IARI PHD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Horticulture (Vegetable Science)
IARI PHD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Horticulture (Vegetable Science)
IARI PHD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Horticulture (Vegetable Science)
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PART - I(General Agriculture) Multiple choice questions (No. 1 to 30). Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d) and enter your choice in the circle (by shading with a pencil) on the OMR answer sheet as per the Instructions given on the answer sheet.
1. Which of the following crops have been approved for commercial cultivation in lndia? a) Bt cotton and Bt brinjal b) Bt cotton and Golden Rice c) Bt maize and Bt cotton d) Bt cotton only 2. This year (2010-11) the expected food grain production in lndia is a) 212 million tonnes b) 220 million tonnes c) 235 million tonnes d) 250 million tonnes 3. The genome of which of the following crops is still not completely sequenced? a) Rice b) Soybean c) Sorghum, d) Wheat ,, 4. According to the Approach Paper to the 12' Five Year Plan, the basic objective of the 12Ihplan is a) Inclusive growth b) Sustainable growth c) Faster, more inclusive and sustainable growth d) Inclusive and sustainable growth
5. To address the problems of sustainable and holistic development of rainfed areas, including appropriate farming and livelihood system approaches, the Government of lndia has set up the a) National Rainfed Area Authority b) National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas c) National Missibn on Rainfed Areas d) Command Area Development and Water Management Authority
6 . Which of the following sub-schemes are not covered under the Rashtriya K b h i Wkas Yojana? a) Extending the Green Revolution to eastern lndia b) Development of 60,000 pulses and oilseeds villages in identified watersheds c) National Mission on Saffron d) National Missipn on Bamboo
7. The minimum support price for the common variety of paddy announced by the Government of lndia for the year 2010-11 was a) t 1030 b) t l O O O c) t 980 d) t 950
8. According to the Human Development Report 2010 of the United Nations, India's rank in terms of the human development index is a) 119 b) 134 c) 169 d) 182
17. Which of the following is commonly referred to as muriate of potash? a) Potassium nitrate b) Potassium chloride c) Potassium sulphate d) Potassium sillcate 18. Inbred lines that have same genetic constitution but differ only at one locus are called a) Multi lines b) Monohybrid c) Isogenic lines d) Pure lines
19. For applying 100 kg of n~trogen,how much urea would ohe y e ? a) 45 kg b) Illkg c) 222 kg d) 333 kg 20. The devastating impact of plant disease on human suffering and survival was first realized by epidemic of a) Brown spot of rice in Bengal b) Late blight of potato in USA c) Late blight of potato in Europe d) Rust of wheat in India 21. The species of rice (Oryza) other than 0. sativa that is cultivated is a) 0. rufipugon b) 0. longlsteminata c) 0. glaberrima d) 0. nivara 22. The enzyme responsible for the fixation of CO? in mesophyll cells of C-4 plants is a) Maiic enzyme b) ~hosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase c) Phosohoenol ovruvate carboxvkinase 23. a) b) c) d) Which one of the following is a 'Vertisol'? Black cotton soil Red sandy loam soil Sandy loam sodlc soil Submontane (Tarai) soil
16. The coefficient of variation calculated by the formula a) (Mean1S.D.) x 100 b) (S.D.1Mean) x 100 c) S.D.IMean d\ Mean1S.D.
24.What is the most visible physical characteristic of cells in metaphase? a) Elongated chromosomes b) Nucleus visible but chromosomes not c) Fragile double stranded loose chromosomes d) Condensed paired chromosomes on the cell plate
25. All weather phenomena like rain, fog and mist occur in a) Troposphere b) Mesosphere C) Ionosphere d) Ozonosphere 26. Which of the following elements is common to all proteins and nucieic acids? a) Sulphur b) Magnesium c) Nitrogen d) Phosphorous 27. a) b) c) d) 28. a) b) c) d) Silt has intermediate characteristics between Sand and loam Clay and loam Loam and gravel Sand and clay Certified seed is produced from Nucleus seed Breeder seed Foundation seed Truthful seed
33. a) b) c) d)
34. Commercial seed production of cabbage cannot be done at a) Kinnaur b) Srinagar c) Bangalore d) Katrain 35.The 'V' shaped lesion in the leaf is characteristics symptoms of a) Sclerotium rot b) Black rot c) Downy mildew ' d) Alternaria blight 36, a)' b) c) d) Edible podded garden pea variety is Pusa Pragati Oragan Sugar Meteor Arkel
29. Seedless banana is an a) Autotriploid b) Autotetraploid C) Allotriploid d) Ailotetraploid 30. Which one of the following is used to test the goodness-of-fit of a distribution? a) Normal test b) t-test c) Chi-square test d) F-test
07. Which of the. following is a shallow rooted crop? a) Onion b) Radish c) Turnip d) Sweet potato
PART- I (Subject Paper) \ Multiple choice questions (No. 31 to 130). Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d ) and enter your choice in the circle (by shading with a pencil) on the OMR answer sheet as per the instructions given on the answer sheet.
38. Rat-tail or mougri radish is botanically known as a) Raphanus safivus var. radicula b) Raphanus sativus var. niger c) Raphanus sativus var. caudatus d) Raphanus safivus var. olifera
39. The base temperature of peas to calculate heat unit for cultivar is a) 4.4'C b) 8.4OC
31. The vegetable belonging to moncotylendon is . a) Amaranthus b) Asparagus c) Spinach beet d) Drumstick 32. a) b) c) d) 'Freedom' is a transgenic variety of Potato Squash Tomato Okra
40. Yellow pigment in beet root is due to the presence of a) p-cyanins b) Carotene c) Violaxanthin d) P-xanthin
41. Wider spacing and excessive use of fertilizer in potato may cause a) Internal brown spot b) Black peat c) Greening d) Hollow heart
51. Transverse cotyledon cracking is major problem in a) Pea b) French bean c) Pumpkin d) Cowpea 52. First Central Vegetable Research Station was established at Katrain in Kullu Valley of Himachal Pradesh in a) 1942 b) 1949 c) 1952 d) 1955 53. In French bean, light or medium green round fleshy stringless pods having white seeds are suitable for' a) Freezing b) Dehydration C) Canning d) Drying 54. Cytoplasmic genic male sterility in hot pepper has been first reported in an Indian introduction Pi-164835 by a) Peter b) Peterson c) Greenleaf d) Veeragavthathum 55. Genic and cytoplasmic genic male sterility have been commercially exploited for development of F, hybrids in a) Tomato b) Brinjal C) Chilli d) Sweet pepper
56. Resistance to powdery mildew disease in
42. Potato leaf marker commonly associated with male sterility line of a) Brinjal b) Chilli C) Tomato d) Bell pepper 43. a) b) c) d) a) b) C) d) Gold fleck is a physiological disorder of Tomato Potato Brinjal Okra
a) b) c) d) 47. a) b) c) d) 48. a) b) c) d)
45. Which of the following cucurbits contain highest amount of iron? a) Bitter gourd b) Pumpkin C Musk melon ) d) Bottle gourd Which of the following palak varieties does not bolt In plain? Pusa Harit All Green Pusa Jyoti Pusa Bharathi Perianth type flower is seen in Bulb crop Root crop Okra Cole crop Leek is mainly propagated by Clove r Bulb,, Seed Root cutting '
a) b) c) d) 57. a) bj c) d) 58. a) b) c) d)
garden pea is governed by Single recessive gene Two recessive genes Single dominant gene Two dominant genes New Zealand spinach is a Cross ooliinated and cool season annual Cross boilinated and warm season annual Self pollinated and warm season annual Self pollinated and cool season annual Coriander is a member of family Fabaceae Rutaceae Apiaceae Labiatae
49. which of the vegetable is cross pollinated due to protandry? a) Parsley b) Cabbage c) Radish d) Turnip 50. Pinching of male bud can be commercial exploited for hybrid seed production in a) Cucumber b) Pumpkin c) Water melon d) Bitter gourd
Subject : PhD- Horticulture (VegefableSclence) 2011 59. Parentage of Pusa Alankar squash F, hybrid is a) Australian Green x Sel 1 b) EC 27050 x S e l l c) EC 27050 x Sel2 d) EC 27050 x Sel4
68. Estimated percentage of the total production of potato used for processing is a) < I 5 b) < I 0 c) <5 d) < I 69. a) b) c) d) Chromosome number of trisomic tomato 22 23 25 26
a summer
60. The Indian Society of Vegetable Science was established in a) 1993 b) 1983 c) 1973 d) 1963 61. Male parent for development of chilli hybrid CH-3, is a) LLS b) S-2560 . C) 5-2530 d) Punjab Lal 82. Selection based on single seed descent method is quite effective in a) Cabbage b) Chilli C) Brinjal d) Tomato 63. How many lines are involved development of synthetic variety? a) <3 b) 4-6 c) 7-9 d) > I 0 for
70. Time of anthesis in sponge gourd a) Morning b) Afternoon C) Evening d) Night 71. /a) b) c) d) Rhubarb is also known as Petsai plant Pie plant Poi plant Super plant
72. White heart is a disorder of a) Musk melon b) Sarda melon C) Water melon d) Long melon 73. Seeds requiring maximum duration for germination a) Radish b) Parsley c) Muskmelon d) Lettuce 74. For 5 gene pairs involved in the cross, number of all possible combinations in F2 under independent assortment of genes assuming complete dominance will be a) 64 b) 256 C) 1024 d) 1084576 75. a) b) c) d) Gamete selection was advocated by Stadler Davenport Richey Emsweller
64. Name the global leader in grafted vegetable production technology a) China b) Korea c) Japan d) India 65. Solanum hirsutum and Solanum pennelli are resistant to a) Fruit borer and white fly b) Root knot nematodes and Colorado potato beetle c) White fly and leaf miner d) Spider mitiland Colorado potato beetle 66. Anther colour is Capsicum baccatum is Blue b) Purple c) Yellow d) Bluish purple 67. The desired diameter of potato tuber for chip making a) 2-4 cm b) 4-6 cm c) 6-8 cm d) 8-10 cm
76. The most appropriate design for testing large number of entries with limited seeds a) RBD b l CRD cj d) Augmented Design
85. To some extent regular bearing in mango can be induced by application of a) Auxin b) Ethephon c) Paclobutrazol d) ABA 86. a) b) c) d) 87. a) b) c) d) Cold hardy rose species is Rosa indica Rosa foetida Rosa multiflora Rosa rugosa Negative geotropism is a disorder of Carnation Marigold Tulip Gladiolus
88. In recessive epistasis, the phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1 is modified to a) 9:3:4 b) 9:7 c) 15:l d) 12:3:1 89. In a diailel analysis of 6 parents and their 15 Fl's (excluding reciprocals) grown in a replicated black design with 2 replications. What will be the total degree of freedom? a) 20 b) 21 b c) 40 d) 41 90. Statistically coefficient autogamons crops is a) 1 b) > I c) < I d\ 0 of inbreeding in
80. The minimum period required to harvest and sell produce from an organic farm is called a) Waiting period b) Fallow period c) Conversion period d) Rest period 81. Preharvest fruit drop in mango can be controlled by a) 100 ppm NAA b) 20 ppm GAS c) 20 ppm IBA d) 20 ppm 2,4-D 82. a) b) c) d) 83. a) b) c) d) In guava, fruit bearing mostly takes place on Very old shoots Spurs Current season growth One year old shoots Ber plants are pruned in north India during ~ a ~ - ~ u ~ e July-August December-January March-April
91. Eberhart and Russell (1966) model was applied for multilocation testing of the performance of 5 varieties of okra at 6 locations using RBD with 4 replications at each location. What will be the error degree of freedom? a) 18 b) 20 c) 72 d) 119 92. Linextester analysis was carried out of an experiment in brinjal having 6 lines and 3 tester in RED having 3 replications. What will be the total degree of freedom including parents? a) 17 b) 26 c) 52 d) 80
102. Butternut squash belongs to a) Cucurbita pep0 b) Cucurbita moschata c) Cucurbita maxima d) Cucurbita mixta 103 The variety of carrot having roots cylindrical with straight or sloppy shoulder is a) Chantenay b) imperator c) Nantes d) Danvers 104. Club root resistant turnip cv. Manga has been reported from a) Australia b) USA c j New Zealand ' d) France 105. Which of the following nutrients is essential for nodulation of leguminous vegetables? a) Copper b) Molybdenum c) Zinc d) Iron 106. 'Deepaliwal' is a variety of a) Lablab bean b) French bean c) Jack bean d) Pea 107. Under seed plat technique, planting of potato tubers should be done st a) 251h~ u ~ uto 15Ihsettember b) 251h September to2 5' October c) 25Ih0ctober to 15 November to d) 25Ih ~ovember 15" December 108. The chromosome number Amaranthus dubius is a) 32 b) 34 c) 62 d) 64 109. The genomic constitution of carinata is a) AABBCC b) AACC c) BBCC d) AABB (2n) of
93. Selfing 'and massing is quite effective for improvement of a cultivar in a) Garden pea b) Onion c) French bean d) Okra 94. CH-1 and CH-3 hybrids of chilli have been developed by a) HAU, Hisar b) KAU, Vellanikalra c) IIVR, Varanasi d) PAU, Ludhiana 95. Bud, blossom and fruit drop in chilli is attributed to a) Deficiency of nitrogen and other micronutrients b) Humid and cloudy weather c) Unfavourable temperature and water supply d) Poor fertility and shady location 96. a) b) c) d) 97. a) b) c) d) Flower colour of Kasuri Methi White Red Orange yellow Purple Hakuran is a Root vegetable Stem vegetable Leafy vegetable Fruit vegetable
98. Okra variety 'Arka Abhay' is developed through crossing between Abelmoschus esculantus and a) Abelmoschus manihot 0) Abelmoschus moschatus c j Abelmoschus ficulneus d) Abelmoschus tetaraphyllus 99. The temperature requires for maximum lycopene content in tomato is a) 13-15% b) 15-20C C) 20-25% d) 25-30C, 7 100. Which of the following species is the wild progenitor of French bean? a) Phaseolus coccineus b) Phaseolus aborigineus c) Phaseolus vulgaris d) Phaseolus aconitifolius 101. 'Horticultural Reviews' is published by a) Wiley-Blackwell b) Springer c) The Haworth Press d) Narosa Publishing House
110. Downy mildew resistance in onion reported in ... a) Aliium cepa b) Allium roylei c) Allium fistulosum d) Ailium sativum
120. 'Fufu' is prepared from a) Yam b) Bottle gourd c) Pumpkin d) Ash gourd 121. Brown seed marker is associated with male sterile line of a) Water melon b) Carrot c) Musk melon d) Onion 122. Mutant of pea in which all the leaves are l converted into tendr~l~ k e a) Afila b) Acacia c) Papila d) Adnate 123. Flowering in potato generally takes place in a) Long day and high temperature b) Long day and low temperature c) Short day and high temperature d) Short day and low temperature 124. Palak variety developed by hybridization of sugarbeet and local palak a) Pusa Harit b) All Green c) Pusa Bharti d) Jobner Green 125, lsogenic lines are derived through a) Mass selection b) Mutation c) Pure line selection d) Back crossing 126. Cucurbita moschata is cross fertile with a) Cucurbita pepo b) Cucurbita mixta c) Cucurbita ficifolia d) Cucurbita maxima 127. Which of the following is a long day plant? a) Radish b) Potato c) Chilli d) Sweet potato 128. Which irrigation system can control weed most effectively? a) Sprinkler b) Furrow c) Basin d) Drip
111. 'Pusa Rudhira' is a variety of a) Radish b) Carrot C) Cauliflower d) Red cabbage 112. Which of the following is used as rootstock for flowering induction in sweet potato? a) lpomoea carnea b) lpomoea trifida c) lpomoaa triloba d) lpomoea fistulosa 113. The andromonoecious sex form in melon is denoted as a) A-Gb) A-gg c) aaG- ~ d) aagg 114. Vegetable soybean cultivation has been promoted by AVRDC in a) Maharashtra b) Uttaranchal c) Jharkhand d) Orissa 115. Most pungent part of chilli is a) Placenta b) Seeds c) Pericarp d) Peduncle 116. The research on triploid watermelon has been revived at a) IARI, New Delhi b) IIVR, Varanasi c) PAU, Ludhina d) IIHR, Bangaluru 117. The gene exploited for carotene rich in cauliflower is designated as a) 'Cr'gene b) 'Or' gene c) 'Mi'gene d) 'fp' gene 118, Cavity spot in carrot is due to deficiency of
119. The shortest duration variety of radish is a) Pusa Chetki b) Pusa Reshmi c) Pusa Desi d) Pusa Mridula
Subject : PhD - Horticulture (Vegetable Science) - 2011 129,Which of the vegetable has highest inbreeding depression? a) Cabbage b) Carrot c) Leek d) Radish 130. One of the major problem in hydroponics is a) High oxygen supply to the root b) Root die back caused by inadequate oxygen c) Difficultyin preparation of growing media d) Difficulty in supporing plants 135. i) Bt brinjal ii) Karnataka iii) indra iv) Pusa Sanyog v) Natasha 136. i) Dioecious ii) Tip burn of lettuce iii) Marsh spot iv) Quercetin v) Black heart
a) b) c) d) e)
a) b) c) d)
Matching type questions (No. 131 to 140); all questions carry equal marks. Choose the correct answer (a, b, c, d or e) for each sub-question (i, ii, iii, iv and v) and enter your choice in the circle (by shading with a pencll) on the OMR answer sheet as per the instructions glven on the answer sheet.
i) Cleistogamy ii) Self-incompatibility iii) Functional male sterility iv) Momordicin ' v) Methyl-amine 138. i) Malvidin-S-Giucpside . ii) Browning, , . iii) Puffiness . iv) Monoecy v) Calcium oxalate
a) b) c) d) e)
131. i) Central and South America ii) Ethiopia iii) Cytoplasmic genic male sterility iv) Punjab Lal v) Pusa Pawati
a) Carrot b) Mutation breeding c) Spodoptera leaf eating caterpillar d) French bean e) Garden pea
a) b) c) d) e)
132. i) Indigenous F, hybrids ii) Rabies Glycoprotein gene iii) Dioecious iv) Pusa Bedana v) Paiam Samridhi 133. i) Potato ii) Light exposure iii) Very high respiratory activity iv) Parthenocarpic cucumber v) White fly " 134. i) CiPHET ii) ISHS iii) AVRDC iv) iVF V) ClTH
a) b) c) d) e)
139. i) Fruit cracking ii) Hollow tem of cauliflower iii) Protogyny~ iv) Powdery mildew v) Roma '
140. i) Knol-khol ii) Early blight ~ii) Arka Nishant iv) Sylvia V) Manjari Gota
a) b) c) d) e)
Short questions (No. 141 to 146); each question carries FIVE marks. Write answers, including computation I mathematical calculations if any, in the space provided for each question on the question paper itself.
141. Hybrids are popular in solanaceous and cucurb~taceous vegetables Justify.
142. Enlist the barriers in crossability in distantly related vegetable crops and the methods to overcome these barriers.
- .~~ . 145. What will be the major challenges on vegetable crops -changes? : . maior bresdina strateaies to mitiaate these challennas?
I.. .
146. Vegetable plays a significance role in nutritional and health securit~.,$~~tify. .--