This document outlines a lecture plan for a course on Power System Operation and Control (PSOC). It includes 5 units that cover various topics in PSOC including: introduction to power system structure and control; economic operation including unit commitment and optimal power flow; load frequency control of single and multi-area systems; automatic voltage control and reactive power control; state estimation; flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) including different FACTS controllers. The plan lists the proposed and delivered lectures for each topic along with attendance and remarks. It also provides a list of 4 recommended textbooks for the course.
This document outlines a lecture plan for a course on Power System Operation and Control (PSOC). It includes 5 units that cover various topics in PSOC including: introduction to power system structure and control; economic operation including unit commitment and optimal power flow; load frequency control of single and multi-area systems; automatic voltage control and reactive power control; state estimation; flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) including different FACTS controllers. The plan lists the proposed and delivered lectures for each topic along with attendance and remarks. It also provides a list of 4 recommended textbooks for the course.
This document outlines a lecture plan for a course on Power System Operation and Control (PSOC). It includes 5 units that cover various topics in PSOC including: introduction to power system structure and control; economic operation including unit commitment and optimal power flow; load frequency control of single and multi-area systems; automatic voltage control and reactive power control; state estimation; flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) including different FACTS controllers. The plan lists the proposed and delivered lectures for each topic along with attendance and remarks. It also provides a list of 4 recommended textbooks for the course.
This document outlines a lecture plan for a course on Power System Operation and Control (PSOC). It includes 5 units that cover various topics in PSOC including: introduction to power system structure and control; economic operation including unit commitment and optimal power flow; load frequency control of single and multi-area systems; automatic voltage control and reactive power control; state estimation; flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) including different FACTS controllers. The plan lists the proposed and delivered lectures for each topic along with attendance and remarks. It also provides a list of 4 recommended textbooks for the course.
Introduction : Structure of power systems, Power system control center and real time computer control, SCADA system Level decomposition in power system Power system security Various operational stages of power system Power system voltage stability
2 Economic Operation : Concept and problems of unit commitment Input-output characteristics of thermal and hydro-plants System constraints Optimal operation of thermal units without and with transmission losses, Penalty factor, Incremental transmission loss, Transmission loss formula (without derivation) Hydrothermal scheduling long and short terms Concept of optimal power flow
Load Frequency Control : Concept of load frequency control
Load frequency control of single area system: Turbine speed governing system and modeling, Block diagram representation of single area system, Steady state analysis,
Dynamic response, control area concept-I control, load Frequency control and economic dispatch control.
05 Load frequency control of two area system: Tie line power modeling, Block diagram representation of two area system, Static and dynamic response
Automatic Voltage Control : Schematic diagram and block diagram representation, Different types of Excitation systems & their controllers.
Voltage and Reactive Power control : Concept of voltage control, Methods of voltage control- Control by tap changing transformer. Shunt Compensation, Series compensation, Phase angle compensation
State Estimation: Detection and identification, Linear and non-linear models. 02 Flexible AC Transmission Systems: Concept and objectives 03 FACTs controllers: Structures & Characteristics of following FACTs Controllers. TCR,FC-TCR, TSC, SVC, STATCOM, TSSC, TCSC, SSSC, TC-PAR, UPFC 04
Text Books: 1. D.P. Kothari & I.J. Nagrath, Modern Power System Analysis Tata Mc Graw Hill, 3 rd Edition. 2. P.S.R. Murty, Operation and control in Power Systems B.S. Publications. 3. N. G. Hingorani & L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTs Conceptsand Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems 4. A. J. Wood & B.F. Wollenburg, Power Generation, Operation and Control John Wiley & Sons.