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Educ633 Isd Project Ferges Schquita

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Running head: ISD PROJECT

JoAnn Blackwell, Audrey Fain, Schquita Ferges
Kimberly Hensley, Terrie Oatman, Rebecca Stokes
EDUC 633
Liberty University

Need Identification


The use of technology is rapidly increasing inside the classroom as well as outside
of the classroom. Children of all ages will face the need of knowing how to operate at
least one technology device. Technology has been used to enhance the learning
experience inside as well as outside of the classroom. When students are involved in
activities that utilize games and simulations, real-life skills can be enhanced and learning
can be made fun and engaging (Conrad & Donaldson, 2011). Technology is needed in the
classroom as it adds enhancement to lessons and enhance the learning environment.
Most standardized test is being computerized so increasing technology in the classroom
at the elementary level will prepare children for future endeavors.
Having iPads in the classroom will help cater to the need of technology in the
learning environment as well as increase academic performance. Professional
development opportunities proved instructors with the knowledge that is needed to
successfully combine technology in the classroom. Studies have shown that students
understand material when they are engaged in active learning when the material is
relevant to the lesson (Clark & Mayer, 2011). Trainings and professional development
sessions will train educators to maximize their lesson by using technology in the

In a short time span, the iPad has made great strides into the elementary
classrooms. In the United States an estimated 4.5 million touchpads are being integrated


in schools according to Etherington (2013). There are teachers who have little or no
technology training therefore it is our goal to provide a professional development training
that will help educators increase proficiency using the iPad and offer a choice of apps that
can be part of their teaching strategy. The cost and availability of apps are made
available for teachers to make selections based on needs of the students. Educators will
demonstrate with competence the ability to advance instruction with elementary learners
utilizing the iPad and other technology tools.
Through exploratory experiences, students will engage in creative activities that
will benefit their developmental growth and learning. Studies show that notebooks, and
iPads are very popular technology devices used for elementary students according to
Keegan (2005).
Task Analysis
Based on the research from Morrison, Ross and Kemp (2004), the following
outlines how this ISD project will address each of the following.
1. Instructional objectives-Educators will be trained on how to use various programs on
the IPad to increase student achievement and support learning for elementary students.
2. Student Outcomes- Every student will increase performance by utilizing an IPad to
creatively complete activities and problem solve.
3. Specify knowledge type- each student will increase his or her knowledge of technology,
and academic learning by utilizing an IPad in the classroom.
*Educators should have basic knowledge and skills for using IPad
*Educators should have basic knowledge and skills for using Interwrite or Smart

Board *Educators should have knowledge and skills for using interactive
applications that are available through Apple for teaching and collaborating with
elementary age students
4. Select learning outcomes- each student will be able to utilize the IPad effectively for
instruction, learning, and assessment.
*Students will be able to turn on IPad
*Students will be able to adjust controls on IPad
*Students will be able to use applications required by educator
*Students will be able to comprehend instructions via Interwrite or Smart Board
*Student literacy will be improved
*Students will be able to share and demonstrate using IPad
*Students will be knowledgeable about videos

5. Prioritize and sequence task- The IPad will be used as a priority in the classroom for
learning and assessment.
*Turning on
*Adjusting volume
*Using screen with touch-Smart Board
*Teaching Interactive applications
*Teaching Educational applications
*Teaching Reading applications

6. Activities- a variety of activities will be targeted during learning center time of the
classroom day.
*Practice using applications
*Collaborate on sharing different applications
7. Select media- the selected media will be the use of the IPad, Smart Board or Interwrite
8. Assessment-The assessment can be done digitally on the IPad. Results will be available
Three ring-both an application and a website: A. Application digitizes student work by
taking photos or recording video B. Student work synced securely to educators account
at www.thering.com *Quick Key- application
*Eliminates hand grading of multiple choice tests
*Educators can input student names and tests into the application
When examining the components of a task analysis, Annett (2004), Hoffman &
Millitello et al (2009) refers to it as a collection of methods used to understand a
task, its context, performance and ways of supporting the effectiveness of the
design or training.


Goal 1:Teachers will have basic training on IPad use and functions.

Basic training

Figure 1: Flow chart of goals and objectives for teachers.

Task 1- Basic iPad training 101- Teachers will be trained on the following:

Turning iPad on and off

Resetting iPad

Adjusting settings

Making app folders

Downloading from the app store

Charging the iPad

Making screen shots

Task 2- PLEARN (play and learn) - Teachers will learn apps and have time to play with
them they will be taught to:

Break down apps that are appropriate for grade levels

Show apps that are appropriate for subject areas

Show apps appropriate per grade level

Common core specific apps

Learning management system apps

Behavior apps

Formative assessment apps


Task 3- Lesson planning - Teachers will be shown how to have a TPACK focus on lesson
planning where teachers have everything fit together seamlessly they will be taught to:
Tack focus- technology, pedagogy, and content

How to be intentional with lesson planning

How to have flow in the classroom, going from paper to technology and back.

Task 4- Collaboration time- Teachers will break into grade level groups to collaborate
with fellow colleagues to plan a technology plan for each subject is that they teach.
Teachers will:

Break into grade level groups

Incorporate technology into each subject they teach in a lesson plan format.
Context and Learner Analysis
Professional development that will be provided will take place in the conference
room at the board of education central office. The professional development is open to
educators in the k-5 classroom from the county. Since technology in the classroom is
extremely important assistant teachers are also welcome in the professional development
training. The purpose of this development is to properly train all classroom educators
with hopes of successfully implementing technology daily in the classroom.
Training will take place with interactive learning, as each educator will be able to
have hands on experience throughout the training. Recently the county received a grant


that funded iPads to every elementary school in the county. When the professional
development invitation was sent out each teacher was asked to bring an IPad from his or
her classroom to the training. Additional iPads will be available for anyone who did not
bring one or if anyone experience any technical difficulties with their device. The training
will be very detailed and easy to follow along so that every educator completely
understands the material.
During the training educators will be broken off into groups to come together to
create a one-week lesson plan where they are incorporating what they learned in their
training. After creating a lesson plan using IPads the groups will present their lesson
plans to the entire group so that educators can take notes and examples back to help them
in their class. The train focus on all subjects and is not limited to just one subject that way
teachers have a variety of training on all subject areas.
The target group for the iPad professional development is a variation of
elementary educators who hold administrative and teaching positions including teacher
assistants and tech coaches in the public and private institutions. This group would
include men and women of different ages and varying number of years of experience,
who teach students in grades ranging from pre-school- 6th grade. These learners will
come to the iPad professional development with a range of knowledge about the iPad and
how to effectively use them in the classroom. The learners will receive a brief
questionnaire to assess their needs and knowledge of the iPad and its use to effectively
meet the needs of the students they teach.



The instructors will conduct this training in the computer lab using a white board
and Elmo attached to the iPad so that the learners can see everything clearly presented
step by step in the professional development training. Presenters can also use apple TV
to reflect their screen onto the whiteboard so that teachers in the training can see as well.
Psiropoulos, Barr, Eriksson, Fletcher, Hargis, & Cavanaugh, (2014), note that, With iPad
being one of the latest mobile technologies, instructors now have an additional device to
enhance the teaching and learning experience of learners, as cited in (Benton 2012;
Crichton, Pegler and White 2012).
Learning Objectives Goal 1: Teachers will have basic training on iPad use and
1. Upon completing training, elementary teachers will know the basic setup of an
iPad (on/off, reset, screen shot, volume, charging)
2. Upon completing training, elementary teachers will be able to problem solve
iPad functionality issues (when to soft/hard reset versus when to give to technician)
Learning Objectives Goal 2: Teachers will learn apps and have time to play with
1. When divided into groups, each teacher will be given an iPad to identify
various apps that are designated for their grade level and explore the concepts related for



2. When given fully functional iPad, the teacher will be able to use the iPad along
with selected software to apply to weekly lessons.
Learning Objectives Goal 3: Lesson planning - Teachers will be shown how to have
a TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) focus on lesson planning
where teachers have everything fit together seamlessly.
1. When given a fully functional iPad, k-6 educators will be able to navigate
through and evaluate the LEARNING quality of an application for instructional purposes
within 10 minutes.
2. When given a fully functional iPad and an appropriate application and content,
k-6 educators will implement their pedagogy (how the skill is taught), using technology
within 10 minutes.
Learning Objectives Goal 4: Collaboration time- Teachers will break into grade
level groups to collaborate with fellow colleagues to plan a technology plan for each
subject is that they teach.
1. When broken into homogenous groups, K-6 educators will create of list of
instructional goals for student achievement in 10 minutes.
2. When given a fully functional iPad and an application, K-6 educators will
create content specific lessons for implementation within 20 minutes.

Diagnostic Assessment



There will be an email sent out to all instructors with questions that will help in
determining their prerequisite knowledge. The tools used for the diagnostic assessment
will be Survey Monkey where some questions will be open ended and some questions
will be true/false and multiple choice. This will give the workshop leaders a better idea of
those instructors who are actually ready to begin the training. This assessment is also
helpful to know which areas should be focused more than others. Survey monkey gives
the instructor the opportunity to see which areas should that the learners struggled the
most with. Being able to see the weak areas and strong areas give the instructor a good
insight on what to capitalize on during the training.
Prior to beginning the professional development workshop for the day, there will
be a pre-assessment, which will collect some preliminary data from the group of teachers
in the workshop. These are the questions that will be part of the pre-assessment. This
assessment will be available as teachers enter the training room. The information covered
with this assessment is also general information that can be discussed with the group as a
whole. This assessment is important because it gives the instructor a clear understanding
of who is in the group. Gathering assessments can help instructors avoid topics or
discussions that may not apply to the group.

Grade Taught
Do you have a smartphone or tablet device?
How many minutes a day do you use this device?
Do you know what a mobile app is?
Do you know how to find applications, download, and actively use them on this device?
How comfortable are you in using an iPad for education in the classroom?



A Google form can be used to collect information on how familiar teachers are with
specific apps on the iPad. The following is an example: Please complete the app
familiarity survey:

Never Heard of It
Puppet Pals
Shadow Puppet EDU
Popplet Lite
Book Creator
Doodle Buddy
Make a Scene Farmyard
Tap Tap Blocks

Heard of It but Never

Used It

Have Used it in Class

with Students



ChatterPix Kids
My PlayHome
RWT: Timeline, Venn,
Acrostic Poems
Scrap It: School Days
Figure 2: familiarity survey sent to teachers prior to training.
Note. Reprinted from iPads in the Classroom, by Kathy Schrock, 2015, iPads4Teaching,
http://ipads4teaching.net/ipads-in-the-classroom.html. Copyright (2015).

This is basically to get an idea of the different skill levels within the group of
educators that will be attending the professional development training. After the teachers
have answered the pre-assessment questions, there will be a brief discussion for everyone
to have an idea how basic the beginning instruction will need to be.
Formative Assessment
During the training session, there will be an assessment to determine if the educator is
in fact making the progress that is needed to reach the instructional objectives. Some of
the questions that need to be addressed in the formative assessment are listed below.

Do you feel more comfortable using your iPad then when you first entered the workshop?
Are you now more familiar with:
Turning your iPad on/off?
Taking pictures and video with your iPad?
Connecting your iPad to your document camera?
Finding and downloading apps on your iPad?
Using the apps to create lessons and assignments?
Closing out apps in the background?
Launching the web browser?
Checking email on your iPad?
Identifying the parts of the iPad?



Charging your iPad?
What do you feel that you need more help with?
Do you feel that the workshops pace is sufficient? Need to slow down? Need to speed

5. Is there anything that has not been covered that you would like your facilitator to cover
should time permit?
Summative Assessment
At the end of the training sessions, there will be a summative, or post assessment,
that will determine if the educator learners have actually achieve their objectives that
were expected to accomplish during the workshop. Prior to the end of the workshop,
there will have been collaboration groups that teachers have broken into to work together
on lesson plans. For each group, they will have to opportunity to present to the class
details about their lesson plan that was created. The instructors will present to their peer
group just as they would their classroom of elementary students. This type of group
collaboration is also a traditional authentic assessment in the form of live performance.
Live performance is a hands-on live assessment that will also give the instructors
knowledge of what was learned.
Instructional Strategies
Goal 1-Instructional Strategies: Teachers will have basic training on iPad use and



Upon completion of this opening session of professional development teachers

will be able to identify basic components of the iPad including on/off button, home
screen, volume, and screen shot feature. Teachers will also learn how to diagnose an
iPads functionality issues to know when they can perform a hard reset and when to call a
technician in the school.
Multiple instructional strategies will be implemented during the first session
including hands-on, auditory, and visual methods. The leaders of this group with conduct
this session with a slide show presentation through Google slides and this presentation
will later be posted in the Google classroom that teachers will be invited to join so they
can reference resources from the PD at any time. During this basic iPad session
instructors will use the results from the diagnostic assessment to know how basic the
training will begin. The basic functions of an iPad will be reviewed (on/off, hard reset,
home button, snap shot function, etc.) There will be PLEARN (L. Hervey, Friday
Institute, 2015) time (play and learn) time built in to help teachers become familiar with
these functions or to review these functions. Teachers will be shown how to perform a
hard reset to fix a frozen iPad or reset the wifi connection. Teachers will be told to
always try a hard reset first and if that doesnt work to fix their problem then a technician
will need to be called. Teachers understand that any time that a student is without their
iPad is instructional time being wasted for that student so if teachers can diagnose and fix
the iPad problem themselves, then ultimately more time will be saved.



During the session instructors will conduct verbal formative assessments by

walking around to facilitate participants learning asking questions such as how would I
reset a frozen iPad? Where are the snapshot feature buttons located? How do I turn
an iPad off? These formative assessments will help the instructors know if the students
need further assistance or if they are ready to move on. The participants will complete a
basic iPad function goose chase at the end of the session to evaluate retained content.

Table 1









1. Upon completing training,

-Diagnostic assessment given

Visual Google slide will be shared


elementary teachers will

prior to session

while presenter is talking through the


know the basic setup of an

-Formative assessment

functions then participants will

iPad (on/off, reset, screen

conducted during session to

complete all of the tasks with a

shot, volume, charging)

ensure mastery of (On/off

partner to show each other the

2. Upon completing training,

button, home screen snapshot

mastery of functions.

elementary teachers will be

feature, hard reset

The participants will complete a basic

able to problem solve iPad

iPad functions goose chase at the end

functionality issues (when to

of the session to evaluate retained

soft/hard reset versus when to


give to technician)

Instructional Materials

Student Participation

Media Development

Time Allotments

Laptop, iPad

-Diagnostic test participation

Apple TV, Dongle

-Pre-test participation

Intro: Learning the Basics

/Features of the iPad (45-60

Doc. Camera

-Formative assessment

Google Slides


Goose chase answers.

-Partner collaboration

Participants will be learning

basic iPad technology to
help them diagnose problems
in the classroom and help
students and parents operate
their new devices. This
beginning session will cover
basic functions and by the
end of the session the
participants will
successfully navigate all
basic iPad functions with

Goose chase participation

Goose chase assessment (15


Goal 2- Instructional Strategies: Teachers will learn apps and have time to play with
During the second session of this PD teachers will be able to appropriately select
apps based on their content and age level needs and also on their product goals. Once



teachers have learned apps that integrate into the classroom they will be able to write the
usage of the apps into weekly lesson plans.
Multiple learning strategies will be applied during this session including a
behaviorist approach of modeling. Using the Apple TV or document camera the
instructors will model apps that were pre-selected to fit k-5 environments. Instructors
will use a pre-created Symbaloo to show and share these apps with teachers to give
them a starting point of apps to explore (see link below). Once a group of similar apps
are modeled teachers will PLEARN with the apps to see basic functions and start
applying how their own students will use the app and how to teacher can incorporate the
apps into classroom projects, lessons, and or centers. Teachers would have been put into
grade level groups prior to this session to make for easier collaboration.
After app session teachers will collaborate together in discussion of how these
apps could be used in the classroom, these discussions will be with all groups members
so everyone can collaborate together no matter the grade level or subject. This will help
teachers build upon other grade level ideas or adjust an idea to fit the needs in their
classroom. Teachers can then take ideas and apply it to a rough draft or shell lesson plan
that they will later build upon with detail in session occur later in the day.



Table 2







1.When divided into groups, each

teacher will be given an iPad to
identify various apps and explore
the concepts related for

Diagnostic assessment
given prior to session

Symbaloo of grade level

app examples will be
shown and instructors will
model apps basic functions
before teachers PLEARN
with the app themselves.


2. When given a fully functional

iPad the teachers will be able to
use the iPad along with selected
software to apply to weekly

-Formative assessment
conducted during
session to ensure
mastery of
-Summative assessment
at the end of the session
on how to download
apps and how to




appropriateness for their

Content/ Materials

Student Participation

Media Development and


Time Allotments/ Notes

- Laptop

-Diagnostic test

Participants will be learning basic

iPad technology to help them
diagnose problems in the classroom
and help students and parents
operate their new devices. This
beginning session will cover basic
functions and by the end of the
session the participants will
successfully navigate all basic iPad
functions with confidence.

Intro: Learning the Basics

/Features of the iPad (45-60


- iPad
- Apple TV

-Pre-test participation
-Formative assessment

- Dongle


- Document

Goose chase assessment (15


-Partner collaboration
-Group discussion

- Google Slides


-Symbaloo resource

Goal 3 Lesson Planning: Teachers will be shown how to have a TPACK focus on
lesson planning where teachers have everything fit together seamlessly.
During the third session, teachers will be taught professional development on how
to have a track focus on lesson planning. This will ensure that they create lesson plans
that will all fit together seamlessly. The instructional strategies from the 3rd session will
consist of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. The session will include a diagnostic,
pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment.
First, they will be taught how to have a TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy, and
Content Knowledge) focus with technology, pedagogy, and content. The content focus is



the knowledge that the teacher has about the material that is being taught. The pedagogy
focus is the teachers deep knowledge of the teaching methods that are using. Once the
teacher has a focus on the content and pedagogy, they will be able to focus on how to
integrate technology into each lesson. Second, they will be taught how to be intentional
with lesson plans. Third, they will be taught how to have a proper flow in the classroom
between paper and technology.
The leaders of this session will show a Google Slide presentation to the
participants. This presentation will show the participants how to effectively plan lessons
that incorporate the use of an iPad. It will show participants how to effectively choose
apps that can be used for instructional purposes. The participants will be able to locate
and purchase an instructional app from the App Store.
After the session, there will be a group discussion. This will allow teachers to
collaborate together and discuss which apps they found, and which apps would be most
beneficial for instructional learning in the classroom. Who are the students in the
classroom? What is the educational app to be used? When is the how often the app will
be used. Daily? Weekly? Where is the subject the app will be utilized in? How will the
app be integrated into the lesson.



Table 3






Lesson Planning

How to plan effective lessons

by incorporating an iPad.


Participants will engage

in three app finding
searches. Each search
will last 10 minutes. The
participant will have to
search and download an
app as instructed by the
leader. For example,
find an instructional
math app for 2nd grade

- Pre-assessment at
beginning of the
development class
Assessment during
Assessment at the end
of training



Content/ Materials

Student Participation

Media Development and


Time Allotments/ Notes


-Diagnostic test

Introduction: 15 minutes

-Internet Access
(for App Store)


Participants will be learning how

to incorporate the iPad into
lesson plans.


-Pre-test participation

-Google Slides

-Formative assessment

-Apple TV

Application Learning Time:

30 minutes
Group Discussion:
15 minutes

-Group discussion

Goal 4- Collaboration time- Teachers will break into grade level groups to
collaborate with fellow colleagues to plan a technology plan for each subject is that
they teach.
Teachers will be taught professional development on how to effectively
collaborate with other teachers. The participants will be broken up into same grade level
groups. The members of each group will collaborate and plan a weekly lesson plan for
each subject that they teach. The leader will share a Google Slide presentation to
participants of a sample lesson plan containing the use of an iPad.
The instructional strategies from the 4th session will consist of auditory, visual, and
kinesthetic learners. The session will include a diagnostic, pre-assessment, formative
assessment, and summative assessment.
Each group will be given 20 minutes to collaborate and plan a lesson for each
subject. The leaders of the professional development class will walk around and assist



participants with any questions they may have. There will be a short group discussion for
around 5 to 10 minutes on what participants learned from collaborating with other
Each group will then share the lesson plans that they created. Participants can
take notes and ask any questions that they may have about the groups lesson plans.
Teachers can utilize this information to plan future lesson plans for their classroom. This
will allow the leaders to assess what each participant in the group learned.
Table 4






To collaborate with other

teachers in the same grade
level and effectively plan
lesson plans for each subject
that include the use of an iPad.


-Participants will be
divided into groups with
teachers from the same
grade level

- Pre-assessment at
beginning of the
development class

-Each group will

effectively plan a lesson
that includes the use of
an iPad for each subject
that they teach

Assessment during
Assessment at the end
of training

-Group discussion to
discuss what was learned
from collaboration
-Each group will present
their lesson plans to the
entire class. Participants
can take notes and ask

Content/ Materials

Student Participation

Media Development and


Time Allotments/ Notes


-Diagnostic Test

Participants will be learning how

Introduction: 5 minutes


-Internet Access

-Participation in

to effectively plan lessons

Lesson Planning Time: 20


incorporating an iPad.

minutes for each subject


Group Discussion:

-Google Slides


5 minutes

-Apple TV


Share Lesson Plans: 30



-Microsoft Word

New Media Selection

The iPad is one of the ideal media tools for enhancing learning because it allows
for sharing of content, videos, images and presentations according to Johnson, Adams &
Cummins (2012). It has been referred to a touch screen like having a typewriter at your
finger. The speed to navigate and the transmission of materials between teacher and
student can replace the stacks of paper to grade.



(Ritchie, R., 2013)

iPads are essentially handheld computers at your fingertips. iOS, (iPhone
Operating System) known as iPhone OS prior to June 2010, was released by Apple Inc. It
is the mobile operating system used by iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad (Liu, Zhu,
Holroyd, & Seng 2011). Its features allow users to access the web, email, apps, photos,
videos, and face time. A user has to have an Apple ID to choose from over 85,000 apps
from the Apple Store (iPad, 2016). The iPad pro, has accessories such as the apple pencil
and Smart Keyboard. This device is also compatible with Apple TV. The storage on this



device ranges from 16GB capacity to 128GB capacity. You may choose 7.9, 9.7 or
12.9 diagonal retina display for content viewing (iPad, 2016).

(2014 iPad Comparison Guide, 2014)

The iPad has to be charged using a power source and power cord. The battery
indicator will let you know when the battery is low. iPads were designed for the web;
although they can be used without Wi-Fi they are best suited with access to the Internet.
Web usability, a term essentially concerned with the ease of accessing and entering
information on websites. (Lobo, 2011) Currently, it is difficult to access many websites



from small devices such as smartphones since they are usually designed to be viewed on
to a large, flat-screen monitor that would be available on a desktop computer or easily
accessible on an iPad.
There are teachers who are limited with technology knowledge who are not able
to design and implement lessons within their curriculum utilizing mobile technology.
Research composed by Mango (2015), indicates that students enjoy learning and remain
focused when using the iPad. While much of this is speculative at this point, new
devices such as the iPad may well provide the means for e-learning to revolutionize
higher education (Garrison, p. 72, 2011).
iPads are essential to creating lessons incorporating the 4 cs i.e., communication,
collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity (Gillespie, p.3 2013).



Teachers and students can benefit from using mobile devices such as the iPad. It
offers the experience to explore the web for navigating information and the number of
apps that can be purchased for all learners can help teachers instruct appropriately.
Electronic quizzes are accessible with immediate feedback for students. Students are able
to explore, collaborate, connect, create and engage in ways that opens up a new
experience for learning.

produces more project based learning opportunities (Cheu-Jey, 2015)

student engagement increases
diverse learners on all levels can manipulate
screen allows a high degree of user interactivity
low cost of apps for the device
Ipad language can be set for any user.
light weight
Weaknesses: The iPad can be an overwhelming tool for someone who lacks knowledge
of its use. Some reports suggest that the iPad is too fragile for school-agers, however the
need to train students how to properly take care of an iPad would benefit all users. It is
crucial to know the quality of Wi-Fi because inability to ensure that connection is feasible
can cause a major problem.

training (Clark & Luckin, 2012)



The usability of the iPad in the classroom is endless.

Teachers can instantly receive data from students using apps such as google drive, go
formative, or socrative.
Students can create their own lessons and share with teachers to prove mastery using apps
like educreations or show me.
Teachers can manage classroom behavior with apps like class dojo and classflow.
The sustainability of the iPad in the classroom is positive. New versions will
continue to come out with more and more improvements like the new Apple Pro comes
with apple Pencil (kind of like a stylus) but looks and acts like a pencil.

(2015, http://www.bidnessetc.com)
Conclusion: How to use in our ISD project
All teachers will be coming to the professional development session with iPads
thanks to the grant that funded the district with iPads in every classroom. Within our
session teachers will be able to mirror their screens to show the facilitators and other
teachers what is on their screen (app, screenshot, website, etc.) This would also be a



great way to connect to YouTube during the presentation to access sample lesson videos,
app tutorials and overviews, teacher testimonials, and other resources.
There are no additional supports needed to access the iPad, as soon as you log on
to an iPad, you have access to all apps. The iPads capability requires learners to use its
own wireless access that is built in with their own software. Participants can share
experiences and stream activities with each other if they have an iPhone. The bandwidth
requirements for learners to use the iPad according to Systems and Bandwidth
Requirement Quick Reference (2014) would consist of Safari 6 or higher.
The skills needed by the instructor to use an iPad range from how to operate the
control functions to navigate to the internet, how to use the apple pencil if purchased,
how to navigate the menu, how to stream content, how to purchase media or apps. The
skill needed by the students to use the iPad and provide optimal learning would require
knowledge of how to create presentations, videos and etc. Students will want to become
familiar with how to do research, and the iPad offers all kinds of opportunities for
students to gain new knowledge by using this form of technology. Additional skill
training can be implemented for teachers and students by watching a short video on
setting up an iPad. They can also access support at
https://www.iPad.com/support/iPad/using/. The iPad is considered one of the best tablets
easy to use by most individuals, therefore the teacher can further instruct students on
additional techniques they may need to connect, engage, and collaborate using the iPad.



Adams, A., Rogers, W., Fisk, A., (2010). Skill components of task analysis. Instructional
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