The document provides information about a case study of a 9 year old female patient, BB, admitted to the hospital with acute gastroenteritis with signs of dehydration. Some key details include:
- BB presented with vomiting and watery green stool and was initially treated at a local health center before being brought to the hospital.
- Her past medical history and family history were noncontributory.
- In the hospital, she had decreased appetite and continued diarrhea and vomiting. Nursing assessments were performed and care plans developed.
- The case study aims to provide knowledge of acute gastroenteritis and appropriate nursing care for the condition.
The document provides information about a case study of a 9 year old female patient, BB, admitted to the hospital with acute gastroenteritis with signs of dehydration. Some key details include:
- BB presented with vomiting and watery green stool and was initially treated at a local health center before being brought to the hospital.
- Her past medical history and family history were noncontributory.
- In the hospital, she had decreased appetite and continued diarrhea and vomiting. Nursing assessments were performed and care plans developed.
- The case study aims to provide knowledge of acute gastroenteritis and appropriate nursing care for the condition.
The document provides information about a case study of a 9 year old female patient, BB, admitted to the hospital with acute gastroenteritis with signs of dehydration. Some key details include:
- BB presented with vomiting and watery green stool and was initially treated at a local health center before being brought to the hospital.
- Her past medical history and family history were noncontributory.
- In the hospital, she had decreased appetite and continued diarrhea and vomiting. Nursing assessments were performed and care plans developed.
- The case study aims to provide knowledge of acute gastroenteritis and appropriate nursing care for the condition.
The document provides information about a case study of a 9 year old female patient, BB, admitted to the hospital with acute gastroenteritis with signs of dehydration. Some key details include:
- BB presented with vomiting and watery green stool and was initially treated at a local health center before being brought to the hospital.
- Her past medical history and family history were noncontributory.
- In the hospital, she had decreased appetite and continued diarrhea and vomiting. Nursing assessments were performed and care plans developed.
- The case study aims to provide knowledge of acute gastroenteritis and appropriate nursing care for the condition.
College of Nursing Case Study of Patient with Acute Gastroenteritis Submitted by: Calma, Therese Josephine Censon, Luwalhati BSN 3D Submitted to: Maribel Valencia, R.N. I. INTRD!CTIN "#ute $astroenteritis Acute Gastroenteritis is inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, involving both the stomach and the small intestine and resulting in acute diarrhea !he inflammation is caused most often by infection with certain viruses, less often by bacteria or their to"ins, #arasites, or adverse reaction to something in the diet or medication At least $%& of cases of gastroenteritis as foodborne illness are due to norovirus Another '%& of cases, and the ma(ority of severe cases in children, are due to rotavirus )ther significant viral agents include adenovirus
and astrovirus *ifferent s#ecies of bacteria can cause gastroenteritis, including Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium, Escherichia coli, Yersinia, and others +ach organism causes slightly different sym#toms but all result in diarrhea Colitis, inflammation of the large intestine, may also be #resent Some ty#es of acute gastroenteritis will not resolve without antibiotic treatment, es#ecially when bacteria or e"#osure to #arasites are the cause Physicians may want to diagnose the cause by analy,ing a stool sam#le, when stomach sym#toms remain #roblematic -orldwide, inade.uate treatment of gastroenteritis /ills $ to 0 million #eo#le #er year and is a leading cause of death among infants and children under $ !he most common sym#toms are diarrhea, vomiting and stomach #ain, because whatever causes the condition inflames the gastrointestinal tract Another reason to see/ medical treatment is that some forms of acute gastroenteritis mimic a##endicitis, which may re.uire emergency treatment As well, young children run an es#ecially high ris/ of becoming dehydrated during a long course of the stomach flu )ne should receive directions regarding how to hel# affected /ids or adults get more fluids Sometimes children, those with com#romised immune systems, and the elderly may re.uire hos#itali,ation and intravenous fluids *ehydration can actually cause greater nausea, and can begin to cause organ shut down if not #ro#erly addressed Acute gastroenteritis is .uite common among children, though it is certainly #ossible for adults to suffer from it as well -hile most cases of gastroenteritis last a few days, acute gastroenteritis can last for wee/s and months Acute gastroenteritis remains a serious health issue, and is res#onsible for over $%,%%% hos#itali,ations of children 1n develo#ing countries, acute gastroenteritis is the leading cause of death for infants Acute gastroenteritis should thus be ta/en seriously, and #eo#le should not hesitate to see/ medical treatment for es#ecially seniors and children who have been ill for more than a day 1n the Phili##ine 2ealth Statistic, gastroenteritis range as number 3% in the ten leading causes of infant mortality, with the rate of %$ and #ercentage of 43 cases in the Phili##ines by the year '%%4 this was u#dated last 5ebruary 3', '%%0 Signifi#an#e of the stu%&' his study will enable the students to understand better about acute gastroenteritis and will e"#lain the different ris/ factors for develo#ing the disease, including consum#tion of im#ro#erly #re#ared foods or contaminated water and travel or residence in areas of #oor sanitation Since we are client6centered, we really should consider our #atient7s comfort and this study will give the students sufficient /nowledge that will hel# them to #lan and im#lement nursing care #lans that will satisfy #atient7s needs II. BJ(CTI)(S' ". $eneral *+e#ti,es !his study aims to convey familiarity and to #rovide an effective nursing care to a #atient diagnosed with Acute Gastroenteritis through understanding the #atient history, disease #rocess and management B. Spe#ifi# *+e#ti,es 3 !o #resent a thorough assessment, through 8ursing 2ealth 2istory, Gordon7s !y#ology 33 5unctional Pattern, Physical Assessment, and the inter#retation of the laboratory e"amination done on the #atient ' !o discuss the anatomy and #hysiology, #atho#hysiology of the #atient7s condition, usual clinical manifestations and #ossible com#lications of this condition 9 !o have /nowledge to the client medication and be familiar to that medication 4 !o formulate a wor/able nursing care #lan on the sub(ective and ob(ective cues gathered through nurse6#atient interaction to be able to hel# the #atient recover III. -"TI(NT.S -R/IL(
". Biographi#al Data *ate: :uly 3;, '%%< Clinical Area : Pedia ward room '%' Name ' Ms BB Address ' San 1sidro 11, Paombong, Bulacan Date of Birth ' 8ovember $, '%%$ Age ' 9 = years old Sex ' 5emale Civil Status ' Single Nationality ' 5ili#ino eligious !references ' Born Again Christian "ealth care financing ' Philhealth and 5inancial health assistance from baranggay health center Date of Admission ' :uly 3$, '%%< Diagnosis : Acute Gastroenteritis with signs of dehydration B. Chief Complaint
According to the significant others, the client was vomiting and defecating that7s why they rushed her to the hos#ital I). 0("LT0 0ISTR1 ". 0istor& of -resent Illness
Prior to admission, the client was vomiting and defecating 2er stool was watery and its color is green At first, they to the baranggay health center and the midwife gave them medication According to the midwife, the medication is for >BM, but after drin/ing the medication, the client was still defecating and vomiting so the family decided to rush the client at +milio G Pere, Memorial *istrict 2os#ital the ne"t day B. -ast 0istor&
!he client had fever, cough and colds She had com#leted all vaccinations including BCG, *P!, )ral Polio ?accine, MM@ and 2e#atitis B vaccine !he #atient had never been any of the childhood disease such as measles, mum#s and chic/en #o" !he #atient had no history of accident or any in(ury She does not have allergy in any food or drug She was not hos#itali,ed before and she does not ta/e any medication or su##lements to maintain her health C. /amil& 0istor& According to the significant others of BB they have a familial disease of asthma, both on her father and motherAs side And an incident of hy#ertension on his fatherAs side $enogram' Legends +C $$ yBo 2P8 >B $4 yBo ?B 99 yBo >P 9' yBo AS!2 CM 93 yBo MB '< yBo >) 9$ yBo AS!2 PC 93 yBo :B '0 yBo 2+ '9 yBo AS!2 +B $;yBo 2P8 @C $D yBo -aternal 2aternal CB 1 y/o BB 3 y/o :C '%yBo AC '' yBo "CTI)ITI(S / D"IL1 LI)IN$
/un#tional 0ealth -er#eption -rior to 0ospitali3ation During 0ospitali3ation
Nutritional 2eta*oli# -attern
E !he client eats four times a day including brea/fast, lunch, merienda and dinner According to the significant others, she always eats rice and sou# She can drin/ 4 glasses of water in a day She has no eating discomforts She does not have any dental #roblems because she has a com#lete set of teeth 9 days food recall :uly 33
9 cu#s rice 9 cu#s sou# 4 glasses of water :uly 3'
9 cu#s rice 3 #iece of egg = #iece #a/siw na bangus 9 glasses of water
:uly 39
9 cu#s rice 9 cu#s sou# ' #ices of bread 4 glasses of water
F !he client seldom eats at the hos#ital She does not have a##etite for eating She seldom drin/s water or other fluids
9 days food recall :uly 34
' cu#s rice 3 bowl of sinigang sou# ' glasses of water :uly 3$
3 glass of water :uly 3;
' #ieces #on/an = glass of water
(limination -attern
"#ti,it&4e5er#ise -attern
Sleep4rest -attern
E !he client defecates everyday and her stool is soft but formed and its color is brown and has a foul odor She urinates five times a day and is yellowish in color She has no discomfort in defecating and urinating E !he client has sufficient energy for com#leting her desired re.uired activities
%6 feeding %6 clothing 116 bathing 116 grooming
E !he client slee#s about 3% hours a day 5rom 0#m to ;am She has no #roblem falling aslee# and does not ta/e slee# medications 2er slee# is always continuous es#ecially when she is tired She ta/es a na# during afternoon 5rom 3':9%#m to 9#m
E !he client defecates three times a day 2er stool is watery and its color is green She urinates twice a day and it is yellowish in color
E !he client does not have sufficient energy for com#leting her desired re.uired activities
116 feeding 116 clothing
116 bathing 116 grooming
E !he client still slee#s 3% hours a day She only wa/es u# when her medications are due She has no #roblem falling aslee# and does not ta/e any slee# medications She does not ta/e na#s
Cogniti,e4-er#eptual -attern
Role4relationship -attern
)alue4*elief -attern
E !he client does not have difficulty in hearing and has no hearing aid According to the significant others, whenever the client feels #ain or any discomfort, they always give her medications
E !he client lives with her mother, father and grand#arents !he structure of her family is e"tended And (ust li/e the ty#ical family, their family has #roblems wherein they have difficulty in handling, as stated by the grandmother
E !he client is a born again Christian According to the significant others, they attend mass every Sunday
E !he client ta/es medications to relieve any discomforts
E !he 5amily of the #atient es#ecially her #arents are su##ortive and more caring
). D()(L-2(NT"L T"S6 (ri7 (ri7son4-s&#hoso#ial %e,elopment !he #atient is currently in the early childhood stage G96; yBoH wherein the central tas/ is Initiati,e ,s. $uilt *uring this stage, initiative adds to autonomy the .uality of underta/ing, #lanning, and attac/ing a tas/ for the sa/e of being active and on the move !he child is learning to master the world around him or her, learning basic s/ills and #rinci#les of #hysicsI things fall to the ground, not u#I round things roll, how to ,i# and tie, count and s#ea/ with ease Guilt is a new emotion and is confusing to the childI he or she may feel guilty over things which are not logically guilt #roducing, and he or she will feel guilt when his or her initiative does not #roduce the desired results At this stage the client wants to begin and com#lete her own actions for a #ur#ose 1nter#retation: Positive @esolution Jean -iaget8s Cogniti,e De,elopment !he #atient is under the Pre6o#erational stage 1n this #eriod intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols, language use matures, and memory and imagination are develo#ed, but thin/ing is done in a nonlogical, nonreversible manner +gocentric thin/ing #redominates !he #atient was able to do ma/e believe #lay and able to imitate others, li/e her mother doing some household chores as verbali,ed by the JS)J 1nter#retation: Positive @esolution )I. -01SIC"L "SS(SS2(NT *ate: :uly 3;, '%%< Clinical Area : Pedia ward room '%' BD1 -"RTS "SS(SS(D T(C0NI9!(S NR2"L /INDIN$S "CT!"L /INDIN$S INT(R-R(T"TIN 3S/in a Moisture Pal#ation Moisture in s/in folds and a"illae *ry s/in *eviated due to slight dehydration b !e"ture Pal#ation Smooth @ough *eviated due to slight dehydration c !urgor 1ns#ection and Pal#ation S#rings bac/ immediately to #revious state Moves bac/ slowly *eviated due to slight dehydration ' Mouth a >i#s 1ns#ection Pin/ in color, soft moist, smooth te"ture, symmetrical no tenderness, no lesions *ry li#s *eviated due to slight dehydration bMucosa 1ns#ection and Pal#ation Uniform #in/ color *ry and slightly #in/ in color *eviated from normal due to slight dehydration c Gums 1ns#ection and Pal#ation Pin/ gums, moist, firm te"ture Pin/ gums, dry, firm te"ture *eviated from normal due to slight dehydration 9 Abdomen Bowel sounds Auscultation Audible bowel sounds 2y#eractive bowel sound *eviated due to diarrhea )II. R()I(: I/ S1ST(2 Digesti,e S&stem !he #rimary function of the digestive system is to brea/ down the food we eat into smaller #arts so the body can use them to build and nourish cells and #rovide energy !here occurs #ro#ulsion which is the movement of food along the digestive tract !he ma(or means of #ro#ulsion is #eristalsis, a series of alternating contractions and rela"ations of smooth muscle that lines the walls of the digestive organs and that forces food to move forward 1t secretes digestive en,ymes and other substances li.uefies, ad(usts the #2 of, and chemically brea/s down the food Mechanical digestion is the #rocess of #hysically brea/ing down food into smaller #ieces !his #rocess begins with the chewing of food and continues with the muscular churning of the stomach Additional churning occurs in the small intestine through muscular constriction of the intestinal wall !his #rocess, called segmentation, is similar to #eristalsis, e"ce#t that the rhythmic timing of the muscle constrictions forces the food bac/ward and forward rather than forward only Chemical digestion which is the #rocess of chemically brea/ing down food into sim#ler molecules !he #rocess is carried out by en,ymes in the stomach and small intestines !hen absor#tion or the movement of molecules Gby #assive diffusion or active trans#ortH from the digestive tract to ad(acent blood and lym#hatic vessels Absor#tion is the entrance of the digested food into the body And lastly, defecation which is the #rocess of eliminating undigested material through the anus But because of acute gastroenteritis the normal functions were altered !he infectious agents that cause acute gastroenteritis causes diarrhea by adherence, mucosal invasion, enteroto"in #roduction, andBor cytoto"in #roduction !hese mechanisms result in increased fluid secretion andBor decreased absor#tion leading to diarrhea !his #roduces an increased luminal fluid content that cannot be ade.uately reabsorbed, leading to dehydration and the loss of electrolytes and nutrients )III. "N"T21 "ND -01SIL$1 !he human digestive system is a com#le" series of organs and glands that #rocesses food 1n order to use the food we eat, our body has to brea/ the food down into smaller molecules that it can #rocessI it also has to e"crete waste Most of the digestive organs Gli/e the stomach and intestinesH are tube6li/e and contain the food as it ma/es its way through the body !he digestive system is essentially a long, twisting tube that runs from the mouth to the anus, #lus a few other organs Gli/e the liver and #ancreasH that #roduce or store digestive chemicals The Digesti,e -ro#ess: The start of the pro#ess 4 the mouth' !he digestive #rocess begins in the mouth 5ood is #artly bro/en down by the #rocess of chewing and by the chemical action of salivary en,ymes Gthese en,ymes are #roduced by the salivary glands and brea/ down starches into smaller moleculesH n the wa& to the stoma#h' the esophagus 6 After being chewed and swallowed, the food enters the eso#hagus !he eso#hagus is a long tube that runs from the mouth to the stomach 1t uses rhythmic, wave6li/e muscle movements Gcalled #eristalsisH to force food from the throat into the stomach !his muscle movement gives us the ability to eat or drin/ even when weAre u#side6down In the stoma#h 6 !he stomach is a large, sac/6li/e organ that churns the food and bathes it in a very strong acid Ggastric acidH 5ood in the stomach that is #artly digested and mi"ed with stomach acids is called chyme In the small intestine 6 After being in the stomach, food enters the duodenum, the first #art of the small intestine 1t then enters the (e(unum and then the ileum Gthe final #art of the small intestineH 1n the small intestine, bile G#roduced in the liver and stored in the gall bladderH, #ancreatic en,ymes, and other digestive en,ymes #roduced by the inner wall of the small intestine hel# in the brea/down of food In the large intestine 6 After #assing through the small intestine, food #asses into the large intestine 1n the large intestine, some of the water and electrolytes Gchemicals li/e sodiumH are removed from the food Many microbes Gbacteria li/e Bacteroides, #actobacillus acidophilus, Escherichia coli, and $lebsiellaH in the large intestine hel# in the digestion #rocess !he first #art of the large intestine is called the cecum Gthe a##endi" is connected to the cecumH 5ood then travels u#ward in the ascending colon !he food travels across the abdomen in the transverse colon, goes bac/ down the other side of the body in the descending colon, and then through the sigmoid colon The en% of the pro#ess 6 Solid waste is then stored in the rectum until it is e"creted via the anus Digesti,e S&stem $lossar&: anus 6 the o#ening at the end of the digestive system from which feces GwasteH e"its the body appen%i5 6 a small sac located on the cecum as#en%ing #olon 6 the #art of the large intestine that run u#wardsI it is located after the cecum *ile 6 a digestive chemical that is #roduced in the liver, stored in the gall bladder, and secreted into the small intestine #e#um 6 the first #art of the large intestineI the a##endi" is connected to the cecum #h&me 6 food in the stomach that is #artly digested and mi"ed with stomach acids Chyme goes on to the small intestine for further digestion %es#en%ing #olon 6 the #art of the large intestine that run downwards after the transverse colon and before the sigmoid colon %uo%enum 6 the first #art of the small intestineI it is C6sha#ed and runs from the stomach to the (e(unum epiglottis 6 the fla# at the bac/ of the tongue that /ee#s chewed food from going down the wind#i#e to the lungs -hen you swallow, the e#iglottis automatically closes -hen you breathe, the e#iglottis o#ens so that air can go in and out of the wind#i#e esophagus 6 the long tube between the mouth and the stomach 1t uses rhythmic muscle movements Gcalled #eristalsisH to force food from the throat into the stomach gall *la%%er 6 a small, sac6li/e organ located by the duodenum 1t stores and releases bile Ga digestive chemical which is #roduced in the liverH into the small intestine ileum 6 the last #art of the small intestine before the large intestine begins +e+unum 6 the long, coiled mid6section of the small intestineI it is between the duodenum and the ileum li,er 6 a large organ located above and in front of the stomach 1t filters to"ins from the blood, and ma/es bile Gwhich brea/s down fatsH and some blood #roteins mouth 6 the first #art of the digestive system, where food enters the body Chewing and salivary en,ymes in the mouth are the beginning of the digestive #rocess Gbrea/ing down the foodH pan#reas 6 an en,yme6#roducing gland located below the stomach and above the intestines +n,ymes from the #ancreas hel# in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and #roteins in the small intestine peristalsis 6 rhythmic muscle movements that force food in the eso#hagus from the throat into the stomach Peristalsis is involuntary 6 you cannot control it 1t is also what allows you to eat and drin/ while u#side6down re#tum 6 the lower #art of the large intestine, where feces are stored before they are e"creted sali,ar& glan%s 6 glands located in the mouth that #roduce saliva Saliva contains en,ymes that brea/ down carbohydrates GstarchH into smaller molecules sigmoi% #olon 6 the #art of the large intestine between the descending colon and the rectum stoma#h 6 a sac/6li/e, muscular organ that is attached to the eso#hagus Both chemical and mechanical digestion ta/es #lace in the stomach -hen food enters the stomach, it is churned in a bath of acids and en,ymes trans,erse #olon 6 the #art of the large intestine that runs hori,ontally across the abdomen I;. -"T0-01SIL$1 Person to #erson GhandsH Contaminated food andBor water 1ngestion of Pathogens Stimulation and destruction of mucosal lining of the bowel wall 8on6modifiable 5actor: Age Modifiable 5actors: >ifestyleI *ietI 2ygiene *irect invasion of the bowel wall +ndoto"ins are released *igestive and absor#tive malfunction +"cessive gas formation G1 *istention Secretion of fluid K electrolytes in the intestinal lumen 1ncreased #eristaltic movement 1ncreased secretion of Cl K 2C)9 ions in the bowel 1nhibition of 8a reabsor#tion *iarrhea ;. L"BR"TR1 /INDIN$S Complete Bloo% Count' +tiology: Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium, Escherichia coli, Yersinia,8orovirus, adenovirus 8ausea K vomiting 5luid and electrolytes imbalance *ehydration *ry li#s, dry mouth, flushed s/in, fatigue, irritability Bloo% Test Stan%ar% Range "#tual /in%ings Interpretation :BC $3% " 3% < B> ''9 " 3% < B> !he body is fighting against an infection RBC 90%6$0% 3% 3' B> $$9 5 3% 3' B> 8ormal 0$B 33%63;$ gB> 39; gB> 8ormal 0CT 9$%6$%% 3Bl %443 3Bl 8ormal -LT 3$%69<%" 3% < Bliter 3$; " 3% < Bliter 8ormal -CT 3%%6$%% 3% 6' Bl 399 3% 6' Bl 8ormal 2C) 0% L <D f> 0% f> 8ormal 2C0 ';$ 6 99$ > '4; > An indication of microcytic, hy#ochromic anemia 2C0C 93$69$% >gBl 9%0 >gBl An indication of iron deficiency anemia RD: 3%%63$% & 3$3& An indication of iron deficiency anemia 2-) ;$633% f> 0$ f> 8ormal < L12 3D640 > & 3$D >& 8ormal <2N 463% >& 09 > & 8ormal < $R" 496D; 2& 03% 2& 1ndicates #resence of infection = L12 3'69' 3%<B> 9$ 3%<B> 1ndicates #resence of infection =2N %96%0 3%<B> %D 3%<B> 8ormal =$R" 3'6;0 3%<B> 303 3%<B> 1ndicates #resence of infection Blood ty#e: ) @2 : M /e#al&sis'
6 1t interferes with the final ste# in the formation of the bacterial cell wall 6 >ower res#iratory tract infection 6 2y#ersensitivity to ce#halos#horins
8 and ?, anore"ia, abdominal cram#s or #ain and headache 6 Protect drug from sunlight 6 1nstruct the client to ta/e with food to enhance absor#tion
' @anitidine 3'mg !1? G. ; hrsH 6 1nhibits gastric acid secretion by bloc/ing the effect of histamine on histamine 2' rece#tors 6 G+@* 6 Cirrhosis of the liver 6 1m#aired renal or he#atic function Abdominal #ain, headache, di,,iness, malaise, 8 and ?
6 !a/e as directed with immediately following meals 6 Store at room tem#erature 9 Metronida,ole 3'$mgB 9$ ml P) G. 0 hrsH 6 1nhibits growth of amoebae by binding to *8A, resulting in loss of 6 Active organic disease of the C8S 6 Blood dyscrasias 6 nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, diarrhea
6 !a/e with food or mil/ to reduce G1 u#set helical structure, strand brea/age, inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis and cell death 6 Amoebiasis 6 *rug may turn urine brown, don7t be alarmed
;II. N!RSIN$ C"R( -L"N "SS(SS2(NT DI"$NSIS B"C6$R!ND ST!D1 -L"NNIN$ INT(R)(NTIN R"TIN"L( ()"L!"TIN Sub(ective: )b(ective: F2y#eractive bowel sounds Fvomiting FBM G4"H, watery and greenish in color
*iarrhea related to #hysiological factors G#arasitesH 1ntroduction of bacteria into the G1 tract @elease of bacterial to"ins *isru#ts the mucus lining of the stomach @elease of 2Cl cause gastric irritation 1ncrease gastric motilityB#eristalsis
1ncrease gastric motility 5re.uent defecation G*1A@@2+AH After 0 hours of 8ursing 1ntervention, client will be able to reestablish and maintain normal #attern of bowel functioning 1nde#endent: FMonitor 1B) F@estrict solid food inta/e F 1ncrease oral fluid inta/e and return to normal diet as tolerated *e#endent: F Administer antidiarrheal medications as indicated %&hese assessments are used to monitor volume status' %&o allo( for bo(el rest) reduced intestinal (or*load % &o ensure ade+uate amt' of fluid is ta*en by the pt' % &o decrease gastrointestinal motility and minimi,e fluid loses Goal met After 0 hours of 8ursing 1ntervention, client will be able to reestablish and maintain normal #attern of bowel functioning "SS(SS2(NT DI"$NSIS B"C6$R!ND ST!D1 -L"NNIN$ INT(R)(NTIN R"TIN"L( (;-(CT(D !TC2( Sub(ective: )b(ective: Fwatery stool Fvomiting @is/ for deficient fluid volume rBt e"cessive loss of fluids and electrolytes *igestive and absor#tive malfunction 1ncreased secretion of fluid and electrolytes in the lumen 1ncreased water content of the stools acom#anied by vomiting 1mbalanced fluid and electrolytes @is/ for deficient fluid volume @eference: MS8, >eMone and Bur/e, ## D$4, D$D After ' hrs of nursing intervention the ct with the hel# of the JS)J will be able to demonstrate behaviors to #revent develo#ment of fluid volume deficit 1nde#endent FMonitor 1B) balance, being aware of altered inta/e or out#ut F)ffer fluids between meals K regularly throughout the day F Promote inta/e of high6water content foods andBor electrolyte re#lacement drin/s *e#endent: FProvide su##lemental fluids as indicated FAdminister medications Gantidiarrheals %&o ensure accurate picture of fluid status' %&o prevent occurrence of deficit %&o facilitate hydration % -luids may be given if the ct' is unable to ta*e oral fluid. or (hen rapid fluid resuscitation is re+uired' % &o decrease gastrointestinal motility and minimi,e fluid loses Goal Meet After ' hrs of nursing intervention the ct with the hel# of the JS)J was able to demonstrate behaviors to #revent develo#ment of fluid volume deficit