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Sheet # 6-3-Phase Induction Motor (Power Calculations)

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Course Title: Electrical Machines Course Code: EE329

Sheet # 6-3-Phase Induction Motor (Power Calculations)

1- A 20hp, 3-phase, 500 V, 50 H , induction !otor "ith # poles runs at 950 rp! "ith po"er $actor o$ 0%&# la''in'% The rotational losses are 1 hp% ($ the total stator losses are 1500 )% Calculate: *a+ Motor slip *c+ Motor input current *,+ -otor copper losses *d+ E$$icienc.

1- A 3 phase induction !otor is "ounded $or / poles and is supplied $ro! 50H s.ste!% Calculate: a+ 0.nchronous speed% ,+ 0peed o$ the !otor "hen the slip is /1% c+ -otor current $re2uenc. "hen the !otor runs at #00rp!% 2- The para!eters o$ the e2ui3alent circuit re$erred to stator $or a 200V, 3-phase, / pole, #0H , star connected induction !otor are: -140%25 -240%15 6140%55 6240%25 -c4/005 6!4205

7or a slip o$ 2%51, calculate: a+ 8o load *e9citation+ current% ,+ (nput current% 3- The e2ui3alent circuit para!eters re$erred to stator o$ a 20&V, #0H , # pole, star connected, three phase induction !otor are: -140%215 -240%335 6140%#5 6240%#5 -c42105 6!4/505

)hen the !otor runs at a slip o$ 51 on $ull-load, usin' induction !otor e2ui3alent circuit and po"er $lo" dia'ra! deter!ine: a+ :e3eloped tor2ue% ,+ (nput po"er% c+ 0tator copper losses% d+ Core losses% e+ ;o"er input to rotor% /- The input po"er to a # poles, 3-phase, 50 H , induction !otor is /2 <), the speed is 9=0 rp!% The stator losses are 1%2 <) and the $riction and "inda'e losses are1%& <)% 7ind : *a+ -otor Copper >osses *,+ E$$icienc. o$ the !otor 5- A # poles, 50 H , 3 phase induction !otor runs at 9#0 rp! "hen the tor2ue on the sha$t is 200 8%!% ($ the stator losses are 1500 ) and $riction and "inda'e losses are 500 ), $ind: *a+ -otor Copper >osses *,+ E$$icienc. o$ the !otor #- The po"er input to the rotor o$ a //0 V, 50 H , # poles, 3 phase induction !otor is 100 <)% The !otor speed is 9#0 rp!% Calculate: *a+ The slip *,+ The !echanical de3eloped po"er *c+ -otor copper losses

Course Title: Electrical Machines Course Code: EE329 =- A 3 phase, 500 V, 50 H induction !otor "ith # poles de3elops 20 hp at 950 rp! "ith a po"er $actor o$ 0%&## la''in'% The !echanical losses total 1 hp% Calculate at rated load: *a+ The slip *,+ -otor copper losses *c+ (nput po"er i$ the stator losses in total are1500 ) *d+ >ine current

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