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An A–Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper's Reference
An A–Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper's Reference
An A–Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper's Reference
Ebook188 pages2 hours

An A–Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper's Reference

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Find foods that fill you with a sense of well-being—and benefit your body—with this alphabetical, cross-referenced guide: “Fantastic.” —Christiane Northrup, MD, #1 New York Times-bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

Filled with scientific information, natural remedies, and modern wisdom, this concise reference is for anyone confused by all the nutritional claims out there. How do you separate real benefits from marketing hype? What is a “superfood” anyway? Alternative health expert Elise Collins has compiled a compact yet comprehensive list of hundreds of healing foods, their vitamin and mineral content, and what they do to promote health, prevent disease, and decrease symptoms of illness.

Arranged alphabetically and complete with a cross-reference for what's best to eat for specific ailments, this guidebook is designed to be as convenient as a shopping list. Included are preparation tips and recipes to make this the ultimate tool for joyful eating and radiant health.

“Encyclopedic information on the nutritional, medical, and holistic benefits of foods.” —Dana Jacobi, author of 12 Best Foods Cookbook
Release dateJan 1, 2010
An A–Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper's Reference

Elise Marie Collins

A yoga instructor and spirituality blogger living in San Francisco, Elise's writing combines her love of ancient healing arts and scientific inquiry. She is currently instructing participants in a two year study on the effects of restorative yoga or stretching for metabolic syndrome. She's the author of Chakra Tonics, Essential Elixirs for Mind, Body and Spirit and An A-Z Guide to Healing Foods, A Shoppers Companion.

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    An A–Z Guide to Healing Foods - Elise Marie Collins


    Throughout history, cultures have relied on the plants and edibles around them for cures. Before Viagra, the Aztecs believed avocados were potent aphrodisiacs. Ancient Greeks used carrots instead of Zantac to soothe their stomach ailments. Native Americans administered chocolate instead of Tylenol to break a fever. Long before calorie counting, double-blind studies, laboratory studies of edible plant extracts, and other scientific investigations, humans used food to alleviate symptoms, acquire energy, create stamina, uplift the spirit, mend wounds, increase fertility, and much more. Food has always been used as medicine.

    Biology and nutritional science have logically explained the process of eating, digesting, and assimilating our diet. Just in the last century, vitamins were discovered and a scientific model of food was born. Food was divided into macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Micronutrients like vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients were studied and categorized. Much has been learned in the era of nutritional labels, but it's important to remember that there is so much more to the healing properties of food and diet. An attitude of reverence for the miraculous alchemy of the human body reminds us to be humble in our present knowledge and to acknowledge that our views of the medicinal value of foods are ever evolving.

    Surrounded by processed, junk, and fast foods in grocery stores, on the job, and at the corner café, we are challenged to choose vital, minimally processed, healing foods. This guide strives to inspire through scientific research, ancient wisdom, common sense, and an increasing base of knowledge of therapeutic foods. A few years ago a powerful healing fruit called acai was relatively unknown outside of Brazil, where it's been used medicinally for centuries. Now millions see the health benefits of acai touted everywhere—from The Oprah Winfrey Show to the Internet. Let this guide serve to inspire you to explore, prepare, procure, grow, taste, savor, and enjoy healing foods that suit your individual needs. Get ready to fight inflammation with string beans, prevent cancer with broccoli sprouts, and build immunity with shitake mushrooms!

    The A–Z Guide

    Acai (ah-SAH-ee): Grown mainly in South America, fresh acai berries may be hard to find in Europe or North America. Yet even when consumed frozen, powdered, in a paste, or as a juice, acai has more antioxidants than almost any other food. Acai is an excellent source of potassium, B vitamins, vitamins C and E as well as magnesium, copper, zinc, and phosphorus. Beta-sitosterol, a phytosterol found in acai, has been shown to lower unhealthy LDL cholesterol. Acai juice or smoothies have anti-inflamatory properties and can help reduce symptoms of arthritis. Scientific interest is growing on acai's ability to prevent or help reverse cancer. Lab tests showed that acai berry extract exposed to human leukemia cells killed between 45 and 86 percent of the cancerous cells. Research on this turbocharged antioxidant berry is continuing, but its reputation as an Amazonian superfood precedes it. Preparation tip: Avoid acai processed with high heat.

    Acerola: A berry rich in ascorbic acid, acerola is also known as Barbados cherry. Acerola grows on a tropical fruit-bearing shrub in warmer climates, from southern Texas to Mexico and down to South America. Also cultivated in India and highly prized for their potent healing powers, acerola berries are an excellent food-based source of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, rutin, and other vitamin C cofactors. Vitamin C helps build collagen, the stuff of bones, teeth, and connective tissue. And of course it will ward off the common cold. Preparation tip: If you live in Texas or Florida, find acerola berries fresh or grow your own. Otherwise buy acerola dried into powder or made into pills or tablets.


    Mother nature made some foods remarkable in their ability to heal and prevent illness. Some of these superfoods have even been known to rival the healing ability of pharmaceutical drugs. Nutrient dense, packed with curing power, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, superfoods are in the eye of the beholder. Anyone can call a food a superfood; there is no certifying government board that bequeaths the title. This subjectivity leads to confusion—what's super for you may not be super for everyone. Superfoods have numerous known vitamins, minerals, and compounds. But many beneficial substances that have not yet been isolated, discovered, or labeled are also likely to be part of superfoods. The synergy between known and unknown compounds, vitamins, and minerals in superfoods is another component of their efficacy. Sometimes scientists are sure a food is helpful for preventing or reversing symptoms of a disease or condition, but they don't know how or why the food is working. Be aware of foods that have been declared superfoods—sometimes it's nothing but marketing hype. Is the term used with integrity, or to promote a product without much substance? The quality of the processing of such declared superfoods, as well as the quantity of the superfoods contained in the packaged product, are critical to that food's ability to heal. Look for superfoods straight from mother nature—like seaweed, fresh turmeric, or blueberries. Or seek out superfoods produced by reputable producers.

    Adzuki Beans; Aduki Beans; Azuki Beans: Native to Japan, nutty and sweet adzuki beans are high in protein and plentiful in vitamins and minerals. A favored food in macrobiotic cuisine, adzuki beans are easier to digest than most legumes. Considered the most yang of all beans in macrobiotic cuisine, adzuki beans have plenty of fiber, folic acid and B vitamins, and high levels of trace minerals like molybdenum, copper, manganese, and zinc. Adzuki beans are used to make red bean paste.

    Agar; Agar-Agar: Most often used as a vegetarian substitute for gelatin, which is made from animal protein, agar can help fight inflammation and relieve constipation. A great source of calcium and iron, agar can also be added to broths or teas, or used as a thickening agent in sauces or preserves. Made from a red algae called gelidium, agar is very fibrous and, when wet, it triples in size. Agar's expansive properties make those who eat it feel full. It's a popular ingredient in foods promoted for weight loss.

    Agave: Considered sacred by the Aztecs, agave comes from a plant indigenous to Central and South America. Agave has a low glycemic index, creating less of a spike in blood sugar levels than most processed sugars. A flavorful amber liquid, similar to a runny honey, agave delivers sweetness without the unpleasant sugar rush that is associated with processed sugar or artificial corn syrup. For these reasons many diabetics have found agave to be a safe alternative to conventional sweeteners or chemical, diet sweeteners. Raw chefs recommend using unheated agave.

    Ajwain (AHJ-oh-wen): A staple seed found in Indian kitchens, ajwain contains thymols that are antibacterial and antiseptic. Related to cumin and caraway, ajwain is often used to add flavor to samosas as well as lentil or potato dishes and roasted nuts. Pungent and bitter, ajwain seeds are often chewed after a large meal to aid digestion and freshen breath. Ayurveda recommends carminative ajwain for many gastrointestinal disorders such as lack of appetite, indigestion, flatulence, and diarrhea.

    Alfalfa: Alfalfa's unusually deep roots can grow to over fifteen feet, allowing them to pull minerals from deep in the earth's surface. Consequently alfalfa has a naturally high content of essential and nonessential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron, all culled from the soil. Plentiful in vitamins and eight essential amino acids, alfalfa has powerful nourishing and rebuilding properties. Alfalfa can help build and purify blood, so it is helpful in treating anemia. It's also known to heal ulcers as well as boost immunity. Great for people who are fearful of green veggies, dried and powdered alfalfa can be added to smoothies, baked goods, and other foods to give them a boost of green power. Pregnant and nursing mothers will find alfalfa provides a great source of much-needed absorbable calcium and minerals. Preparation tip: Add dried or fresh alfalfa to boiled water for a nutrient-rich tea. As a whole food additive, powdered alfalfa can boost smoothies, juices, and even baked foods.

    Alfalfa Sprouts: Pound for pound, alfalfa sprouts rank among the most powerful antioxidant vegetables, surpassed only by kale, brussels sprouts, garlic, and spinach. Sprinkling delicate and sweet alfalfa sprouts on sandwiches, soups, and salads isn't just for hippies; it has been scientifically proven to disarm specific harmful free radicals and hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals. Alfalfa sprouts contain vitamins C, B2, and B5 as well as folic acid, copper, molybdenum, zinc, manganese, and magnesium. Foodbased phytoestrogens are found in abundance in alfalfa sprouts and are known to be critical factors in the prevention of cancer, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms, and heart disease. Saponins in alfalfa and especially alfalfa sprouts are beneficial phytochemicals that can lower unhealthy LDL cholesterol without affecting healthy HDL cholesterol. Alfalfa sprouts can be purchased in most grocery or health food stores.

    Almond: Considered in Ayurveda to be the most beneficial of all nuts, almonds help build ojas, or vital essence. In the Indian science, foods like almonds not only nourish the body, but increase our spiritual and intellectual abilities. Almonds have a high concentration of protein and nutrients and are a good source of vitamin E, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Ayurveda recommends peeling or blanching almonds to remove the difficult-to-digest outer skin. Blanch or soak almonds overnight, and then remove the peel by squeezing it off the almond. Soaking raw almonds improves digestibility and nutrient content. Soaking also activates the ability of almonds to take seed, as it starts them sprouting, thereby releasing many nutrients as the almond prepares to transform from seed to plant. Unfortunately most almonds in the United States originate from California and legally must be flash pasteurized, a sterilization method that destroys many vital enzymes and minerals. Raw almonds can only be purchased directly from farmers at farmers markets or imported raw from other countries. Almonds are the only nuts that alkalize the body. Almond milk was commonly used in medieval times when cow's milk was hard to come by. Preparation tip: Enjoy nutritious, dairy-free, fresh almond milk. Soak 1 cup almonds in 4 cups water overnight, place in a blender, blend, strain, and enjoy. Peeling or blanching the almonds is a little more timeconsuming, but will makes the almond milk less bitter and more auspicious, according to Ayurveda.

    Aloe Vera: Known as the miracle plant, mysterious and alluring aloe vera has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. Gandhi consumed aloe juice to sustain him during long fasts. Almost every system of the body benefits from this stupendous superplant. A natural antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent, aloe has been used as a traditional cure for all diseases of the stomach and intestines, including ulcers. From the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries, the internal gel of aloe was processed and used as a commercial laxative. Rich in plant sterols, amino acids, and polysaccharides, aloe is often used as a liver cleanser. Known in Sanskrit by a name that means goddess, aloe has toning and fortifying properties for women. It helps alleviate menopausal symptoms aggravated by a sluggish liver. Aloe vera juice can help stabilize blood sugar levels and help boost immunity. Externally, aloe vera has been used for wound healing, sunburn alleviation, and as an additive for antiaging creams. Aloe has been shown to improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients in the digestive tract. Commonly used as a detox herb, aloe has a growing reputation as a weight loss aid. Look for minimally processed aloe gel, juice, or canned aloe pieces. To preserve vital phytonutrients, avoid heating aloe products to high temperatures. A natural antibiotic, antibacterial, and antifungal, aloe vera helps a long list of ailments and conditions. Fresh aloe vera leaves can be ordered online or, in the right climate, grown in your yard. Preparation tip: The leaves can be filleted to remove the hard outer coating. The most potent part of the plant is the gel, which can be added to drinks or smoothies. Pregnant or nursing women and children should not consume aloe vera gel, especially fresh gel, because of the cleansing effects on the liver.

    Amaranth: A highly nutritious grain revered by the ancient Aztecs, amaranth was used in religious rituals and consumed by Aztec athletes. Ancient Greeks believed that this unique seed bestowed immortality and gave it a name derived from the Greek word amarantos, which means unfading. World health workers discovered that in areas of Africa and Latin America where amaranth grows, there is little or no incidence of malnutrition. Amaranth thrives in poor soil and in drought conditions, making it a miraculous storehouse of energy and nutrition for people in poor farming regions. Extremely high in protein, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium, iron, lysine, and silicon, amaranth makes a great healing agent. It is an excellent vegetarian food source for infants, children, and nursing and pregnant women, whose calcium, protein, and mineral needs are high. Amaranth also benefits those with hypertension and cardiovascular disease, as regular consumption of the grain has been shown to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Amaranth appears to lower cholesterol via its content of plant stanols and squalene. A glutenfree, high-fiber grain, amaranth flour can be substituted for healthier baking.

    Amaranth greens are super suppliers of B vitamins and minerals including calcium, manganese, potassium, iron, and magnesium. Studies have pointed to amaranth greens, also known as Chinese spinach, as helpful in lowering unhealthy cholesterol. Research suggests that when amaranth greens are consumed, the liver enzyme 7 alpha-hydroxylase significantly increases, which helps to break down cholesterol into bile acids. Numerous other animal studies have verified amaranth green's cholesterolbusting potential. Avoid amaranth greens if you

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