Grade 5
Grade 5
Grade 5
1.Identify some properties of materials they use at home.
2. Classify properties of materials as to their uses.
3.. Make your own useful material/product using different materials.
6. Explain that they should then go through the list and decide why it
would not be sensible to make an umbrella from some of the
7. Provide each group with the LM.
8. Instruct each group to perform Lesson1 : LM Activity 1
C. Explanation:
1. Ask each group to present their output and answer the guide questions.
What materials you used to make an umbrella?
Why you chose those materials?
Do you think your umbrella can be used during summer and rainy seasons?
Can you give some useful properties of materials you used?
2. Ask each group to exchange their notebooks and check their answers in LM
(Activity 1).
D. Elaboration/Extension/BIT
The term material also refers to the substances from which a product is
made. Manufacturers are familiar with the properties of the materials they use.
and nylon
E. Evaluation.
Identify the some properties of the following materials. Write your answer inside the
IV. Assignment:
List ten household products you have at home and write some properties of each
1.Determine whether the material is useful or harmful.
2. Group the materials according to their uses.
3. Practice safety precautions in the use of certain materials.
B. References:
Curriculum Guide in Science 5.
Code : S5MT Ia-b-1
21st Century Science and HealthPhoenix publishing house
C. Process Skills: Observing, identifying, describing, and investigating.
D. Values Integration: Awareness on the importance of proper storage and disposal of
household materials
Learning tasks:
A .Engagement:
Elicit response from the pupils regarding the activity performed yesterday.
Ask:From the lesson yesterday, name some materials you use in your daily living
Lesson presentation:
Ask: What household materials do you have at home? How would you classify them? Would
you know that there are certain precautions to follow to keep us safe?
B. Exploration:
1.Divide the class into five groups.
2. Set standards to follow during group activity.
3. Provide the learners with the LM and instruct each group to perform Lesson 2 : LM
Activity 1 - Household Materials.(grouping of household materials according to their
4. Discuss in detail whether a material is useful or harmful.
5. Ask the learners to read some safety precautions in handling household materials.
6. Let the pupils do the Activity. Science Trail.(Each group will do the task ineach base
with different household materials, with emphasis on safety precautions in using
8. Each group will be given answer sheet for their respective answers.
7. Allot ample time for the pupils to complete their task.
8. Remind the pupils that they will be presenting their observations and answers from
the activity.
C. Explanation
1.Ask each group to present their answers/observations about the activity and the
answer to their guide questions in a form of macro broadcasting.
2. Each group will be given time to brainstorm and prepare for their presentation.
3. Ask:
What are the importance of having knowledge about proper use of some
household materials?
What are the harmful effects of some materials at home?
Why it is important to store all poisonous chemicals in safe containers and
1. Discuss the safety precautions in the use of certain materials.
D. Elaboration/Extension/BIT
Aerosols technically refers to airborne solid particles(also called dust or particulate matter or liquid dropl
In everyday language, aerosol refers to an aerosol spray can or its contents. In the early 1970s, scientis
the U.S. first started to express concern to
conditioning, aerosol, foam blowing, and refrigeration industries were responsible for an apparent thinnin
the ozone layer. The ozone layer absorbs radiation from the sun. The aerosol industry responded by pha
out the use of these CFCs and shifting to non ozone depleting natural hydrocarbons.
Household materials are classified according to their uses such as: Food
Preparation,Cleaning,Beautification,Building construction, and those found in Products.
Other household Materials are pesticides,insecticides,herbicides,fertilizers,and vitamins.
Storage and Disposal of Household Materials
1. Store all poisonous chemicals in safe containers and places.
2. Keep flammable materials out of the reach of children
3. Clearly label all containers of chemicals to make sure they are
easily and correctly recognized
4. Keep petroleum products in safe containers
Make a sample inventory of household materials present in your home.
Lesson 2: Changes that Materials Undergo
Third Week
Day 1
1. Describe the changes that happen in materials inside our body under the
condition of presence of oxygen
2. Awareness of what oxygen can do.
3. Investigate changes that happen in materials inside our body under the
condition of presence of oxygen
A. Materials: jumbled letters ENGYOX
cartolinas with questions
soft music, Tagalog rhyme
B. References: Curriculum Guide for Grade 5, 2, 2.1 p. 30
Science Spectrum 5 p.166
C. Process Skills: Observation, Inference
Learning Tasks
A. Engagement
a. Review
1. Post cartolinas with questions on the different sides of the rooms wall.
Cartolina 1 How does your body feel when its time to eat but theres no
food yet?
Cartolina 2 Can we stop oxygen from entering our body for hours?
Cartolina 3 How does your body feel after eating your meal?
Cartolina 4 What do you think is happening to the food inside our body?
Cartolina 5 How does our body use oxygen we breathe in?
2. Instruct the pupils on what they will do with the cartolinas posted on the
wall. Tell them that each group should give only one-sentence answer.
3. Play a soft music to set the mood.
4. Data process their answer.
b. Motivation
The teacher will lead the pupils to breathe in and out.
What gas do we need when breathing in?
Why is it needed by our body?
Do you have any idea about the changes it can do to materials?
c. Present the new lesson
Today, we will do some investigation on the changes that happen in the
materials inside our body in the presence of oxygen.
B. Exploration
1. Ask the pupils to give standards in doing an activity.
2. Divide the class into small groups.
3. Instruct the pupils which group will do the Lesson 2 Activity 1 on the
LM p. __ and Activity 2 on the LM p. __
4. Present the rubrics in grading their work.
5. Go around and observe the pupils as they perform the activity.
6. Remind them that they will present their output in class after all of the
groups are done with their work.
C. Explanation
1. Each group will present their data and discuss about their interpretation.
How did you feel after doing the activity?
What happens when food inside our body combines with oxygen?
What happens when materials inside our body combines with oxygen?
What kind of change is it?
D. Elaboration
Background Information
Oxygen is a part of the air that surrounds us. It can cause
changes on different materials and food inside our body.
Digested food is metabolized or used up in the body by combining
with oxygen. This process releases energy from the food so that
the body can use it for biological processes or for work.
People and animals use oxygen in respiration. As oxygen is
inhaled, some materials inside the body combine with it and
undergo a chemical reaction that gives off carbon dioxide, water
and energy.
This example given undergo the process of chemical change.
1. What is oxygen?
2. What does it cause?
3. How does oxygen help in using up the food we eat?
4. What is produced when oxygen combine with the materials inside
our body?
5. What kind of change happened in the example given?
E. Evaluation/Assessment:
What happens to the food and materialsinside our body when oxygen is
Answer this question by making a 4 5 sentenced paragraph on your
Why is oxygen important in using up the nutrients of the food we eat?
Day 2
1. Describe the changes that happen in materials under the condition of
presence of oxygen
2. Awareness of what oxygen can do.
3. Investigate changes that happen in materials under the condition of presence
of oxygen
A. Materials: question onion
one half of apple
knife (for teachers use only)
new and rusting chains (real object or picture)
B. References: Curriculum Guide for Grade 5, 2, 2.1 p. 30
Science Spectrum 5 p.166
C. Process Skills: Observation, Comparison, Inference
D. Values Integration: Awareness of what oxygen can do.
Learning Tasks
A. Engagement
a. Review
1. The pupils will sing the song It is Science Time while each one is passing
the onion to their classmate.
2. When the teacher says Stop, the one who is holding or touch it last will
get a layer and will answer the question about what happens when food and
materials inside our body combined with oxygen.
b. Motivation
Show a real apple.
What are the characteristics of an apple? (The teacher may cut the apple
to help pupils recall the color of the freshly cut one.)
d. Present the new lesson
Today, we will do some investigation on the changes that happen in
materials in the presence of oxygen.
B. Exploration
1. Ask the pupils to give standards in doing an activity.
2. Divide the class into small groups.
3. Instruct the pupils which group will doLesson 2 Activity 3 on the LM p.
__ and Activity 4 on the LM p. __.
4. Present the rubrics in grading their work.
5. Go around and observe the pupils as they perform the activity.
6. Remind them that they will present their output in class after all of the
groups are done with their work.
C. Explanation
1. Each group will present their data and answer the guide questions.
How did you feel after doing the activity?
Why did the apple and the iron chain change in color?
How can we stop them from discoloring?
D. Elaboration
Background Information
Oxygen is a part of the air that surrounds us. It can cause
changes on different materials.
Some fruits like apple, turnips, mango, etc. and some root crops
like sweet potato, eggplant, etc. have enzymes which when
combined with water gives it brown color, a sign of food spoilage.
Iron when combined with oxygen form rust. This is the start of the
decay of a metal.
This example given undergo the process of chemical change.
1. What is oxygen?
2. What does it cause?
3. How does oxygen change some materials?
4. When this change occurs, what will happen to these materials?
5. What kind of change happened in the examples given?
E. Evaluation/Assessment:
What happens when oxygen is present in materials?
Give at least three other examples of changes that materials undergo in the
presence of oxygen.
Day 3 - 4
1. Describe the changes that happen in materials under the condition of lack of
2. Carefulness in doing things.
3. Investigate changes that happen in materials under the condition of lack of
A. Materials: metacards with questions
jumbled letters SIYPHLAC
piece of paper
a rubber band
a stick
piece of chalk
B. References: Curriculum Guide for Grade 5, 2, 2.1 p. 30
Science and Health for the New Millennium 5 pp. 110-111
C. Process Skills: Manipulation, Observation
D. Values Integration: Carefulness in doing things.
Learning Tasks
A. Engagement
a. Review
Give each group a metacard that contains your question about the effect
of oxygen on some fruits, root crops and metal. Paste on the manila
b. Motivation
Arrange the jumbled letters to give the word being described.
appearance, outer look
c. Present the new lesson
At the end of our lesson, each one of you should learn about physical
B. Exploration
1. Ask the pupils to give standards in doing an activity.
2. Divide the class into small groups.
3. Instruct the pupils which group will do Lesson 2 Activity 5 on the LM p.
__, Activity 6 on the LM p. __, Activity 7 on the LM p. __, and Activity 8
on the LM p. __.
4. Present the rubrics in grading their work.
5. Go around and observe the pupils as they perform the activity.
6. Remind them that they will present their output in class after all of the
groups are done with their work.
C. Explanation
1. Each group will present their data and discuss about their work done.
How did you feel after doing the activity?
Can change occur even the condition of lack of oxygen?
How can we know that the change which happened to a material is
physical change?
F. Elaboration
Background Information
When the paper is crumpled, folded or cut, it changes in size,
shape, texture and appearance but it still remains the same
When the rubber band is stretched or cut, it changes in size,
shape, and number of pieces but it still remains the same material.
When the stick is cut into pieces, it changes in size and number of
pieces but it still remains the same material.
When the piece of chalk is pound, it changes in size and number
of pieces but it still remains the same material.
Materials change even under the condition of lack of oxygen.
Matter could be changed physically.
In physical change, only the appearance of the matter changes
and no new material is formed.
Review on the lesson and be ready for the summative test tomorrow.
Day 5
1. Show understanding on the changes that happen in materials under the
condition of presence and lack of oxygen by answering the questions
2. Observe the value of being honest in answering the test.
3. Follow the directions correctly.
Evaluation/Summative Test
A. Setting of standards
B. Giving directions
C. Administering the test
D. Checking
E. Recording of scores
Teacher made Test
Fourth Week
Day 1 - 2
1. Describe what happens to materials under the application of heat.
2. Be cautious in using equipment that produce heat.
3. Investigate changes that happen in materials under the following condition:
- Application of Heat
A. Materials:
aluminum saucer
Alcohol lamp or improvised heater
Plastic sheet cover
Cooking oil
Small pan
B. References:
Curriculum Guide for Grade 5, 2, 2.1 p. 30
Science for the New Millennium 5 pp. 112
C. Process Skills:
Observing, Experimentation
Learning Tasks
A. Engagement
a. Review
1. Prepare different bases with question about the previous weeks
2. Data process after doing this activity.
b. Motivation
Four pics One word which will lead to the answer APPLICATION and
c. Present the lesson
We will investigate changes that happen in materials under the condition:
- Application of Heat
B. Exploration
1. Ask the pupils to give standards in doing an activity.
2. Divide the class into small groups.
3. Instruct the pupils which group will do Lesson 2 Activity 9 on the LM p.
__, Activity 10 on the LM p. __, and Activity 11 on the LM p. __.
4. Present the rubrics in grading their work.
5. Go around and observe the pupils as they perform the activity.
6. Remind them that they will present their output in class after all of the
groups are done with their work.
C. Explanation
Each group will present their data and discuss about their work done.
How did you feel after doing the activity?
Can application of heat change materials?
How do some materials change when heat is applied?
D. Elaboration
Give other materials which application of heat can change physically?
Day 3 - 4
1. Describe what happens to materials under the application of heat.
2. Be cautious in using equipment that produce heat.
3. Investigate changes that happen in materials under the following
- Application of Heat
A. Materials:
White sugar
Tin can
B. References: Curriculum Guide for Grade 5, 2, 2.1 p. 30
Science for the New Millennium 5 pp.113-114
C. Process Skills:Observing, Experimentation
Learning Tasks
A. Engagement
a. Review
1. The pupils will sing the song It is Science Time while each one is
passing the ball to their classmate.
2. When the teacher says Stop, the one who is holding or touch it
last will answer the question about physical change caused by
application of heat.
b. Motivation
Arrange the jumbled letters PILAPTACNIO FO THEA
c. Present the lesson
We will investigate other changes that happen in materials under
the condition:
- Application of Heat
B. Exploration
1. Ask the pupils to give standards in doing an activity.
2. Divide the class into small groups.
3. Instruct the pupils which group will do Lesson 2 Activity 12 on the
LM p. __, Activity 13 on the LM p. __, and Activity 14 on the LM p.
4. Present the rubrics in grading their work.
5. Go around and observe the pupils as they perform the activity.
6. Remind them that they will present their output in class after all of
the groups are done with their work.
C. Explanation
Each group will present their data and discuss about their work done.
How did you feel after doing the activity?
Can application of heat change materials?
How do some materials change when heat is applied?
D. Elaboration
Day 5
I. Objectives:
Show understanding on the changes that happen in materials under the
condition application of heat by answering the questions correctly.
Observe the value of being honest in answering the test.
Follow the directions correctly.
II. Evaluation/Summative Test
III. A. Setting of standards
B. Giving directions
C. Administering the test
D. Checking
E. Recording of scores
IV. Teacher made Test
II. A. Materials:
Trash bin filled with trash. For example:
White board
- scrap paper
- tin cans
- toilet paper rolls
- empty kleenex boxes
- empty milk cartons
- empty plastic
- tinfoil
- newspaper
B. References:
Teachers Guide Grade 4 page 63-64
Curriculum Guide Grade Five S5MT-Ie-g3
1. Motivation
Ask: What happens to the garbage after they put it in the garbage can.
Write their thoughts on the board.
Say: tell to the children that the garbage goes to a garbage dump(landfill) and that
once one landfill gets full room for another one must be found.
Introduce the concept of the 2 R's (REDUCE AND RECYCLE).
B. Exploration:
1. Divide the class into two groups.
2. Each group take a few items out of the garbage can and move to their own area.
3. Have them jot down some points on how they might use the 3 Rs on the items
theyve chosen.
4. Have them write down their ideasand which of the 2 Rs theyre using.
5. Let the pupils do lesson 5: Activity 1 in the LM
6. Supervise the pupils while they are doing the activity.
C. Explanation
Ask the pupils to present their data and answer the guide question
1. What are the recyclable materials found in the garbage can?
2. Which material can recycle?
3. What are the materials that can reduce?
4. Differentiate between Recycle and reduce?
5. Give another example of recyclable materials.
6. Why is it important to recycle and reduce materials?
D. Elaboration:
Background information for Teachers
Reduce=> make less garbage. For example, instead of buying juice boxes for lunch, buy a
large container of juice and use a washable single serving container to take it to school.
What are the importance in recycling and reducing materials?
E. Evaluation:
Answer briefly the following question
How can I recycle things at
IV. Assignment:
How can I Reduce the
Things I waste?
Discuss with your parents if/how your family uses the 3 R's. Write down ways you can help your
family do a little bit more.
paper bags
detergent bottle
Plastic bottle
Empty cans
Fruits peeling
Candy wrapper
Plastic bag
Old clothes
juice wrapper
B. References:
Teachers Guide Grade 4 page 64
Curriculum Guide Grade Five S5MT-Ie-g3
21st Century Science and health page 126
C. Process Skills: observing, identifying, observing and understanding.
D. Value Integration: Practice the importance of waste management.
III. Learning Tasks:
1. Engagement
1. Review:
Show the class the empty bottle, plastic, cardboard, paper, tire, native
basket, tin cans, eco/bag and use bottle.
Call two pupils to sort the materials that belong to recycling and reducing.
2. Motivation
Did you ever donate your old toys or clothes to a charity?
Did you ever use an old glass jar to hold your pencils, pens o paintbrush?
2. Exploration:
A. Advance Preparation: ( to be done a day before the science class)
1. Prepare the necessary materials needed for the activity.
2. Prepare the following working Base inside the classroom.
Base 1: home
Base 2: Public market
Base 3: School
1. Group the pupils into three
2. Assign each group to the following bases:
Group 1 Base 1 (Home)
3. Provide each group with the LM. Ask them to work on Lesson 6:LM___Activity
What are the reusable materials in waste management?
4. Go around and check the pupils in their work.
5. Answers pupils query if necessary.
6. Remind the pupils that they will be presenting their output after 10minutes.
C. Explanation
Ask the pupils to present their output and the answer to the guide questions.
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What are the reusable wastes that found in your home?
3. What are the reusable materials commonly found in the public market?
4. What are the reusable wastes commonly found in the school?
5. Give an example of reusable materials?
Public Market
Plastic wrapper
Plastic container
Plastic bottle
Medicine vials
Empty cans
Plastic bottle
Old clothes
Old toys
Fruits peelings
Juice wrappers
Candy wrappers
Candy wrappers
Station 1 hospital
Station 2 Market
Station 3 School
C. Explanation:
1. What are the waste materials commonly found in the hospital?
2. What are the waste materials commonly found in the market?
3. Which material can be recover and repair?
4. Were all the materials are disposable?
5. Are these wastes materials that can be reused?
6. Is it important to recover and repair the waste materials?
D. Elaboration:
Juice wrappers
paper towels
Old newspapers/magazines
plastic bags
Scrap papers
B. References:
Curriculum Guide Grade Five S5MT-Ih-i-4
C. Process Skills: Observing, Identifying, Classifying, Investigating
D. Values Integration: Solid Waste Management
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement:
1. Motivation/Review:
a. Collect solid wastes from the pupils into a corner of a room.
b. Seat the pupils around the pile of solid waste
c. Call 3 pupils to sort the materials from the pile of waste.
d. Which of these materials are still useful to us? Which of these are cannot be
e. How are you going to dispose these materials?
f. Why do we need to recycle?
g. What are some other things we can do apart from recycling?
2. Present the new lesson
Waste management is an important part of a wider goal to improve the way we
look after our environment.
For todays lesson, you will think of some ways by which we can identify
materials and classify them if it can be reduce, reuse and recycle.
B. Exploration:
1. Split the class into 2 teams.
2. Prepare the materials needed for the activity.
3. Set standards to follow while doing the activity.
4. Provide each group the materials needed.
5. Remind the pupils on how to handle the materials properly.
6. Have each group perform Lesson 8:LM Activity 1-How will you classify materials
that can be reduce, reuse and recycle?
7. Go about the room and oversee the work of the pupils.
C. Explanation
1. When time is up, ask the pupils to answer the following guide questions:
How do you find the activity?
What materials did you use in the activity?
What did you do with the materials?
How did you sort the different items given?
What are their characteristics?
What are the properties of each kind of materials?
Which of the materials can be reduce? Reuse? Recycled?
What are the ways of disposing waste materials?
What did you learn in this activity?
D. Elaboration:
Background information for teachers:
Waste management is the precise name for collection, disposal or
recycling of wastes.
Proper segregation of waste materials should be observed.
Classifying materials is important to know whether the materials is to be
reduce, reuse or recycle in making useful products.
E. Evaluation:
Given are some of the waste materials in our surroundings.
Classify each materials in their proper column.
Plastic bottle
Tissue papers
Candy wrappers
Plastic bags
Old magazines
Tin cans
Paper plates
Card boards
Aerosol sprays
Glass bottle
IV. Assignment:
Go to public market in your place. Identify some recyclable materials that can be
made into useful products.
Lesson 9: Product out of local recyclable solid materials
Duration: 5 Days
1. Identify local recyclable solid materials that can be used in making useful product
2. Explain ways in making useful materials and products
3. Design a product out of local recyclable solid materials
II. A. Materials:
Tin cans
Plastic drink bottles
Old newspapers/magazines
Juice wrappers/candy wrappers
Paint brush
B. References:
Curriculum Guide Grade Five S5MT-Ih-i-4
C. Process Skills: Observing, Identifying, Inferring, Investigating
D. Values Integration: Proper management of materials to avoid wastage
III. Learning Tasks:
A Engagement:
1. Motivation/Review:
1. Have the pupils go around the classroom.
2. Have them list down at least ten materials they see in the classroom
3. Ask: What materials in your list are solids?
Are these materials can be made into useful products?
2 Presentation of new lesson
For todays lesson you will think of some ways by which you could make a product
out of recyclable solid local materials.
B Exploration:
1 Divide the pupils into five groups.
2 Provide the materials equally to every group.
3 Set the standards to be followed while doing the activity.
4 Ask each group to dream up a product that consist only of recyclable materials.
5 Have them begin by brainstorming ideas and draw detailed diagrams of the
6 Make your own product out of the local materials that you have
7 Remind each group that they will be presenting their output in class after the
C Explanation:
1 Ask each group to present their data and answer the following guide questions:
a What are the recyclable materials did you use?
b What are the materials made up of?
IV. Assignment:
Identify one material at home that can be recycled and make your own product
out of the recycled materials.
F. Exploration:
(Recycling Relay)
1. Set 3 bins and label each bin with reduce, reuse and recycle.
2. Split the class into 2 teams.
3. Scatter the items in front of the start line.
4. Remind the pupils on how to handle the materials properly.
5. One at a time, the team must pick up an item that is in their team and put it in
one of the 3 bins.
6. Only give a certain amount of time.