Do Schools Put Too Much Pressure On Kids
Do Schools Put Too Much Pressure On Kids
Do Schools Put Too Much Pressure On Kids
In the 21st century, the lifestyle of a common person is, traveling with lightening speed. A speed mingled with cut-throat competition to hoist the flag of success in the desired field, all with the budding population and limited opportunities, paves a path of a slow and steady race. Initiating kids from nursery to high school gates, parents hope for the best in every step. But unaware that the education systems are commercial complexes built with piles of money, that only emphasizes learning knowledge for a better standard of living but ceased morals of life. Now a days, education plays a vital role for any gender. This demand calls for more upcoming schools that provide the best for kids, so there lays a brand competition between schools. Simultaneously they prepare an army to shoulder their brand name. All these acts are to advertise their student resource as their brand ambassadors, in order to achieve this goal, they impel and instruct the kids to be over smart, and are pressurized with various concepts than their small minds can absorb. Recently, we can see a number of competitive entrance exams. All these mind-tricking exams are even loaded on small kids, just to stand in a smart school. Coming across these smart schools, we may find a military teaching, that efforts to weigh heavy projects on the little shoulders of kids. In course of all these teachings, a fast trend of exam pattern confuses their small brains. The best example we see in these days is weekly to monthly exams, that encourages high-level competitions, and acts as a filter for the schools to bring up their limited student resource, and to provide the best guidance only for these selected kids. This pushes others to study to their fate. Within these cooperate schools, many higher level studies like AIEE is introduced in lower classes itself. In olden days, holidays used to ring bells of fun and joy for the kids, a lovely time with their loved ones. These special times are lost, in the burdens of home work and extra classes to fulfill syllabus plans. At every step, kids are suffering from high-level stress. They are growing with a robotic mechanism in these years. With no further delay, every school should see the tenderness of kids, feel their interests and know that they are fragile hearts. Let us see to the future, where education is knowledge, divine, and a fragrance of blooming kids happiness. Amru Amruta
they are so much miserable that they cant do any other work. Nor they can watch educational TV channels such as discovery, national geographical etc. because they dont have time for anything. All this is because of their school which put undue pressure on kids. Various surveys are done for school children and it is seen that children carry a huge weighted bag to school daily. This is not a good thing at all. In foreign countries students are provided lockers in the school premises so that the children dont have to carry heavy bag with them daily to school. They just have two carry on homework copies only and that too little one. But this is not the case in India because as we are always of lack of resources, schools cant provide them lockers system. But this could be good thing for the development of India. Not just this, children never enjoy their summer and winter vacations because they are always provided with huge amount of homework and assignments for the vacations. The homework is though knowledgeable but side by side time consuming also because kids couldnt enjoy their vacations because they have two do homework. They cant go to relatives place because they have homework. Though A students life is the toughest life but their must be some relaxation to it because if they are put into a lot of burden then they can never achieve success. Because this is rightly said that A too must stretched string is becomes strong up to a certain limit, after that it breaks. So a students life in a same way is very miserable and they must not be so much stretched that it creates negative impacts on them. The main reason of students committing suicides is this only because some children cant take pressures put by their school, so they take wrong steps like suicides and some go into drugs and all such bad activities. Though schools take a lot of care of the kids but then also they are often put into bad habits when they are in school itself. But it shouldnt be the case because as schools are always referred as temples so children should never be disadvantaged because of that. Also children always enjoy when they are in school because they always go to school to learn sometime, not to get overburdened. Hence schools should always do sometime to cope with this problem because children being the future of our country should never be mistreated. Also overburdening of children with work is against the rules and regulations of various NGOs and organizations. Something should be done for the betterment of school kids like they should be given lesser homework. They should be made to do written work in school only because written work is the only thing which consumes a lot of time. If written work is done in the school itself then the children will only have to do learning work and activities at home. Also children should be always be encouraged to learn not to cram things because we cant cram everything but can understand things and this is the best way because want ever we cram will be lost from our minds one day but whatever we learn and understand will stay with us forever. And this cramming of things is the most hectic part for students and this sometimes create a bad impact on them. For example- we always learn and understand mathematics, so it stays in our mind forever because we have learned the concepts not cram them. In the same way we sometimes cram a lesson so it one or the other day will get lost from our mind. So cramming never helps. Hence the school should always encourage children to be ahead in life but not to only work in life. And also they should not impose loads of work on the shoulders of small kids. Rohit Mittal
truck, doll, bus and helicopter are now replaced by big letters of English alphabets, geometrical figures like square triangle, cube and mathematical symbols like plus, minus, into and divide. These new methods are only emerging intellectual portion of the kid rather than overall development. These education systems in the race of being the best have only become a centre of business. They are snatching the pleasant moments of kids and substituting it with weight of study which their delicate brains are incapable of handling. Parents too are not considerate that what their kid will lose today will never come back again-the hassle free moments. But in spite of all these parents are unable to judge the precise school which doesnt threaten their kid of the upcoming higher education. All these kindergartens that are meant only for business purposes may be quite detrimental for the growth of the kid into a successful person. Rather schools should understand that education should be a balance between skills and creative expressions-between the head and the heart. For the kids, the primary school is like a new world. Here they first learn the principles of discipline and that is in no way bad. But happens when the moderate level of discipline turns into excessive level of discipline; it not only pressurizes the kids but also make them rude internally which bursts out in their later life. The kids who are unable to do the home works are harshly beaten up with stick, which tortures them physically. Neither the teacher nor the principle ever tries to look into the matter why the kid was unable to do the homework. Instead of making the kid understand the concepts and clear his doubts in solving the problems, the teachers approach to his parents complaining your kid does not study. This creates mental pressure to the kid not only from the school but also an added pressure from their parents. At the secondary school level the kid, who was already facing the pressure of strict discipline and moral values, feels the pressure of higher studies. He feels the competition between his other class fellows who are getting better rank than him. He labors hard day and night, and in this race he hampers his health. But let me ask why he feels the competition? everyone knows that all of us have different capacities. Some are good in sports and some are good at studies. But the main problem is our education system-the teachers praises those students who get better rank while they criticize and underestimate the one who are poor or average at studies. This mental pressure reaches its peak when the student appears for board examination. It has now become a remarkable truth that students getting poor marks in the board exams are criticized by the school, the parents as well as by the society. These extremes of pressure force the students to do suicide. The level of pressure experienced by the high school students is no less. They now become more alert towards the choice of their future profession. They also feel the stress of advanced studies in the stream they are pursuing-science, commerce or any other stream. The evils of increased criticism preexisting from the secondary school are inherited to the high school. The students have to prepare for entrance exams to get a fine college. While the school is focused at receiving better percentage in board, the student aims at getting better rank in entrance exams. As the syllabuses of both are different, the student feels loss in his confidence level. The teacher trains him shortcut methods for entrances which if he uses in his board is sure to get reduced marks. Hence the school confuses the student. If he doesnt do well in his board then the school is ready to criticize him, and if he doesnt do well in his entrances his parents rather than supporting him in this delicate situation are going to add extra mental pressure. This results in students of high school getting into grave depression. The kid of nursery, by the time he reaches high school becomes completely tired and exhausted by the pressure generating system i.e. the school. The schools of present era should use innovative strain free techniques to make the kid learn. They should understand that their aim is To educate students but not Pressurize students and educate them. Nishant Kumar Shekhar
taught a variety of things beforehand in order to get into school and handle the pace and pressure generated during the course. The childhood that is juncture of amusement and relaxation has now become an old story. The kid of twenty first century has to learn, the tactics to face the burden brought forward by the schools. The nursery school that is aimed at physical, social and emotional development of the kid through ways that is meant to give the kid far reaching enjoyment is now diminishing. The toys like elephant, horse, truck, doll, bus and helicopter are now replaced by big letters of English alphabets, geometrical figures like square triangle, cube and mathematical symbols like plus, minus, into and divide. These new methods are only emerging intellectual portion of the kid rather than overall development. These education systems in the race of being the best have only become a centre of business. They are snatching the pleasant moments of kids and substituting it with weight of study which their delicate brains are incapable of handling. Parents too are not considerate that what their kid will lose today will never come back again-the hassle free moments. But in spite of all these parents are unable to judge the precise school which doesnt threaten their kid of the upcoming higher education. All these kindergartens that are meant only for business purposes may be quite detrimental for the growth of the kid into a successful person. Rather schools should understand that education should be a balance between skills and creative expressions-between the head and the heart. For the kids, the primary school is like a new world. Here they first learn the principles of discipline and that is in no way bad. But happens when the moderate level of discipline turns into excessive level of discipline; it not only pressurizes the kids but also make them rude internally which bursts out in their later life. The kids who are unable to do the home works are harshly beaten up with stick, which tortures them physically. Neither the teacher nor the principle ever tries to look into the matter why the kid was unable to do the homework. Instead of making the kid understand the concepts and clear his doubts in solving the problems, the teachers approach to his parents complaining your kid does not study. This creates mental pressure to the kid not only from the school but also an added pressure from their parents. At the secondary school level the kid, who was already facing the pressure of strict discipline and moral values, feels the pressure of higher studies. He feels the competition between his other class fellows who are getting better rank than him. He labors hard day and night, and in this race he hampers his health. But let me ask why he feels the competition? everyone knows that all of us have different capacities. Some are good in sports and some are good at studies. But the main problem is our education system-the teachers praises those students who get better rank while they criticize and underestimate the one who are poor or average at studies. This mental pressure reaches its peak when the student appears for board examination. It has now become a remarkable truth that students getting poor marks in the board exams are criticized by the school, the parents as well as by the society. These extremes of pressure force the students to do suicide. The level of pressure experienced by the high school students is no less. They now become more alert towards the choice of their future profession. They also feel the stress of advanced studies in the stream they are pursuing-science, commerce or any other stream. The evils of increased criticism preexisting from the secondary school are inherited to the high school. The students have to prepare for entrance exams to get a fine college. While the school is focused at receiving better percentage in board, the student aims at getting better rank in entrance exams. As the syllabuses of both are different, the student feels loss in his confidence level. The teacher trains him shortcut methods for entrances which if he uses in his board is sure to get reduced marks. Hence the school confuses the student. If he doesnt do well in his board then the school is ready to criticize him, and if he doesnt do well in his entrances his parents rather than supporting him in this delicate situation are going to add extra mental pressure. This results in students of high school getting into grave depression. The kid of nursery, by the time he reaches high school becomes completely tired and exhausted by the pressure generating system i.e. the school. The schools of present era should use innovative strain free techniques to make the kid learn. They should understand that their aim is To educate students but not Pressurize students and educate them. P.D.Nitya
Children forget to enjoy the small pleasures of life like enjoying the first rains, playing football just for the fun of it rather than for getting the best players award, trekking through the wilderness etc. Letting a child be what he or she is while at the same time monitoring and channelising their strengths and talents is what schools are supposed to do. Bringing up the nest generation in the right way is no men task and doesnot simply include reading to them from textbooks and drawing diagrams on the board but includes talking to them at personal and understanding them for what they are. Applying the right amount of pressure can mould the raw talent into a reliable and wonderful personality but excess pressure can damage the item and the raw talent would be lost to both his/her near and dear ones as well as to the society. Gitanjali Maria