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Problems and Exercises Assigned for ELEC4502

Week 0

• Review Maxwell’s equations and boundary conditions for EM fields.

Week 1

1) A transmission line has the following per unit length parameters: L=0.2 µH/m, C=300 pF/m, R=5
Ω/m, and G= 0.01 S/m. Calculate the propagation constant and characteristic impedance of this line
at 500MHz. Recalculate these quantities in the absence of loss (R=G=0).

2) A certain coaxial line has copper conductors with an inner conductor diameter of 1 mm and an
outer conductor diameter of 3 mm. The dielectric filling has εr=2.8 with a loss tangent of 0.005.
Compute R, L, G, and C parameters of this line at 3GHz and the characteristic impedance and phase

3) Compute and plot the attenuation of the coaxial line in problem 2 in dB/m, over a frequency range
of 1MHz to 10GHz. Use log-log graph paper.
Week 2

4) Consider the transmission line circuit shown below. Compute the incident power, the reflected
power, and the power transmitted into the 75 Ω line. Show that power conservation is satisfied.

5) A generator is connected to a transmission line as shown below. Find the voltage as a function of z
along the transmission line. Plot the magnitude of this voltage for –l ≤ z ≤ 0.
6) Design a microstrip transmission line for a 100 Ω characteristic impedance. The substrate
thickness is 0.158 cm with εr=2.20. What is the guide wavelength on this transmission line if the
frequency is 4.0 GHz?

• For better understanding of material try these interactive exercises:

• Use an interactive Smith chart.


• See wave propagation along a transmission line.


Week 3

7) Use the Smith chart to find the following quantities for the transmission line circuit below:
(a) The SWR on the line.
(b) The reflection coefficient at the load.
(c) The load admittance.
(d) The input impedance of the line.
(e) The distance from the load to the first voltage minimum.
(f) The distance from the load to the first voltage maximum.

8) Use the Smith chart to find the shortest lengths of a short-circuited 75 Ω line to give the following
input impedance.
(a) Zin = 0.
(b) Zin = ∞.
(c) Zin = j75 Ω.
(d) Zin = -j50Ω
(e) Zin = j10Ω.

9) Consider the quarter-wave matching transformer circuit shown below. Derive expressions for V
and V , the amplitudes of the forward and reverse traveling waves on the quarter-wave line section,
in terms of V , the incident voltage amplitude.
10) A 50 Ω transmission line is matched to a 10 V source and feeds a load ZL= 100 Ω. If the line is
2.3λ long and has an attenuation constant α=0.5dB/λ, find the powers that are delivered by the
source, lost in the line and delivered to the load.

11) A load impedance ZL=200 +j160Ω is to be matched to 100Ω line using a single shunt-stub
tuner. Find two solutions using open-circuited stubs.

12) In the circuit shown below a ZL=200 +j100Ω load is to be matched to a 40Ω line, using a
length l, of lossless transmission line of characteristic impedance Z1. Find l and Z1. Determine, in
general, what type of load impedances can be matched using such a circuit.

13) Design a double-stub tuner using open-circuited stubs with λ/8 spacing to match a load
admittance YL=(1.4+j2) Yo.

14) Consider matching a load ZL=200 Ω to a 100Ω line, using single shunt-stub, single series
stub, and double shunt-stub tuners, with short-circuited stubs. Which tuner will give the best
bandwidth? Justify your answer by calculating the refection coefficient for all six solutions at 1.1fo
using the Smith chart, where fo is the match frequency, and then use LIBRA to plot the reflection
coefficient versus frequency.

15) Consider a series RL load with R=80Ω and L=5nH. Design a lumped- element L section
matching network to match this load to a 50 Ω line at 2 GHz. Plot |Γ| versus frequency for this
network to determine the bandwidth for which |Γ| ≤ Γm=0.1. Compare this with the maximum
bandwidth for this load, as given by the Bode-Fano criterion. (Assume a square reflection
coefficient response).

• Use LIBRA to confirm the matching examples done in class.

Week 4

16) A parallel RC load with R=100 Ω and C=1.5 pF is to be matched to a 50Ω line over a frequency
band from 2.0 to 10.0 GHz. What is the best return loss over this band that can be obtained with an
optimum matching network?

17) Consider the loaded parallel resonant RLC circuit shown below. Compute the resonant frequency,
unloaded Q and the loaded Q.

18) A resonator is constructed from a 3.0 cm length of 100Ω air-filled coaxial line, shorted at one
end and terminated with a capacitor at the other end, as shown.
(a) Determine the capacitor value to achieve the lowest-order resonance at 6.0 GHz.
(b) Now, assume that loss is introduced by placing a 10kΩ resistor in parallel with the
capacitor. Calculate the Q.

19) A parallel RLC circuit, with R=1000Ω, L=1.26 nH, and C=0.804 pF, is coupled with a series
capacitor, Co, to a 50Ω transmission line, as shown below. Determine Co for critical coupling to the
line. What is the resonant frequency?

• For experience in lumped-element impedance matching try these Impedance Matching Exercises.
Week 5
20) A shorted 3.0 cm long air-insulated line is shunted at the input by a thin wire having an inductance
of 0.18 nH (representing the coupling element).
(a) Calculate the primary resonant frequency of the inductively coupled resonator.
(b) Determine the external Q when the resonator is connected to a 50 Ω transmission line
and matched generator.

21) Derive the s-parameters for a shunt admittance between two transmission lines of characteristic
impedance Z01 and Z02, respectively.

22) Use ABCD parameters to analyze your prototype low-pass filter design of project #1.

23) A two-port transmission resonator is modeled with the equivalent circuit shown. If ωo and Qo are
the resonant frequency and Q of the unloaded resonator, and g is the coupling coefficient to either
transmission line, derive an expression for the ratio of transmitted to incident power Pt/Pi and sketch
Pt/Pi versus g, at resonance.

Weeks 6-12

24) Consider a two-port network consisting of a junction of two transmission lines with characteristic
impedances Z01 and Z02, as shown. Find the generalized scattering parameters of the network.

25) Use ABCD matrices to find the voltage VL across the load resistor in the circuit shown below.
26) At frequencies of 8.220 and 8.245 GHz, the power absorbed by a certain resonator is exactly
one-half the power absorbed by the resonator at resonance. If the reflection coefficient at resonance
is 0.33, find the resonant frequency, coupling coefficient, and the unloaded and loaded Qs of the

27) Consider the microwave system shown below, where the bandwidth is 1 GHz centered at 20
GHz, and the physical temperature of the system is T=300K.
(a )What is the equivalent noise temperature of the source?
(b) What is the noise figure of the amplifier, in dB?
(c) What is the noise figure of the cascaded transmission line and amplifier, in dB?
(d) When the noisy source is connected to the system, what is the total noise power output
of the amplifier, in dBm?

28) Consider the microwave network shown below, consisting of a 50 Ω source, a 50 Ω, 3 dB

matched attenuator, and a 50 Ω load.
(a) Compute the available power gain, the transducer power gain, and the actual power gain.
(b) How do these gains change is the load is changed to 25Ω?
(c ) How do these gains change if the source impedance is changed to 25Ω?

29) A GaAs FET has the following scattering and noise parameters at 6 GHz in a 50 Ω system.
o o
S11= 0.6 ∠ –60 S12 = 0.00 ∠ 0
o o
S21 = 2.0 ∠ 81 S22= 0.7 ∠ –60
Fmin= 2.0 dB Γopt= 0.62 ∠ 100 RN = 20 Ω.

Design an amplifier to have a gain of 6 dB, and the minimum noise figure, possible with this
gain. Use open-circuited shunt stubs in the matching sections.

30) Repeat problem 29, but design the amplifier for a noise figure of 2.5 dB, and the maximum
associated gain. Use lumped element for matching.
31) Design a transistor oscillator at 6 GHz using a FET in a common-source configuration driving a 50
Ω load on the drain side. The scattering parameters at 6 GHz in a 50 Ω system are:
o o
S11= 0.9 ∠ –150 S12 = 0.2 ∠ –15
o o
S21 = 2.6 ∠ 50 S22= 0.5 ∠ –105
Calculate and plot the output stability circle, and choose ΓT for |Γin| >> 1. Design load and
terminating networks.

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