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Understanding Airlines' Value Perceptions For Value-Based Requirements Engineering of Commercial Aircraft

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Understanding Airlines Value Perceptions for Value-Based Requirements Engineering Of Commercial Aircraft

Xinwei Zhang a, Guillaume Auriol a, Hakki Eres b, Claude Baron a, Mario Kossmann c a INSA Toulouse, Universit de Toulouse (xwzhang@insa-toulouse.fr, guillaume.auriol@insa-toulouse.fr, claude.baron@insa-toulouse.fr) b Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton (Hakki.Eres@soton.ac.uk) c AIRBUS (mario.kossmann@airbus.com)
Copyright 2012 by Xinwei Zhang. Published and used by INCOSE with permission.

Abstract. Although Systems Engineering (SE) processes and standards are widely used in aircraft development programs, traditional requirements engineering practice for commercial aircraft does not explicitly address value perceptions and related, relevant information. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed to promote a better understanding of customer value perceptions for value-based requirements engineering. The approach is a four-step process leading from initial customer statements to component value models. A set of theories and methods is introduced in order to resolve the different concerns regarding the appropriate understanding of customer value perceptions, and based on these, the establishment of the requirements. A case study is used that shows the transformation of airlines initial expectation statements into a corresponding group value model, which supports the first two steps of the approach. The benefits of this approach are that perceived customer value can be explicitly qualified and quantified; and subsequently used reactively for design evaluation, and proactively for value-driven design.

1 Introduction
During the initial phrases of a new commercial aircraft program, many conceptual decisions are made, concerning primarily the early product positioning, the subsequent definition of top-level aircraft objectives (or technical requirements at aircraft level), and cascading these down within the extended enterprise. All these decisions are made on the basis of their assumed value contribution to airline customers and/or other relevant stakeholders. However, this assumed value contribution is more an implicit concept, rather than an explicit consideration in aircraft development programs. Value related information such as value dimensions and value drivers that allow for early conceptual orientation at the different development levels within the extended enterprise are not usually explicitly shared between the concerned organizations. Systems Engineering processes and standards are widely used in the aircraft development program, but they do not address value in much detail in the requirements engineering (RE) stage (EIA632 1998, De Chazelles et al. 2004). Airlines expectations and needs are usually collected and derived into technical requirements on the aircraft level in a value-implicit manner. Losing a holistic, valuefocused viewpoint is also obvious in the aircraft design and evaluation process (Jenkinson et al. 1999). For example, aircraft design alternatives are traditionally evaluated in terms of recurring and non-recurring cost by aircraft manufacturers, and

direct and indirect operating costs by the airlines or other operators. Evidently, cost is only one special dimension of value, and there are other dimensions, such as performance, safety, reliability, cabin comfort and others. All these dimensions are potentially perceived as valuable by customers and other stakeholders. If too much attention is paid to one single dimension or some dimensions, it is difficult to make beneficial value trade-offs between different dimensions and this will fail to provide high-value aircraft to airline customers and other stakeholders. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed that helps to better understand customer value perceptions for value-based RE. It is a four-step process that is presented in light of the multi-attribute utility theory and supporting methods, such as means-ends analysis and part-whole analysis. The approach is applied in order to understand airlines value perceptions for the development of value-based requirements specifications of commercial aircraft. It is believed that the approach can contribute to the following three aspects: (1) Value can be explicitly qualified (what it is and what are its internally structural relationships), quantified (how much), modeled (in terms of value models), and simulated (e.g. using the Monte-Carlo simulation) in the design and development of commercial aircraft; (2) Airline value models and their derived component level value models can be used to evaluate the available or potential commercial aircraft concepts, and thereby enhance the decisionmaking process of selecting aircraft; and (3) airline value models and their derived component level value models can be communicated among different development levels within the extended enterprise, with an emphasis on highly influencing value dimensions and value drivers for designing alternatives with high value perceptions. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the context of the approach development is introduced. In Section 3, the approach to support value-based RE is proposed with its process, and underlying theories and methods. Section 4 provides insights on the application of the first two steps of the approach to an example, transforming airlines initial expectation statements into a group value model. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the conclusions drawn and future research directions identified.

2 Context
This development of approach to support value-focused RE builds on a current research conducted within the European Commissions seventh framework (FP7) research project CRESCENDO in the domain of European aerospace industry in collaboration with mainly European universities and manufacturers. The test case of requirements establishment and value generation provides a beneficial link to main manufacturers (i.e., aircraft, engine, sub-systems and others) in the European aerospace industry and useful input during the development of the approach. A schematic illustration of value-driven design among different levels of aerospace product is shown in Figure 1 (Cheung et al. 2010). One innovative aspect of the test case is to build a value model based on airliners needs, expectations and other statements paralleling with traditional RE process, which ensures the developed airplane reflecting customer value. This is shown as the system value model in the left yellow part of Figure 1. In this framework, system value model is a multi-attribute utility function rather than the originally surplus value based value model deployed in initial investigation. It is a combination of customer value model and interface model which models the functional relationships between customer needs and top-level aircraft requirements. With the system value model it is straightforward to calculate the utility of special inputs of aircraft attributes that are outputs of aircraft product model. Then evaluation of different alternatives and design

optimizations is enabled in terms of customer value. This capability is attributed to single attribute utility information and value trade-offs information contained in the value model. This value-driven design (VDD) cycle in the Figure 1 is from subcomponent models through component models, product model, and system value model back to sub-component models. This cycle is actually very flexible and models can be added to extend sub-component models to further finer models, such as subsub-component models. Models can also been deleted from the cycle from subcomponent models to component models. For example, deletion of the part of subcomponent model will create an evaluation and optimization cycle from component models back to component models.

Figure 1. A schematic illustration of VDD in context of CRESCENDO Adapted from (Cheung et al. 2010) The problems in the processes are how value model can be built, which includes: How to construct airline value model, How to construct aircraft value model, How to construct component value models and sub-component value models. Besides the above concerns, discussions with industrial partners also help identify their expectations about approaching the development and test case application: E1. Establish value-driven traceability from customer statements to requirements, E2. Enable value-driven trade-off capability at requirements level and design solution level, E3. Pay more attention on intangible value dimensions rather than only on cost aspect (or surplus value), and E4. Foresee prototypes in place that can be integrated into industrial environments.

3 The approach
There are already a set of processes and methods available in literatures and industrial practices for RE (Agouridas et al. 2008, Bayus 2007, De Chazelles et al. 2004, Pahl and Beitz 2007, Ulrich and Eppinger 2007). As our intention is to focus on value at RE stage and not to depart from available good practice, the approach is proposed in

parallel to the traditional RE processes and methods. The essence of the approach is that our thinking in any product development decision should focus first on customer value perceptions and then on design alternatives that influence it. This includes the following four steps, which are also shown in Figure 2: Identify and structure objectives. The main mission of this step is to identify what is of value to customers in the current context and to create corresponding, logical structures of a means-ends objectives network, and a fundamental objectives hierarchy, which will later facilitate the process of quantification. The underlying methods to support this step are means-ends analysis and part-whole analysis. Specify attributes and construct value model. Attributes are specified to measure the attainment of fundamental objectives or customer needs. A customer value model is then constructed based on the verified independence assumptions among the attributes. The underlying theory to support the quantification is the multi-attribute utility theory. Transform fundamental objectives into engineering characteristics (ECs). Fundamental objectives should be transformed into ECs that are of technical nature and influence the attainment of fundamental objectives. This step is necessary to transform customer value model into system value model. The underlying methods of this step are the relationship matrix of the quality function deployment and the response surface methodology. Derive component value models. In this step component value models are derived from system value model through performing sensitivity analysis. These component value models are used for component design, optimization and evaluation. In the next section, an application of the approach is deployed for transforming airlines initial expectation statements into an airlines group value model, which focuses on the first two steps of the approach to illustrate its usefulness and applicability. The case study of steps three and four is under development and will be reported on in the near future.

Figure 2.The four steps of the approach

4 The application
Step 1: Identify and structure objectives

The initial airlines statements in the Table 1 are used as the starting point for deriving value model. Although they are incomplete, they are sufficient for the illustration of the approach. The types and examples of initial airline statements are partly given in the first two-column of Table 1. An obvious fact regarding to the statements is that airlines try to express statements in different levels and granularities. The airline statements may be in the form of needs, goals, objectives, constraints, ECs, or design parameters. It is straightforward to transform the initial statements into objectives as shown in the third column of Table 1. These transformed objectives may be fundamental, means or strategic objectives (Keeney 1992). The objective of minimize operating cost is a fundamental objective for chosen airlines, as they think it is one of the fundamental reasons to select a commercial aircraft. It is possible to ask why minimize operating cost is important, and the answer may be that it directly influences profit levels. On the other hand, profit is also influenced by other means, such as pricing, marketing and strategy, which are not under the control of the current decision context of aircraft development. Minimize fuel consumption is a means objective, although there is a high frequency of mentions by airlines. The underlying reasons are that it influences positively the achievement of minimize operating cost and minimize environment impact, which are fundamental objectives. Provide commonality is also a means objective, which influence positively minimize operating cost and maximize maintainability, and it may influence negatively maximize performance, such as the range and the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft. The overall performance as a means influences several objectives, such as operating cost and usability to route operation. Maximize maintainability is uncovered as a missed fundamental objective in Table 1. Through means-ends analysis on provide commonality, it is found that it is difficult to make sensible decisions when commonality is considered directly. The decisions of how much commonality to realize should all depend on its influence on operating cost, maintainability and usability. Then value trade-offs should be made among operating cost, maintainability and usability to determine the degree of commonality. A reckless combination of commonality, operating cost, maintainability, performance and usability without distinguishing the underlying means-ends relationships will result in double counting the importance of commonality. This simply highlights the importance of identifying fundamental objectives. Table1: Part of initial customer statements, their transformed objectives

Transformed objective may be strategic objectives, such as rationalize fleet.

They are at a too high level to be controlled by decisions under aircraft development. How questions should be pursued to explore its relationship with aircraft development. The outcome may be that current fleet is in a certain situation in which longer range and more fuel-efficient aircrafts are needed. This will help to find the underlying fundamental objectives. However, these transformations do not eliminate those original customer statements that are also useful for design. For example, the imposed constraints are usually to be utilized to check the technical feasibility and economic viability of the design alternatives. After a complete means-ends analysis on the objectives in Table 1, a means-ends objectives network is established and a set of fundamental objectives is identified. Those uncovered fundamental objectives from the transformed objectives are presented in Table 2. Table 2: Transformed objective and their fundamental objectives

It is then necessary to perform part-whole analysis on the fundamental objectives in Figure 3, which helps to clarify the understanding of fundamental objectives of high levels and granularities.

Figure 3. The fundamental objectives established from transformed objectives A fundamental objectives hierarchy for the objectives of Minimize environmental impact is given in Figure 4, which is a sub-hierarchy in the Figure 3. In this figure, a narrow perspective is adopted and environmental impact is limited to noise and emission impact that will be sufficient to illustrate the process and methods. In this hierarchy, the objective of minimizing environmental impact is decomposed into a degree at which appropriate attributes for measurement can be selected. The same procedures are performed in other fundamental objectives, such as Minimize operating cost. The first attempt of asking questions leads to a decomposition into

direct operating cost and indirect operating cost. Asking further what questions lead to a fundamental objectives hierarchy of operating cost in Figure 5. Finally, a complete hierarchy of all the fundamental objectives is established.

Figure 4. A hierarchy of fundamental objective of minimizing environmental impact Through means-ends and part-whole analysis, hard work and creative thinking on these objectives, confidence is established that the set of fundamental objectives satisfies the desired properties of fundamental objectives specified by Keeney (1992). Thus the procedure facilitates further quantification and value measurements.

Figure 5. A hierarchy of fundamental objective of minimize operating cost Step 2: Specify attributes and construct value model A hierarchy of airlines fundamental objectives provides well-structured forms of input for the quantification process. In order to enable transformation from qualification to quantification, certain attributes or metrics are needed to measure the achievement of each of the fundamental objectives in the leaves of the hierarchy, which is necessary to assign meaningful weights to fundamental objectives.

Seat mile cost measured in 2011 dollars is a natural attribute regarding to operational cost. A constructed attribute with four levels is used for safety measurement in Joint Airworthiness Requirements: Minor, Major, Hazardous and Catastrophic. Every level is given clear clarification in value so that customers or designers can easily find the safety level of a special aircraft. Mean maintenance man-hours per flight hour is selected as an attribute for Maximize maintainability. Dispatch reliability rate measured in % is an attribute for Maximize reliability. For usability of airplane, one attribute is identified for each function in appropriate levels and for airplanes capability to commit certain route, and these attributes are expressed as elements of a vector. However, for some objectives, it may be too difficult to identify direct measurements or collect the information for the direct measurements. For example, the overall health cost resulting from noise impact is hard to collect. Proxy attributes are then used as indirect measurements for fundamental objectives, which may be the direct measurement of some means objectives. For example, attribute 1 effective perceived noise in decibels (EPNdB) is a proxy attribute for noise impact that maybe more appropriately measured by health impact (2), noise depreciation index and monetary impact (Jenkinson et al. 1999, Mahashabde et al. 2011). However, introducing of proxy attributes, e.g. EPNdB and NOx emission, causes difficulty of verifying independence assumptions and assessing value models at later stages. For example, to assess value model of attribute 1 in terms of health impact 2), meaningfully, a two-level process is implied as shown in Figure 6(a). The function between 1 and 2 is necessary to be found firstly. Possibly, it is modelled with a conditional probability function (21). Then single attribute utility function over 2 is assessed. These together give single attribute utility function over 1. It is also possible to assess this value model directly from proxy attribute 1 to utility as shown in Figure 6(b), but it demands more cognitive complexity to assess reasonable utilities of levels of proxy attribute 1, which is normally error-prone. Without clear consciousness of the relationships between noise levels and health impact, it is difficult to assess the utilities of different noise levels. While the difference, say between 108 EPNdB and 90 EPNdB, is obvious, the difference of their utility cannot be obtained directly.

Figure 6. Proxy attribute and its assessment of value

It is desirable that the set of selected attributes satisfies desired properties of attributes, e.g. measurable, operational, direct and unambiguous. And, there are oneto-one relationships rather than multiple-to-multiple relationships between objectives and attributes. In order to facilitate latter illustration, we assume that there is a set of M objectives {O1, , OM} in the leaves of the fundamental objectives hierarchy of airlines with a set of M attributes {X1, , XM}, that is, one attribute for one objective. We also assume that the selected attributes are all direct attributes and there is a transformation process from these direct attributes to ECs that are proxy attributes for fundamental objectives. These assumptions are reasonable, although they introduce the difficulty of modeling or approximating the relationships between direct customer attributes and proxy attributes. After specifying attributes, it is time to verify possible preference independence assumptions among attributes, which help finding function forms of the value model, e.g., multiplicative or additive function forms. For example, to verify the relationships between seat-mile cost (1) and man-hours per flight hour (2), a test as in Figure 7 is deployed. Actually, for all values of 1 and 2, the customer is indifferent between the two lotteries, which imply existence of additive independence between 1 and 2. When additive independence is verified, an additive function form can be used for compose together 1 and 2. For attributes, the same procedures are used, although it is time-consuming when is large.

Figure 7. Verification of independence assumptions Empirically, Keeney shows that it is appropriate to determine an additive function form when the set of objectives are fundamental objectives and the objectives satisfy the set of desired properties of fundamental objectives (Keeney 1992, 2007). After carefully performing means-ends and part-whole analysis, we have confidence that additive function form 1,,==1() (1) is a reasonable approximation of customer preferences. Therefore, it is a reasonable form for representing airline preferences. Single attribute utility functions for attributes are then assessed. Necessary information for assessing one single attribute utility function includes: 1) range information of the attribute, 2) the monotonicity of the utility function, 3) risk attitude of the customer towards the uncertainty attainment of the attribute, and 4) certainty equivalence (or lottery equivalence). One hypothetical single attribute utility function over seat-mile cost is modeled and illustrated in Figure 8. For single attribute utility function over seat-mile cost, the underlying process to determine it reasonably is following: (1) Collect range information of attribute, that is from 0.03 to 0.1 dollar every seat-mile cost, (2) Ascertain the direction of increasing preferences and monotonically decreasing preferences is verified, (3) Verify airline risk attitudes

towards uncertain attainment of seat-mile cost and risk averse is found as airline would prefer expected consequence to the lottery, (4) Select the class of risk averse utility functions (Keeney 1992): =+() (2) where a and b>0 are constants and are selected to ensure ui being scaled from zero to one, constant c<0 indicates monotonically decreasing preferences, and the value of c indicates the degree of airlines risk averse, (5) Assess certainty equivalence (or) lottery equivalence, and 0.075 dollar is determined as indifferent to the lottery <0.03, 0.5, 0.1> which yields either a 0.03 dollar or a 0.1 dollar seat-mile cost, each with a one-half chance, and (6) Solve a, b and c in equation (2) for determining single attribute utility function over seat-mile cost using available information.

Figure 8. Single attribute utility function: seat-mile cost The single attribute utility function over man-hours per flight hour is assessed of risk neutrality as shown in Figure 9, which is a linear form.

Figure 9: Single attribute utility function: man-hours per flight hour These assessments of single attribute utility functions are implemented in the Vanguard Studio, which is one of business software for decision analysis and has a wide range of applications in industries and by our partners. A Vanguard Studio model has been developed for the assessment, which includes six possible sub-models: Increasing risk averseness model,

Increasing risk neutrality model, Increasing risk proneness model, Decreasing risk averseness model, Decreasing risk neutrality model, Decreasing risk proneness model. The inputs of the model are following (when monotonicity is verified): The most desired level of the attribute , The minimum acceptable level of the attribute , The mid-value point in the attribute range . Then the model can judge the direction of increasing preferences, customers risk attitudes and assess the single attribute utility automatically. The underlying rational is that when there are the inputs of , and , three equations can be found. For example, if > could be found, then the single attribute utility function is increasing; if <+2 could be further found, then the customer is risk averse over the attribute, which gives the following equations: =+=1 (3) =+=0.5 (4) =+=0 (5) These three equations have three parameters and can be easily solved in some mathematical software, such as Maple. But it poses problems to the Vanguard Studio, as there are no available functions for solving nonlinear equations. Actually, after some transformation, these equations can be transformed into three single-variable equations (6), (7) and (8) that could be solved in Vanguard Studio. 2=+ (6) =1 (7) = (8) Scale constants (or relative importance) kis are assessed through making value trade-offs. For example, with two hypothetical alternatives of the same utilities for airlines differing only in achievement of two attributes: seat-mile cost (Xi) and manhours per flight hour (Xj). If an airline would like to pay 0.01 dollar more in seat-mile cost in order to exchange a reduction of 0.2 man-hours per flight hour, then 1,,0.03,,0.3,,=(1,,0.04,,0.1,,) (9) is satisfied, which is visually displayed in Figure 10. Weight ratio between kj and ki is shown at the bottom of the figure, which shows one equation with kis as unknown.

Figure 10. Value trade-off to determine relative weights For M attributes, a set of at least M equations is constructed to determine the M kis in the additive function form. These equations are linear and can be easily solved in Vanguard Studio. The roots of these equations are the kis. After assessing function form for the multiple attributes, single attribute utility functions and kis, a multiattribute value model for individual airline is established. However, different airlines may have different preferences about attributes and their importance. They then may have different value models, although the same set of fundamental objectives and attributes is used for assessment. Some attributes may be assigned a higher weight by a certain airline while others may assign them a lower weight. Airlines may even have different perceptions about single attribute achievement. If consensus cannot be achieved, group preferences have always to be derived. In order to simplify the illustration, we should consider the case of two airlines. One airline is a low-cost carrier and the other is a flagship carrier. They have the same set of fundamental objectives that are narrowed down to three in our context. This example is demonstrated in Table 3. However, they have different preferences about relative weights and attainment of objectives. Table 3: A group utility problem

A formulation of the group utility problem in Table 3 is given in Table 4. In this case, the Supra Decision Maker (Keeney 1993) is the aircraft manufacturer who verifies the assumptions and assesses the scaling constants ws that address interpersonal comparison of utility. In order for an aircraft manufacturer to meaningfully assign relative weights of airlines, a sophisticated assessment process is necessary, which is another decision-making problem of multiple objectives. The weights are influenced by percentage of orders, market potential, political considerations and others. Table 4: A formulation of group utility problem

The two airlines with three attributes can be easily extended to N customers with

M attributes

==1, =1, ..., (10) With a quantified group value model and several individual value models, it is then possible to do various kinds of visual analysis, sensitivity analysis, Monte Carlo simulations and optimization. These modeling and simulation have been also implemented in the software of Vanguard Studio. Figure 11 represents the implemented model of group utility function and a color-based sensitivity analysis, which shows the degree of relevance between customer attributes and group utility. Differences between airlines can be identified: different relative weights of airlines, different perception of attribute attainment and different relative weights of attributes. Individual utilities are assessed and aggregated meaningfully into group utility without making compromise between airlines.

Figure 11. Group utility and color-based sensitivity analysis Other capabilities of value modeling and simulation are also implemented, such as component-based modeling and internet-based simulation, which supports distributional design and development. Parts of them are shown in Figures 12. This value model can be conveniently integrated into existing engineering models in an Isight simulation process workflow when the interface between top-level aircraft requirements and customer attributes are available.

Figure 12. Value modeling and simulation

5 Conclusions
In this paper we proposed an approach to understand customer value perceptions for value-based RE and a case study of transforming airlines initial expectation statements into an airlines group value model. The approach is a four-step process integrating the existing multi-attribute utility theory, means-ends analysis, partwhole analysis, response surface methodology and others. These theories and methods were introduced to resolve different concerns appearing during the different steps of the approach. With the approach and the illustrated case study, we identified the following benefits: Airlines value perceptions can be explicitly qualified, quantified, modeled and simulated, which was presented through the case study in Section 4. This information was used to enable value-based RE of commercial aircraft. Therefore, value-based RE can be integrated into existing quantitative engineering models. Airlines value models can be used to evaluate available or potential aircraft alternatives, when the necessary information of aircraft concept alternatives is collected. A scalar value is calculated for the set of information attributes of a specific aircraft alternative. This is a very attractive feature that enhances the decision-making process. Value dimensions and value models can be explicitly shared at the different development levels within the extended enterprise, which offers significant potential to enable the development of aircraft that are perceived by customer airlines to be of high value. This value-based information can be used for the conceptual orientation at all different development levels, when the validated technical requirements at these levels are not available yet. Therefore, the approach reduces development risks throughout the extended enterprise, and reduces the time to market of new aircraft. The future research should focus on a number of aspects regarding the early and ongoing interaction between value models and simulations across multiple levels of development within the extended enterprise; the configuration management of the related value-based information at all levels concerned; and the re-use of this information, including traceability information, for major modification projects or new aircraft programs.

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Biography Xinwei ZHANG is a PhD at LAAS-CNRS laboratory, INSA Toulouse, France. His research aera is requirements engineering for complex systems and he actively paticipates a European project CRESCENDO to develop approaches for value-based requirements engineering. Guillaume AURIOL is an associate professor at INSA Toulouse, where he teaches system engineering, and does his research in the LAAS-CNRS laboratory. He received the M.E. degree from ENSICA (Toulouse), a French graduate school of Aeronautics, in 2003. He joined the INSA Toulouse after his Ph.D. degree in 2004 to develop a master degree program in system engineering. He is a member and an activity leader of AFIS (affiliation to INCOSE). He has published several papers in leading international journals. Hakki ERES is a senior research fellow at the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton. He received his BSc and MSc degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Bogazici University, Turkey in 1990 and 1993, respectively. He obtained his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Delaware, USA in 1998. His research interests are in the fields of numerical solutions of coating flows, computational fluid dynamics applications, optimisation methods, and value-driven design. Claude BARON is professor in computer sciences at the INSA Toulouse (France) in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. Her current research focuses on system engineering in the LAAS-CNRS laboratory.

Mario Kossmann is an experienced Systems Engineer and Capability Integrator for Airbus, having previously worked for Blohm & Voss as a Systems Engineer, Technical Manager and also Consultant in Services Marketing. He has served as a naval officer with the German and French navies, and was awarded an MEng in Aerospace Technology from the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich (Germany), an MBA from the University of Warwick (UK), and a Ph.D. in Requirements Engineering from the University of the West of England (UK). Mario is the author of the book Delivering Excellent Service Quality in Aviation (Ashgate 2006). Currently, Mario works as Systems Engineering specialist and Product Development Process Architect for Value-Driven Design (VDD), Product Family Management (PFM), and Ontology-driven Requirements Engineering (OntoREM).

Acknowledgements: We thank Anne Monceaux (EADS Innovation Works) for discussions about value modelling and simulation at requirements stage. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Communitys Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) (www.crescendo-fp7.eu) under grant agreement n234344.

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