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Lab3 BJT Current Mirrors

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EE171L rev2

University of California, Santa Cruz

Baskin School of Engineering
Electrical Engineering Department

Analog Circuits Laboratory



This laboratory investigates several basic bipolar junction NPN transistor current mirror circuits
that implement current sources universally employed in integrated circuits to provide reference
bias currents. These include the basic BJT mirror, base current compensated current mirror and
the Wilson Mirror. Attention will be focused on understanding each of these circuits basic
features with respect to how well they implement an ideal current source. You should have a
deeper understanding of the differences between ideal voltage and current sources, as well as an
appreciation for the non-ideal characteristics of practical current sources.

We will be using a type CA3086 (or equiv.) NPN transistor array. This 14-pin DIP device
contains five electrically matched BJTs: two are configured as a differential pair, while the
remaining three are uncommitted single transistors. The chip is not static sensitive. However,
when using it, be certain the common monolithic substrate, pin-13, is always at the lowest DC
circuit potential. In this lab just be sure its grounded! Refer to the attached data sheet for pin
definitions and other useful information about this device.

EE171L rev2


Construct the circuit shown in fig. 1. Be sure to accurately measure (with the most significant
figures possible) and
. Also, verify that your 10k pot is really 10k before using it!

Figure 1. Basic BJT Current Mirror.

Note: Re-draw this schematic in your engineering notes and make any experimental scribbles or annotations there.


to about 1 mA.

and the 10k potentiometer constitute the load on Q2. This load

configuration will make it easier to quickly obtain necessary experimental measurements. You
are to measure
(current through R1),
, the mirrored current ratio , and determine the
Norton and Thevenin equivalent circuits for this mirror.
From your data, produce two accurate and well-drawn plots as follows:
Graph 1:
for the full range possible for
(10k pot over its full range). Calculate
the slope from a least-squares regression line analysis and use it to estimate . Indicate which
data pairs you used and where the voltage compliance range is (use data sheets to estimate where
it ends).
Graph 2:


for the same range of

as graph 1. Explain why the current ratio

EE171L rev2

Experimental Procedure:
1. Adjust the DC power source for 15 [V] before connecting it to your circuit. This is nominal;
get it close and measure it precisely. Be sure the substrate, pin 13, is grounded. Although
these circuits are simple, put the pin numbers on your experimental schematics to help you
keep track of what has been done.
2. Keep a rough sketch of graph 1 in your engineering notes as you proceed. This will give you
enough perspective to judge how close and how many data measurements are needed.
3. To help you collect and calculate the right quantities, consider beginning with the following





Take all measurements with as many significant figures as possible. Your calculations should
be expressed with proper precision.
4. Dont try and measure current using the current feature on the lab DVM. Current
measurements require breaking the circuit and inserting some amount of sampling resistance
(contained inside the DVM) that depends on what current scale is being used (lower currents
require greater resistance). This will cause unavoidable errors here. Therefore, all currents
should be calculated from an appropriate measured voltage using Ohms law (be sure and log
the voltage).
must be found in this manner and will require floating voltage

EE171L rev2

4. CIRCUIT-2: Basic Current Mirror with Base Current Compensation

Modify circuit 1 by adding the base current compensation transistor Q3 as shown in fig. 2 below.
Repeat the same procedure experimental procedure you followed for the first circuit and report
with the same data and graphs.

Figure 2. Basic BJT Base Compensated Mirror.

Note: Re-draw this schematic in your engineering notes and make any experimental scribbles or annotations there.

EE171L rev2

5. CIRCUIT-3: Wilson Current Mirror

Modify circuit 2 into a Wilson Mirror as shown below in fig. 3. Repeat the same procedure
experimental procedure you followed for the first circuit. Also report with the same data and

Figure 3. Wilson Current Mirror.

Note: Re-draw this schematic in your engineering notes and make any experimental scribbles or annotations there.

1. Carefully compare the results for these three circuits and discuss how well each one
implements an ideal current source. Try and rank them in terms of which is the best to the
worst in this regard.
2. If the transistors were not constructed on the same monolithic substrate, how would this affect
the performance of each circuit?
3. Calculate the small-signal output resistance from data sheets and compare to the results you
experimentally obtained for

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