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United States Patent [19]


Aramoto et al.



Patent Number:
Date of Patent:



[75] Inventors: Tetsuya Aramoto, Osaka; Nobuo

Nakayama, Hirakata; Kuniyoshi

Omura, Higashiosaka; Mikio

Japan ....................................... .. 437/9


Japan .
Japan .

Japan .
Japan ....................................... .. 437/9

Matsushita News, Feb. 1, 1983, pp. 1-5.

T. Arita et a1, Solar Energy Materials, vol. 23, pp. 371379

(Dec. 1991).



Japan .................................. .. 5-314478

A method of manufacturing a solar cell, comprising the steps

of forming a layer of n-type compound semiconductor, a
layer of p-type compound semiconductor, and an electrode

Int. Cl.6 ................................................... .. H01L 31118

layer on a glass substrate, wherein at least one of said steps

US. Cl. ............................ .. 437/5; 136/260; 136/264;

of forming a layer of compound semiconductor layer com

prises preparing a paste by mixing a semiconductor raw
material and a viscous agent, applying said paste to said
substrate, drying said paste to harden it, and ?ring the dried
paste, and vibrating said substrate during or after the appli
cation of the paste, to remove the bubbles in the paste,

Nov. 18, 1993


136/265; 427/74; 427/76; 427/346; 437/9;




Primary ExaminerAaron Weisstuch

Attorney, Agent, or FirmRatner & Prestia

[21] Appl. No.: 342,445

Nov. 18, 1994
[22] Filed:
Foreign Application Priority Data


Jul. 23, 1996


Murozono, Hirakata, all of Japan

[73] Assignee: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,

Ltd., Osaka, Japan



Field of Search .................................. .. 437/5, 9, 234;

427/74-76, 346; 136/260, 264, 265


References Cited

resulting in a semiconductor layer which is smooth, dense,

and having good adhesion, thus realizing a solar cell with
improved and uniform characteristics.

3/1972 Japan.

Japan ....................................... .. 437/9

24 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets


US. Patent

Jul. 23, 1996

Sheet 1 of 3



US. Patent

Jul. 23, 1996

Sheet 2 of 3






US. Patent

Jul. 23, 1996

Sheet 3 of 3





L02 ~




l .00













conventionally, to obtain such a layer, a paste made of the

powdered compound semiconductor or elements therefor, an

eletroconducting agent, and a viscous agent nrixed together

was kept under reduced pressure to remove bubbles therein

and, after the deposition, the substrate was held horizontally


at about 50 C., which was lower than the drying tempera

ture of the viscous agent, to reduce the viscosity of the
viscous agent and uniformly precipitate the raw material

1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates to a method of manufacturing a

solar cell of compound semiconductors by way of coating

and ?ring.
2. Description of the Prior Art

powders in order to obtain a high density layer. However, if


sometimes happened in the coating process by screen print

ing that bubbles were introduced from the surrounding
atmosphere, resulting in uneven deposition or pin-holes.
Also, with the heat treatment only after coating, the raw

In recent years, expectations for solar cells as a clean

energy source have been raised, in view of the global

warming, acid rain, ozone layer destruction, and other such
environmental destruction. For the wide usage of solar cells
to occur, improvement of the photo-electric conversion
e?iciency and reduction of the cost are most important. that

material powders did not always uniformly precipitate, and

the bubbles were not sufficiently removed, resulting in the
layer not being ?at, or of uniform thickness. The pin-holes
left after coating and ?ring of the layers caused an increase
of the sheet resistance. Especially, if pin-holes were formed
in the p-type CdTe layer, the carbon particles of the carbon

purpose, solar cells made of compound semiconductors of .

Group l]1V materials such as GaAs, InP, Group H-VI

materials such as CdSICuZS, CdS/CdTe, and Group I-H

electrode layer formed thereon penetrated into the pin-holes

up to the CdS layer under the CdTe layer, causing internal
short circuiting or current leakage, fatally damaging the
solar cell performance.

I-VI2 materials such as CuInS2, CuInSe2, as well as crys

talline and amorphous silicon solar cells, have been inves

tigated in many countries of the world. Among these, solar

cells made of compound semiconductor heterojunctions of
n-CdS/p-CdTe have been produced commercially, with rela
tively low material cost, conversion efficiency as high as
10%, less deterioration over long time periods, and a rela
tively simple manufacturing process suitable for mass pro

duction consisting of printing, drying, ?ring (sintering or

the bubbles were removed from the paste before coating, it



It is an object of the present invention to provide a new

baking), resulting in a high density arrangement on a glass

plate and realization of high voltage without outer wire
connection, as well as large area cells.

A typical solar cell of Group lI-VI semiconductor, of

which a sectional view is shown in FIG. 1, comprises a glass
substrate 1 of high light transmittance and electrical insu
lation provided on one surface thereof with an n-type CdS

layer 2, a p-type CdTe layer 3, a current collecting carbon

electrode layer 4, an Agln electrode which is the positive
terminal 5, and an Ag.In electrode which is the negative

terminal 6 formed by laminating with printing and baking of

each layer. Usually, although not shown in the ?gure, the
thus prepared solar cell element is provided, on both the

Ag-In electrodes, with a copper paste layer deposited, dried,

and baked for easy soldering of lead wires. The cell is then
covered all over with a passivation layer of a therrnosetting
resin such as epoxy and baked.

Light, including that of the sun, falls on the surface of the

glass substrate 1 opposite to the surface having the above
solar cell element layers, to generate electrical power by

method of manufacturing compound semiconductor solar

cells comprising n-type and p-type compound semiconduc

tors and electrode layers having improved performance,

uniform characteristics, and low production cost, brought
about by formation of the layers without pin-holes and with
uniform thicknesses and smooth surfaces.
To obtain the above object, a method of manufacturing a
solar cell according to the present invention comprises the
steps of forming a layer of an n-type compound semicon
ductor, a layer of a ptype compound semiconductor, and an
electrode layer on a glass substrate, wherein at least one of

said steps of forming a layer of compound semiconductor

comprises preparing a paste by mixing a semiconductor raw
material and a viscous agent, applying said paste to said

substrate, drying said paste to harden it, and ?ring said dried
paste, and vibrating said substrate during or after the appli
cation of the paste.
FIG. 1 is a schematic sectional view of a Group II-VI

compound semiconductor solar cell of n-CdS/p-CdTe type.

FIGS. 2(A)2(B) are microphotographs of sections of

sintered CdS layers on a glass substrate.
As the substrate, a heat-resistant barium borosilicate glass
FIGS. 3A-3D are graphs of the open circuit voltages,
is employed, which has very low alkali metal content and a
short circuit currents, ?ll factors, and intrinsic photoelectric
high softening point.
55 conversion efficiencies of solar cells fabricated according to
In the manufacturing of the compound semiconductor
the present invention, as well as by the conventional method.

photo-electric conversion.

solar cell by the coating and ?ring method, it is important

that each of the n-type compound semiconductor layer,
p-type compound semiconductor layer, and electrode layer



have uniform thickness, a smooth surface, and no pin-holes. 60

An example of the method of manufacturing a Group

H-VI compound semiconductor solar cell according to the
directly on the substrate is uniform, smooth, and non
present invention is now explained by referring to FIG. 1.
porous, the adherence of the layer to the substrate is
improved, resulting in an increase of the light transmittance,
A paste was prepared by mixing a ?ne powder of cad
decrease of the sheet resistance, and, further, an increase of 65 mium sulphide (CdS), cadmium chloride (CdCl2), and pro

Especially, if the n-type CdS semiconductor layer formed

the photo-current and improvement of the characteristics of

pylene glycol (PG), the CdCl2 being a ?ux, and the PG being

the cell.

a viscous agent.


The paste was applied to a substrate of barium borosili

turing process of a compound semiconductor solar cell, the

cate glass by screen printing to form a coating layer of 60 run

The glass substrate was subjected to vibration of 20 pm

pastes made of the mixtures of the respective powdered

n-type and p-type compound semiconductor materials, ?ux
agent, and viscous agent were applied to form the n-type and
p-type layers and electrode layers on the substrate.
A: A sample cell fabricated with the semiconductor and
electrode layers dried and ?red after the application of

amplitude and 28 kHz ultrasonic frequency by contacting

the output end of a piezoelectric vibrator on the outer end of

the substrate for 5 seconds, whereby the roughness of the

deposited layer due to the screen net disappeared and the

the paste on the substrate without vibration, i.e. accord

bubbles in the layer were removed. The substrate with the

vibrated layer was then dried in the atmosphere at 120 C.
(PG was removed by vaporization), and sintered at 690 C.
A comparison substrate coated with a CdS layer was
fabricated by a similar method but without the application of
The light transmittance and sheet resistance of the two

ing to the prior art.

B: A sample cell fabricated with vibration given to the
substrate only after the application of CdS paste, i.e. no
vibration during the other processes.
C: A sample cell fabricated with vibration given only after
the application of CdTe, i.e. no vibration during the
other processes.

kinds of samples were then measured and rnicrophoto graphs

of sections thereof (X500) were taken. The results are shown
in Table 1 and FIGS. 2(A)2(B).


D: A sample cell fabricated with vibration given only after

the application of the carbon paste, i.e. no vibration

CdS layer formed

according to the

CdS layer formed

present invention

without vibration

Light transmittance (%)



(7t = 0-7 um)

Sheet resistance




during the other processes.

E: A sample cell prepared with vibration given to the
substrate after application of the CdS paste, CdTe paste,
and carbon paste, with further drying and ?ring.
The vibration was given at 20 pm amplitude and 22 kHz
frequency for 10 seconds by contacting the output end of the
ultrasonic oscillator to the reverse side of the glass substrate;
the reverse side being the surface on which the semicon
ductor layers were not applied. The other conditions were


the same.

For the solar cells of these samples, the open circuit

As is observed in FIG. 2(B), the CdS layer on the

substrate prepared without vibration has projections and

depressions on the surface, void spaces and/or pin-holes, and
the thickness is not uniform. Moreover, it is not su?iciently
adherent to the substrate. On the contrary, the CdS layer of
the sample shown in FIG. 2(A) fabricated with vibration has
few voids and/or pin-holes, uniform thickness, and a smooth



surface, fully adherent to the substrate. Numerically, Table 1

indicates improvements of the light transmittance by 5% and
reduction of the sheet resistance by 15%. Thus it is expected
the CdS layer formed with the vibration would have superior
characteristics as the window layer of a solar cell.

Next, Cd.Te paste was prepared by kneading well an

equi-mol mixture of cadmium (Cd) and tellurium (Te)
powders with addition of CdCl2 and PG, and the paste was
applied in a 30 pm thickness on the above CdS sintered layer
by screen printing, dried in the atmosphere, and sintered at
620 C., to form a CdTe layer.
Then, a carbon paste, prepared by kneading carbon pow

adhesion between the CdS layer and the substrate, resulting

in an increase in light transmittance, and a reduction in


der and a viscous agent made of a solution of a resin in an

electricity collecting electrode 4 on the n-CdS/p-CdTe het

Further, the carbon electrode layer 4 and the CdS layer 2
were provided with a positive terminal 5 and a negative

terminal 6 of Ag.In by depositing Ag.In paste by screen

printing and drying and baking, the Ag.ln paste being
prepared by kneading of silver (Ag) and indium (In) pow
ders with a viscous agent made of a solution of a resin in an

organic solvent.

measured, with the results shown in FIGS. 3A3D as values

relative to the values for sample cell A taken as 1.00.
From the measurements of the sample cell B as shown in
FIGS. 3A-3D, it is seen that the vibration after the CdS

application has caused, by removing the paste bubbles,

smoothing the ?lm surface, and by improvement of the

organic solvent was applied on the CdTe layer, to form an


voltage (Voc), short circuit current (Isc), ?ll factor (FF), and
intrinsic photo-electric conversion e?iciency (EFF) were


surface resistance, an improvement of Isc, and, through the

reduction of the number of pin-holes at the junction,
improvements of Voc and FF.
From the data for the sample cell C, it is seen that the
vibration after the Cd. Te paste application has led to the
improvement of Voc, Isc, and FF as a result of CdTe grain
size or orientation or other improvement in the ?lm quality.
The measurements of the sample cell D show the contri
bution of the vibration after the carbon paste application to
the improvement of Isc, FF, and EFF. It is thought that the
contact resistance between the carbon electrode layer and
the CdTe layer is reduced by the vibration.
Lastly, from the data of the sample cell E, it is clear that
an about 10% increase of EFF compared to sample cell Ahas
been obtained by the combined e?ect of the vibrations after
each of the applications of CdS, Cd.Te, and carbon pastes.
Thus, it is understood that the characteristics of the solar
cells are improved by the simple measure of vibrating the
glass substrate after the applications of the pastes, without
requiring any signi?cant change of the process or manufac

. On the positive and negative electrodes 6 and 5 of Ag.In, 60 turing installation.

copper paste was applied by screen printing, and dried and

baked. Further, on the other parts of the cell a passivation

layer was likewise applied by printing, and dried and baked,

to complete the cell. The sinterings or bakings in the above
processes were made in a nitrogen atmosphere.
The following describes the effect of vibration given to
the glass substrate when, in the above described manufac~

The method of application of the various pastes is not

con?ned to the screen printing as referred to in the above

examples. Various other methods can be employed; nozzle

printing of paste from a nozzle, including printing of a ?gure
in a desired pattern on a glass substrate by adjusting the
distance between the tip of the nozzle and the surface of the

substrate to change the paint thickness; relief and intaglio


printing; and spray printing of paste with a spray gun while

shielding the non-printed areas by a mask.
Table 2 shows how the spread of unevenness of the
surface (the difference between the maximum thickness and

printing, nozzle printing, relief printing, intaglio printing,

the minimum thickness) and the yields in production change

and spray printing.

3. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 2, wherein the application of the paste is performed by

a method selected from the group consisting of screen

depending upon whether or not the ultrasonic treatment is

4. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

employed on every layer of the cells. As is observed, by the

claim 3, wherein the powdered raw materials for the layers

of n-type and ptype semiconductors comprise elements of

vibration after the paste application similar effects can be

obtained as with the screen printing.



Without ultrasonic

With ultrasonic



Spread of
unevenness (pm)


Spread of
unevenness (urn)








groups II and VI or a compound thereof.

5. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 4, further comprising a step of forming a passivation

layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and
negative output terminals thereof.
6. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 3, wherein said n-type compound semiconductor layer

comprises CdS, and said p-type compound semiconductor
layer comprises one of CdTe and CuInSe2.
7. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to
claim 6, further comprising a step of forming a passivation
layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and
negative output terminals thereof.

For the application of such ultrasonic vibration, 5 to 10

seconds are su?icient, so that the application of paste with

8. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 3, further comprising a step of fornring a passivation
layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and
negative output terminals thereof.
9. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to
claim 2; wherein the powdered raw materials for the layers
of n-type and p-type semiconductors comprise elements of

the vibration and further vibration thereafter of a short time

groups II and VI or a compound thereof.

Instead of vibrating the outer circumference or the outer

surface after the application of the pastes as explained

above, vibration during printing of the paste may have the
same effects.

less than 5 seconds is su?icient; therefore substantial elon

gation of manufacturing time does not occur.

Although ultrasonic vibration given to the glass substrate


10. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to


during or after the pastes of the n-type and p-type compound

semiconductor layers and electrode layer were applied was
effective, vibration given during or after application of the
pastes for the formation of the terminal or passivation layer
did not bring about remarkable effects on the cell charac
It is added that the method of the present invention, thus
far explained with reference to CdS/CdTe compound semi
conductor solar cells, can be applied to the formation of
other compound semiconductor layers of solar cells includ

claim 9, further comprising a step of forming a passivation

layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and
negative output terminals thereof.
11. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to
claim 2, wherein said n-type compound semiconductor layer

comprises CdS, and said p~type compound semiconductor

layer comprises one of CdTe and CuInSe2.
12. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 11, further comprising a step of forming a passivation

layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and

negative output terminals thereof.

ing Group I-III-VI2 compounds, for example CuInSe2, in

13. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

the place of CdTe, provided the layer is formed by coating

and ?ring.

claim 2, further comprising a step of forming a passivation

layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and
negative output terminals thereof.

As explained above in detail, when a solar cell is fabri

cated by forming a laminate of n-type and p-type compound

semiconductor layers and electrode layers on a glass sub
strate, the layers become free of bubbles, and the surfaces
?at, if vibration is given to the glass substrate during or after
the paste of the raw material and viscous agent for the layer
are applied; and drying and ?ring thereafter provide dense
layers of uniform thickness and in good contact with the next
layer, and a solar cell with improved, uniform characteris


14. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 1, wherein the application of the paste is performed by

a method selected from the group consisting of screen

printing, nozzle printing, relief printing, intaglio printing,

and spray printing.

15. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 14, wherein the powdered raw materials for the layers
of n-type and p-type semiconductors comprise elements of

groups II and VI or a compound thereof.
What is claimed:
16. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to
1. A method of manufacturing a solar cell, comprising the 55 claim 15, further comprising a step of forming a passivation
steps of forming a layer of n-type compound semiconductor,
layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and
a layer of p~type compound semiconductor, and an electrode
negative output terminals thereof.
layer on a glass substrate, wherein at least one of said steps
17. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

of forming a layer of compound semiconductor comprises:

preparing a paste by mixing a powdered semiconductor


claim 14, wherein said n-type compound semiconductor

layer comprises CdS, and said p-type compound semicon

raw material and a viscous agent, applying said paste to

ductor layer comprises one of CdTe and CuInSe2.

said substrate, drying said paste to harden it, and ?ring

said paste, and vibrating said substrate during or after
the application of the paste.

claim 17, further comprising a step of forming a passivation

layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and

2. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 1, wherein said vibration is of an ultrasonic pulse

18. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to


negative output terminals thereof.

19. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 14, further comprising a step of forming a passivation


layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and

comprises CdS, and said p-type compound semiconductor

negative output terminals thereof.

layer comprises one of CdTe and CuInSe2.

20. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 1, wherein the powdered raw materials for the layers
of n-type and p-type semiconductors comprise elements of 5

23. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 22, further comprising a step of forming a passivation
layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and
groups II and VI or a compound thereof.
negative output terminals thereof.
21. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to
24. A method of manufacturing a solar cell according to
claim 20, further comprising a step of forming a passivation
claim 1, further comprising a step of forming a passivation
layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and
layer of resin over said cell except for the positive and
negative output terminals thereof.
10 negative output terminals thereof.
22. A method a manufacturing a solar cell according to

claim 1, wherein said n~type compound semiconductor layer

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