- Virtual machine snapshots allow the user to take a point-in-time snapshot of a virtual machine's state and stored data. This snapshot captures the VM configuration and any changes are then stored separately from the original files.
- Snapshots enable the user to revert the VM back to the state at the time of the snapshot or delete the snapshot, removing any changes made after it was taken.
- The demonstration showed taking a snapshot of a Windows 10 VM, making some changes to the desktop and files, and then reverting back to the original snapshot state by removing the added changes.
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- Virtual machine snapshots allow the user to take a point-in-time snapshot of a virtual machine's state and stored data. This snapshot captures the VM configuration and any changes are then stored separately from the original files.
- Snapshots enable the user to revert the VM back to the state at the time of the snapshot or delete the snapshot, removing any changes made after it was taken.
- The demonstration showed taking a snapshot of a Windows 10 VM, making some changes to the desktop and files, and then reverting back to the original snapshot state by removing the added changes.
- Virtual machine snapshots allow the user to take a point-in-time snapshot of a virtual machine's state and stored data. This snapshot captures the VM configuration and any changes are then stored separately from the original files.
- Snapshots enable the user to revert the VM back to the state at the time of the snapshot or delete the snapshot, removing any changes made after it was taken.
- The demonstration showed taking a snapshot of a Windows 10 VM, making some changes to the desktop and files, and then reverting back to the original snapshot state by removing the added changes.
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- Virtual machine snapshots allow the user to take a point-in-time snapshot of a virtual machine's state and stored data. This snapshot captures the VM configuration and any changes are then stored separately from the original files.
- Snapshots enable the user to revert the VM back to the state at the time of the snapshot or delete the snapshot, removing any changes made after it was taken.
- The demonstration showed taking a snapshot of a Windows 10 VM, making some changes to the desktop and files, and then reverting back to the original snapshot state by removing the added changes.
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Performance Support
Virtualization: Virtual Machine Snapshots
Transcript Here were using vSphere Client from VMware to connect to a physical machine where we've installed VMware ESX server. e've also created a couple of virtual machines and! on VM "um#er $! we've installed indows X%. & virtual'machine snapshot can #e created #y right'clic(ing on the virtual machine! going into Snapshot on the menu! and then selecting Take Snapshot. Here we have an opportunity to name the snapshot and give it a description. e might want to put the time! or the date! or may#e some information a#out what we were doing )ust after we too( the snapshot. *nce we select OK! the snapshot will #e created. +his process ta(es a few minutes! so were going to pause our demonstration! and well pic( up when the snapshot is done. So! now that the snapshot is created which we can see too( a#out si, or seven minutes any changes that we ma(e to the virtual machine's state or the data are stored in a separate set of lin(ed files. So the virtual machine snapshot is now complete! and we can see from the start time and complete times that it too( si, or seven minutes in this case. *nce the snapshot is created! any changes to the VM state or data are stored in the separate set of lin(ed files. +he lin(ed files capture any changes! while the original set of files remains totally unchanged. -y (eeping the original and change state separate...this affords us the a#ility to decide at a later time whether wed li(e to revert to the snapshot or simply delete it. .or e,ample! we can revert #ac( to the state and the data at the time of the snapshot or delete the snapshot completely! whereas all the su#se/uent changes that we ma(e after the snapshots created are (ept. 0et's demonstrate now! #y opening a console to the indows X% des(top. 1m )ust going to ma(e some simple changes here )ust to demonstrate how this wor(s. So 1m going to change our des(top and 1'm going to create a te,t file. ell )ust leave that on the des(top. So! as we can see! we've got a couple of minor changes. +hese changes could #e large changes. +hey could #e service pac(s or hot fi,es that can install an application. 1f it created any pro#lems! you can get rid of them. So! in this case! what we want to do for demonstration...were going to right'clic( on the virtual machine! go to Snapshot! and open the Snapshot Manager. 1m )ust going to move this Snapshot Manager window over to the side and! in this case! what were going to do is were going to actually go #ac( to the time of the snapshot. So! as we said a#out a snapshot it's a point'in'time capture of the state of the machine and the data all the configuration settings. So when 1 clic( on the #utton to Go to! it's going to revert the machine #ac( to where it was and! in this case! we see that the wallpaper switched #ac( to the state that it was in #efore and our te,t document has disappeared. So! thats the #asics of how a snapshot wor(s. "ow that were done! 1m actually going to delete the snapshot! close our Snapshot Manager window...so the snapshot is now gone! the machine is #ac( to its normal running state. +ypically! you don't want to leave a snapshot running unless there is a purpose for it. &nd that is virtual machine snapshots. $ 2 34$5 S(illsoft 1reland 0imited