Tutorial Sheet - 5 (BJT)
Tutorial Sheet - 5 (BJT)
Tutorial Sheet - 5 (BJT)
1. A BJT is connected in common-base configuration and is biased such that IE = 2 mA. f its dc a!"ha is 0.#$% ca!cu!ate the &a!ues of co!!ector current IC and base current IB 'Ans. IC = 1.#( mA% IB = )0 *A+ n a gi&en transistor circuit% the base current is 100 *A and the co!!ector current is 2.# mA. Ca!cu!ate the dc a!"ha (,0) of the transistor. 'Ans. ,0 = 0.#-+ A BJT is connected in CB configuration. t is biased such that IE = 2mA. f its dc a!"ha (,0) is 0.#$.% ca!cu!ate the co!!ector current and the base current. 'Ans. IC = 1.#- mA% IB = /0 *A+ A transistor in a circuit is connected in CE configuration. The dc &o!tages are such that IB = )0 *A. f the dc beta (00) of the transistor is $0 and the co!!ector !ea1age current ICB2 is . *A% ca!cu!ate the &a!ue of emitter current. 'Ans. /.(). mA+ 3or a transistor connected in CB mode% , 0 = 0.##.% IE = 10 mA% !ea1age current IC2 = 0.. *A. 4etermine the &a!ues of the co!!ector current IC and the base current B. A!so determine 00 and ICE2 for the transistor. 'Ans. IC = 0.#.0. mA% IB = )#.. *A% 00 = 1##% ICE2 = 100 *A+ A transistor ha&ing 0 = 1)0 is connected in a circuit in CE configuration. ts co!!ector current is . mA and base current is /. *A. Ca!cu!ate the !ea1age current IC2 'Ans. IC2 = 0.-1 *A+ A transistor has ICB2 = 0.1 *A and ICE2 = 1( *A. 3ind its 0 0.##/-.+ 'Ans.
2. 3.
7. .
n a certain transistor% ##.. 5 of the carriers in6ected into the base% cross the co!!ector-base 6unction. f the co!!ector !ea1age current is ..0 *A and the co!!ector current is 22 mA% find (a) the e7act &a!ue of ,0, (b) the emitter current% and (c) the a""ro7imate &a!ue of ,0 8hen ICB2 is ignored. 'Ans. (a) 0.##.9 (b) 22.10..mA9 (c) 0.##.2+ The dc a!"ha (,0) of a transistor is 0.## and its co!!ector re&erse !ea1age current is / *A. 4etermine the &a!ue of co!!ector current and base current% if the emitter current is ) mA. 'Ans. /.#(/ mA% /- *A+ The emitter current in an :;: bi"o!ar 6unction transistor is $.$ mA. t is 1no8n that on!< 0.$. 5 of the minorit< carriers (e!ectrons) in6ected into the base recombine% and the co!!ector re&erse !ea1age current is 200 nA. 3ind ( a) the base current% (b) the co!!ector current% (c) the e7act &a!ue of dc a!"ha% and ( d) the a""ro7imate &a!ue of dc a!"ha% neg!ecting ICO. 'Ans. (a) -).$ *A9 (b) $.-2.2 mA9 (c) 0.##1)--9 (d) 0.##1.+ A BJT has ,0 = 0.#$- and ICB2 = .2 nA. 3ind (a) 0 and ICE2, (b) the e7act co!!ector current 8hen IB = )0 *A% (c) a""ro7imate co!!ector current% neg!ecting the co!!ector !ea1age current. 'Ans. (a) -..#2%) *A9 (b) /.0)0$ mA9 (c) /.0/($ mA+
=hen the emitter &o!tage of a transistor connected in CB configuration is changed b< 200 m >% its emitter current changes b< . mA. Ca!cu!ate the d<namic in"ut resistance of the transistor. 'Ans. ri = )0 ?+ mA. n the circuit sho8n in 3ig. 1% find ( a) IC 8hen VCB = 10 >% and (b) VCB 8hen IC = 1.) 'Ans. (a) 1..1. mA9 (b) 10./$ >+
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14. 4etermine the coordinates of the o"erating "oint of the fi7ed-bias circuit of 3ig. 2. @i&enA RC = 1 1?% RB = 100 1?% 0 = (0. 'Ans. () >% ( mA)+ 15. n the circuit of 3ig. )% the NPN si!icon transistor has its VBE = 0.( >% and 0 = 100. f VCE = - > for RC = ) 1?% find RB and IC. 'Ans. -(. 1?% 1.-. mA+ 16. The NPN transistor used in a fi7ed-bias circuit has 0 = 100. f VCC = 10 >% RC = 1 1?% and RB = 200 1?% ca!cu!ate VCE. 'Ans. . >+ 17. A ;:; transistor 8ith 0 = 200 is used in the circuit of 3ig (./#. A dc su""!< of # > and RC of 1.. 1? are used. The o"erating "oint is to be fi7ed at IC = 2 rnA. Ca!cu!ate the &a!ue of RB and the &o!tage VCE. 'Ans. #00 1?% B( >+ 1 . A ;:; germanium transistor 8ith 0 = 100 and VBE = 0.2 > is used in 3ig. .. f VCC = 1( >% RB = -#0 1?% RC = . 1?% com"ute the Q-"oint. 'Ans. VCE = B( >% IC = 2 mA+ 1!. 4etermine the Q-"oint for a fi7ed-bias circuit using an :;: transistor 8ith 0 = )0% VCC = # >% RC = 1 1? and RB = 100 1?. 'Ans. ..) >% /.( mA+ 2". 4etermine the Q-"oint for the co!!ector-to-base bias circuit of 3ig. (% if VCC = 12 >% RC = / 1?% RB = (0 1?% and 0 of the transistor is (0. gnore the dro" VBE. 'Ans. / >% / mA+ 21. Com"ute the &a!ue of RB in 3ig. .% so as to set u" the biasing condition such that VCE = 0..VCC, if VCC = /0 >% RC = . 1?% and 0 = )0. 'Ans. 200 1?+ 22. n the co!!ector to base bias circuit of 3ig. .% VCC = 1. >% RC = . 1?% RB = 21. 1?% 0 = 100% VBE = 0.- >. (a) 4etermine the Q-"oint. (b) f the transistor is re"!aced b< another one 8ith 0 = /00% again determine the Q-"oint. 'Ans. (a) VCE = . >% IC = 2 mA9 (b) VCE = 2.. >% IC = 2.. mA+
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23. n the biasing circuit of 3ig. (% VCC = # >% RC = 2.0 ?% RB = .0 1?% RE = .00 ? and 0 = $0. 4etermine the Q-"oint. 'Ans. / >% $ mA+ 24. Com"ute the Q-"oint of the transistor in 3ig. (% if VCC = 20 >% RC = 2 1?% RB = )00 1?% RE = 1 1? and 0 = 100. 'Ans. $ >% ) mA+ 25. The :;: transistor in the biasing circuit of 3ig ( has 0 = .( and VBE = 0.- >. 4etermine its Q-"oint% if VCC = 1$ >% RC = .00 ?% RB = .0 1?% RE = 0.-. 1?. 'Ans. )./1 >% 10.#. mA+ 26. The dc current gain in CE mode of a germanium BJT is 100. t is to be biased at IC = . mA and VCE = /.$ >% b< using the emitter resistor bias circuit of 3ig. (. f VCC = 10 > and RC = .00 ?% ca!cu!ate the &a!ues of RB and RE needed. 'Ans. RE = -)0 ?% RB = 120 1?+ 27. =ith the fo!!o8ing circuit com"onents and BJT s"ecifications for the "otentia! di&ider biasing circuit of 3ig. -% ca!cu!ate the co!!ector current and the co!!ector-to-emitter &o!tage. Ca1e necessar< assum"tions to sim"!if< ca!cu!ations. RC = . 1? D! = )0 1? VCC = 12 > RE = 1 1? D2 = . 1? 00 = (0 VBE = 0./ > 'Ans. IC = 1 mA% VCE = ( >+ 2 . n the abo&e Euestion% ma1e use of The&eninFs theorem to find the accurate &a!ues of the co!!ector current and the co!!ector-to-emitter &o!tage. 'Ans. IC = 0.#/ mA% VCE = (.)2 >+