This document contains a list of 33 general software testing questions covering key topics like:
1. Defining software testing, quality assurance, verification and validation
2. Describing integration, regression, load, stress, alpha and beta testing
3. Explaining bugs, defects, latent bugs, equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis
4. Discussing test plans, test cases, white box and black box testing
This document contains a list of 33 general software testing questions covering key topics like:
1. Defining software testing, quality assurance, verification and validation
2. Describing integration, regression, load, stress, alpha and beta testing
3. Explaining bugs, defects, latent bugs, equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis
4. Discussing test plans, test cases, white box and black box testing
This document contains a list of 33 general software testing questions covering key topics like:
1. Defining software testing, quality assurance, verification and validation
2. Describing integration, regression, load, stress, alpha and beta testing
3. Explaining bugs, defects, latent bugs, equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis
4. Discussing test plans, test cases, white box and black box testing
This document contains a list of 33 general software testing questions covering key topics like:
1. Defining software testing, quality assurance, verification and validation
2. Describing integration, regression, load, stress, alpha and beta testing
3. Explaining bugs, defects, latent bugs, equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis
4. Discussing test plans, test cases, white box and black box testing
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General Testing Questions
1. Define the terms Software Testing and Software Quality Assurance.
2. What is the methodology of Testing? 3. Define the terms Verification and Validation. . What is integration testing and at what !hase of the !ro"ect it is !erformed? #. $%!lain different a!!roaches of &ntegration Testing. '. Differentiate (etween )egression Testing and )etesting? *. $%!lain +oad Testing and Stress testing? ,. $%!lain Al!ha and -eta testing? .. Differentiate (etween $rror/ -ug and Defect. 10. What is +atent -ug? 11. What are $1ui2alence 3artition and -oundary Value Analysis? 12. 4ow can you assure that the Test 5ase is good? 13. $%!lain -ug +ife 5ycle. 1. What all errors you ha2e come through in your testing carrier/ e%!lain with an e%am!le. 1#. $%!lain Test 5ase and Test 3lan. 1'. 4ow can you assure that the a!!lication you are testing is free of errors? 1*. Differentiate (etween White -o% and -lac6 -o% Testing? 1,. What are 5hec6!oints? 1.. 4ow can you e%!lain the significance of your !osition i.e. Software Tester? 20. Which all documents do you ma6e use while testing and what all documents will you !re!are for the release? 21. 4ow do you notify the (ugs to your team mem(ers and how efficient do you thin6 the method is? 22. Which one do you thin6 whether 7anual Testing or Automated Testing is good for software a!!lication? 23. What is 3ositi2e and 8egati2e Testing? 2. What were your res!onsi(ilities in your last !ro"ect and how do you contri(ute to the !ro"ect? 2#. $%!lain the terms Wal6through and )e2iew in Software firm? 2'. $%!lain Security Testing with some e%am!les. 2*. 9i2e details regarding 2:tier architecture and 3:tier architecture. 2,. $%!lain V:model and how it differs from other SD+5 models? 2.. $%!lain is Acce!tance Testing. 30. $%!lain )ace 5ondition? 31. What do you mean (y Test 5leanu!? 32. What is 5yclomatic 5om!le%ity? 33. Define $nd:to $nd Testing. 3. What is $ndurance Testing? 4ow to test memory lea6s? 3#. Define 577.
The Software Test Engineer's Handbook, 2nd Edition: A Study Guide for the ISTQB Test Analyst and Technical Test Analyst Advanced Level Certificates 2012