Inquiry Based Reflection
Inquiry Based Reflection
Inquiry Based Reflection
Presentation Week: 11
Grade Level: 3rd
Presentation Week: 11
Grade Level: 3rd
I personally think we did a good job delivering the lesson. I do think we could have used Class-Yes a
little more throughout the lesson. We kept the lesson at a comfortable pace but had to rush through a
couple of the activities during the overall PowerPoint because we were aware we were short on time. I
generally have a distinctly loud voice so I dont think that was an issue either. I liked how often we
Do you hear yourself
asked questions but a few more in certain sections couldnt have hurt. I tried to be extremely conscious
continually saying:
Um? Like? Gonna?
of not saying um, and gonna but especially you guys. I did find myself catching those words
coming out of my mouth unfortunately. Being in my classroom for observation I have noticed that I try
my best to refer to the students as boys and girls and I think I did a good job of doing so in this lesson
also, and as far as the demographics went (a college class opposed to an actual third grade class). It is
always more difficult to keep the energy up in a college classroom when teaching an elementary class
lesson, and I do believe the energy could have been a little better, but during the experiment I was
excited to see my peers faces light up and become more engaged than ever before after seeing the
change from the bar of soap to a cloud. I cant imagine how my third graders would react.
-Do you show a deep
I think there was a lot of background information that was necessary for this specific lesson. Weather
understanding and
seems very simple but there are a lot of components that come along with it that I didnt honestly realize
working knowledge of
before looking at the PowerPoint that was provided for us. I wish I was more familiar with the terms
the presentation topic or
prior to the lesson because I think I did a mediocre job explaining each term more in depth. How do you
is more
reading/research needed thoroughly teach a lesson on a specific subject to eight and nine year olds when you dont even
on your part?
understand it yourself? Although I did more outside research on a couple of the terms I still had
difficulty forming an explanation for it, an example(s) and especially a comprehendible definition for
such younger, underdeveloped brains.
Does your experiment
completely follow the
6E Model by allowing
students to Engage,
Explore, Explain,
Elaborate, and Evaluate
throughout the hands
on activity?
Yes, because we had more than just one experiment that addressed more than one topic within the
weather lesson. The students were engaged in questions during the lesson, in the kahoot quiz at the very
end of the lesson and during the experiments. I think we could have possibly chosen experiments that
were more hands on for the students but we really wanted them to grasp the important concepts of each
of the experiments leading into important concepts from the lesson therefore we chose the ones that we
did. They explored new words through vocabulary within the content of the information given to us and
a little from extra outside resources. We tried to explain everything as best as we could but I definitely
Self/Peer Review
Presentation Week: 11
Grade Level: 3rd
think the explanations could have been more in depth and more detailed if we better understood the
content ourselves. Lastly, as far as elaborate, we asked a various amount of questions throughout the
entire lesson causing them to think and formulate hypotheses, as well as analyses of the content and
The lesson engages all types of learners because we showed several pictures on the PowerPoint and on
worksheets given to the students. We provided a video for visual learners and auditory learners and kept
it up with the experiments. Although the students who may be kinesthetic learners participated through
creating their own barometers, and feeling the soap after being microwaved, I think the activities could
have been more beneficial to them than it was, considering they are science experiments and are usually
hands on most of the time.
I was surprised with all the positive feedback we had received. Due to what seemed to be low energy in
the classroom I figured we would have had a few harsh critiques, but they all appreciated the
experiments we decided to use and the PowerPoint itself.
My classmates didnt point out anything I was unaware of during my lesson shockingly as well.
If I had to deliver the lesson a second time I would definitely research my topic much more thoroughly.
I would make sure I could recite the information on the spot so that my students would be able to do the
same. I was so confused with a lot of the information even when teaching it to the class and I need to
make sure that as a teacher, I can clearly create a lesson and descriptions/explanations that wont
confuse the students like I previously was. It is my job to make sure they have a full understanding of
the topic and the components that come with it. I would also choose a more hands on activity for the
experiment and add in a few more slides on extra information that would better help the students
comprehend the material.
Presentation Week: 11
Grade Level: 3rd
I will grow from this experiment by always being conscious of the safety of the children as well as the
difficulty of some of the material necessary for the students to learn. These experiments happened to not
be very messy nor were they very elaborate, but in case it was, I need to make sure I prepare for the
students before the experiment, during the experiment, and after the experiment. I am glad I had the
opportunity to teach a science lesson so I am familiar with what to expect and prepare for when I have
to teach a science lesson(s) in the real world.