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Manual Spreading

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Spreading is the process of superimposing lengths of fabric on a

spreading table of garments, cutting table, or specially designed surface
in preparation for the cutting process. A spread or lay-up is the total
amount of fabric prepared for a single marker. A spreading may consist of
a single or multiple plies. The height of a lay-up or spreading is limited by
fabric characteristics size of the order to be cut, cutting method, and the
vertical capacity of the spreader. The number off plies in a spread may
range from 1 to 300.
Spreading may be done manually or
by computer-controlled machines.
One person or two, depending on the
width and type of fabric, type of
equipment, and size of spread, may
be involved with the spreading
process. Two people may be used for
manual spreading unless the spread is
very short. One person may work
each side of the table in order to keep
the fabric flat, smooth, and tensionfree. With automatic spreading, the
equipment controls the tension, fabric
placement, and rate of travel. The
spreading operator monitors the
process and removes fabric flaws as
Manual spreading

Computer-controlled spreading

Types of spreading:

Flat Spreads - All plies are of the same length.

Stepped Spreads - this as the name suggests, is built up in steps,
with all the plies in one step having the same length. A stepped
spread is generally used when the quantities to be cut precludes
the use of a flat spread. The cut order plan details the colours and
ply lengths for a stepped spread, if it is needed.

Objects of Fabric Spreading:

1. To place the number of fabric plies to the length of the marker plan
correctly aligned as to the length and width.
2. To cut garments in large scale and saving fabric through the use of
multi garments marker plan and the saving in cutting time per
garment that result from cutting many piles at the same time.
3. To make every ply flat and plane.
4. At correct tension.

Factors of Fabric Spreading:

1. Alignment of the fabric plies: Fabric plies should be aligned
according to the marker length and marker width.
2. Correct ply tension: To prepare the lay of the fabric, during fabric
spreading its base condition to maintain the correct ply tension.
3. Fabric must be flat: During fabric spreading it should be carefully
noticed that there is no and fold or crinkle in the fabric.

4. Elimination of fabric fault: The fold of fabric must be indicated

during spreading and necessary steps should be taken to remove
these faults. It is the duty of the operator.
5. Correct ply direction: During fabric spreading it is very important
to detect what type of fabric it is and spread the fabric with correct
ply direction.
6. Elimination of static electricity: In fabric spreading static charge
may produced due to friction specially the fabric containing the
man-made fiber like polyester, nylon etc. To overcome the problem
we should take following steps:

To use the antifriction paper,

To increase the moisture of

cutting room,

To use silicon finish in cutting

7. To avoid the fusion between fabric layer: In case of cutting of
fabric lay by cutting knife, friction may be produced between lay
and cutting knife which contains thermo plastic fibers may fused
due to heat generation. To avoid these problem previous steps
should be taken.
8. Matching check and stripe: During fabric spreading it should be
carefully noticed that checked and stripe should be matched
otherwise garments may be fault.
9. Easy separation of the cut lay into bundles: Identification
marks are used in plies due to colour or shade variation.

Before spreading some parameters must be keep in

1. Mark the Splice Zone on the Spreading Table
2. Use Paper for the first ply in case the table surface is rough or when
fine fabrics are being spread
3. Identify the defects noticed in the fabric by means of sticker
4. Use lubricated paper for separating layer
5. To prevent scorching in the natural fibers (coarse fabrics).
6. To prevent fusing in the synthetic fabrics.
7. Ensure that decided number of ply count and height of the spread is

How to spread:

Pull the fabric to far end position

Position the fabric at the far end (with our without weight or pins)
Align the ply (width on one side

Cut the ply after each la

Repeat this process from until the entire roll is spread
Check ply count

Techniques for Spreading Quality:

Removing Tension in the lay

Cutting at the Ends
Reducing fabric waste at the end
Fabric Control during Spreading
Damage Remove
Ends and Damaged Good.

Spreading is the main operation where quality can be control

before cutting.

Requirements of Spreading Process:

Alignment of plies in both length and width direction- length and

width of fabric must be at least equal to marker length and width.

Elimination of fabric defects/flaws- any faults identified on the
incoming fabrics will be tagged and will be avoided.
Correct ply direction (especially for asymmetrically printed fabrics)all faces up, all faces down, face to face etc.
Correct ply tension- ply tension must be uniform and as much less
as possible.
Avoidance of distortion in the spread during cutting- polythene
sheets are used under the bottom ply to resist friction of the bottom
ply with the base plate of the knife.
Fabrics must be flat and free from any crinkle & crease- these cause
defects in garments due to variation in dimension.
Checks and stripes should be matched.

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