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Supplements Exposed: The Truth They Don't Want You to Know About Vitamins, Minerals, and Their Effects on Your Health
Supplements Exposed: The Truth They Don't Want You to Know About Vitamins, Minerals, and Their Effects on Your Health
Supplements Exposed: The Truth They Don't Want You to Know About Vitamins, Minerals, and Their Effects on Your Health
Ebook289 pages4 hours

Supplements Exposed: The Truth They Don't Want You to Know About Vitamins, Minerals, and Their Effects on Your Health

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What if just about everything you thought you knew about supplements and health turned out to be absolutely wrong?
In this book, nutrition expert Dr. Brian Clement, director of the world-famous Hippocrates Health Institute, explores the various myths that have made supplements a buyer-beware industry. Supplements Exposed strips away layers of deception to reveal the truth about what millions of supplement users each year have taken for granted.
Nearly all supplements sold in the United States and the world are synthetics created in pharmaceutical industry labs. As a result, they can be toxic to your health. There are distinct differences between natural (plant-derived) supplements and synthetic (chemically-derived) supplements and how they each impact your health. Nearly all medical science studies of nutrients and human health have used synthetics rather than natural nutrients, which throws the accuracy of all negative laboratory results into serious doubt. This provocative book guides you through the minefield of choices you face every time you buy vitamins and minerals. It shows you how to decipher product labels that are otherwise deceptive, how to choose naturally occurring (plant-derived) supplements, why recommended daily allowances spread confusion, and much more.
Release dateOct 1, 2009
Supplements Exposed: The Truth They Don't Want You to Know About Vitamins, Minerals, and Their Effects on Your Health

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    Supplements Exposed - Brian R. Clement



    If you have ever consumed vitamins at any time in your life—and two-thirds of us have, according to health surveys—you have probably unwittingly bought into one of the most enduring and toxic myths to ever shape public health consciousness.

    You have been led to believe that the vitamin supplements you take to fortify your body against illness and disease are both safe and effective. You have been told that these supplements are nature’s own natural ingredients packaged in condensed form as a prescription for wellness. You may have even felt that the $22 billion—that’s right, $22 billion—we spend each year in the United States alone on nutritional supplements is money well invested to protect the public health.

    In this book, you will learn how these and many other cherished ideas we hold about nutrition are a dangerous collection of myths and half-truths based on adherence to a synthetic belief system that has led our culture far astray of nature’s promise and potential for bestowing health and healing.

    The primary problem identified within these pages is that most vitamins sold throughout the world are synthetics, created in laboratories owned or controlled by pharmaceutical companies, and these companies apply the same manufacturing standards and processes to vitamins that they do to prescription and over-the-counter drugs. At least 95 percent of all vitamins manufactured today contain some synthetic ingredients, according to the Organic Consumer’s Association.

    Manufacturers maintain that their synthetic chemical vitamins concocted in laboratories are identical and just as effective as the naturally occurring vitamins produced in plants by nature. This book will challenge that contention in numerous ways, based on natural principles, science, observed human health impacts, and consumer safety.

    Synergy means two or more chemicals or compounds interacting to produce effects more powerful than any one can create by itself. Synergy is a fundamental principle of nature, and a fact that the prevailing synthetics belief system, with its emphasis on isolating magic bullet molecules, chooses to ignore at our peril.

    In fact, no human can live solely on isolated, synthetic nutrients; we must eat foods created by nature in order to survive. What is it in nature that creates life-sustaining foods and food nutrition that cannot be constructed or replicated by man? Although few of us ponder this great mystery in our practical day-to-day existence, it is an essential factor for both health and life, which are inextricably related.

    Although scientists can create seawater with exactly the same chemical structure as natural seawater, when you put a saltwater fish in this synthetic environment, the fish does not thrive or stay as healthy as it does in its natural surroundings. Reefkeeping, an online magazine for marine aquarists, points out how synthetic seawater is an imperfect substitute for what is the perfect medium for marine animal growth, pure oceanic seawater. Some chemists will still try to convince you that seawater is just sodium chloride added to H2O and that synthetic seawater has an identical chemical structure to natural seawater. But in practice, as aquarium experts note, seawater is a complex and incompletely understood mixture of virtually every substance that has graced the face of the Earth. These substances create a synergy that nurtures and sustains marine life.

    What is it in natural seawater that sustains marine life and creates a force that synthetics produced by humans cannot duplicate? It is the same principle of life-force, the same type of synergy from complex nutrient cofactors, that we find naturally occurring in the foods of nature that nurture and sustain our own forms of life. That life force is one of the themes of this book.

    Scientists have never successfully created an apple from scratch in a laboratory. Only nature has proven its ability to produce apples. As the scientist Carl Sagan once aptly put it, if you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.

    By the same token, neither can science create synthetic nutrients that exactly duplicate or replace naturally occurring nutrients. This book is concerned with the consequences, the impact on your health, when scientific arrogance in the form of a synthetics belief system attempts to impose its will, fueled by inaccurate assumptions, as a substitute for the experience and wisdom of nature.

    Mainstream marketing of vitamins and minerals continues to promote the myth among consumers that nutrients can be isolated individually from one another and synthesized in a laboratory to give us the same health benefits as nutrients found working together in organic fruits and vegetables. This is the magic bullet mindset that remains the centerpiece of our culture’s synthetics belief system. It is a fatally flawed point of view, as this book will demonstrate.

    Consumer safety also figures prominently in the superiority of natural versus synthetic supplements. Besides the potentially toxic synthetic colorings (extracted from coal tar), synthetic flavorings, and other additives placed into nutritional supplements, many manufacturers of soft-gel vitamins add partially hydrogenated soybean oil. Yes, you read that accurately! The same oils that have been linked as a cause of cardiovascular disease, strokes, and heart attacks are sometimes added as filler to vitamins sold in health food stores.

    Did you know that 90 percent of the vitamin C manufactured in the world today is synthetic, and nearly all of that comes from China? Within the past decade, four pharmaceutical companies in mainland China emerged to control the global vitamin C market, though what they are producing is really just ascorbic acid. (The difference between real vitamin C and ascorbic acid will be made clear in a later chapter.) As for the impact on consumer safety of having one nation dominate an important part of the vitamin market, especially in the wake of the melamine contamination of food emanating from China, only time will tell.

    Even when conscientious consumers try to avoid synthetics by looking for the word natural on a vitamin label, there is no guarantee that natural is what they get. The word natural has been abused and diluted for so long that it has lost much of its intended meaning, thanks largely to marketing manipulation and political shenanigans on the part of synthetics manufacturers.

    Under current law, a vitamin marketed as natural only has to contain 10 percent of genuinely natural, plant-derived ingredients—the other 90 percent of ingredients can be synthetic. If a product contains even one carbon atom, it can legally be called 100-percent organic. These deceptions, too, are a subject of this book.

    When we say natural or whole-food supplements on these pages, we are referring to vitamins and other products that contain the complete complex of micro-nutrients (both identified and unidentified) exactly as they exist in nature. For example, take the nutrient beta-carotene. Synthetic compounds marketed as beta-carotene are usually made from acetylene gas and are isolated molecules.

    In nature, beta-carotene is never found isolated and alone, but is part of a large family of carotenoids. So when we find beta-carotene in carrots and tomatoes, we also find alpha-carotene and gamma-carotene and a host of others that all play roles in a synergistic process. By isolating beta-carotene from its extended family of supporting antioxidants and micro-nutrients, synthetic vitamin manufacturers have stripped away many of the health benefits.

    It is no wonder that when medical studies have tested the effectiveness of some well-known curative nutrients in preventing illness and disease, their results have sometimes been negative because their producers used synthetic rather than naturally occurring nutrients. The most recent example of researchers reaching a dead end in experiments using synthetics came in research that attempted to identify the role of nutrients in cancer prevention. A June 2009 article in the journal Clinical Nutrition Insight reviewed a series of studies that used synthetic supplements and concluded that nutrition researchers have probably oversimplified the complex relationships between diet and cancer. They have placed too much emphasis on trying to isolate specific bio-active nutrients and not enough attention to complex mixtures of bio-active compounds. In other words, when it comes to disease prevention, synthetics are no substitute for pure foods. This flawed methodology and fixation on isolating nutrients and making synthetic versions of them is like trying to see a flower but only observing a petal.

    As for the bio-availability (your body’s absorption) of natural versus synthetic vitamins, there is once again no contest. Your body knows the difference, even though synthetics are designed to try and trick it. Natural nutrients are absorbed readily because we are biologically programmed to recognize the naturally occurring compounds as genuine nutrients. Isolated chemical or synthetic nutrients, on the other hand, are immediately put on hold by the body until it can determine the cofactors needed to enable their availability. This highly complex process begins with the analysis of the chemical substance and includes determining what resources from its own stores it has and is able to provide in an effort to convert the chemical supplement into a usable form. As you will learn in a later chapter, 50 percent of every synthetic supplement is automatically rendered useless by the body, leaving only 50 percent for possible conversion. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that any, or this entire half, will be converted; it is based solely on an individual’s specific resources. Synthetic supplements on the whole are no more than potential sources of nutrition.

    A good case in point is synthetic vitamin E, which has been shown in numerous studies to possess half or as little as one-third of the biologically active impact that natural vitamin E has on the human body. Cambridge University Professor Isobel Jennings, a pioneer nutritional researcher, made this point in her book Vitamins in Endocrine Metabolism: Synthetic vitamins, prepared from chemicals instead of nature, are frequently less active biologically than their natural counterparts, thereby reducing any beneficial effect they may have.

    Synthetic vitamins are like the images we see in mirrors. They may look exactly like the real thing, just as chemists claim they do when comparing the molecular structure of synthetic and natural molecules under microscopes. But much like the mirror images we see, which cannot function actively except to mimic our movements, synthetic vitamins do not function the same way as the natural chemical compounds they were designed to mimic.

    A better reflection of the difference between natural and synthetic comes when we view how these respective molecules react to a polarized beam of light. When passing through a natural vitamin, light always bends to the right because of its molecular rotation. This is why the letter d, standing for dextro and meaning right, will sometimes appear on labels. By contrast, light rays passing through synthetic vitamins split: One bends to the right, the other to the left, which is why dl, standing for dextro and levo, which means left, sometimes can be found as an identifier on labels.

    Synthetic vitamin manufacturers want you to believe there is no difference between synthetic and natural products because the synthetics are cheaper to produce and thus carry a much higher profit margin. It is that simple. It is the triumph of profits over health, and most people in the industrialized countries of the world have unknowingly bought into that value system.

    It would be wonderful and certainly ideal if we got all of the essential nutrients beneficial to our health directly from our fruits and vegetables. But the soils most crops are grown in have lost many nutrients in the past few decades as a result of poor farming practices, while even more nutrients are stripped from foods through refining and processing.

    Even with organic food crops, which are always preferable to non-organics because they contain higher levels of phytochemical nutrients and low if any levels of pesticides, there is a loss of nutrients during the time between harvest and consumption. There is an even greater nutrient loss if the foods are cooked as opposed to eating them raw. As a result, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), based on a survey of 21,500 people, found that not a single person consumes 100 percent of the USDA’s Recommended Daily Allowance of nutrients from the foods they eat.

    So we do need some vitamin and mineral supplementation to satisfy our bodily needs and to maintain an optimum level of health. The real question is whether we consumers will make informed choices about supplements even after learning how superior naturally occurring nutrients are to synthetics.

    That is why a case is made for the creation of a Naturally Occurring Standard (NOS), a supplements label that will clearly state if a vitamin or other product comes directly from—and is composed entirely of—compounds derived from the plants themselves. An NOS symbol will help eliminate the confusion about what is genuinely natural as opposed to partly or wholly synthetic.

    We are a culture awash with myths, misinformation, and misconceptions about the roles that nutrition and supplementation play or should play in our lives.

    You may be one of those people who still believes that if you just eat a balanced diet, whatever that is and however it is defined, you will never really need to consume supplements to maintain your health. Or you may have accepted without question the advertising claims that all vitamins are created equal in their benefits and vary in effect only with dosage levels. Even if you have doubts about some of the advertising claims, you may continue taking supplements in the hope that the old adage better safe than sorry will come true. Or perhaps you hope that whatever nature can do, even in the realm of nutrition, science can do better—if not today then someday soon.

    This book is addressed to all of you.

    Nature gave us a promise. It was the promise of good health and a long life if we use its nutrients wisely as our medicine. The betrayal of this promise by the synthetics belief system has been one of civilization’s crowning healthcare disappointments. May the revelations on these pages contribute to bringing our relationship to nature back into its rightful and proper balance so that access to health-giving nutrients and supplementation once again becomes our birthright.

    PART I




    Some physicians disparage vitamin use by telling patients that vitamins only produce expensive urine. Other so-called experts have tried to reassure us that we simply need to eat a balanced diet to get all the nutrients our bodies need.

    We even have the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans prepared by two U.S. Government agencies—the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services—telling us to follow this advice about vitamins and food:

    Nutrient needs should be met primarily through consuming foods. Foods provide an array of nutrients (as well as phytochemicals, antioxidants, etc.) and other compounds that may have beneficial effects on health. Supplements may be useful when they fill a specific identified nutrient gap that cannot or is not otherwise being met by the individual’s intake of food. Nutrient supplements cannot replace a healthful diet.

    In an ideal world, all of this advice would be common sense and would be worth following. But, as you probably know, we do not live in an ideal world—not by any stretch of the imagination—and that is certainly the grim reality when it comes to the availability and quality of the nutrients that we depend upon for optimal health.

    We must start with a simple biological fact of life: Vitamins and minerals are essential to human health, and the human body is unable to manufacture most of what it needs. These nutrients must be obtained from the foods that we eat and the supplements we take derived from food.

    Once upon a time the soils that grew our food crops naturally contained the nutrients needed by the human body. Today, most organic farm soils contain only 2- to 4-percent organic matter when they should have more than 20-percent organic matter. Most foods used to be eaten fresh soon after harvesting, so these nutrients were largely preserved for absorption. That began to change during the 20th century with the introduction of pesticides, herbicides, and other synthetic chemical contaminants, along with the widespread processing of foods containing added preservatives and other additives.

    The mineral depletion of our soils and food crops has been a source of grave concern since at least 1936, when a warning about the problem appeared in a U.S. Senate committee report known as Document 264. Although this was not an official government report or study, but a reprint of a mainstream media article submitted into the record by Senator Duncan Fletcher (D-FL), it nonetheless represented an emerging perspective about the depletion of our soils. Here is an excerpt:

    Most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods come are brought into proper mineral balance. Foods, fruits, vegetables and grains that are now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain needed minerals, are starving us no matter how much of them we eat.

    Leading authorities state that 99 percent of the world’s people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease. Any upset of the balance or any considerable lack of one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement might be, and we sicken, suffer, and shorten our lives. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals; but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.

    Fast-forward this soil depletion process a half-century to 1992 and the first United Nations Conference on Environment and

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