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Syllabus Electrical Drives

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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (MP)

Syllabus Electrical Drives

SYLLABUS ELECTRICAL DRIVESMTH 504 ADVANCED MATHEMATICSSolution of Partial differential Equations :Application to Boundary Value Problems. Laplace and wave Equations and electrical engineering applications to boundary value problems. Solution of non-linear equations by Newtons, Kizners method, Jacobis and Gauss-SEIDEL iteration methods. Lagranges & Hermite interpolation, picewise interpolation, cubic splines, Two-point boundary value problems by numerical techniques for linear ODE. Cauchys residue theorem, evaluation of integrals by various contours, conformal mapping, Schwartz christofel transformation. Linear Programming : LPP formulation, simplex methods-phase I, phase II, Big M method, Cuality of LPP. Non Linear Programming : Unconstrained and constrained extremal problems, and their algorithms. Dynamic Programming : Bellmans Principle of Optimality, Dynamic Programming Approach optimal subdivision problem, Decomposition Applications to linear programming DPP algorithms. Reference Books :Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S.GrewalOperations Research by Kanti Swaroop, P.K.Gupta and Man MohanOperations Research Algorithmic Approach Gillettee ED 501: POWER CONTROLLERINTRODUCTION : Various power semiconductor devices i.e. SCR, GTO, MOSFET, BJT, IGBT & MCTs & their protection, series-parallel operation, Heat sink calculations, Design of firing circuit for converters, choppers & inverters. PHASE CONTROLLED CONVERTERS :Analysis & design of 1-f bridge converter, 3-f bridge converter with and without freewheeling diode, effect of source impedence, power factor improvement techniques, pulse width modulated converters, Dual converters, converter for HVDC application & DC drives. CHOPPERS :Analysis & design of voltage commutated, current commutated and load commutated choppers, multiquadrant choppers, chopper for traction application. Resonant choppers, SMPS. INVERTERS :Detailed analysis of 1-f VSI, 3-f VSI (180 mode, 150 mode & 120 mode of conduction), various inverter commutation circuits, harmonic reduction techniques, PWM inverters, Inverters for HVDC application & AC drives. Advantages & limitation of current source inverters over VSI, 1- and 3- CSI. Resonant inverters. CYCLOCONVERTERS :1-f to 1-f, 3-f to 3-f cycloconverter circuits, circulating current scheme, non-circulating current operation, Mean output voltage, harmonics in supply current waveform & input-power factor. Concept of power quality Reference Books : 1. Thyristorised Power Controllers - G.K.Dubey, Doradla, Joshi, Sinha2. Power Electronics - C.W.Lander3. Power Electronics - Rashid4. Thyristorised power controlled converters & cycloconverters - B.R.Pelly5. Power Electronics N.Mohan6. Power Electronics Application - Vithyathil.7. Power Electronics Philip Kranes ED 502 : ELECTRICAL DRIVES I Electrical Drives Introduction, Choice of Electrical Drives, Dynamics of Electrical Drives, Concept of Multiquadrant operation, Components of load torques. Selection of motor power rating. D.C.Drive, speed torque, speed control. Starting, Breaking. Controlled rectified fed DC drive, chopper controlled dc drives. Close loop control of d.c. drive. Transient analysis. Induction Motor Drives : Three phase I.M., analysis and performance. Operation with unbalanced source voltages and single phasing, analysis of I.M. fed from Non-sinusoidal voltage supply. Starting, Braking, Transient analysis. Speed control methods of IM, v/f controlled induction motors, controlled current and controlled slip operation, PWM inverter drives, Multi-quadrant drives and field oriented control, slip power control, mathematical modeling of induction motor drives, transient response and stability analysis, single phase I.M. Close loop control of I.M. Drives. Synchronous Motor Drives, cylindrical rotor wound field motor, salient pole wound field motor, synchronous reluctance motor, Hysteresis synchronous motor, operation from fixed frequency supply, starting, braking, synchronous motor variable speed drives, starting large synchronous machines.
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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (MP)

Reference Books :1. Power semi conductor controlled drives by G.K.Dubey 2. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives by G.K.Dubey3. Electrical Machine & Power Electronics by P.C.Sen4. Electrical Drives by S.A. Nasar ED 503 : MODELLING AND ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL MACHINESReview : Primitive machine, voltage and torque equation.Concept of transformation change of variables & m/c variables and transform variables. Application to D.C. machine for steady state and transient analysis, and equation of cross field commutator machine. Induction Machine : Voltage, torque equation for steady state operation, Equivalent circuit, Dynamic performance during sudden changes in load torque and three phase fault at the machine terminals. Voltage & torque equation for steady state operation of 1- induction motor & scharge motor. Synchronous Machine : Transformation equations for rotating three phase windings, Voltage and power equation for salient and non salient alternator, their phasor diagrams, Simplified equations of a synchronous machine with two damper coils. Operational Impedances and Time Constants of Synchronous Machines : Park's equations in operational form, operational impedances and G(P) for a synchronous machine with four Rotor Windings, Standard synchronous machine Reactances, time constants, Derived synchronous machine time constants, parameters from short circuit characteristics. Approximate Methods for Generator & System Analysis : The problem of power system analysis, Equivalent circuit & vector diagrams for approximate calculations, Analysis of line to line short circuit, Application of approximate method to power system analysis. Reference Books:1. Analysis of Electric Machinery - P.C.Krause2. The General theory of Electrical Machines B.Adkins3. The General theory of AC Machines - B.Adkins & R.G.Harley4. Generalised theory of Electrical m/c P.S.Bhimbra5. Electro Mechanical Energy Conversion - White & Woodson ED-511 ELECTIVE I MICROCOMPUTER AND ITS APPLICATIONS Programmable Peripheral Devices PPT 8255, various operating modes, fixing diagram, PIT 8253, programming and modes of operation, PIC 8259, operating modes. Interfacing - Interfacing of peripherals, A/D & D/A converters, 8255, 8253, 8259 with 8/16 bit microprocessor/Data Acquisition system. Microcontroller - 8051 Architecture, Counter/Timers, Instructions, Programming, Interfacing, Applications, Comparison of 8085, 8086, 8057 etc. Programmable logic controller PLC Architecture, programming, Counter/Timers and its applications. References :1. Microprocessor Architecture programming & applications Gaonkar2. Microprocessors & interfacing D.V.Hall3. The 8051 Microcontroller K.J.Ayala4. Introduction to programmable logic controller Gary DunningED-512 ELECTIVE I DSP & ITS APPLICATIONS Introduction to DSP - Classification of signals, Multichannel and multi dimensional continuous v/s discrete time signals, continuous v/s discrete valued signals, continuous time sinusoidal signal, discrete time sinusoidal signals, sampling of analog signal, sampling theorem, quantification and coding of D/A conversion. Discrete Time Signal and Systems - Discrete time signal, systems, Z-transform & Inverse Z-transform, analysis of discrete time, linear time invariant systems, co-relation of discrete time systems. Frequency Analysis Of Signals - Frequency analysis of analog signals, frequency analysis of discrete time signals. Properties of Fourier Transform, Frequency Domain Characteristics, Time Frequency Dualities, Sampling of signals in time and frequency domain, DFT & FFT. Design Of Digital Filter - Design of linear phase FIR filter using window & frequency sampling method. Design of equiripple linear phase filters. Comparision of design methods for linear phase FIR filters. Design of IIR filters from analog filters. Direct Design Technique for digital IIR filters. DSP Application - Introduction to digital signal processors chips, case study of different DSP applications. Application of filters to analog & digital signal processor, FET spectrum analyzer. Reference Books :1. Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing S. Mitra

W.D.Stanley2. Analog & Digital Signal Processing Ashok Ambardar3.

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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (MP)

ED-551 MICROCOMPUTER CONTROLLED DRIVESDC Drives - Converter fed DC Drives, Microcontroller hardware circuit, flow charts waveforms, Performance characteristics of dc drives fed through single phase converters, 3-phase converters, dual converters, 1-phase fully controlled converter and 3-phase fully controlled converter fed dc drive, Chopper fed DC Drives, hardware, circuits and waveforms., various modes of operation Performance Characteristic Of AC Drives - Description and Performance behaviour of 3-phase induction motor drive Microcomputer controlled inverter fed ac drive - Detailed power circuit, generation of firing pulses and firing circuit, flow charts and waveforms for 1-phase, 3-phase non pwm and 3-phase pwm inverter fed induction drives. Sampling techniques for pwm inverter. Mathematical modeling of frequency controlled drive - Development of mathematical model for various components of frequency controlled induction drive, mathematical model of the system for steady state and dynamic behaviour, Study of stability based on the dynamic model of the system. Close loop control of microcomputer based drives - Ref. speed, actual speed digital speed measurement (various methods). Types of controllers, position and velocity algorithm, close loop control of microcomputer based Drives.

References:1. Power semiconductor controlled drives, Dubey G.K., Prentiee-HALL 19892. Power electronics and variable frequency drives, Bose B.K., IEEE Press 19973. Control of electric drives, Leonard W, Springer Verlag, NY,1985 4. Microcomputer control of power electronics and drive, Bose B.K.5. Adjustable a.c. drive, Bose B.K.6. Thyristor contro of Electronic drive, V.Subramanyam ED-552 ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN AND COMPENSATION TECHNIQUES :The Design Problem, Preliminary design considerations. Basic comparators, cascade compensation in time domain and frequency domain, feedback compensation, Different types of controllers. STATE VARIABLE ANALYSIS :State variables, state space representation, Transfer matrix, state model for linear continuous time systems. Eigen values, eigen vectors, Diagonalization, Solution of state equation, concept of controllability and observability. Pole placement by state feedback. DISCRETE TIME SYSTEMS :Introduction to discrete time systems , Time domain, representation & transformation analysis of discrete time systems, time domain approach and z domain approach. Pulse transfer function, Controllability and observability of discrete time systems stability analysis in z plane. NON LINEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS :Introduction, characteristics limit cycles, singular points, Basic non linear components phase plane methods, Describing functions, Definition, D.F. for basic non linearities, Absolute stability, circle and popov criterion, Liapunov functions. LINEAR OPTIONAL AND ADAPTIVE CONTROL :Linear optimal regulator problem, finite time horizon, Principle of optimality, Hamilton Jacobi equation, Riceati differential equation, steady state solutions (LQR), Algebraic Riceati equation, properties, gain and phase margin, sensitivity, non linearities, optimal state estimation, Kalman filter, Output feedback control (LQG). Reference Books : 1. Digital Control Engineering - M.Gopal2. Adaptive and Optimal Control - A.P.Sage & Landue3. Optimal Control A.P.Sage4. Discrete Time Control System - Katsuniko Ogata5. Modern Control Engineering Nagarth Gopal ED-553 INSTRUMENTATION IN ELECTRICAL DRIVES

Review of Transducers - Introduction, measurement of translational and rotational displacement. Resistive potentiometers, strain gauges; differential transformer, synchros, induction potentiometers, piezoelectric transducer; Electro-optical devices, Digital displacement transducers (Translational and rotary encoders).Magnetic and photoelectric pulse counting for speed. Transducers for Torque voltage; current; power; frequency; power factor; and phase angle measurement. Signal Conditioning - Necessity, Instrumentation amplifiers, chopper stabilized amplifiers, Impedance converters, Noise problems, shielding and grounding.Concept of filters; Low pass filters; high pass filters; band pass filters ;band rejection filters; digital filters. Integration and differentiation of signals, Dynamic compensation, Linearisation, Concept of A/D and D/A Converters (voltage to frequency and frequency to voltage converter) sample/hold amplifiers, Microprocessor applications in signal conditioning.
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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (MP)

Data Transmission And Recording- Cable transmission of analog voltage and current signals, cable transmission of digital data, Fiber optic data transmission, FM/FM radio telemetry, synchroposition repeater systems. Microprocessor Based Measurement Of Electrical Quantities - Microprocessor based measurement of frequency, phase angle; power factor; voltage; current; reactance; resistance; KVA; KW; KWh and KVAR Computerised Data Acquisition System - Elements of data acquisition systems, data loggers, instrument interconnection systems; Block diagram and details of computerized data acquisition systems Instrumentation schemes for close loop control of Dc drives and AC drives. Reference Books: 1. Measurement systems, Application and Design by Ernest O.Docbelin.2. measurement by A.K.Shawney.3. Fundamental of microprocessor and microcomputers by B.Ram. ED-554 TRACTION DRIVES

Electrical and

Electric Traction Systems, Mechanics of Train movement, speed time curves, preliminary investigations of energy consumption, and ideal speed torque characteristics of Traction motors. Constructional and Design aspects of DC single phase and 3-phase I.Ms for Electric traction ,constraints and comparison w.r.t. commercial machines, problem associated with voltage rises. Temporary Interruption of supply, commutation of current rush, Ability of motors to withstand current rushes. Solid-state device controllers for DC Traction motors used for starting, speed control and electric braking in Electric traction for main line and suburban services. Controllers for 1-phase Traction motors, trends in main line railways using polyphase I.Ms and their controllers. Electric braking requirements and thyristorised controllers. Battery operated vehicles for city service, Light weight batteries, Diesel-Electric Traction systems for main line service and controllers.Soft starting of Traction motors, Conservation of Electrical energy. Reference Books :

1. Electric Traction by A.T.Dover2. Thyristorised Power Controllers by G.K.Dubey, Dorodla, Joshi& Sinha.3 Electronics by M.S.Berde.4. Modern Electric Traction by Prakash. ED-561 ELECTIVE II ADVANCE POWER ELECTRONICS DC-DC Switch Mode converter- Control of DC - DC Converter. BUCK, BOOST, BUCK-BOOST Converters etc. P.W.M. Converter- PWM Techniques, Current controlled techniques, High Power Factor Converters. Resonant Converters - Classification, Concepts, Load-Resonant Converters, Resonance-Switch Converters, Zero voltage Switching. Power Supplies - Linear Power Supplies, Overview of Switching DC Power Supply, Control and Protection of SMPS. Switching Mode Inverters - Basic concept, 1-F, 3-F Inverters Switching, Schemes and applications. Reference Books : Power Electronics Ned Mohan Power Electronics M. H. Rashid Power Electronics M. D. Singh Power Electronics Joseph Vithythal Power Electronics Philip KranesPower Electronics G. K. Dubey

ED-562 ELECTIVE II EVOLUTIONARY TECHNIQUES MODELSModel classification, Mathematical models, Physical Models, Analog Models, Estimation of Model parameters,
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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (MP)

Design of experiments, System Identification. SIMULATION METHODOLOGY & COMPUTER SIMULATIONExperimental Nature of Simulation, Steps involved in simulation studies, Validation of Simulation Models, Computer Simulation of continuous & discrete systems; examples. NEURAL NETWORKSIntroduction, different network configurations (MLP, Hopfield, Kohonen etc.), Feedforward and recurrent networks, Training algorithms static error back propagation technique and dynamic training algorithms, Computer flow charts for training, NNW applications for control, identification, pattern recognition and system modeling & state estimation. FUZZY LOGICSConcept, Fuzzy relations, membership functions, if-then-rules, matrix representation, defuzzification, fuzzy controllers, applications. GENETIC ALGORITHMSIntroduction and concept, schemata, coding, reproduction, cross-over, and mutation, scaling, fitness, applications. Neuro-fuzzy networks, Genetic algorithm in fuzzy controllers, other hybrid applications. Reference Books :1. Geoffery Gordon, System Simulation, Prentice Hall India, 19982. Robert E.Shannon, Systems Simulation : Art and Science, Prentice Hall3. J.M.Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural System, Jaico Publ. House, Bombay, 19944. G.W.Irwin, K.Warwick & K.J.Hunt[Editors], Neural Network Application in Control, Instn of Elect. Engrs, U.K., 19955. D.T.Pham & L.Xing, Neural Networks for Identification, Prediction and Control, Springer-Verlag, London, 19956. V.Rao & H. Rao, C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, BPS, Delhi, 19967. D.E.Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and machine learning, Addision Wesley Publ. Co. INC, NY.

ED 601ELECTRIC DRIVES IIReview of power electronic converters for drive control, LCI fed IM Drive, Drive configuration, Commutation at different speed, control structure. FOC IM Drive, Drive configuration, Mathematical modeling, Direct and indirect FOC, Influence of parameter, VSI and CSI fed schemes, Adaptive drive control. Brushless dc drive, self control, CSI with load commutation, low speed commutation, inverter control strategies, performance. Permanent Magnet SM Drive, control fundamentals, converter configuration, synchronization, trapezoidal and sinusoidal drive control structure, performance. Switched Reluctance Motors, Principle of operation, converter circuits, sensors, speed control, performance characteristics. Advance Control Technique Application, Application of modern & evolutionary techniques in drives. Stepper motor and switch reluctance motor drives, solar and battery powered drives, Traction Drives, Energy conservation in Electrical Drives. Reference Books:1. Power semi conductor controlled drives by G.K.Dubey 2. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives by G.K.Dubey3. Electrical Machine & Power Electronics by P.C.SenElectrical Drives by S.A. NasarPower electronics and variable frequency drives by B. K. Bose ED-602POWER QUALITYUnderstanding Power quality, types of power quality disturbances, power quality indices, Causes and effects of power quality disturbances Causes and effects of harmonics, converter configuration and their contribution to supply harmonics, other sources of harmonics Radio interference, supply standards, elimination/suppression of harmonics, classical solutions & their drawbacks, passive input filters, high power factor pre-regulator, switching control circuit, transformer connections, Elimination/suppression of harmonics using active power filters topologies, and their control methods, PWM converter as a voltage source active filter, current source active filter, Electro-magnetic compatibility, constant frequency control, constant tolerance band control, variable tolerance band control, discontinuous current control. References Books :Power Quality by R.C. DugganPower system harmonics by A.J. ArrillgaPower electronic converter harmonics by Derek A. PaiceED-611 ELECTIVE III(i) REACTIVE POWER CONTROL AND FACTS
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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (MP)

Introduction to FACTS- Basic Types of FACTS controllers, Static Var Compensator (SVC), Principle of operation, configuration and control of Thyristor Controlled Series compensator(TCSC), Applications, Static Compensator (STATCOM): Principle of operation, configuration and control, Unified Power Flow Controller(UPFC): Principle of operation, configuration and control. Oscillation Stability Analysis and Control: Introduction Linearised model of power systems installed with FACTS based Stabilizers Heffron-Phillips model of a SMIB system installed with SVC, TCSC and TCPS. Analysis and Design of FACTS based stabilizers: Analysis of damping torque contribution by FACTS based stabilizers installed in SMIB systems, Design of robust FACTS based stabilizers, Selection of installing locations. Transient Stability control with FACTS: Introduction Analysis of Power systems installed with FACTS devices: Power transmission control using Controllable Series Compensation(CSC), Power Transmission Control using SSSC, Power Transmission Control using UPFC, Power Transmission Control using Phase Shifting Transformer(PST), Power Transmission Control using UPFC, Control of FACTS devices for transient stability improvement General considerations of FACTS control strategy: CSC,SSSC, SVC, STATCOM and UPFC control strategy General Structure of the FACTS devices control.

References:1. Reactive Power Control in Power Systems T J E Miller John Wiley, 19822. Computer modeling of Electrical Power Systems J Arriliga and N R Watson Wiley, 20013. Understanding FACTS N G Hingorani and IEEE Press, 20004. Flexible ac Transmission Systems(FACTS) Y.H. Song and A.T. JohnsIEE Press, 1999

ED-612 ELECTIVE III (ii) SPECIAL MACHINES Introduction : Review of adjustable speed drives, permanent magnet materials and circuits. Square-wave, Sine-wave P.M. brushless motor drives - Principle, construction, operation and drive application.P.M. & synchronous-reluctance based motors - Principle, construction, operation and drive application.Switched reluctance motors, Linear induction motors, Stepper motors - Principle, construction, operation and drive application. Energy efficient motors Reference Books : 1. Power electronics control of AC machine by J.M.P. Murphy.2. Brushless Permanent-magnet and reluctance motor Drives by T.J.E. Miller3. Power electronics and variable frequency drives edited by B.K.Bose4. Linear induction machine by S.A.Nasar5. Energy efficient electric motors by J.C. Andreas. ED-613 ELECTIVE III (iii) EHV AC & DC TRANSMISSION 1. Long line theory, long distance transmission problems, corona power loss and audible noise. Radio Interference RIV and excitation functions, Reactive Power compensation of EHV AC lines, FACTs devices. 2. Sequential impedances of AC systems EHVAC transmission overvoltages, insulation design of lightning and switching over voltages. High voltage testing of AC equipments.3. Comparision of EHV AC & DC transmission HVDC system configuration and components conversion and inversion, Analysis of three phase bridge converter and Performance equations abnormal operations of converter. 4. Control of HVDC system, Principle of DC link control, current and Extinction angle control power and reactive power control, alternative inverter control modes. 5. Harmonics and AC/DC filters, Influence of AC system strength on AC/DC system interaction responses to DC and AC system faults. Modelling of HVDC system.

Reference Books :1. Begemudre R.D., EHVAC Transmission Engineering Willy Eastern Ltd.2. P.Kundur Stability and Control - Mc Graw Hill Publication.3. Arrillaga J., HVDC Transmission - Peter Peregrinus Pub.4. EHV AC & HVDC Transmission Systems - Khanna Pub. 5. Padiyar K.R., HVDC Power Transmission Systems W Eastern Ltd.ED 541 LAB - IMACHINES & DRIVES LAB List of Experiments:Study of Generalized Converter.(a) Record the waveforms at various points of the firing circuit for 1phase HW & bridge, 3-phase half wave & fully controlled bridge converters.(b) Record the output voltage, output current,
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Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (MP)

voltage across one thyristors, input current, with R & R-L load(c) Study the effect of load/source inductance and free wheeling diode.(d) Study the harmonic spectrum of input current. Study the speed control of single-phase converter fed DC motor.(a) Record the output voltage and input/output current waveforms in open loop speed control in continuous and discontinuous mode of operation.(b) Study the harmonics spectrum of input current.(c) Perform the load test. Study of single-phase AC regulator (a) Record the waveform at various points of the firing circuit.(b) Record the output voltage, input/output current, voltage across thyristors with (i) Resistive load, and (ii) Inductive load (iii) Fan load.(c) Study the harmonics spectrum of input current. Study the v/f speed control method of the three-phase Induction Motor.(a) Record the output voltage and line current waveforms.(b) Measure the speed, terminal voltage and line current at various frequencies.(c) Study the harmonics spectrum of input current. Study of speed control of separately excited chopper fed DC drive.(a) Record the waveforms at various points of firing circuit.(b) Study voltage and current commutation circuit.(c) Record the output voltage, input/output current waveforms with (i) R-Load (ii) R-L load, and (iii) Motor load. (a) Perform dynamic braking and plugging on DC shunt motor and record time taken by the motor to come to rest at different external resistance settings.(b) Perform dynamic braking on three-phase I.M. and record the time taken by the motor to come to rest at different DC current. (a) Study the speed control of 3-phase I.M. using the concept of Kramer control.(b) Plot the speed of the motor v/s field current of DC motor.(c) Record the various waveforms.


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