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(TP0A002) Pipeline Meter Selection

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The document discusses the general rules and factors to consider when selecting meters for pipeline meter stations, including choosing the most accurate meter, using strainers, and removing air from the flow. Accuracy is important as even small improvements can be worth millions annually given the values involved.

Factors like maximum viscosity, maximum flow rate, maximum pressure, back pressure, and high paraffin content should be considered. A PD meter is generally preferred unless turbine meters are better suited for the application based on these factors.

The steps outlined are: 1) tentatively deciding on meter type, 2) selecting the number and size of parallel runs, and 3) refining the selection based on additional criteria like minimum flow rate and fluid contamination issues.

-FMC EnergySystems Pipeline Meter Selection

Philip D. Baker
The following "General Rules for Good Metering"
should be considered in selecting meters for a pipeline
meter station.
1. In large custody transfer metering systems the type
meter which will provide the best overall measure-
ment accracy for the appUcation shold normally
be chosen. When initial cost savings are carefully
weighed against the cost of possible inaccuracies, it
is normally discovered that the rrwst accurate meas-
urement system is the most economical in the long
For example: At 400,000 BPD (16,700 BPH) the value
of the petroleum metered (at$40 per barrei) is $16
million perdayorover$5,000 mil!ion peryear. Thus,
an accuracy improvement of just 0.02% is worth over
$1 million per year.
2. i f there is no strong reason to seiect a turbine meter
over a P.D. meter, it is best to use the P.D. meter
because it is a direct volumetric measuring device
which is iess susceptibie to iarge accuracy shifts due
to unusual circumstances such as debris adhering to
or damaging rotor blades, etc.
3. Strainers should always be installed ahead of meters
to protect these very accurate instruments against
damage by pipeline debris.
4. lf it is -possible to get significant amounts of air into
the flow stream, it must be removed before reaching
the meter to orotect the meter from damaae and to
assure good inetering accuracy.
The following is an outline of the steps typically fol-
lowed to determine the proper (or best) type, siz:e, and
trim meter(s) for a custody transfer petroleum pipeline
metering application.
Step 1:
Tentatively decide whether P.D. meters or turbine me-
ters are bst for the application. Factors to considerare:
a. Maximum Viscosity. lf the maximum viscosity ex-
ceeds 1 0% o f the reference viscosity for the possi bie
size turbine meters to be considered (see Figure 6 of
Reference 1), P.D. meters would normally be more
accurate an thus seiecte.
lf only low viscosity refined products such as pro-
pane, gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil (e.g., white oils)
are being metered, turbine meters would normally be
selected because of thei r longer service life (for con-
tinuous duty operation) and normally equa! o r better
accuracy on these type products.
b. Maximum Flow Rate.lftotal flow rate required atthe
metering station exceeds about 100,000 BPH, many
parallel (16") P.D. meter runs would be required so
turbine meters would normally be selected.
c. iiiiaximum Pressure. lf the meter pressure rating
must be greater than 600# ANSI (1 ,440 psig), a P.D.
meter could not be used.
d. Back Pressure. For a turbine meterthe back pressure
(pressure at meter outlet) should be at least 25 psig at
maximum flow rate for low vapor presure fluids and
Technical Paper 108
Bulletin TPOA002
1.25 times the maximum vapor pressure for high
vapor pressure fluids (e.Q., propane). Low back ores-
su.re is of particular "cncern" if tte turbine meter
station isto be located close to a receiving tank. With
P.D. meters the-back pressure must only exceed the
vapor pressure by a slight amount.
e. High Paraffin Content. Turbine meters should not be
used on liquids having paraffin or other similar sub-
stances which can precipitate out on the surfaces of
the meter, changing its cross-sectional flow area.
Step 2:
Tentatively select the number and size of parallel meter
runs for the metering station.
a. Normally, the parallel meters are ali the same size.
b. lt is best to have one more meter run than !s neces-
sary to handle the maximum station flow rate. Then if
one meter run is down for service, the remaining
meters can sti!! hand!e the total f!O\AJ. Also, the meters
(especially P.D. meters) will run longer if normally
operated below maximum rate.
c. t'-Jormal!y, the cost of the prover and the block and
bleed valves determines the most economical num-
ber of meter runs for a metering station. From 3 to 5
meter runs per station is most common.
Step 3:
Refine the meter type, size, and trim by considering the
a. Minimum Flow Rate Ratio). A P.D.
meter has a greater turndown ratio than a turbine
meter on ali but the lightest petroleum liquids.
Turbine meter turndown is limited to about 10:1 on
low viscosity liquids and generally becomes less with
increasing viscosity.
P.D. meter turndown increases greatly with increas-
ing viscosity.
b. Viscosity Range. Turbine meters should be avoided
on higher viscosity liquids (greater than 5 to 1 O% of
reference viscosity in Fiqure 6 of Reference 1) if the
viscosity varies sbstantially between meter' prov-
ings (usually dueto temperature changes).
The calibation of P.D. meteis shifts very little with
viscosity or flow rate changes at viscosities greater
than about 10 centipoise.
c. Temperature Range. I f fluid temperature varies more
than a few degrees, Automatic Temperature Com-
oensation (ATC) of some tvoe should be added to
the measuremert system. '. . . . . .. . .. -
Turbine Meters
I f fluid temperature exceeds 225F (1 06C), a special
pick-up coil is required. Otherwise, the meter is good
for ali temperaturas normally encountered in petro-
leum metering.
.... ft -&--
Standard trim P.D. meters are generally good to
200F (94C), except above approximately 150F

(65C) - lower on meters over 4" - special high
temperatura blade tip and top clearances are neces-
sary to allow for the difference in the thermal expan-
sion rate of the aluminum blades and the cast iron
Above 200F (94C) the aluminum blades must be
changed to ali iron. In doing this the meter maximum
flow rate is red uced by 25%. Th is could thus alterthe
size meter chosen.
Also above 200F (94C) other trm and accessory
optons such as Vton elastomers and ventilated
counter extenson may be necessary.
d. ~ l u i contamination (water, salt H
S, sand, catalytic
fmes, rouge, etc.):
Meter life can be severely shortened, which can
result in accuracy problems, dueto severe fluid con-
tamination. For good meter service (accuracy and
life) severefluid contaminaton should beeliminated
prior to metering.
Turbine Meter
Ali stainless steel construction would be better for
petroleum which is signficantly contaminated with
water or salt water.
P.D. Meter
Ali iron trim is often used when fluid contamination is
sgnificant. Other types of special trim modfications
have also been used to help solve particular prob-
Step 4:
Select the meter accessories (e.g., transmitters and/or
counters) necessary to provide the analog and digital
flow information required.
a. Analog Output (4-20 mA or 0-1 mA). Whenever an
analog signal proportional to tlow rate is required, a
high frequency meter pulse output into a frequency
to analog converter (e.g., Model 1681) s required.
This output is standard on a turbine meter. Normally,
a PEX transmitter must be added to a P.D. meter.
b. Provlng Output. Again the standard high frequency
output from the turbine meter is used directly; anda
PEX transmitter (or Right Angle Drive and portable
photo-electric transmitter) is used on a P.D. meter.
c. Low Speed Pulse Output. Typically a low speed
pulse output from a remote factoring totalizar is used
for turbina meters. For p.d. meters, a low speed con-
tact closure device (e.g., Type "E" or LNC transmit-
ter) is used. These are used to pace samplers, super-
visory control, remote ticket printers, etc.
d. Counters and Printers. lf mechanical counters or
printers are used {either local or remote), the speed
of the right hand wheel is of concern. Typically the
speed of the right hand counter or printer wheel
cannot exceed 250 rpm. However, in some remote
electromechanical counters and printers this limit is
closer to 100 rpm.
The number of digits and the units of registration
must be specified for each counter or printer.
Reference 1
'Turbine Meters for Uquid Measurement," Bulletin
TP02001 (Technical Paper 103A), by Philip D. Baker
and Raymond J. Kalivoda, Smith Meter Inc., A Moorco
Co .. Erie, Pennsylvania, November, 1980.
Visit our website at www.smithmeter.com
The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are
currently in effect. Otherwise, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect.
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