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Engine Preservation

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Preservation and Represervation

All MTU series
for diesel and gas engines


Printed in Germany
2012 Copyright MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH
This Publication is protected by copyright and may not be used in any way whether in whole or in part without the prior
written permission of MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH. This restriction also applies to copyright, distribution, translation, micro
filming and storage or processing on electronic systems including data bases and online services.
This handbook is provided for use by maintenance and operating personnel in order to avoid malfunctions or damage
during operation.
Subject to alterations and amendments.

Table of Contents
1 General Information
1.1 Notes on the use and validity of
preservation and re-preservation
1.2 Safety instructions for handling

5.2.3 Gas engine Storage with unfilled medium


5.3 Service interruption of more than 3 months

5.3.1 Diesel engine Storage with filled medium

5.3.2 Diesel engine Storage with unfilled medium
5.3.3 Gas engine Storage with filled medium
5.3.4 Gas engine Storage with unfilled medium


2 Preservation and re-preservation

2.1 Notes on preservation and re-preservation
2.2 Check sheet for preservation and represervation

3.2.1 Corrosion inhibitors for the oil circuit and

combustion chamber
3.2.2 Corrosion inhibitor for coolant circuit
3.2.3 Corrosion inhibitor for the fuel system

3.3 Corrosion inhibitors for external




3 Approved preservatives
3.1 Preservatives Requirements
3.2 Corrosion inhibitor for internal preservation




6 Re-preservation without operation option of

6.1 Diesel and gas engine Storage with filled
medium circuits
6.2 Diesel and gas engine Storage with
unfilled medium circuits


7 De-preservation
7.1 De-preservation prior to operation
7.2 Instruction sheet for de-preservation if
climate-compatible packaging is used


4 Re-preservation intervals
4.1 Dependency between storage conditions
and type of packaging
4.2 Interpretation examples
4.3 Re-preservation intervals

DCL-ID: 0000014930 - 001

4.3.1 Engines with filled medium circuits

4.3.2 Engines with unfilled medium circuits

8 Packaging


5 Re-preservation with operation option of

5.1 Service interruption of up to one month
5.2 Service interruption of 1 to 3 months

5.2.1 Diesel and gas engine Storage with filled

medium circuits
5.2.2 Diesel engine Storage with unfilled medium



Types of packaging
Climate-compatible packaging Design
Climate-compatible packaging Installation
Climate-compatible packaging Check and
8.5 Monitoring Sheet for engines with climatecompatible packaging


9 Overview of Changes
9.1 Overview of change to previous edition



10 Appendix
10.1 Index


A001070/00E 2012-02 | Table of Contents | 3

1 General Information
1.1 Notes on the use and validity of preservation and represervation specifications
Used symbols and means of representation
The following instructions are highlighted in the text and must be observed:
This symbol indicates instructions, tasks and operations that must be followed to avoid haz
ards to persons as well as damage to or destruction of material.

An note provides special instructions that must be observed when performing a task.

Applicability of this publication

The current amendment status of these preservation specifications is shown in the Revision overview
( Page 49).
The preservation specifications are modified or supplemented as required. Before using them, make sure
you have the latest version. The latest version is also available at: http://www.mtu-online.com/mtu/mtuvaluecare/mtu-valueservice-Technische-Dokumentation.
If you have further queries, please contact your MTU representative.

Other applicable documents

Preservation specifications of the gearbox manufacturer

Engine documentation
Safety data sheets for preservation media
Current MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications
MTU packaging manual

Validity of the preservation specifications

These preservation specifications define the media for preservation/re-preservation (preservatives) and
the guidelines for de-preservation and packaging of MTU engines.

Reserve stock engines

Installed engines that have not yet been put into service
Field engines with extended downtime, e.g. normal out-of-service periods, out-of-service-periods for
scheduled maintenance or unscheduled repair work.
The preservation / re-preservation scope is the same for all engine models. When preserving complete
PowerPacks, the preservation specifications of component manufacturers, e.g. of the gearbox, genera
tor, preheating unit and couplings, must also be observed.
In addition to these preservation specifications, the corresponding engine documentation must also be
observed. Work and tests during an interruption of operation and prior to a renewed startup are to be
performed according to the engine documentation.
The measures described in the following section are restricted to the MTU engine.
Exception: For the 1800 series, they refer to the complete PowerPack.
4 | General Information | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000034401 - 001

The preservation specifications apply to all diesel and gas engines from MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH
following delivery from the factory:

Use of the approved preservatives, either under the brand name or in accordance with the specifications
given in this publication, constitutes part of the warranty conditions.
The supplier of the preservatives is responsible for the worldwide standard quality of the named prod
MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH accepts no responsibility whatsoever for improper or illegal use of the pres
ervatives which it has approved. Users of the products named in these specifications are therefore ob
liged to inform themselves of the locally valid regulations.

TIM-ID: 0000034401 - 001

As the re-preservation intervals and the medium also depend on the storage condi
tions and type of packaging, the warranty shall become invalid in the event of incor
rect storage or packaging.

A001070/00E 2012-02 | General Information | 5

1.2 Safety instructions for handling preservatives

Preservatives for drive systems can be inherently dangerous. Certain regulations must be
obeyed when handling, storing and disposing of these substances.
These regulations are contained in the manufacturers' instructions, legal requirements and technical
guidelines valid in the individual countries. Great differences can apply from country to country and a
generally valid guide to applicable regulations for preservatives is therefore not possible within this publi

TIM-ID: 0000019166 - 001

Users of the products named in these specifications are therefore obliged to inform themselves of the
locally valid regulations. MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH accepts no responsibility whatsoever for improper
or illegal use of the preservatives which it has approved.

6 | General Information | A001070/00E 2012-02

2 Preservation and re-preservation

2.1 Notes on preservation and re-preservation
"Preservation" refers to initial preservation in the factory or the preservation of a field engine prior to an
extended out-of-service period. MTU engines are usually delivered with initial preservation as per factory
standard MTV 5073. This is generally carried out during the acceptance test on the test bench.
In the event of long operation interruptions, machined and unprotected surfaces, such as cylinder run
ning surfaces, are prone to corrosion and therefore need to be preserved.
Preservation measures are carried out in the same manner as re-preservation. The scope of preserva
tion depends on the duration of the out-of-service period.
Field engines and engines that were put out of service for a scheduled major over
haul must be preserved immediately after their last service period.
Coolant circuits must always be preserved after the coolant has been drained. Pres
ervation is not required if the coolant is left in the system.
Preservation must be repeated at regular intervals (re-preservation).

"Re-preservation" refers to the renewal of already existing preservation at specified time intervals. The
intervals differ for internal and external preservation and for internal preservation according to the
different media (oil, fuel, coolant) and filling levels. For re-preservation intervals, refer to ( Page 17) and
( Page 19).
As the re-preservation intervals and the medium also depend on the storage condi
tions and type of packaging, the warranty shall become invalid in the event of incor
rect storage or packaging.
For storage and transport conditions, see ( Page 15).

The service life, operational reliability and function of the drive systems are largely dependent on the flu
ids, lubricants and preservatives employed. The correct selection and treatment of these fluids, lubricants
and preservatives are therefore extremely important.

TIM-ID: 0000034402 - 001

For preservation and re-preservation of MTU engines, only the preservatives approved in these preser
vation specifications must be used ( Page 9).

Documentation requirements
(Re-)preservation, de-preservation and monitoring of an engine with climate-compatible packaging must
be documented by the person responsible:
Preservation/re-preservation check sheet ( Page 8)
Instruction sheet for de-preservation if climate-compatible packaging is used ( Page 37)
Monitoring Sheet for engines with climate-compatible packaging ( Page 48)

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Preservation and re-preservation | 7

2.2 Check sheet for preservation and re-preservation

All preservation work that is performed must be recorded on the check sheet shown below.
For engines stored with a manufacturer guarantee, the Monitoring Sheet ( Page 48) must
also be filled out and sent back to MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH in due time before putting
the engine back into operation.
Correct completion of the preservation tasks as specified in the preservation specifications must be certi
fied on this check sheet by the person completing the various tasks.
Engine model:

Engine No.:

Tasks performed

Acceptance date:


Lube oil system

Preserved with preservation oil.
Oil brand used: ..............................
Fuel system
Preserved with preservative fuel.
Fuel filter, prefilter and fuel lines have not been drained.
Preservative fuel used: ..............................
Cooling system, filled
Has been preserved with prepared coolant.
Coolant not drained.
Brand of coolant used: ..............................
Cooling system, unfilled
Preserved with an approved corrosion inhibitor for internal preser
vation of the coolant circuit
Corrosion inhibitor drained.
Corrosion inhibitor used: ..............................
Combustion chamber
Preserved with preservation oil.
Oil brand used: ..............................
Painted with corrosion inhibitor.
Engine openings sealed as specified.
All parts to be kept free of paint, such as flywheel, starter ring
gear and starter pinion as well as non-painted sections of the
control linkage and the uncovered coupling flange (as appropri
ate) for the 3-phase generator are brush-coated with corrosion-in
hibiting oil.
Corrosion inhibitor used: ..............................
Engine is preserved as specified.
Re-preservation performed according to instructions.

Further procedure
1. After completing preservation work, put the completed check sheet into a closed plastic sleeve.
2. Seal the sleeve at the open side and attach it to the engine so that it is clearly visible.
3. Store the check sheet until de-preservation beside the engine and send back to MTU Friedrichshafen
GmbH in good time before initial operation.
8 | Preservation and re-preservation | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000034400 - 001

Non-painted parts

3 Approved preservatives
3.1 Preservatives Requirements
These preservation specifications define the preservatives for the preservation and re-preservation of
MTU engines.
Preservatives are divided into groups according to their operating areas:
Initial operation and corrosion inhibitor for internal preservation of the oil circuit
Corrosion inhibitors for internal preservation of the coolant circuit
Corrosion inhibitors for internal preservation of the fuel system
Corrosion inhibitor for preservation of the combustion chamber
Corrosion inhibitors for external preservation

Test standards for preservatives

The following test standards are used for the evaluation and selection of preservatives for MTU engines:
Test standard



Federal German Standards Institute


European Standards


International standard


American Society for Testing and Materials


Institute of Petroleum

Approval of preservatives
For preservation and re-preservation of MTU engines, only the preservatives approved in these preser
vation specifications must be used.
The conditions for the approval of preservatives are defined in MTU delivery standards (MTL):
MTL 5051 for initial operation and preservative oil
MTL 5052 for corrosion inhibitors for external preservation
The preservation product manufacturer is informed in writing if his product is approved by MTU.

Note on initial operation

TIM-ID: 0000034403 - 001

Before initial operation, the engine has to be de-preserved ( Page 36).

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Approved preservatives | 9

3.2 Corrosion inhibitor for internal preservation


Corrosion inhibitors for the oil circuit and combustion chamber

The media in the table below, with one exception, are suitable for internal preservation of the oil circuit as
well as preservation of the combustion chamber.
Important: Shell Rimula R6 ME 5W-30 must not be used to preserve the combustion chamber.

Brand name

Part No.


Suitability for en
gine preservation


Cepsa Lubri
cantes S.A.

Cepsa Rodaje Y
Proteccion SAE 30

Full-load engine oil as

per Oil Category 1

Exxon Mobil

Mobilarma 524

Preservative oil: Only

approved for preserva
tion run


Titan Universal HD
30 MTU


Full-load engine oil as

per Oil Category 2

Full-load engine oil as

per Oil Category 2

SRS Schmierstoff SRS Antikorrol
Vertrieb GmbH
M Plus SAE 30



SRS Motorenl
O-236 SAE


Full-load engine oil as

per Oil Category 2

Shell Running-In
Oil 7294 SAE 30

Preservative oil: Only

approved for preserva
tion run

Shell Rimula
R6 ME 5W30


Special application:
Only approved for
1800PP series


Engine oil as per Oil

Category 3 without im
proved corrosion pro

x Suitable for engine preservation

Unsuitable for engine preservation

10 | Approved preservatives | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000034388 - 001

Table 1: Corrosion inhibitors for the oil circuit and combustion chamber


Corrosion inhibitor for coolant circuit


Brand name

Glysacorr P113*)

Part No.




Glysacorr P113

TIM-ID: 0000034389 - 001

Suitability for en
gine preservation


9 11% vol. application concen

Optimum corrosion protection
during draining < 40 C
Reduced corrosion protection
during hot draining
100 h maximum operating pe
Not an engine coolant!


(propylene glycol

40 50% vol. application concen

Optimum corrosion protection
during draining < 40 C
Reduced corrosion protection
during hot draining
100 h maximum operating pe
Antifreeze protection
up to -18 C at 40% vol.
up to -28 C at 50% vol.
Not an engine coolant!

Houghton Oil 9156*)

land GmbH


All corrosion in
hibiting antifreez
es approved for
the respective
series in accord
ance with the ap
plicable Fluids
and Lubricants


1 2% vol. application concentra

The engine must be flushed
prior to filling with actual en
gine coolant
Exception: If Oil 9156 is ap
proved as coolant additive for
the relevant series (see appli
cable Fluids and Lubricants
The engine can then be operated
with this engine coolant. Precon
Corrosion inhibiting antifreeze
is approved for engine opera
Shelf life not expired

Table 2: Corrosion inhibitor for coolant circuit

x Suitable for engine preservation
Unsuitable for engine preservation
*) in the following section also referred to as inhibitor concentration, see Information

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Approved preservatives | 11

In contrast to coolants, inhibitor concentrations also protect the coolant circuit against corro
sion when drained.
As inhibitor concentrations can also contain vapor-phase inhibitors, ensure that the coolant
circuits are always hermetically sealed to prevent inhibitors from escaping, thus reducing
the corrosion protection.
Aqueous corrosion inhibitors and emulsions are not approved for engine preservation when
filled. Reason: Lack of antifreeze protection and susceptibility to microbiological attack.
If no corrosion inhibiting antifreeze is approved for a series, an appropriate coolant additive
can be selected from the approved of the 4000 series/containing light alloy (see applicable
Fluids and Lubricants Specifications A001061/xx). Ensure, however, that prior to engine op
eration this coolant is replaced by a coolant approved in the Fluids and Lubricants Specifi
cations of the relevant series.
For series that only have application approval for emulsions, storage with filled corrosion
inhibiting antifreeze is impermissible.
When mixing coolant or inhibitor concentration, only use clean, clear water of the following quality:



Sum of alkaline earth metals

0 mmol/l

2.7 mmol/l

(Water hardness)



pH value at 20 C



Chloride ions

100 mg/l

Sulfate ions

100 mg/l

Sum of anions

200 mg/l

Bacteria, fungi, yeasts

are not permitted!

TIM-ID: 0000034389 - 001

If the limit values for the water are exceeded, hardness or mineral content can be decreased by adding
demineralized water.

12 | Approved preservatives | A001070/00E 2012-02


Corrosion inhibitor for the fuel system

Diesel engines

Brand name

Part No.


Suitability for en
gine preservation


SRS Schmierstoff SRS Calibration

Vertrieb GmbH


Test oil as per ISO



V Oil 1404

Test oil as per ISO


Diesel fuel B0*)


without biodiesel

Diesel fuel B0*)


without biodiesel

SRS Schmierstoff 9 - 13% SRS Anti
Vertrieb GmbH
korrol M Plus
SAE 30



Diesel fuel B0*)

without biodiesel


9 - 13% Titan Uni

versal HD


Table 3: Corrosion inhibitor for the fuel system of diesel engines

x Suitable for engine preservation
Unsuitable for engine preservation
*) see Information
B0 is diesel fuel in accordance with DIN EN 590 without biodiesel. Diesel fuel accord
ing to DIN EN 590 (also referred to as B7) normally contains an additive of 7% biodie
sel and must not be used for preservation.

Gas engines (natural gas and biogas)

When the engine is shut down, it can be assumed that the entire fuel system is filled with air only. If,
however, there are still small amounts of gas in the engine, they do not have a corrosive effect. Preser
vation is therefore not required.
However, you should ensure that there is no moisture between mixture cooler and cylinder head. If mois
ture is detected, the engine must be run 2 to 3 hours in partial load.

TIM-ID: 0000034397 - 001

The approved gases are listed in the current Fluids and Lubricants Specifications.

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Approved preservatives | 13

3.3 Corrosion inhibitors for external preservation

When preserving the engine exterior shell, all non-painted parts must be treated with a corrosion inhibi
tor. This forms a waxy protective coating after the solvent has evaporated.

Brand name

Part No.


Castrol Ltd.

Rustilo 181

waxy protective coating

Valvoline Oel

Tectyl 846K19


waxy protective coating


Table 4: Corrosion inhibitors for external preservation

Re-preservation requirement

TIM-ID: 0000034391 - 001

every 3 years under normal storage conditions or with use of climate packaging
every 12 months under difficult storage conditions

14 | Approved preservatives | A001070/00E 2012-02

4 Re-preservation intervals
4.1 Dependency between storage conditions and type of
Preserved engines must be re-preserved to retain the corrosion protection. Only approved preservatives
( Page 9) must be used for re-preservation. The re-preservation intervals depend on the storage condi
tions and type of packaging.

A distinction is made between the following storage conditions:

Operating areas


frost-free, closed and heated rooms, clean

max. temperature fluctuations between 10 and 40 C
monthly average relative air humidity 65%


dust or contamination
dew point undershot > 20% of the month
monthly average relative air humidity > 65%


salt-laden air
outdoor storage
ocean transport, dispatch to polar and tropical regions

The type of engine packaging depends on the storage and transport conditions.
Operating areas

Commercially available

for storage under normal or difficult conditions with differences in represervation intervals

Climate-compatible pack

for unsuitable storage and transport conditions to simulate storage con

ditions that are as normal as possible; climate-compatible packaging,
however, does not protect against frost
check the humidity indicator in the special packaging every 3 to
4 months

TIM-ID: 0000019168 - 001

Type of packaging

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation intervals | 15

4.2 Interpretation examples

The change intervals are based on fresh media with current date of manufacturer. If media
are already old, the change interval is reduced by the aging period.

Example 1: Engine with unfilled medium circuits in commercially available packaging

A preserved engine with unfilled medium circuits is to be stored for 24 months in a closed, frostproof
warehouse. The engine is wrapped in commercially available packaging. What are the re-preservation
In this case, the table for engines with unfilled medium circuits is relevant ( Page 19).
Unfilled medium circuits normal storage conditions commercially available packaging:
The medium circuits (oil, fuel, coolant) and the combustion chamber must be re-preserved every
12 months.
The preservation of the engine outer shell (non-painted parts) must be replaced every 36 months.

Example 2: Engine with unfilled medium circuits in climate-compatible packaging

A preserved engine with unfilled medium circuits is to be stored for 60 months in climate-compatible
packaging. What are the re-preservation requirements?
In this case, the table for engines with unfilled medium circuits is relevant ( Page 19).
Unfilled medium circuits unsuitable storage conditions climate-compatible packaging:
The medium circuits (oil, fuel, coolant) and the combustion chamber must be re-preserved every
36 months.
The preservation of the engine outer shell (non-painted parts) must be replaced every 36 months.

Example 3: Engine with filled medium circuits

An engine with filled medium circuits (approved preservatives without aging) is to be taken out of service
for approx. 12 months and stored under difficult conditions. What are the re-preservation requirements?
In this case, the table for engines with filled medium circuits is relevant ( Page 17).

Before putting a preserved engine with filled medium circuits back into operation, check
whether the filled preservatives are approved for engine operation (see valid Fluids and Lu
bricants Specifications). If not, switch to approved fluids and lubricants.

16 | Re-preservation intervals | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000034409 - 001

Filled medium circuits difficult storage conditions commercially available packaging:

Oil: No measures necessary because the filled preservative oil does not have to be replaced until after
36 months. (Exception: after 24 months with 1800 series PowerPack)
Coolant: No measures necessary because the filled coolant does not have to be replaced until after
24 or 36 month (depending on product).
Fuel: The filled diesel fuel must be replaced every 6 months.
The combustion chamber must be re-preserved every 6 months.
The preservation of the engine outer shell (non-painted parts) must be replaced every 12 months.

4.3 Re-preservation intervals


Engines with filled medium circuits

Re-preservation intervals for filled medium circuits (oil, fuel, coolant), combustion
chamber and external preservation
Climate-compatible packaging is not permissible with filled medium circuits.
For definition of storage conditions and packaging types, see ( Page 15).
For examples on how to determine re-preservation intervals, see ( Page 16).
Storage conditions

Re-preservation interval in months





Filled medium circuits (oil, fuel, coolant)


Oil circuit

Fuel sys

Coolant cir

Oil circuit

Fuel sys

cially avail.

only 1800
commercial Impermissible:
series Pow ly avail.
patible pack
aging with fil
avail. pack
led medium

Storage under

ly avail.
storage condi

commercially commercial
Also see Corro
avail. pack
ly avail.
sion inhibitors:
aging with
preservation with preser for oil circuit:
( Page 10)
with inhibitor vation with
and additional
concentration coolant
( Page 18)

only 1800
commercial for fuel sys
series Pow ly avail.
( Page 13)
for coolant cir
avail. pack
( Page 11)
and additional

( Page 18)

Coolant cir

avail. pack
aging with
with inhibitor

ly avail.
with preser
vation with

Oil circuit

Fuel sys

Coolant cir

TIM-ID: 0000034708 - 001



A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation intervals | 17

Storage conditions

Re-preservation interval in months





Combustion chamber

ly avail.

Also see Corro

sion inhibitors:
( Page 10)


cially avail.



commercial Also see Corro

ly avail.
sion inhibitors:
( Page 14)


ly avail.


External Preservation

Table 5: Re-preservation intervals for filled medium circuits, combustion chamber and external

Additional specifications on oil circuit

With complete filling with the following named media, re-preservation of the lube oil circuit takes place at
the following intervals:



SRS Anticorrol M Plus SAE 30

after 3 years

SRS engine oil O-236 SAE 15-W40

after 3 years

Titan Universal HD 30 MTU

after 3 years

Following this, the engine must only be oper

ated with these oils if they are listed for the
corresponding series as approved engine oil
in the valid Fluids and Lubricants Specifica

Cepsa Rodaje Y Proteccion SAE 30 after 3 years

Shell Running-In Oil 7294 SAE 30

after 3 years

Mobilarma 524

after 3 years

Engine must not be operated subsequently

with these media. Not an engine oil!

Shell Rimula R6 ME 5W-30

after 2 years

only approved for 1800 series PowerPacks

Additional specifications for coolant circuit

With complete filling with the following named media, re-preservation of the coolant circuit takes place at
the following intervals:

Glysacorr P113 Antifreeze

2 years after date Engine must not be operated with this medi
of manufacture
um. Not an engine coolant!

Corrosion inhibiting antifreeze ap

proved for the corresponding series

3 years after date Engine can be operated with this medium if

of manufacture
the corresponding conditions have been met
(see notes on the corrosion inhibitors for the
coolant circuit ( Page 11)).

18 | Re-preservation intervals | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000034708 - 001



Engines with unfilled medium circuits

Re-preservation intervals for unfilled medium circuits (oil, fuel, coolant), combustion
chamber and external preservation
For definition of storage conditions and packaging types, see ( Page 15).
For examples on how to determine re-preservation intervals, see ( Page 16).
Storage conditions

Re-preservation interval in months





Unfilled medium circuits (oil, fuel, coolant)


ly avail.

Unsuitable stor
age conditions
without climatecompatible pack
aging are imper


cially avail.



Also see Corro

sion inhibitors:
for oil circuit:
( Page 10)
for fuel sys
( Page 13)
for coolant cir
( Page 11)


ly avail.


cially avail.

Unsuitable stor
age conditions
without climatecompatible pack
aging are imper





ly avail.

commercial Unsuitable stor

ly avail.
age conditions
without climatecompatible pack

aging are imper



Combustion chamber

Also see Corro

sion inhibitors:
( Page 10)

TIM-ID: 0000034715 - 001

External preservation


Also see Corro

sion inhibitors:
( Page 14)

Table 6: Re-preservation intervals for unfilled medium circuits, combustion chamber and external

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation intervals | 19

5 Re-preservation with operation option of

5.1 Service interruption of up to one month
Note: The following description applies to installed engines.
Preservation measures are not necessary.

TIM-ID: 0000019171 - 001

It is sufficient to close the emergency-air shutoff flaps, if fitted.

All fluids and lubricants remain in the engine.
If it is necessary to drain fluids and lubricants, the procedure for diesel engines ( Page 22) or gas
engines ( Page 23) should be adopted.

20 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | A001070/00E 2012-02

5.2 Service interruption of 1 to 3 months


Diesel and gas engine Storage with filled medium circuits

The following description applies equally to installed and removed engines.
If engine removal is planned, the preservation measures must be carried out prior to engine removal.
If aqueous corrosion inhibitors are used in the coolant circuit and there is a risk of frost during storage,
a switch must be made to corrosion inhibiting antifreeze.
Before putting the engine into operation, ensure that a switch has been made to an approved coolant
if necessary. The engine must not be operated with antifreeze if only aqueous coolant additives are
approved. The coolant additives approved for an engine or the respective application are shown in the
relevant Fluids and Lubricants Specifications.

Starting engine

Run engine until operating temperature is reached.

Run engine for approx. 30 second up to rated speed and shut down when rated speed is reached. The
engine must not be started again.
All fluids and lubricants remain in the engine.
Sealing of the openings differs depending on whether the engine is installed or removed.

Sealing the openings on installed engine


The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)

Sealing the openings on removed engine

The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:
Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)
Coolant circuit
Fuel circuit
Lube oil circuit
Hydraulic oil circuit
Electrical plug connectors

TIM-ID: 0000034721 - 001

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | 21


Diesel engine Storage with unfilled medium circuits

The following description applies equally to installed and removed engines.
If engine removal is planned, the preservation measures must be carried out prior to engine removal.

Internal preservation and drainage


Clean engine if necessary.

Drain coolant (if present).
Completely fill coolant circuit with approved inhibitor concentration ( Page 11).
To bypass the flushing procedure during coolant filling for initial operation, the use of inhibitor concentra
tion "Glysacorr P 113" instead of the emulsifiable corrosion inhibitor oil "Oil 9156" is recommended.
Fill fuel system completely with an approved corrosion inhibitor for internal preservation of the fuel sys
tem which is suitable for unfilled engine ( Page 13).
If necessary, replace engine oil with an approved initial operation corrosion inhibitor for internal preserva
tion of the oil circuit and which is suitable for an unfilled engine ( Page 10).
Operate engine at increased idling speed for approx. 10 minutes. The inhibitor concentration must reach
operating temperature.
Shut down engine.
Drain engine oil.
Allow engine to cool down to max. 40 C.
Drain inhibitor concentration.
Sealing of the openings differs depending on whether the engine is installed or removed. The medium
circuits must be sealed immediately after draining the media.

Sealing the openings on installed engine


The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)

Sealing the openings on removed engine

The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:
Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)
Coolant circuit
Fuel circuit
Lube oil circuit
Hydraulic oil circuit
Electrical plug connectors
TIM-ID: 0000034722 - 001

22 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | A001070/00E 2012-02


Gas engine Storage with unfilled medium circuits

The following description applies equally to installed and removed engines.
If engine removal is planned, the preservation measures must be carried out prior to engine removal.

Internal preservation and drainage


Clean engine if necessary.

Drain coolant (if present).
Completely fill coolant circuit with approved inhibitor concentration ( Page 11).
To bypass the flushing procedure during coolant filling for initial operation, the use of inhibitor concentra
tion "Glysacorr P 113" instead of the emulsifiable corrosion inhibitor oil "Oil 9156" is recommended.
If necessary, replace engine oil with an approved initial operation corrosion inhibitor for internal preserva
tion of the oil circuit and which is suitable for an unfilled engine ( Page 10).
Run the engine for at least 15 minutes at half load. The inhibitor concentration must reach operating tem
Shut down engine.
Drain engine oil.
Allow engine to cool down to max. 40 C.
Drain inhibitor concentration.
Sealing of the openings differs depending on whether the engine is installed or removed. The medium
circuits must be sealed immediately after draining the media.

Sealing the openings on installed engine


The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)

Sealing the openings on removed engine

The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:
Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)
Coolant circuit
Fuel circuit
Lube oil circuit
Hydraulic oil circuit
Electrical plug connectors

TIM-ID: 0000034723 - 001

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | 23

5.3 Service interruption of more than 3 months


Diesel engine Storage with filled medium circuits

The following description applies equally to installed and removed engines.
If engine removal is planned, the preservation measures must be carried out prior to engine removal.
If accessibility is insufficient in installed state to carry out preservation (e.g. no access to charge-air
manifold), the engine must be removed to carry out preservation work and set up on ground run block
or test bench, or another solution is worked out after consultation with MTU.

Internal preservation

Clean engine if necessary.

Leave engine oil in engine if it is an oil approved for preservation ( Page 10). Otherwise replace filled
engine oil with an approved oil, or carry out initial filling with this oil.
Fill fuel system with an approved fuel ( Page 13). If a fuel is already filled and is unsuitable for engine
storage, it must be replaced.
Drain coolant if necessary and fill with approved corrosion inhibiting antifreeze ( Page 11)or leave exist
ing corrosion inhibiting antifreeze in coolant circuit. Alternatively, the inhibitor concentration "Glysacorr
P113 antifreeze" can be filled for engine storage.
Operate engine at increased idling speed for approx. 10 minutes. The coolant must have reached operat
ing temperature.
Shut down engine.
All media remain in the system. These medium circuits must be filled completely.

Preservation of combustion chamber



Seal the decompression openings.

Fill corrosion inhibitor oil for initial operation at least up to the Min mark.
Remove end cover for combustion air intake and exhaust gas discharge.
Provide access to the charge-air manifold. This can be done by removing flame-start canisters, sensors,
covers or pipes. Access to the charge-air manifold must always be established downstream of the inter
cooler, pressure fine filter / air filter and exhaust turbocharger.
Bar warm engine with starting equipment. The engine must not start. To do this:
actuate the stop lever for mechanical governors.
with electronic governors, the power supply must be disconnected and the engine barred via emer
gency start or another suitable manner.
While the engine is being barred, use a fine-atomizing spray gun to spray initial operation corrosion inhib
iting oil into the charge-air pipe openings ( Page 10) for about 15 seconds.
Seal off the combustion air intake and exhaust outlet openings immediately against moisture / humidity.
Seal access to the charge-air pipes.
Sealing of the openings differs depending on whether the engine is installed or removed.

The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)

24 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000034724 - 001

Sealing the openings on installed engine

Sealing the openings on removed engine


The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)
Coolant circuit
Fuel circuit
Lube oil circuit
Hydraulic oil circuit
Electrical plug connectors

Preservation of non-painted parts (external preservation)

Coat or spray non-painted parts of engine outer shell with corrosion inhibitor for external preservation
( Page 14).

TIM-ID: 0000034724 - 001

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | 25


Diesel engine Storage with unfilled medium circuits

The following description applies equally to installed and removed engines.
If engine removal is planned, the preservation measures must be carried out prior to engine removal.
If accessibility is insufficient in installed state to carry out preservation (e.g. no access to charge-air
manifold), the engine must be removed to carry out preservation work and set up on ground run block
or test bench, or another solution is worked out after consultation with MTU.

Internal preservation and drainage


Clean engine if necessary.

Drain coolant (if present).
Completely fill coolant circuit with approved inhibitor concentration ( Page 11).
To bypass the flushing procedure during coolant filling for initial operation, the use of inhibitor concentra
tion "Glysacorr P 113" instead of the emulsifiable corrosion inhibitor oil "Oil 9156" is recommended.
Fill fuel system completely with an approved corrosion inhibitor for internal preservation of the fuel sys
tem which is suitable for unfilled engine ( Page 13).
If necessary, replace engine oil with an approved initial operation corrosion inhibitor for internal preserva
tion of the oil circuit and which is suitable for an unfilled engine ( Page 10).
Operate engine at increased idling speed for approx. 10 minutes. The inhibitor concentration must reach
operating temperature.
Shut down engine.
Drain engine oil.
Allow engine to cool down to max. 40 C.
Drain inhibitor concentration.

Preservation of combustion chamber



Seal the decompression openings.

Fill corrosion inhibitor oil for initial operation at least up to the Min mark.
Remove end cover for combustion air intake and exhaust gas discharge.
Provide access to the charge-air manifold. This can be done by removing flame-start canisters, sensors,
covers or pipes. Access to the charge-air manifold must always be established downstream of the inter
cooler, pressure fine filter / air filter and exhaust turbocharger.
Bar warm engine with starting equipment. The engine must not start. To do this:
actuate the stop lever for mechanical governors.
with electronic governors, the power supply must be disconnected and the engine barred via emer
gency start or another suitable manner.
While the engine is being barred, use a fine-atomizing spray gun to spray initial operation corrosion inhib
iting oil into the charge-air pipe openings ( Page 10) for about 15 seconds.
Seal off the combustion air intake and exhaust outlet openings immediately against moisture / humidity.
Seal access to the charge-air pipes.
Sealing of the openings differs depending on whether the engine is installed or removed. The medium
circuits must be sealed immediately after draining the media.

Sealing the openings on installed engine


The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)

26 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000034725 - 001


Sealing the openings on removed engine


The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)
Coolant circuit
Fuel circuit
Lube oil circuit
Hydraulic oil circuit
Electrical plug connectors

Preservation of non-painted parts (external preservation)

Coat or spray non-painted parts of engine outer shell with corrosion inhibitor for external preservation
( Page 14).

TIM-ID: 0000034725 - 001

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | 27


Gas engine Storage with filled medium circuits

The following description applies equally to installed and removed engines.
If engine removal is planned, the preservation measures must be carried out prior to engine removal.
If accessibility is insufficient in installed state to carry out preservation (e.g. no access to charge-air
manifold), the engine must be removed to carry out preservation work and set up on ground run block
or test bench, or another solution is worked out after consultation with MTU.

Internal preservation

Clean engine if necessary.

Leave engine oil in engine if it is an approved oil ( Page 10). Otherwise replace filled engine oil with an
approved oil, or carry out initial filling with this oil.
Fill fuel system with an approved gas ( Page 13).
Drain coolant if necessary and fill with approved corrosion inhibiting antifreeze ( Page 11)or leave exist
ing corrosion inhibiting antifreeze in coolant circuit. Alternatively, the inhibitor concentration "Glysacorr
P113 antifreeze" can be filled for engine storage.
Run the engine for 15 minutes at half load. The coolant must have reached operating temperature.
Shut down engine.
Oil and coolant remain in the system. These medium circuits must be filled completely.

Preservation of combustion chamber


Seal the decompression openings.

Fill corrosion inhibitor oil for initial operation at least up to the Min mark.
Remove end cover for combustion air intake and exhaust gas discharge.
Provide access to the charge-air manifold. This can be done by removing flame-start canisters, sensors,
covers or pipes. Access to the charge-air manifold must always be established downstream of the inter
cooler, pressure fine filter / air filter and exhaust turbocharger.
Safely disconnect the gas supply by closing the gas line.
Use the starting system to bar the engine. The engine must not start.
While the engine is being barred, use a fine-atomizing spray gun to spray initial operation corrosion inhib
iting oil into the charge-air pipe openings ( Page 10) for about 15 seconds.
The starter unit must only be used to bar the engine if the engine is filled at least up to the Min mark
and the oil filters are filled with initial operation corrosion-inhibiting oil.
Seal off the combustion air intake and exhaust outlet openings against moisture / humidity once again.
Seal access to the charge-air pipes.
Sealing of the openings differs depending on whether the engine is installed or removed.

The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)

28 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000034384 - 001

Sealing the openings on installed engine

Sealing the openings on removed engine


The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)
Coolant circuit
Fuel circuit
Lube oil circuit
Hydraulic oil circuit
Electrical plug connectors

Preservation of non-painted parts (external preservation)

Coat or spray non-painted parts of engine outer shell with corrosion inhibitor for external preservation
( Page 14).

TIM-ID: 0000034384 - 001

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | 29


Gas engine Storage with unfilled medium circuits

The following description applies equally to installed and removed engines.
If engine removal is planned, the preservation measures must be carried out prior to engine removal.
If accessibility is insufficient in installed state to carry out preservation (e.g. no access to charge-air
manifold), the engine must be removed to carry out preservation work and set up on ground run block
or test bench, or another solution is worked out after consultation with MTU.

Internal preservation

Clean engine if necessary.

Drain coolant (if present).
Completely fill coolant circuit with approved inhibitor concentration ( Page 11)
To bypass the flushing procedure during coolant filling for initial operation, the use of inhibitor concentra
tion "Glysacorr P 113" instead of the emulsifiable corrosion inhibitor oil "Oil 9156" is recommended.
Fill fuel system with an approved gas ( Page 13).
If necessary, replace engine oil with an approved initial operation corrosion inhibitor for internal preserva
tion of the oil circuit and which is suitable for an unfilled engine ( Page 10).
Run the engine for 15 minutes at half load. The inhibitor concentration must reach operating tempera
Shut down engine.
Drain engine oil.
Allow engine to cool down to max. 40 C.
Drain inhibitor concentration.

Preservation of combustion chamber


Seal the decompression openings.

Fill corrosion inhibitor oil for initial operation at least up to the Min mark.
Remove end cover for combustion air intake and exhaust gas discharge.
Provide access to the charge-air manifold. This can be done by removing flame-start canisters, sensors,
covers or pipes. Access to the charge-air manifold must always be established downstream of the inter
cooler, pressure fine filter / air filter and exhaust turbocharger.
Safely disconnect the gas supply by closing the gas line.
Use the starting system to bar the engine. The engine must not start.
While the engine is being barred, use a fine-atomizing spray gun to spray initial operation corrosion inhib
iting oil into the charge-air pipe openings ( Page 10) for about 15 seconds.
The starter unit must only be used to bar the engine if the engine is filled at least up to the Min mark
and the oil filters are filled with initial operation corrosion-inhibiting oil.
Seal off the combustion air intake and exhaust outlet openings immediately against moisture / humidity.
Seal access to the charge-air pipes.
Sealing of the openings differs depending on whether the engine is installed or removed. The medium
circuits must be sealed immediately after draining the media.

Sealing the openings on installed engine


The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)

30 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000034385 - 001


Sealing the openings on removed engine


The following openings must be sealed tight against moisture:

Cooling air inlet
Combustion-air inlet (close the emergency-air shutoff flaps if they are provided)
Exhaust outlet
Crankcase breather (where possible; with venting to atmosphere)
Coolant circuit
Fuel circuit
Lube oil circuit
Hydraulic oil circuit
Electrical plug connectors

Preservation of non-painted parts (external preservation)

Coat or spray non-painted parts of engine outer shell with corrosion inhibitor for external preservation
( Page 14).

TIM-ID: 0000034385 - 001

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation with operation option of engine | 31

6 Re-preservation without operation option of

6.1 Diesel and gas engine Storage with filled medium circuits

The described procedure is a guideline, which has to be adapted to the specific engine in each case.
Work sequence details may vary from engine to engine. Please contact your MTU partner if you have
any questions.
For power station engines, re-preservation on the test bench is recommended.
Where possible, the individual preservation measures should be carried out at the same time.


Check of local specifications.

Prior to engine storage with filled medium circuits, clarify whether this is permissible with
regard to hazardous goods and environmental protection regulations.


If necessary, the engine must be cleaned prior to (re-)preservation.


Prime the engine.

Only bar the engine after it has been primed. Therefore, first prime the engine and then
build up oil pressure, then preserve the cooling and fuel circuit as well as the combustion

Preservation of the lube oil circuit


Drain old oil if necessary.

Remove priming connection from crankcase.
Connect oil priming pump.
This pressure pump is used to pump a corrosion inhibitor approved for internal preservation of the oil
circuit, and suitable for filled engine ( Page 10) into the oil circuit.
Remove the turbocharger oil return line, which is the last element in the oil circuit to be supplied with oil.
Pump oil under pressure into the circuit until it emerges from the turbocharger oil return line.
Reinstall turbocharger oil return line. This ensures that the entire lube oil circuit is completely filled.
Bar engine manually one to two rotations.
Leave the oil in the engine.
Due to aging, the oil must be replaced in accordance with the specified re-preservation intervals
( Page 17).


Drain old coolant if necessary.

The coolant circuit is completely filled with an approved medium suitable for filled engine ( Page 11)
and then hermetically sealed.
Open all thermostats so that the medium reaches all areas of the coolant circuit.
Leave the medium in the engine.
Due to aging, the medium must be replaced in accordance with the specified re-preservation intervals
( Page 17).
Mixing of different media is impermissible.

32 | Re-preservation without operation option of engine | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000035768 - 001

Preservation of the coolant circuit

Preservation of combustion chamber


Seal the decompression openings.

Open air pipe downstream of intercooler.
When oil pressure has built up, use a fine-atomizing spray gun to spray approved corrosion inhibitor for
internal preservation of the oil circuit ( Page 10) approx. 15 seconds into the openings of the air pipes.
Use the starting system to bar the engine. The engine must not start.
Carefully seal air inlet and exhaust outlet. This prevents venting via the opened inlet and exhaust valves
at the cylinders in overlap position.

Preservation of the fuel system


Storage with filled fuel system is not envisaged for gas engines ( Page 13). The procedure for preser
vation of the fuel system only applies to diesel engines.
Fill fuel system completely with an approved corrosion inhibitor for internal preservation which is suitable
for filled engine storage ( Page 13).
The preservative must reach all areas of the fuel system. It may be necessary to bar the engine. The
engine must not start.

Preservation of non-painted parts (external preservation)

Coat or spray non-painted parts of engine outer shell with corrosion inhibitor for external preservation
( Page 14).

TIM-ID: 0000035768 - 001

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation without operation option of engine | 33

6.2 Diesel and gas engine Storage with unfilled medium


The described procedure is a guideline, which has to be adapted to the specific engine in each case.
Work sequence details may vary from engine to engine. Please contact your MTU partner if you have
any questions.
For power station engines, re-preservation on the test bench is recommended.
Where possible, the individual preservation measures should be carried out at the same time.


If necessary, the engine must be cleaned prior to (re-)preservation.


Prime the engine.

Only bar the engine after it has been primed. Therefore, first prime the engine and then
build up oil pressure, then preserve the cooling and fuel circuit as well as the combustion


Seal off all medium circuits against moisture / humidity immediately after draining the preservative.

Preservation of the lube oil circuit


Remove priming connection from crankcase.

Connect oil priming pump.
This pressure pump is used to pump a corrosion inhibitor approved for internal preservation of the oil
circuit, and suitable for filled engine, ( Page 10) into the oil circuit.
Remove the turbocharger oil return line, which is the last element in the oil circuit to be supplied with oil.
Pump oil under pressure into the circuit until it emerges from the turbocharger oil return line.
Reinstall turbocharger oil return line. This ensures that the entire lube oil circuit is completely filled.
Bar engine manually one to two rotations.
Leave the oil in the engine for 24 hours.
Then drain the oil completely.

Preservation of the coolant circuit


The coolant circuit is filled completely with an approved inhibitor concentration ( Page 11) and then
sealed hermetically.
Open all thermostats so that the medium reaches all areas of the coolant circuit.
If no circulation is possible in the engine (e.g. via a heated pressure testing trolley):
a) Leave the inhibitor concentration for 24 hours in the engine.
b) Then completely drain the inhibitor concentration (drain temperature < 40 C).
Seal the coolant circuit hermetically against moisture.


Seal the decompression openings.

Open air pipe downstream of intercooler.
When oil pressure has built up, use a fine-atomizing spray gun to spray approved corrosion inhibitor for
internal preservation of the oil circuit ( Page 10) approx. 15 seconds into the openings of the air pipes.
Use the starting system to bar the engine. The engine must not start.
Carefully seal air inlet and exhaust outlet. This prevents venting via the opened inlet and exhaust valves
at the cylinders in overlap position.

34 | Re-preservation without operation option of engine | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000035769 - 001

Preservation of combustion chamber

Preservation of the fuel system


Preservation of the fuel system of gas engines is not envisaged ( Page 13). The procedure for preser
vation of the fuel system only applies to diesel engines.
Fill fuel system completely with an approved corrosion inhibitor for internal preservation which is suitable
for unfilled engine storage ( Page 13).
The preservative must reach all areas of the fuel system. It may be necessary to bar the engine. The
engine must not start.
Leave the fuel for 24 hours in the engine.
Drain the fuel completely.

Preservation of non-painted parts (external preservation)

Coat or spray non-painted parts of engine outer shell with corrosion inhibitor for external preservation
( Page 14).

TIM-ID: 0000035769 - 001

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Re-preservation without operation option of engine | 35

7 De-preservation
7.1 De-preservation prior to operation

Before putting the engine back into operation, the preservation agent must be removed.
De-preservation is not required on installed field engines with out-of-service periods up to 3 months.
Only the end covers must be removed.
Before putting the engine into operation, ensure that a switch has been made to an approved coolant
if necessary. The engine must not be operated with antifreeze if only aqueous coolant additives are
approved. The coolant additives approved for an engine or the respective application are shown in the
relevant Fluids and Lubricants Specifications.

De-preservation prior to operation


Clean engine if necessary.

Remove all covers.
Drain corrosion inhibitor oil if necessary.


The next step is not required for new deliveries; necessary after 1 year at the latest.
Replace oil filter (elements).


The next step is not required for new deliveries; necessary after 1 year at the latest.
Only for diesel engines: Replace fuel filter (elements).
Fill with engine oil.
Bar engine manually.
Prepare engine for putting it back into operation.
Drain inhibitor concentration if necessary.
Fill with or renew coolant.

Notes on operation

Put engine into operation according to the engine documentation.

Special information on gas engine:

TIM-ID: 0000034412 - 001

The preservative oil has a significantly higher ash content than continuous operation oil. Pri
or to operation, the preserved engine must therefore be flushed with a continuous operation
oil as per the Fluids and Lubricants Specifications.

36 | De-preservation | A001070/00E 2012-02

7.2 Instruction sheet for de-preservation if climate-compatible

packaging is used
Before opening the packaging, please read this instruction sheet and follow the instructions
without fail, in particular the notes on when it is necessary to notify MTU Friedrichshafen

Instruction sheet for de-preservation of engines


Read off the humidity values on the humidity indicator ( Page 39) and enter them on the Moni
toring Sheet ( Page 48).
If all three fields on the humidity indicator show blue, everything is OK.
If fields 30 and 40 have turned partly or completely pink, examine the packaging for dam
age. If the packaging is damaged, notify MTU.
If all three fields are pink, do not open the packaging material and report to MTU.


If the humidity values are OK and if there are no other visible defects, remove the laminated
aluminum foil from the engine.


Check engine externally when foil has been removed.

Enter date and findings of check in Monitoring Sheet.


Visually check all rubber hose connections.

The connections must not be brittle or swollen.


In the event of objections, contact MTU without delay and wait for further messages.
In the meantime, do not prepare or modify the engine for installation, but store it so that it is dry
and covered.
Enter the date of de-preservation on the Monitoring Sheet.


Do not remove the seals of the engine opening until just prior to use. The relates to:
Turbocharger inlet
Exhaust manifold outlet
Coolant inlet and outlet
Connecting flanges for vent lines at coolant distribution pipes


For initial operation, please observe the engine documentation.

TIM-ID: 0000034399 - 001


A001070/00E 2012-02 | De-preservation | 37

8 Packaging
8.1 Types of packaging
The type of engine packaging depends on the storage and transport conditions.
At MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH, a distinction is made between the following types of packaging:
Commercially available packaging goods are intended for immediate use
Climate-compatible packaging for protection of goods susceptible to corrosion during ocean trans
port, shipping to polar and tropical regions and for unsuitable storage conditions
Note: "Climate-compatible packaging" corresponds to the special packaging in earlier editions of the
Fluids and Lubricants Specifications. The term has been adapted to the packaging manual.
In the case of long-term storage of engines, for example, for 3, 5 or 10 years in climate packaging, regu
lar re-preservation in accordance with the specified intervals ( Page 17) and ( Page 19) is neverthe
less necessary.
Engines and drive units require special packaging for transportation at sea, in polar or tropical regions
and for long-term storage. The preserved engine must be additionally protected with climate-compatible
packaging. With climate-compatible packaging, where possible all media must be completely drained out
of the respective medium circuit (fuel, oil, coolant). The climate-compatible packaging must be applied
directly after preservation. Ensure that any engine painting has hardened beforehand.
Climate-compatible packaging:
can reduce the effects of unsuitable storage conditions, although it does not provide frost protection
is absolutely necessary for sea transport and transport in tropical and polar regions due to the threat
of exterior shell corrosion

TIM-ID: 0000034392 - 001

Incorrect storage will render the warranty invalid.
The humidity indicator of climate-compatible packaging must be checked every 3 to 4 months. The
result must be documented in accordance with ( Page 48) and measures initiated if necessary.
Existing special agreements still retain their validity.
The following descriptions refer to the use of climate-compatible packaging for the storage of pre
served engines.

38 | Packaging | A001070/00E 2012-02

8.2 Climate-compatible packaging Design

The following packing aids are used for the climate-compatible packaging:
A Outer layers of bonded-layer material (e.g. laminated aluminum foil)
B Water-absorbing desiccant (e.g. silica gel)
C Humidity indicator
The packaged products are shrink-wrapped in composite foil and the enclosed air is extracted. When
desiccants packs are placed in the packaging, the residual moisture is reduced to a desired relative air
humidity. The climate packaging prevents condensation on the metal surface and thus any resulting cor
rosion damage.

A Outer layers of bonded-layer material

The outer layers consist of tightly-bonded layers of aluminum composite foil which has limited permeabili
ty to water vapor and gas.
The laminated aluminum foil used at MTU consists of polyethylene and aluminum with the following prop
Temperature range for the application +70 C to 55 C
Water vapor permeability: 0.1 g/m per day at 38 C and 80% relative humidity
(in comparison, PVC flexible foil WVP: 6 g/m per day)
For composite foils used at MTU, refer to the list of consumables ( Page 42).

B Desiccant
Desiccant, normally silica gel, is the common term for an agent that absorbs water and is used in climate
packaging. The desiccant is in packs of highly-permeable (for water vapor) and strong material (e.g. na
tron crepe paper) which are placed in the transport package.

TIM-ID: 0000019178 - 001

Example of a desiccant pack

For desiccant packs used at MTU, refer to the list of consumables ( Page 42).

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Packaging | 39

Calculation of the required desiccant units.

The amount of desiccant units to be used in packaging for shipping depends on the climatic conditions
and on storage at the destination.
The minimum quantity of desiccant units to be used is to be calculated as follows:
Climatic zone

Desiccant units (DU)

per area of composite
foil in m (A)

Europe (apart from Russia)

DUs per kg packag

+ ing aid (PA)

Desiccant units


17 x PA

DUs per shipping



20 x PA

DUs per shipping


17 x A

20 x PA

DUs per shipping


Mediterranean region
Near East
South and Central America
Middle East and Far East

Table 7: Calculation of desiccant units

1. Measure surface A of the laminated aluminum foil for the packaging.
2. Weigh the packing aids (PAs), such as wood, corrugated cardboard etc., required to support and pad
the engine within the laminated aluminum foil.
3. Determine in and through which climatic zones the engine is to be sent and stored in the packaging.
4. Calculate the required desiccant units (DUs).
Note: If the laminated aluminum foil is damaged after replacing it or touching it up, perform the following
calculation of the DUs again.
Calculation example for desiccant units:
Packaging for climatic zone C
Area of composite foil: 10 m
Weight of packing aids: 3 kg

17 DU x 10

20 DU x 3

DUs per shipping


170 DUs

60 DUs

230 DUs

C Humidity indicator
To monitor the degree of saturation of the desiccant, a humidity indicator is attached to the aluminum foil
Humidity indicators show when the specified relative air humidity is exceeded by changing color. The in
crease in relative air humidity, e.g. if the packaging is not airtight or the laminated aluminum foil is dam
aged, poses a risk of corrosion to the engine.
A vision panel with humidity indicator is screwed into the laminated aluminum foil, which must be as far
away from the desiccant as possible. The vision panel allows the relative air humidity within the laminat
ed aluminum foil or any changes to be checked at all times.
40 | Packaging | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000019178 - 001

Result: 230 desiccant units (DUs) are required for adequate protection of the engine.

Example of a humidity indicator

Note: The air humidity inside the packaging must be checked regularly every 3 to 4 months ( Page 48).
Measures to be carried out in case of changes to the relative air humidity are listed in the following table.

TIM-ID: 0000019178 - 001

Reading the humidity indicator


Discoloration as an indicator of the rela

tive air humidity

Measures to be initiated


Pink discoloration: Relative humidity

above 30%

Shorten checking period

Check humidity indicator every 4 weeks


Pink discoloration: Relative humidity

above 40%

Replace desiccant, ensure the amount is cor

rect; calculation: ( Page 40)
Distribute new desiccant evenly in the packag
ing area
Extract air from the packaging and reseal com
posite foil ( Page 47)


Pink discoloration: Relative humidity

above 50%

Check packaged products

Re-preserve the engine
Replace desiccant, ensure the amount is cor
rect; calculation: ( Page 40)
Distribute new desiccant evenly in the packag
ing area
Extract air from the packaging and reseal com
posite foil ( Page 47)

Note: The humidity indicator regenerates itself automatically. Replacement following opening and sealing
of the packaging area is not required.

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Packaging | 41

8.3 Climate-compatible packaging Installation

If the engine is not new or not thoroughly overhauled by MTU (both are already preserved), preserva
tion in accordance with this publication is required before the climate packaging can be used.
All engine fluids and lubricants must be drain as completely as possible.
Check whether a transport locking device is prescribed for the engine. If so, lock crankshaft and en
gine mount according to the engine documentation.

Special tools, Material, Spare parts

Designation / Use

Part No.

Manual foil-welding device (commercially available)

Hard rubber plates
Loctite 5970 sealant, permanently elastic


Laminated aluminium foil, 1.00 m wide


Laminated aluminium foil, 1.25 m wide


Laminated aluminium foil, 1.50 m wide


PE foam foil, 1.25 m wide, 4 mm thick


Vision panel


Vision panel with humidity indicator


Desiccant, 125 g = 4 units


Desiccant, 250 g = 8 units


Desiccant, 500 g = 16 units


Desiccant, 1000 g = 32 units



Manual foil-welding device

Various manual foil-welding device models
are available on the market. One supplier,
for example:
W. Kopp Verpackungsmaschinen
Stettener Str. 111117
73732 Esslingen Waeldenbronn
Model: Manual sealing device HSD 95 Cel

TIM-ID: 0000023306 - 001

42 | Packaging | A001070/00E 2012-02

Packing the engine


Use a hollow punch to knock out a passage

for the anchor bolts.
Place hard rubber plates on the transport
trestle in the area of the anchor bolts.


In the area of the bolt entry, thoroughly coat

the hard rubber plates with permanently
elastic sealant.


Use a hollow punch to knock out a passage

for the anchor bolts.
Place laminated aluminium foil in position
and, in the area of the bolt entry, thoroughly
coat with permanently elastic sealant.

TIM-ID: 0000023306 - 001


A001070/00E 2012-02 | Packaging | 43


Place the hard rubber plates once again on

the laminated aluminium foil in the area of
the bolt entry.


Place foam foil on the hard rubber plates to

provide additional protection for the laminat
ed aluminium foil.
Mount engine on transport trestle and bolt
on engine mounting.
The complete system is firmly press-fitted
and compact.


Padding the edges and corners of

the engine block
Cushion edges and corners of the engine
block that could damage the laminated alu
minium foil with foam foil.

TIM-ID: 0000023306 - 001

44 | Packaging | A001070/00E 2012-02

Applying the desiccant



The desiccant units must not come into di

rect contact with corrosive engine compo
Insert the calculated number of desiccant
units. Calculation example: ( Page 39).
The desiccant units must be fastened in the
upper third of the sealed cover and attach
ed to the engine block, freely suspended if
Use suitable fastening materials for the
desiccant units (e.g. string or adhesive
tape) to prevent damage to the desiccant
units, the engine or the laminated alumini
um foil.

Installation of humidity indicator

and vision panel


Screw the humidity indicator and vision

panel into the laminated aluminium foil.

TIM-ID: 0000023306 - 001


The holes for the humidity indicator and the

vision panel are to be cut into the laminated
aluminum foil at a point that is clearly visible
and as far away from the desiccant units as
The vision panel is to be fastened in such a
way that the engine number can be

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Packaging | 45

Sealing the laminated aluminum


Seal the laminated aluminium foil using the

manual foil-welding device ( Page 42).


Prior to final sealing of the laminated alumi

nium foil, use a vacuum pump (e.g. vacuum
cleaner) to extract the entrapped air in the
packaging. Avoid excessively tight fitting of
the laminated aluminium foil because stress
during transportation can result in chafing of
the laminated aluminium foil.
The vacuum created results in the lami
nated aluminium foil to lie lightly against
the engine.
Extracting the air removes the humidity
in the air, thus reducing the humidity
within the packaging.


Leak-tightness check

TIM-ID: 0000023306 - 001

If the packaging is not sufficiently tight, it

will lose its tension within 30 minutes and
If the packaging is not airtight, the leak can
be detected by blowing air into the packag
ing and resealing the packaging.

46 | Packaging | A001070/00E 2012-02

8.4 Climate-compatible packaging Check and repair

Special tools, Material, Spare parts
Designation / Use


Part No.

Manual foil-welding device (commercially available)

Laminated aluminium foil, 1.00 m wide


Laminated aluminium foil, 1.25 m wide


Laminated aluminium foil, 1.50 m wide


Desiccant, 125 g = 4 units


Desiccant, 250 g = 8 units


Desiccant, 500 g = 16 units


Desiccant, 1000 g = 32 units



When checking the climate packaging, the laminated aluminum foil must not be damaged. Open the
transport box (if available) with utmost care. The condition of the laminated aluminum foil must be in
spected thoroughly during customs, stock or storage checks. Corrosion protection is no longer guaran
teed if the laminated aluminum foil is damaged.

Checking the air humidity


Check humidity level regularly every 3 to 4 months.

Enter findings in Monitoring Sheet ( Page 48). If the engine's warranty period is still valid, send the
Monitoring Sheet to MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH after commissioning.

Replacing desiccant

Open the laminated aluminium foil at the upper area and remove the desiccant.
Place the same amount of new desiccant in the upper area.
Extract air and reseal laminated aluminium foil with manual foil-welding device ( Page 42)until airtight.

Repair of climate-compatible packaging


TIM-ID: 0000023313 - 001


If the laminated aluminium foil is damaged, the damaged section can be cut out and replaced by a repair
piece. Incorrect repair work, e.g. using adhesive tape, is not permitted since it would not maintain the
vacuum in the packaging.
Cut out damaged laminated aluminum foil section.
Seal new laminated aluminum foil section with manual foil-welding device.
Place new desiccant in packaging.
Prior to final sealing of the laminated aluminium foil, use a vacuum pump (e.g. vacuum cleaner) to extract
the entrapped air in the packaging.
Reseal laminated aluminium foil with manual foil-welding device.

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Packaging | 47

8.5 Monitoring Sheet for engines with climate-compatible

The following checks are to be made before, during and at the end of the engine storage period and
correct execution must be confirmed by date and signature.
Note: For new products, the delivery date must always be entered.
Engine model:

Engine No.:

Delivery date:

Date of scheduled initial operation of engine:



Visual inspection of special packaging for damage



Relative air humidity: _______ %


Relative air humidity: _______ %

Relative air humidity: _______ %

Relative air humidity: _______ %

Relative air humidity: _______ %

Relative air humidity: _______ %

Relative air humidity: _______ %

Relative air humidity: _______ %

Relative air humidity: _______ %


Relative air humidity: _______ %


Relative air humidity: _______ %


Relative air humidity: _______ %


Inspection of the hygrometer before opening the packaging

Relative air humidity: _______ %


De-preservation completed


Possible necessary correction work

Date of

Name of

(e.g. on the aluminum foil or transport box)


person responsible


Important note on the warranty period

Notify MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH:
if two or all three fields of the humidity indicator are pink
if, during de-preservation of the engine, external signs of corrosion or damage to the rub
ber hose connections are detected
in due time before initial operation of the engine

48 | Packaging | A001070/00E 2012-02

TIM-ID: 0000034396 - 001

9 Overview of Changes
9.1 Overview of change to previous edition
Changes to previous edition

TIM-ID: 0000034386 - 001

NONE, first issue.

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Overview of Changes | 49

10 Appendix
10.1 Index

Applicability of the publication4

Gas engine
De-preservation 36
Service interruption of < 1 month 20
Gas engine filled
Out-of-service period > 3 months 28
Gas engine unfilled
Out-of-service period 1 to 3 months 23
Out-of-service period > 3 months 30

Check sheet for (re-)preservation8

Climate-compatible packaging38
Check and repair 47
Design 39
Installation 42
Instruction sheet for de-preservation 37
Monitoring Sheet 48
Combustion chamber
(Re-)preservation 32, 34
Corrosion inhibitor 10
Re-preservation intervals 17, 19
Coolant circuit
(Re-)preservation 32, 34
Corrosion inhibitor 11
Re-preservation intervals 17, 19
Corrosion inhibitor
Internal preservation 10, 11, 13
Corrosion inhibitors
External preservation 14
De-preservation prior to operation36
De-preservation prior to putting into operation
Instruction sheet 37
Diesel engine
De-preservation 36
Service interruption of < 1 month 20
Diesel engine filled
Out-of-service period > 3 months 24
Diesel engine unfilled
Out-of-service period 1 to 3 months 22
Out-of-service period > 3 months 26
Documentation requirements7
External preservation
(Re-)preservation 32, 34
Corrosion inhibitors 14
Re-preservation intervals 17, 19
Fuel system
Corrosion inhibitor 13
Re-preservation intervals 17, 19

50 | Appendix | A001070/00E 2012-02

Humidity indicator39
Inhibitor concentration11
Initial operation corrosion inhibitor10
Initial preservation7
Instruction sheet for de-preservation37
Internal preservation
Corrosion inhibitor 10, 11, 13
Re-preservation intervals 17, 19
Monitoring Sheet for climate-compatible packaging48
Notes on use4
Oil circuit
Corrosion inhibitor 10
Re-preservation intervals 17, 19
Other applicable documents4
Check sheet 8
Definition 7
Performance, see Re-preservation 20
Preservation without operation option
Filled medium circuits 32
Unfilled medium circuits 34
Approval 9
Safety instructions 6
Test standards 9
Check sheet 8
Definition 7

DCL-ID: 0000014930 - 001

Re-preservation intervals15
Combustion chamber 17, 19
External preservation 17, 19
Filled medium circuits 17
Interpretation examples 16
Unfilled medium circuits 19
Re-preservation with operation option
Diesel engine filled 24
Diesel engine unfilled 22, 26
Gas engine filled 28
Gas engine unfilled 23, 30
Revision overview49
Safety instructions6
Special packaging, see Climate-compatible packaging
Storage conditions15
Type of packaging15, 38

DCL-ID: 0000014930 - 001

Validity of the preservation specifications4

A001070/00E 2012-02 | Appendix | 51

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