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Answer all Questions. PART -A.

(10X2=20 MARKS)
1. Draw the Power-angle characteristics of a synchronous machine. Mention SSSL point. 2. Define (a) Chording Factor. (b)Spread factor. 3. Why potier triangle method is accurate in finding regulation of alternator? 4. What is synchronous condenser? 5. Why Blondels theory is applicable only to salient pole type of alternator? 6. What are effects of rotor resistance on maximum torque of Induction Machine? 7. Why no load current is high in induction motor? 8. How the starting torque can be improved (a) Squirrel cage. (b) slip ring induction motor? 9. What are modifications to be done on a dc series motor when it is supplied with 1 ac supply? 10.What is magnetic levitation? Give its applications? Part-B (5x16=80Marks) 11.(a) Draw the operating characteristics of a synchronous machine when it is operating in Generating mode and monitoring mode. Explain the effect of change in excitation on the machines for a constant load with neat vector diagrams for both modes of operation. various excitation for a synchronous generator. (12) (4) (b) Obtain the capability curve from the vector diagram and mention SSSL, P emax, smax, Efmax under

12.(a) By using two-reaction theory, explain the method of finding regulation of a salient pole alternator. Derive the necessary Expressions. reactances? (or) 13.The following data were obtained for the OCC of a 10MVA, 13kV, 3 phase, 50 Hz, star connected synchronous generator:If (A) Voc(line)(kV) 50 6.2 75 8.7 100 10.5 125 11.8 150 12.8 162.5 13.2 200 14.2 250 15.2 300 15.9 (10) (6) (b) Explain the experimental procedure that determines the direct and quadrature axis synchronous

An excitation of 100A causes the full load current to flow during the short circuit . obtain the regulation using optimistic and pessimistic methods for (i) full load 0.8 p.f lagging (ii) half load 0.8 pf lagging. Compare and comment upon the results. (16)

14. The following results were obtained on a 3 phase, 75 KW, 3.3 KV, 6 pole, 50Hz Squirrel cage induction motor. NL test BR test : Vo : VBR = 3.3KV (line) = 400 V (line) Io = 5A IBR=27A Po=2500 w PBR =15000w

Stator resistance / phase = 3.75 ohms.

(a) Determine the parameters of the circuit model. (b) For a slip of 4% calculate stator current, its pf and motor efficiency. Calculate also internal motor torque in Nm. (or) 15. Obtain efficiency, stator current, power factor, slip and internal motor torque in Nm for the above rated machine(Q14) at full load using circle diagram approach. (16) (16)

16.(a) Explain the operation of Induction generator. Draw (i) circle diagram (ii) Vector diagram and (iii)Equivalent circuit for the Induction generator. (b) Compare Induction generator, with 3 synchronous generator. mode and (iii) braking mode. (or) 17. Write short notes on the following: (i) Double cage Induction motor. (ii) Synchronous Induction Motor. 18. Explain in detail about : (i) Universal motor (ii) Permanent Magnet DC motor. (or) 19. A test on the main winding of a 1 KW, 4 pole, 215 V, 50Hz, single phase Induction motor gave the following results: No Load Test Vo Io Po =215volt =3.9 A =185 W Rotor blocked test VSC ISC PSC =85 volt =9.8 A =390 W (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (4) (4)

(c) Draw the torque slip characteristics of 3 Induction machine in (ii) generating mode (ii) motoring

Given R1=1.6 ohms. (a) Calculate the parameters of the circuit model. (b) Determine the line current, power factor, shaft torque and efficiency of the motor at a speed of 1440 rpm.



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