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Eat Your Vitamins: Your Guide to Using Natural Foods to Get the Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients Your Body Needs
Eat Your Vitamins: Your Guide to Using Natural Foods to Get the Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients Your Body Needs
Eat Your Vitamins: Your Guide to Using Natural Foods to Get the Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients Your Body Needs
Ebook363 pages4 hours

Eat Your Vitamins: Your Guide to Using Natural Foods to Get the Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients Your Body Needs

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About this ebook

The A-to-Z guide to essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, so you can ditch synthetic supplements and promote health naturally with nourishing foods.

Vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of good health. But the heavily processed foods that are so common in today’s modern diet are stripped of these nutrients, leaving many people nutrient deficient despite meeting (or exceeding) their daily calorie needs. The accepted solution is to take supplements created in a lab, but the dosage and interactions can be confusing, and supplements are loosely regulated and not always foolproof, especially since our bodies are designed to receive nutrients from natural, whole foods.

Eat Your Vitamins features fifty key vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients essential to your health. You will find clear definitions of each nutrient along with the role it plays in the body, how it is best consumed and absorbed, recommended daily doses, and detailed lists of foods and natural sources that contain the vitamin along with a recipe for a nutrient-rich meal. Ditch the synthetic supplements and make the right choice about how to properly feed and fuel your body.
Release dateJan 21, 2020
Eat Your Vitamins: Your Guide to Using Natural Foods to Get the Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients Your Body Needs

Mascha Davis

Mascha Davis, MPH, RDN, is a nationally recognized registered dietitian nutritionist, humanitarian, and founder of Nomadista Nutrition, a private nutrition practice based in Los Angeles. She uses an evidence-based approach and Nutrigenomics to help her clients optimize their health, manage chronic conditions, and achieve a healthy weight. Her writing and expertise have been featured in numerous publications and media outlets including Time, CNN, Newsweek, The Washington Post, ABC News, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, mindbodygreen, Bustle, Refinery29, PopSugar Fitness, Reader’s Digest, and many more. In 2016, she gave a TEDx talk about her international humanitarian work in Africa, where she spent five years working on programs for the treatment and prevention of malnutrition in women and children. Her nutrition tips, health advice, and recipes can be found on her Instagram account @Nomadista_Nutrition and her blog on NomadistaNutrition.com.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So, I have some serious goals I’m trying to achieve & my nutrition & exercise (like I can barely even spell the word knowledge is meek.

    I’ve only started this book yesterday & it feels like every 5 pages I learn something that I’ve never considered before like… beriberi. I’ve never heard about that before… roasted watermelon seeds WHAT? so. Amazing book. I hope you find it

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Eat Your Vitamins - Mascha Davis

Why Eat Your Vitamins?

The term vitamin originates from the term vital amines, meaning essential to life. Most natural, minimally processed foods are bursting with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. For example, a serving each of berries, snap peas, and greens provides enough vitamin C, folate, and potassium to almost meet the average adult’s daily requirements. Whole grains are full of fiber and prebiotics to feed your gut flora, B-complex vitamins give you the energy you need, and fish has the omega-3s to reduce inflammation in your body. When you understand which foods have the nutrients you require and how much you actually need, you can then understand how to plan your diet in a way that ensures you are getting the vitamins and minerals essential to your health and not just guessing—or hoping—that a supplemental pill or powder might make up for what you are missing. In short, the best way to get more energy, a stronger immune system, glowing skin, and overall better health is through the foods you eat, not the pills you take.

Supplements Aren’t the Answer

According to top nutrition experts at Harvard Medical School, as well as numerous research studies, most nutrients are better absorbed and used by the body when consumed from a whole food instead of a supplement. However, many people feel the need to take pills, powders, and supplements in an attempt to obtain nutrients and fill the gaps in their diets. We hope these will give us more energy, prevent us from catching a cold in the winter, or improve our skin and hair. But in reality, the large majority of supplements are synthetic and unregulated, and may not even be completely absorbed by your body. Worse, some are contaminated with other substances and contain ingredients not listed on the label. For example, a recent investigative report found heavy metals in 40 percent of 134 brands of protein powders on the market. With little oversight and regulation, taking supplements is a gamble and often expensive. It should only be done with caution and the guidance of a dietitian.

And vitamins are not the only nutrients we feel we need to supplement with pills or powders. We take protein powder instead of eating protein-rich foods; we take antioxidant pills when the antioxidant power of some berries and fruits is far beyond what most pills contain. The multibillion-dollar supplement industry has capitalized on people’s desire to be healthy and to find that silver bullet that will cure their ills or help to heal their health problems. The truth is, taking supplements is often unnecessary, and it can even be harmful.

There are, of course, exceptions to every rule, and there are definitely cases when supplementation is needed and can be beneficial, such as with specific medical conditions, for a clinical deficiency (measured by a lab result), during pregnancy when nutritional needs greatly increase, and even for some nutrients that are difficult to get from food sources, like vitamin D. To safely use supplements, be sure to talk with your doctor and make an appointment with a registered dietitian before you begin any dietary changes.

Better Health Through Food

You’ve likely heard the classic phrase Let food be thy medicine, attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates around 400 B.C. Since early times, civilizations have observed the powerful, nurturing, and healing effects of the foods that we eat. Many of the illnesses we face today have their root causes in lack of proper nutrition. But it’s no wonder that so many people are confused about what, when, and how to eat. With the explosion of social media and the click-bait news cycle that we live in, misinformation or misrepresentation of information is rampant. Many spokespeople or influencers who never studied nutrition or health are able to promote products and diets to a wide audience. News outlets, desperate for eyeballs and clicks, publish sensationalistic headlines that misrepresent the actual research in order to get people to look at them. And it works! Quick fixes, extreme diets, and the silver bullet solutions are really tempting. Often, they are presented in such a convincing way that anyone who isn’t an expert would be confused as to whether to believe it or not.

When you take the time to slow down, learn about how to nourish yourself with whole foods, and observe how you feel, you can change your health and your life. The way you approach food and your relationship to your body and nutrition are also incredibly important. This shift requires gaining some knowledge from credible sources, incorporating fewer processed items, and giving yourself permission to explore and enjoy a wide variety of whole foods.

After all, the current normal isn’t working. Many people have been sold on diets defined by processed, nutrient-poor fast food; added sugars and sodas; refined grains; and few fresh fruits and vegetables. Others have almost cut out entire food groups, such as carbohydrates, while others are still avoiding healthful foods like fats. These unbalanced ways of eating can cause you to miss many of the essential, life-giving nutrients, leading to skyrocketing rates of chronic disease, inflammation, nutrient deficiencies, and obesity. But there’s a way to shift this, and it begins with an understanding of what your body needs to function at its best.

Your body needs certain nutrients and vitamins to survive and thrive, so why can’t you just swallow a pill that contains those particular nutrients? It is best for your body and your overall health to get these nutrients from food sources. Why?

Food sources are more bioavailable (better absorbed by the body).

Foods come as part of a nutrient-dense package that has many more benefits than the nutrient alone, in isolation. For example, not only do fruits have vitamin C; they also come with a whole package of other nutrients like prebiotics, polyphenols, and potassium, to name just a few. These nutrients often work together symbiotically and boost the action or bioavailability of one another.

Whole foods contain many nutrients and compounds that haven’t yet been identified by scientists, but we know they have many positive effects. What makes whole foods so healthy is the synergy of these nutrients, and how they work together, rather than single, isolated compounds.

With that in mind, we will explore over forty nutrients, each in its own easy-to-read section, with a description; an overview of its roles in the body and benefits; and, most important, which foods are highest in the nutrient. You’ll also find some precautions and warnings for groups of people with preexisting medical conditions that could interfere with the consumption of the nutrient.

Try Nutrigenomics

If you want to get specific and personalized recommendations for your body, I recommend that you speak to a dietitian and do a nutrigenomics test. Nutrigenomics is the field of study that looks at genetics and nutrition. There are genetic variants that affect how your body metabolizes different nutrients, including carbs, protein, and fat; your ability to absorb and utilize vitamins; and much more. For example, while we all need carbs, the exact amount varies from person to person. Some people are gene-tically predisposed to function better on a lower carb amount, around one third of their plate. Others need as much as half of their plate to consist of carbohydrate-rich foods to meet their needs and optimize their health. Nutrigenomics can also show if you are predisposed to being lower in certain vitamins, which can help to guide lab testing and food selection.

Vitamin A

If vitamins could confer superpowers, vitamin A would be known for giving you powerful vision; a strong immune system to fight off invaders; and beautiful skin, hair, and nails. This essential nutrient is frequently misunderstood, and there’s a lot of confusion about its various forms, benefits, dangers, and uses. Most people in the US get plenty of this vitamin from their diets, but, sadly, vitamin A deficiency is the main cause of blindness in developing countries. It’s ideal to get vitamin A entirely from food sources, such as eggs, fish, spinach, and carrots, as well as many others that you will learn about in this entry.


Vitamin A helps boost immunity, keeps your eyes healthy, and ensures that your reproductive system functions properly. It’s also an antioxidant, which means it can help fight harmful compounds called free radicals.

There are two main forms of vitamin A that you can get from food:

Active vitamin A: This is fully formed and found only in animal-based products. The body can use this form right away as well as store it. It is made up of a group of compounds called retinoids. Retinoids have many different names, such as retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and retinyl esters.

Pro-vitamin A: This type of vitamin A is not yet active in the body, but once it is eaten, it gets converted into active vitamin A in your tissues. This form is found in fruits and vegetables and is made up of a group of compounds called carotenoids. The most well-known carotenoid is beta-carotene, which is also a pigment that gives many fruits and veggies their bright colors.

Like other fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin A is stored in your body. This vitamin is mainly kept in the liver. When there’s a need for extra vitamin A, it’s discharged from the liver and travels to where it is needed.

Vitamin A is better absorbed when consumed with a fat. Also, beta-carotene in plants is absorbed more easily when the food is finely chopped or gently cooked, as this helps it to become more bioavailable through the tough cell wall.

Role in the Body

Supports normal heart, kidney, and lung function: Vitamin A helps make sure that the cells of these essential organs are replicating properly and also participates in their repair.

Eye health: Vitamin A is a component of the proteins that absorb light in the retina and keep your eyes healthy as they develop and as they age.

Immune health and cellular communication: Vitamin A is necessary for different kinds of immune cells to find their proper location and then communicate with other cells so they can take action against invaders like pathogens and bacteria.


Reduces inflammation: Vitamin A is both a vitamin and an antioxidant. It can support the body by reducing the inflammatory process when it’s at optimal amounts.

Contributes to cell growth: Vitamin A is necessary for the proper growth and division of cells. This also means that it plays a role in preventing cancer, which is essentially cells receiving the wrong signals and growing out of control.

Improves skin health: While the exact mechanism isn’t fully understood, it seems that having the right amount of vitamin A can help prevent acne in some people. It’s also important for slowing down ultraviolet damage from the sun, which causes wrinkles and aging of the skin.

Contributes to eye health: Eating vitamin A–rich foods helps to keep your eyes healthy as you age, possibly because of its antioxidant effects and the fact that vitamin A produces the main pigments of your eyes.

Helps to prevent cancer: Studies have shown that consuming beta-carotene obtained from plants can help to prevent cancer. Interestingly, this effect is not shown for beta-carotene supplements.

Side Effects, Warnings, and Precautions

Active vitamin A is not quickly cleared from the body because it is a fat-soluble vitamin. This means that excess vitamin A builds up in fatty tissues. A chronic high intake of active vitamin A can turn the eyes and skin yellow. You can be at risk if you’re consuming a lot of foods high in active vitamin A, like liver, or taking high-dose supplements with active vitamin A. It’s important to get just the right amount of vitamin A, not too much and not too little. Too much can negate some of the beneficial effects of this amazing vitamin.

Signs of Deficiency

Vitamin A deficiency is uncommon in most developed nations. Some signs of mild deficiency can include dry skin or dry eyes. Eventually, vitamin A deficiency can lead to blindness, infertility, or delayed growth, but this level of severity is usually only seen in less developed parts of the world. Tragically, up to 500,000 malnourished children in the developing world lose their sight each year due to lack of vitamin A.

How Much You Need

Amounts of vitamin A are measured in retinol activity equivalents (RAEs) because of the varying levels of bioactivity (how they work in the body) of the different kinds of vitamin A (e.g., retinol versus carotenoids). Here are conversions for RAEs to other common measures of vitamin A:

1 RAE = 0.001mg of retinol

1 RAE = 0.006mg of beta-carotene

1 RAE = 3.3 international units (IUs) of vitamin A

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is putting new labeling rules into effect in 2020–2021, stating that vitamin A amounts will be expressed in RAEs instead of IUs. Here are the most recent, updated reference ranges (amounts are per day):

Tolerable Upper Levels

Best Way to Consume

Vitamin A is plentiful in many foods that are widely available—from eggs and canned fish to many different vegetables and fruits, so the vast majority of people don’t need to take a supplement, as long as their meals are balanced.

Natural Food Sources

Animal-based sources include:

Some vegan sources include:


Golden Immunity Soup

Serves 2

This recipe is packed with vitamin A. Make a large batch that you can meal prep and enjoy throughout the week! Serve this soup with some whole-grain bread.

¼ small yellow onion, peeled and diced

½ tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

1 clove garlic, minced

¼ teaspoon ground turmeric

1 cup low-sodium vegetable broth

1 cup water

¼ cup lentils

1 medium stalk celery, chopped

¼ cup cubed sweet potato

1 medium carrot, peeled and chopped

½ medium zucchini, chopped

3 ounces canned diced tomatoes

¼ teaspoon dried oregano

¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper

⅛ teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon ground black pepper

¼ cup chopped kale

1 sprig fresh thyme

In a large pot over medium heat, sauté onion in oil 3–5 minutes.

Add garlic and turmeric and cook another 1–2 minutes. Add broth and water and bring to a boil.

Add remaining ingredients, except for kale and thyme. Let simmer 40 minutes.

Add kale and thyme and cook 5 minutes or until kale is wilted.

Serve immediately.


Calories: 181, Fat: 4g, Protein: 8g, Sodium: 345mg, Fiber: 6g, Carbohydrates: 31g, Sugar: 8g, Vitamin A: 8,193IU or 395mcg RAE

Amino Acids, Branched Chain

(Isoleucine, Leucine, and Valine)

If you are into muscle building, you’ve probably heard of, or maybe even tried, branched-chain amino acids. Within the category of essential amino acids (AAs) are three special ones called branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). The term branched chain refers to their chemical composition and the way they are linked together in a branching formation. These amino acids have important and specific roles both in normal body functions and in alleviating some serious medical conditions. Branched amino acids are a popular supplement, especially in the body-building community, but they are also in many foods that you are likely already eating. This entry will explore the pros and cons of these special amino acids.


Muscle protein synthesis occurs continuously in an attempt to replace the protein that is lost during protein breakdown. To synthesize new proteins, your body needs a sufficient amount of all essential amino acids—including branched-chain amino acids—as well as all nonessential amino acids. The BCAAs are used by the muscles, the heart, and the endocrine (hormone producing/regulating) system. The three BCAAs are:




Some people take supplements that contain BCAAs hoping they will help pump up their muscles and boost their exercise performance and recovery. However, while BCAAs can increase muscle protein synthesis, they can’t do so optimally without the other essential amino acids, such as those found in complete protein

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