In this contribution we report the results of an experimental study that investigated equilibrium and fractional crystallization of
hydrous, transitional alkaline basalt at low oxygen fugacity, under lower to middle crustal conditions to constrain the generation of
subaluminous and peralkaline differentiation products that typically occur in rift systems. The experiments reveal that liquids
produced by equilibrium crystallization in the range 0.7–1 GPa cannot cross the subaluminous/peralkaline compositional divide. In
contrast, fractional crystallization experiments under isobaric and polybaric conditions approach closer the naturally observed trend
from subaluminous to evolved peralkaline products suggesting that polybaric differentiation starting at elevated pressures can
indeed lead to the transition from subaluminous to peralkaline derivative liquids. The presence of water in the parental magmas of
silicic derivative products is of prime importance for the fractionation equilibria as well as for the mobility of such magmas toward
shallow crustal levels.
We suggest that peralkaline magmas in rift environments are indicative for differentiation under relatively low oxygen
fugacity conditions in an extensional environment characterized by a high degree of crustal fracturing that allows rapid upward
migration of mafic parental magmas and formation of shallow magma reservoirs. Crystallization–differentiation of parental,
hydrous transitional alkaline basalt in such reservoirs is controlled by low pressure phase equilibria that typically evolve through
early saturation of anorthite-rich plagioclase and suppressed amphibole crystallization resulting in ‘low-alumina’, peralkaline
derivative liquids.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
volumes of differentiated peralkaline magmas coexist alkaline basalts (3.5 × 105 km3, Mohr, 1983) over a
with comparatively low volumes of basic products, very short period (1–2 Ma, Hofmann et al., 1997). Only
partial melting of crustal material, either represented by during the last stage of this phase (plateau phase) limited
underplated basic cumulates or by more acidic lower volumes of silicic magmas were emplaced by (probable)
crustal lithologies, has been invoked as the principal fissure eruptions (Ayalew et al., 2002). Trachytes and
process responsible for the generation of these peralka- rhyolites erupted during this magmatic stage were
line magmas. However, so far, experimental studies, mainly subaluminous with only very subordinate
including the present one, have not been able to peralkaline varieties. During the intermediate phase
produce peralkaline liquids by partial melting of lower (8 Ma, Chernet et al., 1998), transitional between
crustal rocks. plateau formation and rift valley opening, several shield
The origin of peralkaline silicic magmas has attracted volcanoes erupted transitional to Na-alkaline basalts and
considerable attention but the significance of the trachytes. In the Plio-Quaternary (Chernet et al., 1998)
tectonic environment for the occurrence of peralkaline magmatic activity focused along a structure of crustal
products has been studied in much less detail. In this weakness (Wonji Fault Belt) in the axial portion of the
paper we focus on two principal observations: (1) rift valley. During this phase, which represents the
peralkaline products are invariably associated with an waning stage of regional magmatic activity, several
extensional tectonic setting and (2) they either represent central volcanoes erupted considerable amounts of
the last stage of magmatic activity (Bohrson and Reid, peralkaline trachytes and rhyolites. In contrast, the
1997; Nekvasil et al., 2004) or form the principal emission of basic magmas was limited to isolated scoria
igneous products during a tectonically mature exten- cones.
sional stage (e.g. Main Ethiopian Rift (MER); Barberi et The following characteristics distinguish the silicic
al., 1975; Chernet et al., 1998; Ayalew et al., 2002). magmatism occurring at the end of the plateau phase
These observations strongly suggest an intimate rela- from the igneous products that erupted during the
tionship between extensional processes and the compo- intrarift phase:
sition of silicic magmas (e.g. Mahood, 1984).
In this contribution we concentrate on the MER ▪ During Oligocene, silicic magmas represent a minor
where silicic magmas were erupted during the latest volume of the erupted products and were emplaced at
stage of basaltic plateau formation (∼30 Ma; plateau the end of the plateau forming magmatic phase. The
phase) and inside the Rift Valley (Plio-Quaternary; activity inside the rift valley is dominated by silicic
intrarift phase). While the plateau phase rhyolites are (trachytes and rhyolites) melts.
predominantly subaluminous and only sporadically ▪ Evolved magmas associated with plateau basalts are
peralkaline (Ayalew et al., 2002), the intrarift phase subaluminous, mildly alkaline and only rarely
trachytes and rhyolites are peralkaline and represent the peralkaline, whereas silicic magmas characterizing
overwhelming part of erupted magmas (Boccaletti et al., the Plio-Quaternary activity inside the rift are
1995; Barberio et al., 1999). In both cases, geochemistry predominantly peralkaline.
strongly supports a genetic link between plateau ▪ The emplacement mechanism of silicic magmas
forming transitional basalts and silicic rocks (Barberio changed from fissural (plateau phase) to caldera-
et al., 1999; Chernet and Hart, 1999; Ayalew et al., forming eruptions (intrarift phase).
2002; Peccerillo et al., 2003). It is, therefore, unlikely ▪ The oldest silicic products contain amphibole
that differences in parental magma compositions are phenocrysts, whereas trachytes and rhyolites that
responsible for the variation in the chemistry and cover the rift valley floor only contain amphibole
characteristics of differentiated silicic magmas of the microlites in the matrix.
plateau and intrarift phases. Moreover, isotope geo- ▪ The presence of intrusive bodies associated with the
chemistry excludes partial melting of ancient crustal volcanoes that erupted the peralkaline products
material as a possible process generating peralkaline (Mahatsente et al., 1999) testifies to the presence of
products (Peccerillo et al., 1998, 2003). shallow reservoirs during the last stages of domi-
nantly silicic magmatic activity in the MER.
2. Volcanological evolution of the Ethiopian Rift
3. Experimental strategy and technique
The first magmatic activity in the MER (30 Ma,
Chernet et al., 1998; Ukstin et al., 2002) was marked by The majority of experiments reported here are
voluminous eruptions of tholeiitic to transitional equilibrium crystallization (EC) experiments on a
48 L. Caricchi et al. / Lithos 91 (2006) 46–58
transitional basaltic composition (AA1, Table 1) content was kept constant in the starting material
selected on the basis of geochemical, petrologic and (1000 ppm) during fractionation because F-content of
volcanologic constraints that clearly point to transitional amphibole and melt were not well constrained (large
basalts as potential parental magmas to produce errors).
derivative silicic magmas of mildly alkaline, subalumi- The different starting materials (Table 1) containing
nous to peralkaline affinity (Barberi et al., 1975; Deniel 4, 2, and 2.98 wt.% H2O were obtained by mixing a total
et al., 1994; Mungall and Martin, 1995; Civetta et al., of 4 g of oxides, hydroxides, carbonates and minerals in
1998; Peccerillo et al., 2003). Most experiments reported appropriate proportions (SiO2, TiO2, Al(OH)3, AlOOH,
here have been performed under hydrous conditions with CaCO3, Fe2SiO4, Na2SiO3, KAlSi3O8, Al2O3, MnO,
4 wt.% initial H2O. The presence of significant amounts CaHPO4, CaF2). AlOOH, Al(OH)3 and Al2O3 were
of H2O in the magmas parental to silicic derivatives is used to balance accurately the H2O and Al2O3 contents
clearly indicated by the caldera-forming highly explo- of the starting materials. SiO2, TiO2, CaCO3, MgO were
sive character of the Plio-Quaternary eruptions. fired for 4 h at 1000 °C to decarbonize CaCO3 and to
An additional EC experiment was performed at drive off adsorbed water; the fired powders were
0.7 GPa to test the effect of lower water content of the allowed to cool in a dessicator under vacuum to avoid
starting material (LCS2, 2 wt.%) on the residual melt water and CO2 absorption. After cooling the loss on
compositions. Additionally, we conducted two more ignition was monitored to control removal of all CO2
experiments at 0.7 and 0.5 GPa starting from the that was bound in calcium carbonate. All other
residual melt composition of run LCS2, to simulate components were stored at 220 °C, except the
isobaric and polybaric fractional crystallization (FC). In alumina-hydroxides that were kept at 110 °C, prior to
this approach the melt phase of the equilibrium weighing and mixing. Powders were homogenized in an
experiment (LCS2) became the new starting material agate mortar under ethanol, dried and then milled for
for the experiments at lower temperature (a detailed 15 min in an agate ball-grinder to produce a highly
description of the method is provided by Villiger et al., reactive (fine grained) starting material.
2004). The H2O-content of the starting material for the All experiments reported in Table 2 were carried out
FC experiments was calculated using the phase propor- in an end-loaded piston cylinder apparatus (Boyd and
tions obtained by the least square regression of run England, 1960) in the pressure–temperature range 0.5 to
LCS2. The amount of water contained in amphibole was 1 GPa and 950 to 1100 °C. The finely ground starting
taken into account for the calculations. The Fluorine material was loaded into graphite crucibles sealed by
arc-welding into Pt-capsules of 3 mm OD. Graphite
capsules combined with relatively high H2O-fugacity
Table 1 impose relatively low oxygen fugacity conditions on the
Starting compositions
experimental charge, about 1 log unit below the
AA1 SAA1 SAA2 FCS1 graphite–CO–CO2 equilibrium (Ulmer and Luth,
SiO2 50.01 48.51 49.51 52.07 1991) and have the additional advantage of avoiding
TiO2 1.91 1.85 1.89 2.12 iron-loss during the experiment. These double-capsules
Al2O3 16.10 15.62 15.94 16.92
were run in NaCl/Pyrex/BN assemblies. A friction
FeO 5.19 9.63 9.83 8.67
Fe2O3 5.26 – – – correction of − 3% was applied for this assemblage,
MnO 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.22 based on pressure calibrations using the fayalite +
MgO 7.31 7.09 7.24 3.42 quartz= orthoferrosilite equilibrium (Bohlen et al., 1980).
CaO 8.16 7.92 8.08 6.67 This value for the friction correction is identical with
Na2O 3.44 3.34 3.41 4.01
the value reported by McDade et al. (2002) for similar
K2O 1.50 1.46 1.49 2.22
P2O5 0.33 0.32 0.33 0.60 assemblies.
F – 0.10 0.10 0.10 Temperature was measured by B-type (Pt6Rh94–
H2O 0.60 4.00 2.00 2.98 Pt30Rh70) thermocouples calibrated against the melting
Total 99.98 100.00 100.00 100.00 point of gold at 1 bar. No correction was made for the
AA1 represents a natural, transitional alkaline basalt composition of pressure effects on e.m.f.
the plateau series analyzed by XRF; H2O-content represents loss on
ignition. SAA1 and SAA2 are synthetic equivalents containing 4 and 4. Analytical technique
2 wt.% H2O respectively. In the synthetic mixtures all iron was
considered ferrous and added as fayalite. FCS1 is the starting material
used for fractional crystallization experiments and corresponds to the All experimental charges were analyzed by a JEOL
liquid phase of run LCS2 (0.7 GPa and 1050 °C). JXA-8200 electron microprobe. The analytical
Table 2
Experimental conditions, phase proportions and analytical results of the run products
Run P T ΣR2 Run duration Phase SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Total
(GPa) (°C) (h) [wt.%]
LC13 0.7 950 0.46 50 amph [58] 41.74 (0.04) 3.64 (0.31) 11.41 (0.01) 14.91 (2.10) 0.19 (0.01) 12.11 (1.26) 9.79 (0.14) 2.56 (0.08) 0.68 (0.02) 0.04 (0.01) 97.05
plg [26] 60.16 (2.12) 0.07 (0.05) 24.52 (0.52) 0.71 (0.29) 0.01 (0.01) 0.14 (0.06) 6.71 (1.51) 6.03 (1.11) 0.85 (0.05) 0.03 (0.04) 99.23
melt [16] 64.06 (0.05) 0.54 (0.03) 18.45 (0.32) 4.81 (0.11) 0.12 (0.03) 1.02 (0.08) 3.20 (0.03) 4.03 (0.18) 3.49 (0.07) 0.28 (0.02) 100.00 (90.92)
LC11 0.7 1000 0.02 48 amph [27] 41.08 (0.68) 3.66 (0.15) 13.31 (0.77) 12.07 (0.37) 0.10 (0.02) 12.98 (0.32) 10.70 (0.48) 2.31 (0.07) 0.71 (0.06) 0.04 (0.02) 96.95
cpx [6] 50.86 (0.56) 0.84 (0.09) 3.97 (0.63) 11.13 (0.85) 0.19 (0.03) 13.99 (0.64) 17.39 (0.62) 0.49 (0.10) 0.11 (0.07) 0.04 (0.03) 99.01
ol [3] 36.47 (0.19) 0.07 (0.04) 0.11 (0.06) 30.91 (1.05) 0.27 (0.02) 32.20 (0.86) 0.29 (0.08) 0.03 (0.02) 0.02 (0.01) 0.05 (0.02) 100.42
plg [6] 55.15 (0.33) 0.08 (0.02) 27.36 (0.25) 0.58 (0.05) 0.01 (0.01) 0.12 (0.03) 10.43 (0.19) 4.78 (0.12) 0.31 (0.02) 0.03 (0.01) 98.87
melt [57] 54.94 (0.46) 1.48 (0.09) 18.23 (0.29) 9.17 (0.18) 0.12 (0.02) 3.67 (0.28) 7.00 (0.07) 3.32 (0.31) 1.59 (0.17) 0.45 (0.05) 100.00 (90.06)
LC10 0.7 1050 0.01 48 amph [4] 40.11 (0.66) 5.47 (0.17) 14.56 (0.64) 10.49 (0.12) 0.15 (0.02) 13.25 (0.38) 11.12 (0.20) 2.69 (0.09) 0.76 (0.07) 0.00 (0.00) 98.58
cpx [9] 49.30 (0.52) 1.62 (0.08) 5.91 (0.28) 8.27 (0.24) 0.24 (0.03) 14.26 (0.29) 19.98 (0.11) 0.53 (0.04) 0.05 (0.01) 0.03 (0.02) 100.20
ol [10] 36.33 (0.92) 0.06 (0.03) 0.02 (0.02) 29.37 (0.81) 0.42 (0.04) 33.31 (0.60) 0.28 (0.03) 0.02 (0.02) 0.01 (0.01) 0.03 (0.02) 99.87
plg [12] 52.94 (0.34) 0.09 (0.02) 29.50 (0.29) 0.48 (0.03) 0.01 (0.01) 0.06 (0.02) 12.91 (0.36) 4.45 (0.16) 0.28 (0.03) 0.02 (0.02) 100.74
melt [65] 53.15 (0.32) 2.21 (0.07) 17.72 (0.22) 9.16 (0.09) 0.23 (0.04) 3.31 (0.99) 6.97 (0.09) 4.56 (0.12) 2.17 (0.05) 0.49 (0.04) 100.00 (96.25)
residuals of the least square regression calculation. Units in parentheses for single oxides indicate standard errors (2σ) from average analysis.
50 L. Caricchi et al. / Lithos 91 (2006) 46–58
conditions for analysis of the mineral phases were 15 kV results a higher melt fraction than experiment LC8
acceleration voltage and 20 nA beam current. For the (1 GPa, 1100 °C). This is most probably due to loss of
melt phase the current was lowered to 7 nA and a small amounts of water during the higher temperature
defocused beam was employed (10–20 μm, depending experiment (LC8) or hydrogen diffusion into the capsule
on the size of the melt pools). Sodium and potassium during the lower temperature experiment (LC7) that
were analyzed first in order to decrease volatilization reduced the oxygen fugacity and increased the water
effects. content to reach equilibrium of the water speciation
5. Experimental results Olivine disappears from the mineral assemblage
between 1050 and 1000 °C while clinopyroxene is
The experimental run products resulted in subhedral stable down to 1000 °C where it is in equilibrium with
crystals and melt quenched to glass. Homogeneous approximately 30 wt.% amphibole. At 950 °C clinopyr-
distribution of phases, absence of zoning in mineral oxene is not longer stable, the amount of amphibole
phases and low sums of residuals of the least squares increases to 53 wt.% whereas melt decreases from
regression analyses (ΣR2 < 0.5, only run LC6 exhibits a 65 wt.% at 1000 °C to 47 wt.%. Phase assemblages and
value of ΣR2 equal to 0.58; Table 2) indicate close mineral proportions are consistent with peritectic
attainment of equilibrium in the charges. This is further relationships of olivine, cpx, and melt forming amphi-
supported by experiments that contain olivine: we bole; plagioclase is not part of the stable mineral
computed the Fe+ 2–Mg partition coefficients between assemblage down to 950 °C.
olivine and melt, and, within error, they are in agreement At 0.7 GPa plagioclase appears in the liquidus
with Kd-values for basaltic compositions at pressure assemblage in coexistence with olivine and clinopyrox-
between 0.5 and 1 GPa by Ulmer (1989; Fig. 1). ene at 1100 °C. The relative proportion of plagioclase
The following discussion of the experimental results increases at 1050 °C and then slightly decreases to
first presents a description of the solid assemblages 1000 °C and increases again to reach 26 wt.% at 950 °C.
observed in the equilibrium and fractional crystalliza- The amount of melt decreases continuously from 80 to
tion experiments, followed by the presentation of the 16 wt.% between 1100 and 950 °C. Amphibole appears
evolutionary trends of the residual melt compositions at 1050 °C and constantly increases from ∼5.5 to 58 wt.
produced via EC and FC. % at 950 °C. The decrease of the modal proportion of
Mineral assemblages and the relative phase propor- plagioclase between 1050 and 1000 °C is attributed to a
tions for the EC and FC experiments are listed in Table 2 peritectic reaction forming amphibole that involves
and illustrated in Fig. 2. olivine, cpx and plagioclase followed by cotectic
At 1 GPa olivine and clinopyroxene are the liquidus precipitation of plagioclase and amphibole at lower
phases at 1100 °C. Experiment LC7 (1 GPa, 1050 °C) temperature.
The relative phase proportions of LCS2 (0.7 GPa,
1050 °C and 2 wt.% H2O) are only slightly different
with respect to the experiment performed at the same
pressure–temperature conditions containing 4 wt.%
water. In particular, melt and clinopyroxene contents
decrease while amphibole, olivine and plagioclase
contents increase.
During FC at constant pressure starting from the melt
in equilibrium in LCS2 at 0.7 GPa and decreasing
temperature to 970 °C olivine and clinopyroxene
disappear at the expense of extensive amphibole and
moderate plagioclase crystallization. Experiment
LCFC5 simulated polybaric FC from 0.7 to 0.5 GPa
and 1050 to 950 °C. In this case, olivine and
clinopyroxene remain stable phenocryst phases but
Fig. 1. Fe–Mg partition coefficients between olivine and melt as a their abundances decrease. In contrast to isobaric FC,
function of temperature (°C). Kd-values determined in this work agree
within error with the values of Ulmer (1989) for basaltic liquids that
decreasing pressure results in strongly increasing
are indicated by the grey field; this supports close attainment of plagioclase abundances and nearly constant amphibole
equilibrium in our experiments. proportions (Fig. 2). In EC experiments at 0.7 GPa,
L. Caricchi et al. / Lithos 91 (2006) 46–58 51
Fig. 2. Relative phase proportions (in wt.%) of experimental charges calculated by the least square regression analysis. Plagioclase stability increases
with decreasing pressure. Equilibrium crystallization at 0.7 GPa results in a larger increase of amphibole between 1050 and 950 °C than polybaric
fractional crystallization that produces much higher modal proportions of plagioclase instead.
amphibole contents increase much more rapidly than increase with decreasing temperature while TiO2,
plagioclase abundances with decreasing temperature. MgO, CaO and FeO follow an opposite evolutionary
Ilmenite forms part of the solid assemblage in the FC trend. Al2O3 does not vary substantially during EC at
experiments. 0.7 GPa while it increases by more than 1 wt.% at
Fig. 3 illustrates the variation of major element 1 GPa between 1000 and 950 °C. The residual melt
compositions of melts as a function of temperature. composition produced from the starting material
The SiO2, Na2O and K2O contents of the liquids containing only 2 wt.% H2O (LCS2) is comparable
52 L. Caricchi et al. / Lithos 91 (2006) 46–58
Fig. 3. Variations of major element compositions of experimentally produced liquids (quenched glasses) as a function of temperature (°C) at 0.5, 0.7
and 1.0 GPa for equilibrium and fractional crystallization.
with the melt obtained at the same pressure and equilibrium crystallization consistent with prolonged
temperature condition with 4 wt.% water. Fractional olivine and cpx crystallization and increased modal
crystallization starting from the LCS2 melt composi- amounts of plagioclase.
tion at a constant pressure of 0.7 GPa (LCS2F7) or Fig. 4A and B summarize the effects of various
coupled with pressure decrease to 0.5 GPa (LCS2F5) liquidus phases on the liquid lines of descent for
results in melt compositions that contain higher FeO equilibrium and fractional crystallization respectively.
and Na2O and lower Al2O3 contents with respect to The variation of Al2O3, FeO and Na2O + K2O
L. Caricchi et al. / Lithos 91 (2006) 46–58 53
contents of minerals and melts are plotted against on the extent of alumina increase with increasing
SiO2 that monotonically increases with increasing differentiation (Figs. 3 and 4A).
differentiation. The small differences in melt composition pro-
Decreasing temperature in the equilibrium crystalli- duced by the decrease of the initial water content in
zation experiments leads to the crystallization of the starting material from 4 to 2 wt.% (lower Al2O3,
massive amounts of amphibole below 1000 °C at higher K2O and lower Na2O; Fig. 3) at the same
1 GPa and 1050 °C at 0.7 GPa that exerts the dominant pressure and temperature conditions (LC10 and LCS2
control on the evolution of the liquid phase (Fig. 4A). respectively) are consistent with the slightly higher
The only appreciable difference between equilibrium plagioclase content in LCS2. In fact, mineral com-
crystallization at 1 and 0.7 GPa is the presence of positions in the two runs are identical within error
plagioclase at lower pressure that has significant effect (Table 2).
Fig. 4. Al2O3, FeO and Na2O + K2O versus SiO2 concentrations (in wt.%) of solid and liquid phases. A. Results at 0.7 and 1.0 GPa for the equilibrium
crystallization experiments. At both pressures, amphibole is the principal phase controlling the compositional evolution of differentiated melts as their
trajectories are pointing straight away from amphibole compositions. Presence of plagioclase at 0.7 GPa results in less pronounced increase of
alumina in the residual melt at 950 °C. B. Results at 0.7 and 0.5 GPa for fractional crystallization. The lack of alumina increase and the moderate
decrease of FeO of the evolved liquids indicate that both, amphibole and plagioclase control the evolution of the Al2O3, FeO and Na2O + K2O
contents of the residual melts.
54 L. Caricchi et al. / Lithos 91 (2006) 46–58
Fig. 4 (continued).
As mentioned above, fractional crystallization pri- linearly for the equilibrium crystallization experiments.
marily affects the relative proportions of amphibole and The plagioclases that are stable in the FC experiments
plagioclase that crystallize in the temperature interval exhibit higher alumina and hence anorthite contents
1000 to 950 °C and results in considerably different than the plagioclases stable at the same temperature in
derivative liquids (higher Na2O, K2O and lower Al2O3) the EC experiments. This is most probably due to the
with respect to equilibrium crystallization. The effect of much lower amphibole contents in the FC runs respect
fractional crystallization is even more pronounced under to the EC run at comparable temperature conditions.
polybaric conditions (LCS2F5), where the preference for Amphibole accommodates rather large amounts of
plagioclase over amphibole results in a slightly stronger CaO relative to Na2O (9.8–10.5 and 2.4–2.7 wt.%
decrease of the alumina and iron contents of the respectively); therefore larger modal abundance of
derivative melt (Fig. 4B). amphibole in the EC runs leads to effective depletion
Fig. 5 shows the variation of the Al-content of of CaO in the melt phase and, consequently, to the
plagioclase as a function of temperature that varies crystallization of a more albitic plagioclase compared
L. Caricchi et al. / Lithos 91 (2006) 46–58 55
Fig. 6. Comparison between experimentally produced liquid and natural rock compositions. Differentiation of basaltic magmas at relatively high-
pressure (indicated by the arrow labeled EC) drives residual melts toward subaluminous compositions that are typical for the ignimbrites of the
plateau phase. Fractional crystallization, in particular at lower pressure (indicated by the arrow labeled FC), tends towards alumina-poor, peralkaline
differentiates which form the bulk of the rocks erupted during the intrarift phase. The difference in chemical evolution of the two trends is related to
amphibole-dominated crystallization for the plateau phase versus plagioclase-dominated crystallization for the intrarift products.
56 L. Caricchi et al. / Lithos 91 (2006) 46–58
peralkaline Quaternary products. Dominant plagioclase drove the residual melt composition toward FeO and
crystallization can easily account for this geochemical Na2O-poor but Al2O3-rich subaluminous compositions.
trend. In contrast, the plateau ignimbrites show a During the last magmatic phase extensive crustal
continuous decrease in FeO content and an evolution thinning and intense fracturing of the crust allowed
towards higher Al2O3 values, with increasing differ- rapid ascent of parental magmas from the lower crust
entiation, compared with the intrarift peralkaline into shallow crustal magma reservoirs thereby enhanc-
pyroclastic products suggesting less important plagio- ing differentiation/fractionation under low pressure
clase crystallization during their late-stage fraction- conditions. Experimental data presented in this study
ation. Enhanced plagioclase crystallization and lack or evidence that the plagioclase stability in hydrous
delayed amphibole crystallization are typical features parental magmas increases with decreasing pressure,
of low(er) pressure magma evolution (e.g. Nekvasil et and can account for the Al2O3, FeO and alkalies trends
al., 2004) pointing to shallower magma reservoirs displayed by the Quaternary peralkaline trachytes and
during the later, advanced, more mature stages of rift rhyolites (Fig. 6).
evolution. The presence of water in magmas erupted in the
Equilibrium crystallization experiments produce melt Ethiopian Rift system, as clearly suggested by the
compositions that invariably have higher alumina- presence of amphibole and the explosive nature of
contents than the natural rocks at both pressures eruptions, and the absence of any evidence supporting
investigated (Fig. 6) but their evolution points toward active subduction indicates that either the mantle source
the plateau series compositions with regard to iron, of the parental transitional basalts contained hydrous
sodium and potassium contents. Since amphibole is the phases (phlogopite and/or amphibole) or that H2O was
dominant liquidus phase controlling the residual melt stored in nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMS,
compositions in equilibrium crystallization experiments, Thompson, 1992).
crystallization of an amphibole-dominated mineral Upwelling of a mantle plume produced a strong
assemblage, accompanied by minor plagioclase crystal- thermal anomaly that either decomposed hydrous phases
lization, could account for the trend observed for the or led to the extraction of H2O from NAMS (Aubaud et
plateau series rocks. Moreover, the presented experi- al., 2004). The large dimension of the inferred plume
mental data suggest that fractionation at relatively high- (Hofmann et al., 1997), that impinges at the base of the
pressures and in a “closed system” (equilibrium or lithosphere, combined with the strong concentration of
quasi-equilibrium fractionation) could account for the the magmatic activity into a relatively small area,
observed compositional trends. provides a mechanism that allows extraction of small
Melt compositions obtained in the fractional crystal- amounts of H2O from a large volume and its concentra-
lization experiments match more closely the observed tion into the primary liquids. Such a process results in
natural rock compositions. The trends for FeO and Na2O appreciable amounts of H2O (several wt.% of H2O) that
towards higher concentrations imply that the peralkaline are required to stabilize amphibole phenocrysts (mainly
intrarift phase could possibly be generated by (poly- present in plateau phase rocks) during differentiation of
baric) fractional crystallization from an identical primary basaltic liquids and that are responsible for the
parental magma that produced the plateau series in an highly explosive character of the Plio-Quaternary
earlier stage of rift evolution. eruptions. An additional, important effect of water is
the increase of the anorthite and hence Al-content of
7. Conclusions plagioclase for a given bulk composition (Yoder, 1969;
Sisson and Grove, 1993; Berndt et al., 2005). However,
The natural rock data show clear distinctions to obtain very anorthitic plagioclase that could produce
between plateau and intrarift silicic magmas. Since the observed strong depletion of alumina with increasing
geochemistry does not require differences of the differentiation of the peralkaline, intrarift products, not
parental liquids between the Oligo-Miocene and the only hydrous conditions, but early plagioclase saturation
Quaternary magmas, variation in the physical conditions is a fundamental requirement that can only be achieved
during differentiation have to account for the different through low pressure crystallization of rather primitive
compositions of magmas erupted in these different parental magmas. Furthermore, H2O has an important
periods. After formation of the basaltic plateau by effect on the rheology and hence mobility of magmas. In
fissural eruptions, residual magmas fractionated at lower the reported experiments a decrease of pressure, at
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