial nutrients, and regular fruit consumption has been shown to offer significant protection against chronic degenerative diseases, including cancer, heart disease, cataracts, diabetes, and stroke. Fruits make excellent between-meals snacks and super desserts. We know it’s easy to get into the habit of eating only a few varieties of fruit, so we encourage you to eat a rainbow assortment of fruits over the course of a week. Keep in mind that one serving equals one 1 medium fruit or ½ cup of small or cut-up fruit; 4 ounces of 100 percent juice; or ¼ cup dried fruit.

High-Quality Protein: Two to Three Servings Daily

The detrimental effects of diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol have been stressed for decades. Likewise, the importance of the omega-3 fatty acids in the battle against chronic disease is now well known. Fish consumption, in particular, has shown tremendous protection against heart disease and cancer because of the high content of omega-3 fatty acids in fish. Choosing smaller species of fatty fish, such as wild salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines, is best because their smaller size and shorter life span translate into a smaller accumulation of mercury, PCBs, and other environmental toxins. Wild-caught fish have less accumulation than farmed fish. Because of concerns about exposure to mercury and other environmental toxins, we recommend that you consume wild fish at least three, but no more than six, times per week.

We suggest that you limit your intake of red meat (beef, veal, or lamb) to no more than two servings per month and choose the leanest cuts possible. Do not charbroil or cook the meat until well done, as this increases the formation of cancer-causing compounds. Also, consider some of the alternatives to beef, such as venison, buffalo, elk, rabbit, and ostrich. These emerging beef alternatives are lower in saturated fat and provide higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

Chicken and turkey can also provide excellent protein with very little fat, especially if you eat only the white meat (breast) and do not eat the skin. Eggs are also a very good source of high-quality protein and, if produced by free-range hens fed flaxseed meal, are rich in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.

One serving is about the size of a deck of cards. That translates to roughly 3 to 4 ounces.

Dairy: One to Two Servings Daily (Optional)

Many people are allergic to milk or lack the enzymes necessary to digest dairy products. Even for people who do tolerate dairy foods, milk consumption should be limited to no more than one or two servings per day. Although dairy foods are rich in protein and calcium, they are also high in fat and calories, lacking the wide nutrient spectrum of foods in the categories previously discussed. Dairy foods can also contain accumulations of agricultural chemicals and hormones if not organically produced. Use organic, nonfat, or reduced-fat dairy products over whole-milk varieties whenever possible. Also, fermented dairy products such as yogurt, kefir, and acidophilus-fortified milk are preferred over milk due to their content of beneficial bacteria, which predigest the dairy proteins and sugars. If you haven’t tried some of the soy milk alternatives to cow’s milk, they are delicious, especially the flavored varieties, which include vanilla and chocolate.

One serving equals 1 cup of milk, yogurt, or cottage cheese or 1 ounce of cheese. If you do not consume dairy products, we recommend that you take a calcium supplement.

The Optimal Health Food Pyramid and the dietary guidelines given reflect the current scientific answer to the ideal diet for most people. They are based upon a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet. If you need to increase your caloric intake, we recommend getting the extra calories you need by increasing the number of servings of vegetables, nuts, and legumes, as these are the best foods for improving blood sugar control. Athletes or people engaged in heavy physical labor or exercise should add another serving of seafood, meat, or poultry to their daily intake or add a soy protein or whey protein smoothie to provide an additional 25 to 30 grams of protein.


Fish consumption offers significant protection against heart disease and many forms of cancer, especially the major cancers such as lung, colon, breast, and prostate. While we certainly encourage you to eat more fish, we need to give you some guidelines. Nearly all fish contain trace amounts of methyl mercury. In most cases this is of little concern because the level is so low. The fish most likely to have the lowest level of methyl mercury are salmon (usually nondetectable levels), cod, mackerel, cold-water tuna, farm-raised catfish, and herring. But certain seafood, particularly swordfish, shark, and some other large predatory fish, may contain high levels of methyl mercury. Fish absorb methyl mercury from water and aquatic plants. Larger predatory fish also absorb mercury from their prey. Methyl mercury binds tightly to the proteins in fish tissue, including muscle, and cooking does not reduce the mercury content significantly.

We suggest limiting your intake to no more than about two pounds (one kilogram) of fish per week. This translates to six 7-ounce servings per week, maximum. Also, be sure to limit your intake of swordfish, shark, and warm-water tuna to no more than once a week (or once a month if you are a woman of childbearing age who might get pregnant).

The following chapters explain the recommendations of the Optimal Health Food Pyramid in depth and more clearly define the benefits, features, and importance of consuming healing foods.

Designing a Healthy Diet

Diet is fundamental to good health, yet few Americans really spend much thought or time on designing a diet that will promote health. Far too many people have fallen prey to the comforts of modern life, with its physical inactivity and reliance on foods that provide temporary sensory gratification at the expense of true nourishment. As a result, there is an epidemic of diet-related diseases in the United States.

But it’s easy to give your body its best chance of achieving and maintaining good health. Here are seven important principles that will go a long way toward helping you avoid diet-related diseases.


Eat a rainbow assortment of fruits and vegetables.

Reduce your exposure to pesticides.

Eat to regulate your blood sugar level.

Do not overconsume meat and other animal foods.

Eat the right types of fats.

Keep your salt intake low, your potassium intake high.

Drink a sufficient amount of water each day.


A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is your best bet for preventing virtually every chronic disease. This fact has been established time and again by scientific studies on large numbers of people. The evidence in support of this recommendation is so strong that it has been endorsed by U.S. government health agencies and by virtually every major medical organization, including the American Cancer Society. By rainbow, we simply mean that by selecting fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, you’ll be giving your body the full spectrum of pigments with powerful antioxidant effects, as well as the nutrients it needs for optimal function and protection against disease.

Fruits and vegetables are so important in the battle against cancer that some experts have said—and we agree—that cancer is a result of a maladaptation over time to a reduced level of intake of fruits and vegetables. As a study published in the medical journal Cancer Causes & Control put it, Vegetables and fruit contain the anticarcinogenic cocktail to which we are adapted. We abandon it at our peril.

A vast number of substances found in fruits and vegetables are known to protect against cancer. Some experts refer to these as chemopreventers, but they are better known as phytochemicals (see Table 2.2). Phytochemicals include pigments such as carotenes, chlorophyll, and flavonoids; dietary fiber; enzymes; vitaminlike compounds; and other minor dietary constituents. Although phytochemicals work in harmony with antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium, phytochemicals exert considerably greater protection against cancer than these simple nutrients. Among the most important groups of phytochemicals are pigments such as chlorophyll, carotenes, and flavonoids.


In the United States, more than 1.2 billion pounds of pesticides and herbicides are sprayed on or added to food crops each year. That’s roughly five pounds of pesticides for each man, woman, and child. There is a growing concern that in addition to these pesticides directly causing a significant number of cancers, exposure to these chemicals through food consumption damages your body’s detoxification mechanisms, thereby increasing your risk of getting cancer and other diseases.


Buy many kinds of fruits and vegetables when you shop, so you have plenty of choices in the house.

Stock up on frozen vegetables for easy cooking so that you can have a vegetable dish with every dinner. You can easily steam frozen vegetables.

Use the fruits and vegetables that go bad quickly, such as peaches and asparagus, first. Save hardier varieties, such as apples, acorn squash, and frozen goods, for later use if you do not shop frequently in a week.

Keep fruits and vegetables where you can see them. The more often you see them, the more likely you are to eat them.

Keep a bowl of cut-up vegetables on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

Make a big tossed salad with several kinds of greens, cherry tomatoes, cut-up carrots, red pepper, broccoli, scal-lions, and sprouts. Refrigerate in a large glass bowl with an airtight lid, so a delicious mixed salad will be ready to enjoy for several days.

Keep a fruit bowl on your kitchen counter, table, or desk at work.

Pack a piece of fruit or some cut-up vegetables in your briefcase or backpack and carry moist towelettes for easy cleanup.

Add fruits and vegetables to lunch by having them in soup, in salad, or cut up raw.

Increase portions when you serve vegetables. One easy way of doing so is adding fresh greens, such as Swiss chard, collards, or beet greens, to stir-fries.

Add extra varieties of vegetables when you prepare soups, sauces, and casseroles. For example, add grated carrots and zucchini to spaghetti sauce.

Take advantage of salad bars, which offer ready-to-eat raw vegetables and fruits, as well as prepared salads made with fruits and vegetables.

Use vegetable-based sauces such as marinara sauce and juices such as low-sodium V8 or tomato juice.

Choose fresh fruit for dessert. For a special dessert, try a fruit parfait with low-fat yogurt or sherbet topped with lots of berries.

Freeze blueberries. They make a great summer replacement for ice cream, popsicles, and other sugary foods.

We are all exposed to pesticides and other toxins in the air that we breathe, the environment, and the food that we eat. To illustrate just how problematic pesticides can be, let’s take a quick look at the health problems of the farmer. The lifestyle of farmers is generally healthy. Compared to city dwellers, they have access to lots of fresh food, breathe cleaner air, work harder physically, and have a lower rate of cigarette smoking and alcohol use. Yet studies show that farmers have a higher risk of developing lymphomas, leukemias, and cancers of the stomach, prostate, brain, and skin.

Perhaps the most problematic pesticides are the halogenated hydrocarbon family, such as DDE, PCB, PCP, dieldrin, and chlordane. These chemicals persist in the environment almost indefinitely. For example, a similar pesticide, DDT, has been banned for nearly thirty years, yet it can still be found in soil and root vegetables, such as carrots and potatoes. Our bodies have a tough time detoxifying and eliminating these compounds, which end up being stored in our fat cells. What’s more, inside the body these chemicals can act like the hormone estrogen. They are thus suspected as a major cause of the growing epidemic of estrogen-related health problems, including breast cancer. Some evidence also suggests that that these chemicals increase the risk of developing lymphomas, leukemia, and pancreatic cancer, as well as playing a role in low sperm counts and reduced fertility in men.

Avoiding pesticides is especially important for preschool-aged children. Children are at greater risk of suffering from the damaging effects of pesticides for two reasons: they eat more food relative to their body mass, and they consume more foods higher in pesticide residues, such as juices, fresh fruits, and vegetables. A recent University of Washington study that analyzed levels of breakdown products of organo-phosphorus pesticides (a class of insecticides that disrupt the nervous system) in the urine of thirty-nine urban and suburban children 2 to 4 years of age found that concentrations of pesticide metabolites were one sixth as high in the children who ate organic fruits and vegetables as in those eating conventional produce.

After conducting an analysis of U.S. Department of Agriculture residue data for all pesticides for 1999 and 2000, Consumers Union warned parents of small children to limit or avoid conventionally grown foods known to have high residues, such as cantaloupes, green beans (including canned and frozen), pears, strawberries, Mexican-grown tomatoes, and winter squash. The University of Washington study added apples to this list.

Here are our recommendations for avoiding pesticides in your diet.

Do not overconsume foods that have a tendency to concentrate pesticides, such as animal fats, meat, eggs, cheese, and milk. Try to purchase free-range and organic forms of these foods.

Buy organic produce, which is grown without the aid of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Although less than 3 percent of the total produce in the United States is grown without pesticides, organic produce is widely available.

Develop a good relationship with your local grocery store produce manager. Explain your desire to reduce your exposure to pesticides and waxes. Ask what measures the store takes to ensure that pesticide residues are within approved limits. Ask where the store gets its produce. Make sure the store is aware that foreign produce is much more likely to contain excessive levels of pesticides as well as pesticides that have been banned in the United States.

Try to buy local produce, in season.

Peeling off the skin or removing the outer layer of leaves of some produce may be all you need to do reduce pesticide levels. The downside of this is that many of the nutritional benefits are concentrated in the skin and outer layers. An alternative measure is to remove surface pesticide residues, waxes, fungicides, and fertilizers by soaking the item in a mild solution of additive-free soap, such as Ivory or pure castile soap. All-natural, biodegradable cleansers are also available at most health food stores. To use, spray the food with the cleanser, gently scrub, and rinse.

For information on the pesticide content of popular fruit and vegetables, see Appendix C, pages 783-86.


Refined sugars, white flour products, and other sources of simple sugars are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar. In response, the body boosts secretion of insulin by the pancreas. High-sugar, junk-food diets definitely lead to poor blood sugar regulation, obesity, and ultimately type 2 diabetes. But the stress on the body that they cause, including secreting too much insulin, can also promote the growth of cancer and increase the risk of heart disease. So we will make this simple recommendation: Don’t eat junk foods, and pay attention to the glycemic load of the foods you eat.

In chapter 1, we introduced the term glycemic index (GI). The GI refers to how quickly your blood sugar level rises after you eat a certain amount of food based on a referenced amount of carbohydrate. However, since it doesn’t tell you how much carbohydrate there is in a typical serving of a particular food, another tool is needed. That is where glycemic load comes in. The glycemic load (GL) is a relatively new way to assess the impact of carbohydrate consumption that takes the glycemic index into account but gives a more complete picture of the effect that a food has on blood sugar levels based on how much carbohydrate you actually eat in a serving. A GL of 20 or more is high, a GL of 11 to 19 is medium, and a GL of 10 or less is low. For example, let’s take a look at beets, a food with a high GI but a low GL. Although the carbohydrate in beet root has a high GI, there isn’t a lot of it, so a typical serving of cooked beetroot has a glycemic load that is relatively low, about 5. Thus, as long you eat a reasonable portion of a low-glycemic-load food, the impact on blood sugar is acceptable, even if the food is high in its GI. For example, a diabetic can enjoy some watermelon (GI 72) as long as he keeps the serving size reasonable. For example, 120 grams of watermelon have a glycemic load of only 4.

In essence, foods that are mostly water (e.g., apple or watermelon), fiber (e.g., beetroot or carrot), or air (e.g., popcorn) will not cause a steep rise in your blood sugar even if their glycemic index is high as long as you exercise moderation in portion sizes. To help you design your diet, we provide a list of the glycemic index, fiber content, and glycemic load of common foods in Appendix A.


Study after study confirms one basic truth: the higher your intake of meat and other animal products, the higher your risk of heart disease and cancer, especially for the major cancers such as colon, breast, prostate, and lung cancer.


According to the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which studied the eating habits of 15,000 American adults, one third of the average diet in this country is made up of unhealthy foods, including potato chips, crackers, salted snack foods, candy, gum, fried fast food, and soft drinks. These items offer little in terms of protein, vitamins, or minerals. What they do have is lots of empty calories in the form of sugar and fat. They fill you up so you don’t have room for the good stuff—the foods that give your body a fighting chance to prevent cancer and other diseases.

Here are guidelines for making healthier eating choices:

Read labels carefully. If sugar, fat, or salt is one of the first three ingredients listed, it is probably not a good option.

Be aware that certain words appearing on the label, such as sucrose, glucose, maltose, lactose, fructose, corn syrup, white grape juice concentrate, or evaporated cane juice, mean that sugar has been added.

Look not just at the percentage of calories from fat but also the number of grams of fat. For every 5 grams of fat in a serving, you are eating the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of fat.

If a snack doesn’t provide at least 2 grams of fiber, it’s not a good choice.

There are many reasons for this association. Meat lacks the antioxidants and phytochemicals that protect us from cancer. At the same time, it contains lots of saturated fat and other potentially carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compounds, including pesticide residues, as well as heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which form when meat is grilled, fried, or broiled. The better done the meat, the higher level of amines and hydrocarbons.

Some proponents of a diet high in meats claim that we should eat the way our caveman ancestors did, but that argument doesn’t really hold up. The meat of wild animals that early humans consumed was much different from the industrially produced, shrink-wrapped meat we find in supermarkets today. The demand for tender meat has led to the breeding of cattle whose meat contains 25 percent to 30 percent fat, or more. In contrast, meat from free-living animals and wild game has a fat content of less than 4 percent.

It’s not just the amount of fat, however, that distinguishes industrially produced meat. Its composition is also different. Domestic beef contains primarily saturated fats and virtually no beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, while the fat of wild animals contains more than five times the polyunsaturated fat per gram and has substantial amounts, about 4 percent, of omega-3 fatty acids. Range-fed animals also contain ten times as much conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) as grain-fed animals. CLA is a slightly altered form of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid. It occurs naturally in meat and dairy products. CLA was discovered in 1978 when researchers at the University of Wisconsin were looking for cancer-causing compounds that result from cooking. Instead, they found CLA, which appears to be an anticancer compound. Preliminary studies show that CLA might reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Particularly harmful to human health are cured or smoked meats, such as ham, hot dogs, bacon, and jerky that contain sodium nitrate and/or sodium nitrites, which are compounds that keep food from spoiling but dramatically increase the risk for cancer. These chemicals react with the amino acids in foods in the stomach to form highly carcinogenic compounds known as nitrosamines.

Research on adults makes a convincing argument to avoid cured or smoked meats. Even more compelling is the evidence linking consumption of nitrates to a significantly increased risk of the major childhood cancers, including leukemias, lymphomas, and brain cancers:

Children who eat twelve hot dogs per month have nearly ten times the risk of developing leukemia as children who do not eat hot dogs.

Children who eat hot dogs once a week double their chances of developing brain tumors; eating them twice a week triples the risk.

Pregnant women who eat two servings per day of any cured meat have more than double the risk of bearing children who have brain cancer.

Children who eat the most ham, bacon, and sausage have three times the risk of developing lymphoma.

Children who eat ground meat once a week have twice the risk of acute lymphocytic leukemia as those who eat none; eating two or more hamburgers weekly triples the risk.

Fortunately, vegetarian alternatives to these standard components of the American diet are now widely available, and many of them actually taste quite good! Consumers can find soy hot dogs, soy sausage, soy bacon, and even soy pastrami at their local health food store as well as in many mainstream grocery stores.

If you choose to eat red meat:

Limit your intake to no more than 3 or 4 ounces daily—about the size of a deck of playing cards. And choose the leanest cuts available, keeping in mind that the USDA allows the meat and dairy industry to label fat content by weight rather than by percentage of calories.

Avoid consuming well-done, charbroiled, and fat-laden meats.

Don’t eat cured meats, including bacon and hot dogs, especially if you are pregnant or a child under the age of 12.

Consider buying free-range meats or wild game.


There is no room for debate: A diet high in fat, particularly saturated fat and cholesterol, has been linked to numerous cancers. Both the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute recommend a diet that supplies less than 30 percent of calories as fat. However, just as important as the amount of fat is the type of fat you consume. The goal is to decrease your total fat intake, especially your intake of saturated fats, trans-fatty acids, and omega-6 fats, while increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids.

Some of these terms can be confusing and will be fully explained in chapter 6. What we want to stress in this section is that most Americans eat way too much of the omega-6 oils found in meats and most vegetable oils, including soy, sunflower, safflower, and corn. And they suffer from a relative deficiency of the monounsaturated fats from nuts, seeds, olive oil, and canola oil, as well as a deficiency of the omega-3 fats found in fish and flaxseed oil. This situation is associated with an increased risk for cancer and about sixty other conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, skin diseases, and diabetes.

What makes a fat bad or good has a lot to do with the function of fats in our cellular membranes. Our membranes are made mostly of fatty acids. What determines the type of fatty acid present in the cell membrane is the type of fat you consume. A diet that is composed mostly of saturated fat, animal fatty acids, trans-fatty acids from margarine, shortening, and other sources of hydrogenated vegetable oils and that is high in cholesterol results in membranes that are much less fluid in nature than the membranes in a person who consumes optimal levels of unsaturated fatty acids.


Many people shy away from eating nuts because they believe that nuts are high in calories. Though nuts are high in calories, studies have shown that people who frequently consume nuts actually have less of a problem with obesity than those who do not eat nuts. Frequent nut consumption, particularly of almonds and walnuts, has also been shown to be protective against heart disease. In addition, a recent study has shown that consumption of nuts by women was inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes, independent of known risk factors for type 2 diabetes, including age, obesity, and family history of diabetes, physical activity, smoking, and other dietary factors. What the term inversely associated means is that the higher the intake of nuts, the less likely it was that a woman would develop type 2 diabetes. What was really amazing was that this relationship was seen even in women who were obese.

In addition to providing beneficial monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that improve insulin sensitivity, nuts are also rich in fiber and magnesium and have a low glycemic index. Higher intakes of fiber and magnesium and foods with a low glycemic index have been associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes in several population-based studies.

Since nuts are very high in calories—most have about 1,000 calories per cup—we advocate moderation when it comes eating them in order to promote optimal body weight. We also advocate the use of mostly raw or lightly roasted fresh nuts and seeds rather than commercially roasted and salted nuts and seeds.

According to modern pathology, or the study of disease processes, an alteration in cell membrane function is the central factor in the development of virtually every disease. As it relates to diabetes, abnormal cell membrane structure due to eating the wrong types of fats leads to impaired insulin action.

Without a healthy membrane, cells lose their ability to hold water, vital nutrients, and electrolytes. They also lose their ability to communicate with other cells and be controlled by regulating hormones, including insulin. Without the right type of fats in cell membranes, cells simply do not function properly. Considerable evidence indicates that cell membrane dysfunction is a critical factor in the development of many diseases.

The type of dietary fat profile that is linked to many diseases is an abundance of saturated fat and trans-fatty acids along with a relative insufficiency of monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids, as found in the typical American diet. Since dietary fat determines cell membrane composition, such a dietary pattern leads to reduced membrane fluidity, which in turn causes reduced insulin binding to receptors on cellular membranes and/or reduced insulin action. Particularly harmful to cell membrane function are margarine, vegetable oil shortening, and other foods containing trans-fatty acids and partially hydrogenated oils. These unnatural forms of fatty acids interfere with the

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