Electronic Homework
Electronic Homework
Electronic Homework
atom/cm3, kT/q= 26mV, ni= 1.5x1010 atom/cm3, =10-12 F/cm, Lp=5m, Ln=10m, Dn=18cm2/s, Dp=10cm2/s a) Calculate the built in potential (Vo value) of this junction. b) Calculate the thickness of depletion regions, Xn, Xp, W in micron unit (ie. not cm) c) Calculate the new total depletion width, W and Junction capacitance per unit area, Cj under the applied reverse bias voltage of 3V. d) Assuming the junction area of 0.4cm2, calculate the Is value and forward bias current, Id value for VD=0.8 volt forward bias voltage case. 2) Plot the output waveforms of the following circuits for the given input signals as shown below: Assume diodes and zeners are ideal. Vi 5V
3) Plot the voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) of the following circuit. Assume diodes and zeners are ideal.
4) Plot the VTC and the output waveform of the circuit given below. Assume the diode is ideal.
5) Consider a full wave rectifier circuit with a 50Hz ac input signal and a peak output voltage of VM=12V. Assume the output load resistance is R=1 Kohm and the ripple voltage is to be limited to Vr=100mV. Calculate the required filter capacitor value in micro farad unit. What would be your answer if the rectifier is half wave instead of full wave? 6) Design the following circuit for the given input and output waveforms. You must use one 2V ideal zener, one ideal diode and two equal value resistors although some of them may not be necessary.
You are supposed to do this homework by your own. Cheating will be panished sooner or later!!!! Homework is due on Thursday, November 1. Late submissions will not be graded. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali TANGEL