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Smoothie Diet

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Challenge #1: Add a protein boost

Did you know spinach is 30% protein? And fresh fruit averages about 4-8% protein. or cha!!enge "#$ we want you to focus on boosting your green s%oothies with protein. &pend this weekend getting fa%i!iar with p!ant-based proteins and shopping for 'eek!y (ha!!enge "#$ which officia!!y starts )onday *anuary +. ,nti! then$ pat yourse!f on the back and keep drinking these yu%%y green s%oothies.he benefits of eating who!e foods !ike fruits and vegetab!es is obvious when %aking a hea!thy s%oothie for yourse!f$ but don/t forget about protein0 which is one of the four %acronutrients 1the other three are fats$ carbohydrates and water2. .he body needs %acronutrients in !arge a%ounts$ so don/t %iss the opportunity to give yourse!f the protein it needs in a dai!y s%oothie. At the bottom of this post, we have included a shopping list and recipes that will teach you ways to add protein to your green smoothies. 3ecause protein burns s!ower than carbohydrates$ adding it to s%oothies he!ps prevent b!ood sugar spikes and he!ps prevent hunger pains. And it/s a!so great if you are working towards a f!at be!!y or bui!ding %usc!es. 4es$ the %a5ority of us are on a %ission to get those fir% abs back0 and drinking a protein-rich s%oothie after your work-outs is the perfect for%u!a. 6t/s i%portant that if you decide to use a green s%oothie as a %ea! rep!ace%ent$ you add a source of protein to you green s%oothies or have a high-protein snack on the side 1such as a hardboi!ed egg or a handfu! of nuts2. 6f you workout$ your protein intake needs %ay be higher. 17!ease consu!t with your doctor to %ake sure you are %eeting your needs.2

Great Sources of Plant-based Protein

SHOPPING LIST(Jan 7-13) Enough for 2 smoothies per day. Half the list for a single serving. FRUITS 4 Pears 4 Bananas 2 Mangos (fresh or 24 oz frozen) Grapes (red or black) Bl eberr!es (fresh or "# oz frozen) S$ra%berr!es (fresh or "# oz frozen) &'GGI'S fresh sp!nach( 2 bags (")*"# oz) " s%ee$ po$a$o +T,'R al-ond -!lk ( ns%ee$ened .an!lla) al-ond b $$er ra% %hole al-onds sl!ced al-onds (op$!onal) c!nna-on and n $-eg pro$e!n po%der/ he-p pro$e!n( .egan pro$e!n( pea pro$e!n The fo r rec!pes $o $he r!gh$ are here $o ge$ 0o s$ar$ed on $he se.en da0 challenge1 Feel free $o se o$her rec!pes $o ge$ $hro gh $he %eek2s challenge1

RECIPES 'ach s-oo$h!e -akes 4*3 c ps1 4 ser.!ng s!ze !s 2 c ps1 If 0o ha.e lef$o.ers 0o -a0 s$ore !n $he fr!dge for "*5 da0s !n an a!r$!gh$ con$a!ner (l!ke a -ason 6ar %!$h a l!d)1 TIP: To ge$ $he s-oo$hes$ s-oo$h!e and $o a.o!d leaf0 ch nks( blend 0o r greens and l!7 !d f!rs$( $hen add $he re-a!n!ng fr !$s1 4 S%ee$ Pear 4 pears " banana 2 c ps sp!nach 2 c ps ns%ee$ened .an!lla al-ond -!lk "$sp c!nna-on 4l-ond B $$er and 89ell0: 2 r!pe bananas 2 c ps red and;or black grapes 2 c ps sp!nach 4 $bs al-ond b $$er $op %!$h ra% sl!ced al-onds (op$!onal) Blend 0o r sp!nach and grapes $oge$her n$!l 0o ge$ a 6 !ce*l!ke cons!s$enc0 ($he grapes %!ll replace 0o r l!7 !d*base s!nce $he0 are a h!gh %a$er con$en$ fr !$)1 Thanksg!.!ng !n 0o r Mo $h <banana*free < " c p s%ee$ po$a$o (baked a$ 4)) degrees for 43 -!n $es = ch!lled !n refr!gera$or) 2 c ps -ango (frozen) 2 c ps sp!nach 2 c ps .an!lla al-ond -!lk ( ns%ee$ened) ";4 c p %a$er " $sp c!nna-on " $sp n $-eg Po%er Pro$e!n S-oo$h!e " banana 2 c ps sp!nach " c p fresh s$ra%berr!es " c p frozen bl eberr!es ") %hole al-onds 2 c ps %a$er 4 $ablespoons .an!lla fla.ored pro$e!n po%der

Nuts & Seeds 4ou wou!d be surprised how %uch protein can be packed in a tiny seed$ !ike chia or f!a8seeds. Did you know one ounce of chia seeds contains 4.4 gra%s of protein? (hia seeds are one %y favorite things to add to green s%oothies. 9uts are a!so a great source of protein 1a!though higher in the good fat$ so don/t go cra:y2. 4ou can get 8 gra%s of protein fro% either #;4 cup of a!%onds$ < tab!espoons of a!%ond butter$ or #;4 cup of f!a8 seeds. Protein Powders 6f you are !ooking for a p!ant-based protein that is free of ani%a! products$ your best option is he%p protein. 6 !ike to add 4 tab!espoons of organic he%p protein 16 buy %ine fro% .rader *oes2$ and b!end with %y green s%oothies. &piru!ina 1b!ue-green a!gae2 is another e8ce!!ent source of protein that can be added to your green s%oothies. 4ou wi!! need to e8peri%ent with the taste and see what suits your taste buds. Additiona! protein options= !a8seed 1seeds or oi!2$ choco!ate protein powder$ whey protein powder$ si!ken tofu$ soy%i!k$ non-fat greek yogurt$ cottage cheese and peanut butter. 'e persona!!y prefer to avoid soy and ani%a! products$ but we thought we/d share so%e other options with our readers too. (heck out our A%a:on store for protein powder options 1inc!uding he%p protein2. lic! here to visit the store. >et/s get started with so%e protein boosting green s%oothiesPeace, love and leafy greens, *adah ? *en NOTE: You are welcome to make any green smoothie recipes you like during the challenge. Below are four high protein green smoothie recipes to inspire and guide you on your green smoothie challenge #1, but please feel free to experiment and explore your own green smoothie combinations. If you are allergic to banana, try replacing with peaches, pears, apples, papaya, avocado, or mango. lease feel free to use fresh or fro!en fruits in any recipe.

Challenge #2: Rotate Your Greens

or cha!!enge "<$ we want you to focus on rotating the leafy greens you use in your green s%oothies. &pend this weekend visiting your !oca! far%er/s %arket and supporting your local farmers. At the botto% of this e%ai!$ we have inc!uded a shopping !ist and recipes that wi!! teach you ways to rotate your greens in green s%oothies. 4ou can start purchasing your ingredients for 'eek!y (ha!!enge "< now$ which officia!!y starts )onday$ *anuary #4. ,nti! then$ keep b!ending protein boosting green smoothies and s!urping !ike a rawkstar-

The Importance Of Eat n! Green Leaf" #e!eta$%e&

@Aat %ost!y p!ants$ especia!!y !eavesB6t/s %ore i%portant to eat as %any different kinds of p!ants as possib!e= .hey
a!! have different antio8idants and so he!p the body e!i%inate different kinds of to8ins. 16t stands to reason that the %ore to8ins there are in the environ%ent$ the %ore p!ants you shou!d be eating.2C 0)ichae! 7o!!an .he fiber in !eafy greens he!p s!ow down the absorption of sugar fro% fruit$ which is why the co%bination of fruit and !eafy greens are a perfect %atch in green s%oothies. &pinach is the %ost %i!d tasting green 1and the %ost popu!ar green s%oothie ingredient2D that/s why it/s a great beginner !eaf for s%oothies. 3ut we don/t want you to %iss out on a!! the additiona! nutrients found in other !eafy greens$ so it/s ti%e to change it up$ and here/s whyB

Rotat n! !reen& can'

opti%i:e the nutritiona! content you get fro% green s%oothies he!p you get a %ore ba!anced a%ount of vita%ins and %inera!s strengthen your i%%une syste% thanks to the a!ka!oids found on !eafy greens prevent a!ka!oid bui!d-up provide uniEue phytonutrients that you %ight not get at a!!$ or in s%a!!er a%ounts$ by eating on!y one or two types of !eafy green ba!ance pF in your body support a hea!thy digestion syste% increase your energy

O(r )a*or te Green Smooth e Leaf" Green&

"ore leafy green options# bee$ greens bok cho0 celer0 collard greens dandel!on greens kale (red( green and black) la-b7 ar$ers le$$ ce( all k!nds -!>ed bab0 greens - s$ard greens spro $s s%!ss chard $ rn!p greens herbs (bas!l( c!lan$ro( -!n$( parsle0)

Green Smooth e T p& for Leaf" Green&

$ree%e your greens# Did you know you can free:e your raw !eafy greens so they don/t go bad? &ave your !eafy greens by storing the% in a free:er safe :ip!ock bag or container. 4ou wi!! not !ose the nutrients fro% free:ing the%. 9o %ore wasted greensSweeten your smoothie# &o%e greens are %ore bitter than others$ and there wi!! occasiona!!y be a @s%oothie-fai!.C 'hen your s%oothie tastes !ike !awn%ower pu!p$ you can try to save it by adding an e8tra banana 1or two2 to up the sweetness. S&uee%e some lime# 'ith bitter greens$ !ike ka!e$ a sEuee:e of !i%e or !e%on 5uice can he!p ba!ance out the taste for a nice :ing. >et/s be adventurous and fi!! our cups with greensPeace, love and leafy greens,

*adah ? *en P'(AS( )(A*# 4ou are we!co%e to %ake any green s%oothie recipes you !ike during the cha!!enge. 3e!ow are four green s%oothie recipes to inspire and guide you on your green s%oothie cha!!enge "<. 7!ease fee! free to e8peri%ent and e8p!ore your own green s%oothie co%binations. 6f you are a!!ergic to banana$ try rep!acing with peaches$ pears$ app!es$ papaya$ avocado$ or %ango. 6f you are a!!ergic to banana$ try rep!acing with peaches$ pears$ app!es$ papaya$ avocado$ or %ango. +ou can use fresh or fro%en fruits in any recipe.


"nough for # smoothies per day. $alf the list for a single serving. FRUITS 2 fresh -angos (or 24 oz frozen) 5 bananas " apple " peach " cle-en$!ne " l!-e raspberr!es (fresh or ? oz frozen) bl eberr!es (fresh or "# oz frozen) s$ra%berr!es (fresh or "# oz frozen)

&'GGI'S kale ar g la ro-a!ne le$$ ce fresh sp!nach( " bag (")*"# oz)

+T,'R cocon $ %a$er "))@ orange 6 !ce (no s gar added)

4AS+ BUB Preb 0 $he !$e-s belo% for $he ne>$ $%o challenges (choose one of -ore fro- each sec$!on)

challenge C5 ol!.e o!l fla>seed o!l cocon $ o!l challenge C4 ch!a seeds fla> seed he-p hear$s The fo r rec!pes $o $he r!gh$ are here $o ge$ 0o s$ar$ed on $he se.en da0 challenge1 Feel free $o se o$her rec!pes $o ge$ $hro gh $he %eek2s challenge1 For seeds and o!ls( check o $ 0o r na$ ral heal$h food s$ore (l!ke Trader 9oes or Dhole Foods)( or .!s!$ o r Amazon Store

"ach smoothie makes %&' cups. ( serving si!e is # cups. If you have leftovers you may store in the fridge for 1&) days in an airtight container *like a mason +ar with a lid,. TIP: -o get the smoothest smoothie and to avoid leafy chunks, blend your greens and li.uid first, then add the remaining fruits.

P'4E,B F4A' 2 c ps kale " fresh -ango " apple " r!pe peach " c p %a$er ";2 c p fresh s7 eezed orange 6 !ce

MB ,'4RT R+M4IG'S 2 c ps ro-a!ne le$$ ce " c p s$ra%berr!es (%!$h $ops) " c p bl eberr!es (frozen) " cle-en$!ne " banana 2 c ps %a$er

STR4DB'RRB( B4G4G4 H BAU'B'RRB 2 c ps fresh sp!nach 2 c ps s$ra%berr!es (fresh or defros$ed) " c p bl eberr!es (fresh or defros$ed) " banana 5;4 c p %a$er 5;4 c p orange 6 !ce

B'RRB IIGG'R " c p ar g la " c p sp!nach " c p raspberr0 " c p -ango (frozen) " banana ";4 l!-e s7 eezed 2 c ps cocon $ %a$er

Beginners Luck Green S oothie

Beginners Luck Green S oothie

)akes 4-G cups0 ha!f the recipe for a sing!e serving. ,ngredients < cups fresh spinach 1tight!y packed2 < cups water # cup fro:en %ango # cup fro:en pineapp!e < bananas -I / 0emember to get the smoothest smoothie and to avoid leafy chunks, blend your greens and li.uid first, then add the remaining fruits. 1heers2 Shopping 'ist 1)akes # green s%oothie a day$ for G days2 resh spinach= < bags$ #0-#H o: bag #0 3ananas )ango= < fro:en <4 o: bags 7ineapp!e= < fro:en #H o: bags

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