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Minutes 10.11.14

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Minutes from the committe meeting of Residents Association

(DRA) and Neighbourhood Watch on Monday 10th November

2014 at 6pm in the Old Crown restaurant.
1. Roll Call and Apologies
Present: Amber Smart, Lee McDonald, Rosie Pocklington, Trevor Cobden, Sarah Higginson,
Pamela Pinski, John Gordon.
Apologies: David Barnes.
2. Approval of Minutes
The minutes from Octobers meeting of DRA were approved.
3. Matters Arising
a. Planning Applications
The new chip shop on Bradford Street has not yet opened; Rosie informed the meeting that
the planned opening date was Thursday 13 November. An application for a shisha lounge at
Wrentham Street had been rejected, but an application for another shisha lounge at 96 Rea
Street had just been received. DRA will be responding accordingly.
Birmingham City Council is reviewing its licencing agreement, which contains a landmark
clause for Digbeth in terms of disagreements between planning and licencing committees: it
states that when there is a disagreement over, for example, opening hours, the earlier
decision overrules any proceeding decisions.
b. Tram Route Consultation
The public consultation for the proposed tram route through Digbeth is now closed.
However, we understand that significantly more online responses were received to this
consultation than in the past, and that there is a strong public preference for one route. DRA
would like to thank all our supporters for taking the time to respond to the consultation it
has certainly made a difference!
4. Digbeth Community Awards
The nominations for the Digbeth Community Awards were discussed and the winners
agreed. The awards will be distributed during Decembers meeting.
5. Any other business
a. The Big Lunch 2015
The date for the national Big Lunch event has been announced as Sunday 7 June 2015. Lee
confirmed that the indoor beach at the Rainbow will be unavailable on this date, but was
willing to discuss other potential venues.
b. Nechells Ward Meeting
The next Nechells Ward Meeting will take place on Thursday 22nd January 2015 at 6pm at
Nechells Green Community Centre. DRA would like to encourage as many of our members
to attend as there are likely to be significant announcements made that will affect Digbeth.
6. Date and Time of Next Meetings
The next committee meeting will be held on Monday 12th January 2015 at 6pm in the Old
Crown restaurant, High Street Digbeth.
The next open meeting will be held on Monday 9th February 2015 at 6pm in the Old Crown
restaurant, High Street Digbeth. This will also be the Annual General Meeting for DRA.

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