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The key takeaways are that the world's first IE program was established at Penn State in 1908 and that IEs apply scientific and practical knowledge to solve problems in industry.

The educational objectives of the IE program are to prepare students to be successful in their careers and to have a solid foundation in mathematics, science, and engineering principles as well as strong communication, teamwork, and problem solving skills.

Some of the faculty areas of expertise include supply chain optimization, manufacturing, control systems, design methodologies, and decision making.

The Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Undergraduate Handbook 2012 2013

The Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 310 Leonhard Building University Park, PA 16802

Paul Griffin, Ph.D. Peter and Angela Dal Pezzo Department Head Chair

Table of Contents:
Introduction. The I E Curriculum.. Educational Objectives.. Student and Faculty Responsibilities. Areas of Emphasis. I E Curriculum Plan (starting at University Park campus). Required I E Courses Grouped by Fields of Interest.. Elective I E Courses.. Specialization Tracks Table.. Prerequisite Listing.. C or Better Rule. Minors. Study Abroad Programs. Student Societies and Organizations.. Faculty Areas of Expertise Staff Areas of Responsibilities 3 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 13 15 16 17 20 22 23 24

1. Introduction
The worlds first industrial engineering program was established at Penn State by General Beaver, then Governor of Pennsylvania, in 1908. Since that time, the Department has graduated more 7000 students making it the largest I E alumni group in the world. Despite this rich tradition, many people in Pennsylvania and the rest of the world, have little or no idea what an Industrial Engineer does. What follows below will give you a brief picture of what an Industrial Engineer (I E) does and the work opportunities available to the I E Graduate.

What Does an Industrial Engineer Do?

To start to answer the above question one might first consider what an Engineer does. Simply put, engineering is the application of scientific and practical knowledge in order to solve problems. For certain engineering disciplines, such as civil and electrical, we have a reasonable understanding of the type of problems solved. Even though industrial is an engineering discipline, the problems they solve are very often interdisciplinary in nature. The Institute of Industrial Engineers defines its members as engineers concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, equipment, and energy. They draw upon specialized knowledge in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems. Industrial Engineers differ from the other engineers in that they must be concerned with people as well as things, which makes them a prime source of management talent. One of the confusing things about Industrial Engineering is the disciplines name. The name implies that you would expect to find these engineers in Industry. Indeed you do. But you also find them in banks, hospitals, government, at all levels, transportation, construction, social services, etc. There are currently some 200,000 Industrial Engineers employed in enterprises throughout the United States. The Engineers Joint Council (Publication 224) predicted that Industrial Engineering will grow more rapidly than any other engineering group. On average, there are some 7000 job openings occurring annually with less than 5000 new I E graduates per year to claim them. According to the College Placement Council Industrial Engineers are sought after by more types of employers than is true for any other formal curriculum. Thus, as an Industrial Engineer you could be concerned with the quality of cookies coming off a production line, the scheduling of a hospitals operating room, the location of the next motel for a motel chain, the installation of a welding robot in an automobile fabrication line, the tracking of inventories for a food distributor, the designing of an automatic material handling system for an airfreight carrier, or the ergonomic design and layout of an airplanes cockpit. The combinations of the I Es talents and the variety of problem areas seem endless. The challenges and opportunities are there for those who become I E graduates. How does the I E curriculum at Penn State prepare you for these challenges and opportunities? The answer to this question is given below.

2. The I E Curriculum
Based on the feedback received from the current students and alumni, the department faculty modified the curriculum in 2005, so that students are provided with a broader domain of applicability and the objective of educating the world class Industrial Engineer is met. In addition, it was also decided to give the students the option of specialization through tracks in the modified curriculum. The emphasis of this curriculum is educating students on the principle, tools and techniques of the industrial engineering profession which can be applied to the tracks. The revised curriculum builds a strong foundation for the development of a professionally competent and versatile industrial engineer, able to function in a traditional manufacturing environment as well as in a much broader economy, including careers in financial services, communication, information technology, transportation, health care or consulting.

During the students first two years, courses in the basic sciences and engineering are taken. These courses are, in general, common to all engineering majors. In addition, the student completes many of the universitys general education requirements during this time. This includes courses in the humanities, social sciences, arts, (refer to the University guidelines for General Education) communications and physical education. A student can complete the freshman and sophomore years at a Commonwealth Campus, Behrend College or University Park. The students start taking I E courses during the junior year. The required I E courses are designed to introduce the student to basic Industrial Engineering fields of interest which include management systems, manufacturing engineering, management controls, human factors engineering, information technology and design. The required courses are also taken during the students senior year. After completing courses required for the core and fundamental competencies in the major, students can choose one of the following three tracks for specialization: Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Engineering Services Systems or Engineering Information Systems. A total of nine course credits in one of the three tracks from the approved list is required, in addition to the three-credit capstone design course. A list of the required and elective courses are given in sections 7 and 8, respectively. The required courses are grouped by fields of interest and a table in section 9 gives the applicability of elective courses to the three tracks. By reading each courses brief description of content, one can obtain a better understanding of the nature of Industrial Engineering.

3. Educational Objectives
We prepare our graduates to: 1) Participate in and lead cross-functional teams, designing, implementing and improving processes and systems in the manufacturing, service or government sectors. 2) Work effectively in managerial and leadership positions. 3) Work and communicate effectively with internal and external team members in the global environment.

Engage in continuous learning through varied work assignments, graduate school, professional training programs and independent study.

Objective 1.0 Participate in and lead cross-functional teams, designing, implementing and improving processes and systems in the manufacturing, service or government sectors.

1.1 Analyze and design both the job and the worksite in a cost-effective manner, as well as measure the resulting output. 1.2 Understand and apply cognitive systems engineering; identify visual, auditory, cognitive, perceptual and environmental aspects of human performance; perform task analysis and evaluate humancomputer interfaces. 1.3 Understand information contained in typical specifications and methods of product verification and conformance to specifications.

1.4 Program flexible manufacturing equipment and system controllers; design logical manufacturing layouts and implement contemporary systems issues. 1.5 Perform work measurement; develop an MTM analysis and carry out a work sampling study. 1.6 Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. Objective 2.0 Work effectively in managerial and leadership positions. 2.1 Ability to apply time value of money and select cost-effective engineering solutions; understand costaccounting principles. 2.2 Ability to apply probability concepts to solve engineering problems, including reliability issues. 2.3 Ability to apply statistical concepts to solve real life problems, such as hypotheses testing, design of experiments and statistical quality control methods such as process capability and control charts. 2.4 Formulate, solve and analyze the results of linear programming models of real-world applications. 2.5 Formulate, solve and analyze real problems using Markov chains, network models, dynamic programming, queuing theory and inventory models. 2.6 Gain an in-depth knowledge of the implemental issues and theoretical aspects of data bases and webbased operations related to industrial engineering. 2.7 Ability to create simulation models of manufacturing and service systems and analyze simulation output. Objective 3.0 Work and communicate effectively with internal and external team members in the global environment. 3.1 Present engineering study results in technical reports and orally. 3.2 Demonstrate life-long learning by synthesizing information from several sources. Objective 4.0 Engage in continuous learning through varied work assignments, graduate school, professional training programs and independent study. 4.1 Work effectively in groups on case studies and projects. 4.2 Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues. 4.3 Understand professional and ethical responsibilities. 4.4 Understand the impact of engineering decisions in a global and societal context.

4. Student and Faculty Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Faculty

To be prepared for every class. To develop a comprehensive syllabus covering topics to be studied, exam timing, policies, office hours, etc. for distribution during the first week of class. To treat students and staff with respect and courtesy. To administer courses in a fair manner and in accordance with University policy. To assign meaningful homework. To provide meaningful feedback on graded material in a timely manner. To post and hold sufficient office hours, so as to be accessible to most students, and be available during those times. To do everything possible to enhance and enforce academic integrity. To develop fair assessment instruments which will be impartially and fairly graded. To cover the prescribed topics in each course as published in the I E Student Handbook. To encourage student professional growth and participation in preparation for future careers. To provide an atmosphere conducive to learning. To instruct, as needed, on the use and safety of equipment. To provide informed advice on academic matters (such as course selection, scheduling, etc.). To inform students when classes or office hours cannot be met. Display enthusiasm in courses taught and be concerned about student learning.

Responsibilities of the Student

To attend every class unless extenuating circumstances occur (such as illness, emergencies, etc.). To treat faculty and staff with respect and courtesy. To come to class prepared to actively listen and participate (having completed reading and other assignments). To exhibit academic integrity. To respect other students and faculty in class through appropriate conduct (such as on-time attendance, attention to class activities, etc.)

To exhibit academic integrity. To respect other students and faculty in class through appropriate conduct (such as ontime attendance, attention to class activities, etc. To put forth an honest effort to understand material and prepare specific questions for faculty or teaching assistants when problems arise. To provide prior information and documentation for situations meriting special attention (such as illness, athletic team travel, etc.). To meet with their advisor regularly to ensure that all academic requirements are met. To follow the stated policies of each course. To plan for their professional development and future. To review prerequisite material as needed. To properly and safely use and care for all department facilities and equipment. To equally participate in all group labs, assignments, and projects. To take SRTEs seriously and provide a fair assessment, of course and faculty. Display enthusiasm for courses with a real concern for learning.

5. Areas of Emphasis
This area uses simulation, statistics, and operations research in order to identify meaningful patterns in data for analysis and prediction. Analytics typically uses big data for the purpose of helping organizations make better business decisions. Topics include data visualization, data and trend analysis, informatics, and data mining.

Engineering Design
This area is concerned with the conceptualization, feasibility, and realization of creating a product. Important aspects include resource requirements, production considerations, sustainability, and usability. Topics include product family design, mass customization, design optimization, tolerancing, and concurrent engineering.

Engineering Economy and Financial Engineering

This area deals with the principles and methods for analyzing the economic feasibility of technical alternatives leading to a decision or recommendation. In addition, it covers the investment, financial instruments and valuation of industrial engineering projects via portfolio theory and option pricing. Topics include cash-flow analysis, taxes and depreciation, economic value and risk, real options, and portfolio optimization.

Healthcare Systems Engineering

This area is concerned with applying engineering principles for the effective delivery of healthcare. In particular, a systems approach to understanding and solving problem of access and quality of care is emphasized. Topics include patient flow modeling, hospital layout, health financing, cost-effectiveness analysis, comparative effectiveness, and health informatics.

Human Factors
This area is concerned with the study of human performance from physiological, cognitive, and sociological viewpoints. The two main areas are i) ergonomics, which is design that considers the interaction between the user, equipment, and environment, and ii) human computer interaction, which focuses on the interface between users and computer-based systems. Topics include cognitive psychology, workplace analysis, safety planning, biomechanics, and human-in-the-loop simulation.

Lean and Six-Sigma

This area is concerned with quantitative and managerial practices that eliminate waste and improve quality and efficiency of complex systems. Techniques that focus on variability reduction and measurement are emphasized, as well as the core process of Design, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC). Topics include process capability, robust design, quality function deployment, and PokaYoke.

Manufacturing Engineering
This area deals with all aspects around the realization of product. Special emphasis is given on manufacturing processes such as machining, casting, welding, and nano-fabrication as well as the measurement and control of those processes. Topics include computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, design for assembly, solidification processes, numerical control, automated fixturing, and rapid prototyping.

Operations Research
This field, which is broken into the areas of optimization and stochastic models, deals with the mathematics and science of decision making. Optimization theory uses mathematical models to find the best value in a constrained environment and includes the top ics of linear and nononlinear programming, network theory, robust optimization, and games. Stochastic models incorporate the randomness inherent in many systems and include the topics of queueuing theory, Markov chains, Markov decision processes, and Monte Carlo simulation.

Production, Distribution, and Supply Chains

This area deals with the design, planning, and control of enterprise resources. Particular emphasis is on product flow and the corresponding use of information. Topics include facility location, network design, materials handling, scheduling, logistics routing, supply chain coordination, inventory management, risk pooling, and capacity management.

Quality Engineering and Statistics

This area is concerned with the collection and analysis of data for the understanding, control, and improvement of processes. Statisticalbased tools are emphasized throughout. Topics include hypothesis testing, regression, design of experiments, statistical process control, error analysis, multivariate methods, Taguchi methods, and continuous improvement.

Service Engineering
This area deals with the design and control of service enterprises, that is, people and technologies that take actions to provide value to others. Services include retail, distribution, finance, information technology, insurance, and energy. Topics include retail service operations, revenue management, service quality, forecasting, workforce planning, customer relationship management, and enterprise systems.

6. I E Curriculum Plan (starting at University Park campus)

1st Semester
MATH 140 EDSGN 100 ENGL 15 or 30 CHEM 110 Calculus I Engr. Design & Graphics Rhetoric & Composition Chemical Principles 4 3 3 3 3 16 Math 141 PHYS 211 CHEM 111 Econ 2 or 4

2nd Semester
Calculus II Mechanics Experimental Chemistry (Social Science) 4 4 1 3 3 1 16

Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences

Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences First-Year Seminar

3rd Semester
MATH 231 PHYS 212 CAS 100A/B +E MCH 210A Calculus of Several Variables Electricity & Magnetism Effective Speech Statics and Strength of Materials 2 4 3 5 3 17 MATH 250 Math 220 CMPSC 200, 201 or 202 Science ElectiveB

4th Semester
Differential Equations Matrices Matlab, C++ or FORTRAN Programming 3 3 6 17 3 2

Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences

6 credits of Engineering ElectivesE

5th Semester
+I E 302 +I E 305 Engineering Economy Product Design, Specification & Measurement +I E 322 +I E 327 MATSE 259 Probabilistic Models in I E Introduction to Work Design Materials, Properties & Processing 3 3 3 3 1.5 16.5 3 +IE 323 +I E 405 +I E 330

6th Semester
Statistical Methods in I E Linear Programming Information Tech for I E 3 3 3 3 3 1.5 16.5

Choose a manufacturing processing courseC Engl 202C Technical Writing

Health & Physical Activity*

Health & Physical Activity*

7th Semester
I E 425 I E 408 or 419 Intro to Operations Research Cognitive Work Design or Work Design-Productivity and Safety I E 480W Specialization Capstone Design Course CourseD 3 3 3 3 15 Specialization I E 470 3 I E 453

8th Semester
Simulation Modeling for Decision Support Manufacturing System Design & Analysis CoursesD 6 3 15 3 3

Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences

Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences



Courses listed in boldface italic type require a grade of C or better for entrance into the major. +Courses listed in boldface type require a grade of C or better for graduation in the major. A Students may substitute E MCH 211 and 213 or 213D for EMCH 210. B Science Elective: Select from Department List (http://www.ie.psu.edu/Academics/Undergraduate/Courses/ScienceElectiveList2010.pdf). C Choose one course: I E 306 - Machining Process Design and Analysis, I E 307 Rapid Prototyping Processes, I E 311 - Principles of Solidification Processing, I E 463 - Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing or I E 497 - Micro/Nano Fabrication. D Select from Department List (http://www.ie.psu.edu/Academics/Undergraduate/Courses/SpecializationElectives.html). E Choose 3 credits from 2 sets of ( ) : (CMPEN 271, E E 211 or E E 212), (M E 201 or 300), (E MCH 212), (3 credits of an approved minor upon completion), (3 credits any combination of Co-op or Internship upon completion of 3 rotations), (3 credits of ROTC upon completion of ROTC program). * Students may satisfy this requirement with one, 3 credit GHA course or 3 credits of ROTC upon completion of the ROTC program.

7. Required I E Courses Grouped by Fields of Interest

I. Management Systems
A) I E 322Probabilistic Models in I E3 lectures per week Prerequisite: MATH 141 Content: Graphical description of data, probability basics, discrete and continuous probability distributions, expected values and variances, reliability, sampling distributions and estimation. B) I E 405Linear Programming3 lectures per week Prerequisite: MATH 220 Content: Simplex method, duality, sensitivity analysis, parametric programming, transportation models and assignment models. C) I E 425Introduction to Operations Research3 lectures per week Prerequisites: I E 322, Concurrent: I E 405. Content: Project networks, dynamic programming, Markov processes & queuing, inventory theory and supply chain management. D) I E 453Simulation Modeling of Decision Support 2 lectures and 1 double lab/week Prerequisites: I E 323, I E 425, CMPSC 200, 201 or 202. Content: Basic simulation modeling, modeling advanced system complexities, model verification and validation, experimental design and output analysis.

II. Manufacturing Engineering

A) I E 305Product Design, Specification and Measurement 2 lectures and 1 double lab per week Concurrent: MATSE 259 Content: Introduction to product design, manufacturing engineering and production, part definition and qualification, computer aided design and product verification and conformance to specification. B) I E 470Manufacturing System Design & Analysis 2 lectures and 1 double lab per week Prerequisite: A manufacturing process elective-see list on page 10 Content: Manufacturing system organization and modes of product flow, manufacturing system metrics, lean manufacturing systems, automation/integration and information systems for manufacturing systems.

III. Management Controls

A) I E 302Engineering Economy3 lectures per week Prerequisite: MATH 141 Content: Time value of money, basic economic analysis techniques, cost accounting, taxes and depreciation. B) I E 323Statistical Methods in I E3 lectures per week Prerequisite: I E 322 Content: Estimation, hypothesis testing, simple linear regression, design of experiments, control charts, process capability and gage R & R studies.

IV. Human Factors Engineering

A) I E 327Introduction to Work Design2 lectures and 1 double lab per week Prerequisite: MATH 141 Concurrent: E MCH 211 or E MCH 210 Content: Human information processing, basic auditory and visual displays, basic human-computer information, anthropometry and musculoskeletal principles, cumulative trauma disorders, low back problems, NIOSH lifting guidelines, work measurement and work environment.

B) I E 408Cognitive Work Design2 lectures and 1 double lab per week Prerequisite: I E 327 Content: Project management, human factors in the design process, defining users requirements, cognitive task analysis, participatory methodologies, modeling architectures for cognitive tasks, usability design principles, information display, interface programming, usability evaluation, socio-technical systems design and application, organizational design and contemporary issues in HCI. C) I E 419Work DesignProductivity and Safety3 lectures per week Prerequisite: I E 327 Contents: Productivity concepts, methods engineering, work design, work sampling, MTM-2 analysis, wage incentives and learning, accident prevention theories, decision making tools, federal regulations, safety administration and industrial hazards.

V. Information Technology
A) I E 330Information Technology for Industrial Engineering2 lectures and 1 double lab per week Prerequisites: MATH 141, CMPSC 200, 201, or 202 Contents: Objects oriented programming, enterprise information modeling, databases, data mining techniques and internet technologies.

VI. Design
B) I E 480WCapstone Design Project Prerequisite: I E 302, I E 305, I E 323, I E 327, I E 330 and I E 405 Contents: Project management, brainstorming techniques, working in teams, patents and copyrights, codes and standards, engineering ethics, working in global economy, career paths and advancement opportunities and special topics including rapid prototyping and simulation.

8. Elective I E Courses
I. Manufacturing Process Electives
A) I E 306Machining Process Design and Analysis2 lectures and 1 double lab per week. Prerequisites: I E 305, I E 322 Contents: Machining processes including milling and turning, basics of CNC machining center operations, cutting tool materials, cutting fluids and selection criteria, process parameter selection, machining forces, tool wear, work piece geometric variation, machining process design, process plan specification and process analysis. B) I E 307Rapid Prototyping Processes2 lectures and 1 double lab per week. Prerequisite: I E 305 Rapid prototyping processes, reverse engineering and rapid tooling. C) I E 311Principles of Solidification Processing2 lectures and 1 double lab per week Prerequisites: I E 305 Content: Arc welding, other welding processes, sand casting, cast metal and solidification, soldering, powder and polymer processing. D) I E 463Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing2 lectures and 1 double lab per week Prerequisite: I E 305 Content: Drawing elements for CAD, 3D modeling techniques and basics, data issues in CAD/ CAM. E) I E 497Micro/Nano Fabrication3 lectures per week Prerequisite: I E 305 Content: History and fundamentals, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, properties and fabrication at the micro/nano scale, micromachining. Courses not taken to meet the 3 credit requirement are applicable to the Manufacturing Systems Engineering track.


II. I E Track Electives. (Please see the table on page 13 for the applicability of these courses towards the three tracks: Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Engineering Service Systems and Engineering Information Systems)
A) I E 402Advanced Engineering Economy3 lectures per week Prerequisites: I E 302, I E 322, I E 405 Content: Capital budgeting models, overhead cost allocation, Leontief input and output models, methods of comparing risky projects, activity-based costing. B) I E 418Human/Computer Interface Design2 lectures and 1 double period lab per week Prerequisite: I E 330 Content: Characteristics of users and usability, screen design principles, software lifecycle, usability evaluation. C) I E 428Metal Casting2 lectures and 1 double lab per week Prerequisite: I E 311 or I E 312 or METAL 408 Content: Patterns and tooling, sand molding and coremaking, gating and risering, foundry equipment and automation. D) I E 433Regression Analysis and Design of Experiments3 lectures per week Prerequisite: I E 323 Contents: Simple and multiple regression models and analysis, planning and implementation of experiments, single and two factor experiments, single and two factor experiments, 2 k full and fractional factorial experiments, incomplete block designs and Taguchis orthogonal arrays. E) I E 434Statistical Quality Control 3 lectures per week Prerequisite: I E 323 Statistical techniques for univariate and multivariate monitoring of independent and autocorrelated processes; foundations of quality control and improvement. F) I E 436Six Sigma Methodology2 lectures and 1 double lab per week Prerequisites: I E 323 Statistical techniques for structured problem-solving to improve the quality and cost of products and processes. G) I E 454Applied Decision Analysis3 lectures per week Prerequisite: I E 322 Content: Theory and practice of decision analysis applied to engineering problems. H) I E 456Industrial Robotics Applications 3 lecturers per week Prerequisites: M E 360 or I E 305, MATH 220, MATH 250 or 251 Content: Production and Economics of Automation, Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Robots, Applications of Robots, System Integration and Control. I) I E 460Service Systems Engineering - 3 lectures per week Prerequisites: I E 322 and I E 405 Content: Design, analysis and control of service enterprises, quality of service, multiple criteria optimization, data envelopment analysis, financial engineering, supply chain engineering and revenue management. J) I E 462Introduction to Expert Systems3 lectures per week Prerequisite: CMPSC 200, 201 or 202, I E 323 Contents: Intelligent manufacturing systems, foundations of C(C++) syntax, manufacturing databases, modeling and analysis, knowledge based systems and current and future trends in computing and manufacturing. K) I E 466Concurrent Engineering3 lectures per week Prerequisites: MATH 141, MATH 220 Content: Concurrent engineering methods for product/process development, capturing customer requirements, insuring manufacturability and serviceability.


L) I E 467Facility Layout and Material Handling3 lectures per week Prerequisites: I E 302, I E 327 Content: Plant layout Methodology and Computer-aided planning, Material Handling Concepts, Material Storage and Distribution, Automation of Material Handling, Single and Multi-facility location M) I E 468Optimization Modeling and Methods3 lectures per week Prerequisites: I E 405, Math 231 Content: Guidelines in model building, linear and nonlinear programming, integer programming N) I E 477Computer Control of Manufacturing Machines and Processes 3 lectures per week Prerequisites: Math 141; CMPSC 200, CMPSC 201, or CMPSC 202 Content: Elements of computer control and discrete-time modeling. Design and analysis of digital controls for manufacturing machines and processes O) I E 478Retail Service Engineering3 lectures per week Prerequisite: I E 330 Content: Introduction to retail services operations, process models, and application of information technologies to enhance productivity and profitability P) I E 479Human Centered Product Design and Innovation3 lectures per week Prerequisites: I E 408 or I E 419 Content: Consumer product design for a global market, incorporating human factors principles and user desires in a multicultural perspective NOTE: The department offers a number of new electives every semester. These courses are designated as I E 497x where the x is an alphabetic letter. Please stop by 310 Leonhard Building for more information concerning these courses.


9. Specialization Tracks
Important: Of the nine credits needed for a track, six must be I E courses.
SPECIALIZATION TRACKS Manufacturing Systems Engineering X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Engineering Service Systems

Course # I E 306* I E 307* I E 311* I E 402 I E 408+ I E 418 I E 419+ I E 428 I E 433^ I E 434 I E 436 I E 454 I E 456 I E 460 I E 462 I E 463* I E 466 I E 467 I E 468 I E 477 I E 478 I E 479 I E 497x I E 497x I E 497x I E 497x* BIOE 402 BIOE 406 C E 422 C E 424

Course Title Machining Process Design and Analysis Rapid Prototyping Processes Principles of Solidification Processing Advanced Engineering Economy Cognitive Work Design Human/Computer Interface Design Work Design - Productivity and Safety Metal Casting Regression and Design of Experiments Statistical Quality Control Six Sigma Methodology Applied Decision Analysis Industrial Robot Applications Service Systems Engineering Introduction to Expert Systems Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Concurrent Engineering Facility Layout and Material Handling Optimization Modeling and Methods Computer Control of Manuf. Machines and Processes Retail Engineering Human Centered Product Design and Innovation Data Envelopment Analysis Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering Competitive and Sustainable Industrial Enterprises Micro/Nano Fabrication Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement Medical Imaging Transportation Planning Optimization in Civil Engineering Systems

Engineering Information Systems


SPECIALIZATION TRACKS Course # E SC 445 E SC 450 E SC 475 I H S 400 I H S 447 I H S 450 I H S 470 IST 441 MATH 451 MATH 455 MATH 456 MATHSTAT416 M E 446 STAT 462^ Course Title Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices Synthesis & Processing of Electronic & Photonic Mat. Particulate Materials Processing Safety Engineering Industrial Hygiene Measurement Environmental Health and Safety Systems Engineering in Process Safety Information Retrieval and Organization Numerical Computations Introduction to Numerical Analysis I Introduction to Numerical Analysis II Stochastic Modeling Reliability and Risk Concepts in Design Applied Regression Analysis X X X X X Manufacturing Systems Engineering X X X X X X X X X X X Engineering Service Systems Engineering Information Systems

* May be used towards track if not being used as Manufacturing Processing elective + May be used towards track if not being used towards Human Factors requirement ^ Only one (IE 433 or Stat 462) can count towards a track; not both. Updated July 2012


10. Prerequisite Listing

The department cannot stress enough the importance of having the proper prerequisites/co-requisites when scheduling courses. At the beginning of every semester, faculty receive a list, from the College, of students enrolled in their courses who do not meet the proper prerequisites/co-requisites. It is fully within the faculty members right to disenroll a student from a course if he/she does not meet the proper criteria (please check the web site http://www.psu.edu/dept/oue/aappm/C-5.html for more information). Trying to rearrange your schedule at the beginning of a semester is not easy and a course that you need/want may not be available. Also, do not assume that if you are taking a prerequisite concurrently, that you will be allowed to stay in the class. This is not, in general, acceptable! Please use the table below to ensure you meet the prerequisite/co-requisite requirements before scheduling a course. NOTE: Check with the I E Office for a listing of electives offered under the I E 497. Course No. I E 302 I E 305 I E 306 I E 307 I E 311 I E 322 Course Title Engineering Economy Product Design, Specification and Measurement Machining Process Design and Analysis Rapid Prototyping Processes I E 305, I E 322 I E 305 Prerequisite MATH 141 MATSE 259 Prerequisite or

Principles of Solidification Pro- I E 305 cessing Probabilistic Models in Industrial Engineering MATH 141

I E 323

Statistical Methods in Industri- I E 322 al Engineering Introduction to Work Design MATH 141 E MCH 210 or E MCH 211

I E 327

I E 330 I E 402 I E 405 I E 408 I E 418 I E 419 I E 425 I E 428 I E 433

Information Technology for Industrial Engineering Advanced Engineering Economy Linear Programming Cognitive Work Design Human/Computer Interface Design Work DesignProductivity and Safety Introduction to Operations Research Metal Casting Regression Analysis and Design of Experiments Statistical Quality Control Six Sigma Methodology

MATH 141, CMPSC 200, CMPSC 201, or CMPSC 202 I E 302, I E 322, I E 405 MATH 220 I E 327 I E 330 I E 327 I E 322 I E 311 or I E 312, or METAL 408 I E 323 I E 405

I E 434 I E 436

I E 323 I E 323


Course No.

Course Title


Prerequisite or Concurrent

I E 453 I E 454 I E 456 I E 460 I E 462

Simulation Modeling of Industrial Systems Applied Decision Analysis Industrial Robot Applications Service Systems Engineering Introduction to Expert Systems

I E 323, I E 425, CMPSC 200, CMPSC 201, or CMPSC 202 I E 322 MATH 220, MATH 250 or MATH 251, I E 305 or M E 360 I E 322 and I E 405 CMPSC 200, CMPSC 201, or CMPSC 202, I E 323 I E 305 MATH 141, MATH 220 I E 302, I E 327 I E 405, MATH 231 A manufacturing process elective MATH 141, CMPSC 200, CMPSC 201, or CMPSC 202, I E 305 I E 330 I E 408 or 419 I E 302, I E 305, I E 323, I E 327, I E 330 and I E 405

I E 463 I E 466 I E 467 I E 468 I E 470 I E 477 I E 478 I E 479 I E 480W

Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Concurrent Engineering Facility Layout and Material Handling Optimization Modeling and Methods Manufacturing System Design and Analysis Computer Control of Manufacturing Machines & Processes Retail Services Engineering Human Centered Product Design and Innovation Capstone Design Project

11. C or Better Rule

For I E, students must receive a grade of C or better in the following courses in order to graduate: E Mch 210 (or E Mch 211 and E Mch 213); I E 302, I E 305, I E 322, I E 323, I E 327, I E 330, and I E 405


12. Minors
Product Realization Minor -For a complete list, see the I E website for approved minors
This 21 credit interdisciplinary minor is designed for any engineering student who is interested in state-of-the-art practice in integrated product/process design and manufacturing. The program culminates with a one or two semester project involving the design and manufacture of a new product. Students completing the minor should: Understand the interaction of design and manufacturing through practical examples; Be familiar with the entrepreneurial skills needed to transfer a new product from initial idea to market; Understand the technical and management aspects of concurrent engineering and total quality management; and Have hands-on experience in designing and manufacturing a product, organizing and managing the effort, and interacting with the customer.

Program Requirements - 21 credits General Courses - 9 credits Scheduling Recommendation by Semester Standing 1-2 M E 240 (Project Dissection) ENGR 407 (Entrepreneurship) I E 466 (Concurrent Engineering) X or 3-4 X X X or X 5-6 7-8

Additional Courses - 12 credits

Select 9 credits in product design, quality engineering, and manufacturing processes, product development courses, quality engineering courses, and laboratory-oriented manufacturing process courses approved by the professor in charge (examples include I E 305, I E 306, I E 311, I E 312, I E 424, I E 428, M E 340, M E 445, E E 310, and E E 418). Three credit Senior Project course: Examples include I E 480W, M E 440W, E E403W Applicants wishing to enroll in the Product Realization minor must meet prerequisite requirements for each course. Students must obtain a grade of C or better in the specified courses to satisfy the requirements of the minor.

Course Descriptions:
M E 240 Product Dissection (3:2:2) Examines the way in which products and machines work; their physical operation, the manner in which they are constructed, and the design and societal considerations that determine the difference between success and failure in the marketplace. ENGR 407 Engineering Entrepreneurship (3:2:2) Covers the practical aspects of the startup of a business, with elements of finance, marketing, management, the basics of product manufacturing, and an overview of activities in new product prototyping. I E 466 Concurrent Engineering (3:3:0) Will investigate engineering and management tools for concurrent product and manufacturing process development.
For More Information Contact: Professor Timothy Simpson, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 314 Leonhard Building, tws8@psu.edu, 814-863-7136.


Minor in IST for Industrial Engineering

Collection and processing of information have increased in all sectors for solving engineering problems, including manufacturing and service related problems. Efficient and timely analysis of data is critical for the survival of companies. There is a need for industrial engineers with a strong background in information technology and systems. The minor in Information Sciences and Technology for Industrial Engineering will augment the skills of students in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering in the information systems area. All students pursuing a baccalaureate degree in Industrial Engineering are eligible for this minor. A one-time, non-refundable charge of $750 will be applied to all students enrolled in the minor. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MINOR: 22 credits PRESCRIBED COURSES (13 credits) IST 110 (GS) (3) (Sem: 1-2) IST 210 (4) (Sem: 5-6) IST 220 (3) (Sem: 5-6) I E 330 (3) (Sem: 5-6) ADDITIONAL COURSES: (9 credits) Select 6-9 credits from I E 418 (3), I E 462 (3) and I E 433 (3) (Sem: 7-8) Select 0-3 credits from Math 451 (3), MATH 455 (3), MATH 456 (3), IST 441 (3) (Sem: 7-8) IST 210 and 220 are controlled courses. Students must be officially enrolled in the minor in order to schedule. A grade of C or better is required for all courses in the minor.

For More Information, Contact: Jeanie Peritz Lead Counselor College of Information Sciences and Technology jperitz@ist.psu.edu 814-865-8947 104 IST Building Dr. Soundar Kumara Professor of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering College of Engineering Skumara@psu.edu 814-863-2359 310 Leonhard Building


Six Sigma Minor

Six Sigma is a business management strategy, initially implemented by Motorola, that today enjoys widespread application in many sectors of industry. Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects and variation in manufacturing and business processes. It provides a framework for quality improvement and innovation that builds upon statistical tools to achieve results. The Six Sigma Minor is an 18 credit minor designed for any student who is interested in the Six Sigma statistical methodology. Students completing the minor should:

Be knowledgeable about why organizations use Six Sigma and how they apply its philosophy and goals. Gain experience with using the define, measure, analyze, improve, control (DMAIC) methodology for problem solving Gain experience with using the define, measure, analyze, design, optimize, verify (DMADOV) methodology for new product innovation Understand the links between customer requirements, product specifications, and process capability Understand the theory and application of regression analysis, design of experiments, and statistical quality control Be familiar with the project selection process including knowing when to use the Six Sigma methodology

Requirements for IME Students The minor currently requires 18 credits of course work as follows:

I E 305: Product Design, Specification and Measurement. Principles of product design and specifications and methods for product verification. Contact: E. A. Lehtihet I E 322: Probabilistic Models in Industrial Engineering. The study and application of probability theory in the solution of engineering problems. Contact: M. J. Chandra I E 323: Statistical Methods in Industrial Engineering. The study and application of statistics in the solution of engineering problems. Contact: E. Joshi I E 433: Regression and Design of the Experiments. Theory and application of regression analysis and design of experiments to build models and optimize process and product parameters. Contact: E. Castillo I E 434: Statistical Quality Control. Statistical techniques for univariate and multivariate monitoring of independent and autocorrelated processes: foundations of quality control and improvement. Contact: H. B. Nembhard I E 436: Six Sigma Methodology. Techniques for structural problem-solving to improve the quality and cost of products and processes. Contact: H. B. Nembhard Students must obtain a C or better in the specified courses to satisfy the requirements for the Minor.

Note: Students completing the Six Sigma minor cannot use 3 credits of minor towards the 6 credits of engineering electives listed in the 4th semester of the curriculum plan.

Erin Ammerman - Undergraduate Staff Assistant, Phone: 814-865-7602 Elena Joshi - Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Phone: 814-863-3395 Dr. Harriet Black Nembhard - Professor, ASQ certified Six Sigma Black Belt, Phone: 814-865-4210


13. Study Abroad Programs

I. Undergraduate Exchange Program with University of Navarra in San Sebastian, Spain

Students should meet with Mrs. Joshi and/or Dr. Ventura if they are considering participating. The following courses may be used if
approved by Mrs. Joshi and/or Dr. Ventura.

NOTE: The following information, and the website, is in the process of being updated.
Approved Courses for Exchange Program with the University of Navarra San Sebastian, Spain (December 2009) Ingeniera en Organizacin Industrial (http://www.tecnun.es/oferta-academica/ingenierias-plan-99/organizacion.html) Offered Navarra Course Navarra Credits PSU I E Course Equivalent PSU Credits 3 3 Fall Spring

Investigacin Operativa I Estadistica Industrial Organizacin de la Produccin I Tecnologas de Fabricacin Organizacin de la Produccin II Investigacin Operativa II Investigacin Operativa III Organizacin del Trabajo y Factor Humano Laboratorio de CAD/CAM Laboratorio de Neumatica y Oleohidraulica Sistemas de Gestion de la Informacion Tecnologa de Materiales

4.5 6 6 6 6 6 4.5 6 4.5 4.5 6 4.5

I E 405 I E 323 I E 470 I E 399 Manufacturing Process elective (students would not be allowed to take I E 306 at PSU) I E Manufacturing Track Elective I E 425 I E 453 I E 499 Satisfies Human Factors Requirement I E 463 Non-major Elective Non-I E course in Information Systems Track I E 311

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Ingenieria Industrial (http://www.tecnun.es/oferta-academica/ingenierias-plan-99/industrial.html) Offered Navarra Course Termodinamica Gestion de Calidad Metodos Matematicos II Navarra Credits 7.5 4.5 4.5 PSU I E Course Equivalent Non-major elective I E 434 Non-I E course in Information Systems Track PSU Credits 3 3 3 Fall Spring


Possible General Education Courses Must be petitioned in order to be used to meet degree requirements

Offered Navarra Course Cultura e Historia Vasca Historia del Arte Literatura Universal Ciencias de la Tierra y del Medio Ambiente Teologia Navarra Credits 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Title English Translation Basque History and Culture History of Art Universal Literature Population, Ecology and Environment Theology Possible GH GA GH GS GH PSU Credits 3 3 3 3 3 Fall Spring

Other electives may be available and can also be petitioned. Note: 1.5 Navarra credit = 1 PSU credit II. Undergraduate Exchange Program with Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel - Students should meet with Mrs. Joshi or Dr. Chandra if they are considering participating. The academic year at Technion runs from October to February (Winter Semester) and March to July (Spring Semester). Penn State students may enroll at Technion for either the Spring Semester or for the entire academic year. Beginning in August 2009 and continuing for each year during the period of this Agreement, Penn State and Technion will exchange a maximum of three (3) students per semester, with participants enrolling as non-degree students at the host university for either a single semester or a full academic year. Participants in the Exchange aspect of the program will remain registered at their home university, where they will pay tuition and all other required fees, and be exempt from such fees at the host university. That is, Penn State I E Students who participate in this exchange program will pay tuition and all other required fees at Penn State. This program will be open to all eligible undergraduate students in the I E Department at Penn State. Penn State I E department will select qualified participants and will ensure that students selected for the program will be a regularly enrolled undergraduate degree candidate in the I E program with a cumulative gradepoint average (GPA) of at least 3.00. have successfully completed at least four semesters of study upon admission at Penn State. be a student of good standing. show evidence of maturity, stability, adaptability, self-discipline, and strong academic motivation. have signed a waiver demonstrating their understanding of the risks involved in studying in Israel. For Penn State I E students going to Technion, the deadlines for submitting all relevant application materials are May 1 for the entire academic year and November 1 for the Spring Semester. For the academic year 2011 - 2012, students may apply only for Spring Semester.


8. At Technion, administrative arrangements for all Penn State incoming students will be the responsibility of the student exchange secretary in the Center for International Academic Relations. 9. Each institution will provide academic advising to assist its guest students in the selection of appropriate courses. 10. Each institution will endeavor to ensure that students are admitted to courses regarded as essential to their degree progress; however each institution reserves the right to exclude students from any restricted enrollment programs or courses. 11. The curriculum will consist of courses from the regular offerings in the respective engineering departments specifically, as well as in the general science departments generally, at Technion. For each semester, Penn State students are required to register for the complete twelve (12) to nineteen (19) credits in subjects of their choosing.


14. Student Societies and Organizations

Alpha Pi Mu (Honor Society) Dr. Catherine Harmonosky, Faculty Advisor; Phone: 865-2107, e-mail; cmhie@engr.psu.edu Alpha Pi Mu is the national industrial engineering honor society. Students with at least a 3.2 GPA in their junior year or a 3.0 GPA in their senior year are eligible to join. American Foundrymens Society (AFS) Dr. Robert Voigt, Faculty Advisor; Phone: 863-7290, e-mail; rcv2@psu.edu The AFS chapter is for students in Industrial Engineering, Metal Science and Engineering, and in other departments who are interested in metal casting. The AFS chapter sponsors a summer internship job fair, provides scholarship support for students interested in metal casting, and provides many opportunities for students to interact with industry engineers and executives. First and second year students are encouraged to participate. American Society for Quality (ASQ) Dr. Harriet Nembhard, 865-4210, e-mail; hbn2@psu.edu Since 1946, ASQ has been a leader in identifying, communicating, and promoting the use of quality concepts, principles, and technologies. ASQ is an excellent source for information on topics ranging from total quality management (TQM) and statistical process control (SPC), to benchmarking and leadership. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Dr. Andris Freivalds, Faculty Advisor; Phone: 863-2361, e-mail; axf@psu.edu The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society is an interdisciplinary organization of professional people involved in the human factors field. The Society promotes the discovery and exchange of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable to the design of systems and devices of all kinds. Industrial Engineering Graduate Association (IEGA) Dr. Jeya Chandra, Faculty Advisor, Phone 863-2358, email; mjc3@psu.edu IEGA was founded to serve the academic and social needs of graduate students in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Penn State. All graduate students in the department are automatically members of IEGA. Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Dr. Paul Griffin, Phone: 865-7601, email; pmg14@psu.edu IIE is the professional society for industrial engineers that is devoted to serving the needs of industrial and systems engineering professionals. IIE has chapters and other services, including the Student IIE Magazine, designed specifically for students. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Dr. David Nembhard, Faculty Advisor, Phone 863-2447, e-mail; dan12@psu.edu The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) serves the scientific and professional needs of OR/MS investigators, scientists, students, educators, and managers, as well as the institutions they serve, by such services as publishing a variety of journals that describe the latest OR/MS methods and applications and by organizing professional conferences. Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Dr. Edward De Meter, Faculty Advisor, Phone 863-7291, e-mail; ecd3@psu.edu SME is an international professional society dedicated to serving its members and the manufacturing community through the advancement of professionalism, knowledge, and learning. Its membership is comprised of manufacturing, research, and design engineers and practitioners as well as corporate executives and students.


15. Faculty Areas of Expertise

All phone numbers are in the 814 area code, e-mail addresses follow phone numbers. S. Aybat, Assistant Professor, Large scale and convex optimization, medical imaging, (867-1284; nsa10@psu.edu). D. J. Cannon, Associate Professor. Robotics and control, virtual reality, manufacturing and human-machine systems. (863-2360; djc4@psu.edu). E. del Castillo, Distinguished Professor. Statistical and time series process control, experimental optimization and response surface methodology, applied statistics. (863-6408; exd13@psu.edu). M. J. Chandra, Professor. Statistical quality control, applied stochastic processes, advanced engineering economy. mjc3@psu.edu). (863-2358;

C. J. Chang, Assistant Professor. Engineering statistics with a focus on system infomatics and control for complex systems. (8632364; cuc28@psu.edu). E. De Meter, Professor. CAE tools for fixture analysis and synthesis, part location and datum establishment systems, advanced fixturing technology . (863-7291; ecd3@psu.edu). A. Freivalds, Professor. Biomechanics, ergonomics, cumulative trauma disorders, work physiology. (863-2361; axf@psu.edu) T. L. Friesz, Marcus Chaired Professor. Transportation network dynamics and complexity, supply chains, logistics, auctions, real options, dynamic pricing of transportation services, mobile electronic commerce. (863-2445; tfriesz@psu.edu). P. M. Griffin, Peter and Angela Dal Pezzo Department Head, Chair. Health logistics, health access, economic modeling, supply chain coordination and control. C. M. Harmonosky, Associate Professor. Simulation, manufacturing systems analysis, scheduling, material management pipeline in health care industry. (865-2107; cmhie@engr.psu.edu). E. Joshi, Senior Instructor. Computer simulation, statistics. (863 3395; ejoshi@psu.edu). S. Joshi, Professor. CAD/CAM, CAPP, control of manufacturing systems, rapid prototyping and tooling, process planning. (8652108; sjoshi@psu.edu). S. Kumara, Allen E. Pearce/Allen M. Pearce Chaired Professor. Artificial Intelligence, product design, process monitoring diagnostics, sensor data fusion, neural networks. (863-2359; skumara@psu.edu). A. Lehtihet, Professor. Geometric analysis of mechanical assemblies, optimum tolerance allocation, machine tool and discrete parts methodology. (863-2350; lvo@psu.edu). P. Lynch, Ph.D., Instructor and Academic Advisor. Cast material processing, cast alloy development, Engineering education. (814863-1300; pcl120@psu.edu). D. A. Nembhard, Associate Professor. Measuring learning / forgetting in industries, quality and productivity improvement measurement, data mining. (863-2447; dan12@psu.edu). H. B. Nembhard, Professor. Quality and productivity improvement, statistical process control, engineering economics and financial engineering. (865-4210; hbn2@psu.edu). G. Pang, Assistant Professor. Stochastic Modeling of large scale service systems, (863-1001; gup3@psu.edu). V. Prabhu, Professor. Distributed systems and control, sensing and control of machines and processes, nonlinear systems and control theory. (863-3212; prabhu@engr.psu.edu). A. Ravindran, Professor. Supply chain optimization, financial engineering, multiple-criteria decision making, OR models for service systems. (865-7840; aravi@psu.edu). L. Rothrock, Associate Professor. Real-time interactive simulations, human decision making, human performance modeling, evolutionary computation. (865-7241; lrothroc@psu.edu). C. Saldana, Assistant Professor. Sustainable and micro/nano-manufacturing, (865-7397; cjs41@psu.edu). V. (Uday) Shanbhag, Associate Professor. Development of analytical tools and scalable computational schemes for optimization and equilibrium problems. (865-7266; udaybag@psu.edu). T. W. Simpson, Professor. Engineering design and design methodologies, product family and product platform design, robust design. (863-7136; tws8@psu.edu). J. A. Ventura, Professor. Mathematical programming, communication networks design, network flow analysis, facility layout and location, machine vision. (865-3841; jav1@psu.edu). R. C. Voigt, Professor. Dimensional control of metal casting, heat treatment quality control, foundry process improvement, emission reductions, machinability of castings. (863-7290; rvoigt@psu.edu). T. Yao, Associate Professor, Decision Making under Uncertainty, Real Options, Stochastic Control, Applied Economics, Financial Engineering, Energy and Environmental Policy. (865-8040; tyy1@psu.edu).


16. Staff Areas of Responsibilities Erin Ammerman Undergraduate Staff Assistant

Maintain degree audits, process petitions, assign advisors to students Enter students schedules, drop/add classes, print unofficial transcripts Maintain the IE jobs web page and notify students of new job postings Arrange graduation luncheon or brunch Setup online SRTEs each semester

Amanda Bucher Marketing Manager

Manage all marketing communication projects Develop and implement marketing strategies Create and distribute written and electronic marketing materials Generate material for and maintain department website content

Olga Covasa Administrative Assistant

Outreach and alumni activities Approve and process all departmental expenditures Provide faculty support for processing proposals, promotion & tenure, salaries, etc. Arrange alumni activities & other professional visits/activities Supervise office staff assistants

Terry Crust Multimedia and Computer Specialist

Maintain department web page Prepare department videos Provide computer support Operate digital camera for department functions

Lisa Fuoss Graduate Staff Assistant

Graduate Admissions Assistantships Graduate Student Information

Angela Harbst Technical Typist

Key custodian Faculty support for typing, designing presentations, brochures, etc. Sort and distribute mail Coordinate IE 590 seminar arrangements Prepare textbook orders

Scott Heckman Network Coordinator

Install and maintain department computers and computer systems Maintain student computer labs and PC classroom Computer Networking

Michael Immel Director of Corporate Relations and Facilities

Solicit and steward Corporate Relations Instruct senior capstone design course Provide direction for departmental infrastructure


Shelly Regel Bookkeeper

Process all departmental purchases Handle travel arrangements, including processing of travel forms for reimbursement Process petty cash receipts Wage Payroll

Dan Supko Lab Technician

Metal cutting CNC programming

Randy Wells Lab Technician

CNC programming Welding Foundry

Susan Williams Assistant to Department Head

Staff Support for Department Head Maintain Department Heads calendar Arrange travel for Department Head, faculty and visitors Arrange alumni and other professional visits/activities


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