General Instructions To The Candidate
General Instructions To The Candidate
General Instructions To The Candidate
EEE C443/ EEE F313/ INSTR F313: Analog and Digital VLSI Design
I- Semester 2017-2018
Comprehensive Exam (Open Book)
DATE: 11.Dec.2017 M.M-100
TIME: 3 hrs
Common data: Use the following common data if not mentioned specifically in the question
• Use long channel approximation and lambda based design rules unless specially mentioned.
• Use square law current equation unless specifically mentioned.
• Neglect body effect, channel length modulation if not mentioned specifically.
• The body of all PMOS is tied to VDD while all NMOS is tied to ground unless specially mentioned.
b) What supply voltage should be fixed to keep the power density equal to the original power
density (without scaling). Also find new frequency and power consumption? Mention the type
of scaling.
(II). An NMOS transistor is fabricated with the following physical dimensions and dopant
concentrations: tox = 200 Å, W = 10 µm, Lm ( Mask length of channel) = 1.5 µm, LD (length of drain
region) = 5µm, xd (overlap) = 0.25 µm, xj = 0.4 µm, ND = 1020 cm3, Substrate Doping NA = 1016 cm3,
Channel Stop Implant Doping NA (side wall) = 1019cm3, Φo (junction built-in potential under zero
bias) =0.933 V, Φswo (sidewall junction built-in potential under zero bias) = 1.111V
b) What are the limitations for each input transition for proper operation of each stage?
c) For circuit of part (a) If VDD= 2.5 V, VIH=1.6 V, VIL=0.8 V, Ileakage=0.9 pA (maximum leakage current in
each stage), pre-charge and pre-discharge time of each stage is 0.8 ns and worst evaluation time
of each stage is 4 ns.
d) (Given total capacitance at each output node is 6 fF (i.e. before each tristate inverter and after
each tristate inverter present in each stage). Now calculate maximum and minimum frequency of
operation? Assume 50 % Duty Cycle of clock.
Q4 Consider a CMOS inverter of (fig. 4) with following specifications where switching threshold (VM) is
1.25 V.
VDD=2.5 V, VT0N = 0.4 V, VT0P = -0.4 V, µnCOX=120 µA/V2, µpCOX=40 µA/V2, Ln=Lp=1 µm
c) Calculate VIL and VIH from Fig. 4 using the gain (Av) of CMOS
inverter. Also, calculate the value of NML and NMH.
[20 M]
Q5 For the OPAMP circuits shown in Fig.5 (a), and (b). ro. . Take load capacitance at node Vout1 and
Vout2= CL. Iss is implemented with basic current mirror circuit. Given Vdd=3V, Vin (dc)=1V, Vgs of all
transistors =0.9V, Vtn= lVtpl =0.7V, λp,n=0.01 V-1,
Do the following parts (i to v) for fig. 5(a), and fig. 5(b) separately. And fill the results in Table1. (make
this table in your answer sheet)
a) Determine D.C. voltage at nodes x, m, Vb1. Hence determine ICMR.
b) Identify the amplifier configuration with following transistors--(M1, M2, M3, M4), (M5, M7), (M9,
c) Intuitively, determine the expression for overall differential small signal gain 'Adm'= [(Vout1-
Vout2)/ vin].
d) Intuitively, determine the expression for pole frequency at node x, node n, and node Vout1.
Neglect parasitic capacitances. Identify dominant pole/ s
e) Neglecting zero/s and non-dominant poles, qualitatively find phase margin and comment on
stability of OPAMP in feedback mode.
f) Intuitively, derive the expression for zero frequency due to mirror node n. In fig. 5a, what will
happen to zero frequency if gate connection of M9, and M10 transistor is connected to x, and y
nodes respectively.
g) Sketch and label a circuit to generate Vdd and temperature variation compensated Iss.
Fig. 5(a) Fig. 5(b)
• X
• Y
• M
• N
• Vout1
• Vout2
Amplifier Configuration:
• (M1, M2, M3, M4)
• (M5, M7)
• (M9, M11)
Adm= [(Vout1-Vout2)/ vin]
Pole frequency:
• Node x
• Node m
• Node vout1
Phase margin
Zero frequency due to
mirror node n (wz)