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Venturi CD at Laminar Flow

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015

Predictionof discharge coefficient of Venturimeter at

low Reynolds numbers by analytical and CFD
Arun R, Yogesh Kumar K J, V Seshadri

Abstract- The venturimeter is a typical obstruction type flow

meter, widely used in industries for flow measurements. The
ISO standard (ISO-5167-1) provides the value of discharge
coefficients for the classical venturimeters in turbulent flows
with Reynolds number above 2x105. But in case of viscous fluids,
venturimeters are sometimes operated in laminar flow rather
than turbulent flow at Reynolds number below the range
covered by the standards. In the present work, an attempt was
made to study, prepare a computational model of a venturimeter,
which can be used as an efficient and easy means for predicting
the discharge coefficients at low Reynolds number. The
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software ANSYS
FLUENT-14 has been used as a tool to perform the modeling
and simulation of venturimeter. Simulation was carried out for a
standard venturimeter and the results were validated with the
standards. Further the focus of the study was directed towards
flows with low Reynolds numbers commonly associated with
pipe line transportation of viscous fluids. An analytical
correlation for discharge coefficient in the laminar region was
derived by considering the viscous losses that occur between two
pressure taps. The results of the simulations show that the
discharge coefficient decreases rapidly as the Reynolds number
decreases. The results were compared with the analytically
proposed equation to calculate Cd at low Re and also with the
experimental data of Gordon Stobie [1]. The results obtained
from all three modes of calculations were with an uncertainty of
0.9 per cent.
Index Terms- Venturimeter, Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD), Coefficient of discharge (Cd), Low Reynolds number.

area available for flow at the constriction and the discharge

coefficient, the rate of discharge from the constriction can be
calculated. The discharge coefficient Cd is the ratio of actual
flow to the theoretical flow. The widely used flow meters in
the industries are orifice meter, venturimeter and Pitot tube.
Venturimeter and orifice meter are more convenient and
frequently used for measuring flow in an enclosed ducts or
Venturi meters are commonly used in single and
multiphase flows. The conditions encountered in metering
viscous fluids can be beyond the range of applicability of the
industry standards (ISO 5167-1). The ISO standard is limited
to turbulent flows for Reynolds numbers (based on the
upstream pipe diameter) above 2x105. Metering viscous oils
may involve laminar, rather than turbulent flow at Reynolds
numbers below the range covered by the ISO standard. Little
data are available on Venturi discharge coefficients in laminar
flow. Hence CFD modeling was conducted to simulate flow
through venturimeter at very low Reynolds number. The
objectives was to gain additional insight into low Reynolds
number flows in Venturi meters to evaluate how well CFD
modeling and analytical calculation can predict the
experimental results.
A. Principle of Venturimeter:
The venturimeter is an obstruction type flow meter
named in honor of Giovanni Venturi (1746-11822), an Italian
physicist who first tested conical expansion and contraction.

The flow meters are being widely used in the industries to
measure the volumetric flow rate of the fluids. These flow
meters are usually differential pressure type, which measures
the flow rate by introducing a constriction in the flow. The
pressure difference caused by the constriction is used to
calculate the flow rate by using Bernoullis theorem.
If any constriction is placed in a pipe carrying a fluid, there
will be an increase in the velocity and hence the kinetic energy
increases at the point of constriction. From the energy balance
equation given by Bernoullis theorem, there must be a
corresponding reduction in the static pressure. Thus by
knowing the pressure reduction, the density of the fluid, the
Fig.1: Venturimeter

Arun R, M.Tech Student, Thermal Power Engineering, MIT-Mysore.

Yogesh Kumar K J, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, MIT-Mysore.
V Seshadri, Professor, Departmental of Applied Mechanics, IIT-Delhi,
New Delhi.


The classical venturimeter consists of a converging section,

throat and a diverging section as shown in the figure 1. The
function of the converging section is to increase the velocity
of the fluid and temporarily reduce its static pressure. Thus


Predictionof discharge coefficient of Venturimeter at low Reynolds numbers by analytical and CFD Method

the pressure difference between the inlet and the throat is

developed. This pressure difference is correlated to the rate of
flow of fluid by using Bernoullis equation. As the theorem
states that In a steady, ideal flow of an incompressible fluid,
the total energy at any point of fluid is constant, the total
energy consists of pressure energy, kinetic energy and
potential energy.

drops for various values of angle of divergence and inlet

velocities for the different venturi profiles.
In this present work, CFD modeling was conducted to
simulate flow through venturimeter at very low Reynolds
number and the objectives was to gain an additional insight
into low Reynolds number flows in Venturi meters by using
CFD and to propose an analytical correlation to predict the
value of Cd at low Reynolds that match up with the
experimental data.

Because of the smoothness of the contraction and

expansion section of venturi, the irreversible pressure loss is
low. However, in order to obtain a significant measurable
pressure drop, the downstream pressure tap is located at the
throat of the venturimeter. In comparison of venturimeter with
the orifice meter, the pressure recovery is much better for
venturimeter than for the orifice plate, but there is no
complete pressure recovery. Pressure recovery is measured as
the pressure difference between inlet and outlet.
As per ISO 5167-1 [3], the mass flow rate in a Venturimeter
(Qm) is given by:

CFD modeling is a useful tool to gain an additional insight

into the physics of the flow and to understand the test results.
The objective of the CFD work was to model the flow using
2D CFD to obtain information about the flow that could not
be obtained in the experimental test program.
Model Description: The ANSYS FLUENT-14 CFD model
was used to model and simulate the laminar flow through a
venturimeter. The venturimeter geometry was modeled as a
2D-axisymmetric domain using a structured grid. The
dimensions of the geometry were taken from the ISO-5167-1
and no pressure taps were included in the CFD geometry.
The simulation was carried out for a standard classical
venturimeter with following dimensions and the model is
shown in the Fig.2

Cd = Venturimeter discharge coefficient
= Venturimeter beta ratio, d/D
= Expansion factor ( = 1, for incompressible flow)
d = Venturimeter throat diameter
D = Upstream pipe dia. of Venturi convergent section
P1 = Static pressure at the upstream pressure tap
P2 = Static pressure at the Venturi throat tap
= Fluid density at the upstream tap location
Equation (1) is based on the assumptions that the flow
steady, incompressible, and inviscid flow (no frictional
pressure losses) and uniform velocity profiles occur at the
pressure tap locations. However in order to take into account
the real fluid effects like viscosity and compressibility to
empirical coefficients Cd and are introduced in the equation.
In this paper we are considering only incompressible flow
therefore = 1.

Over the years the venturimeters have been used for metering
the different flows (liquid, gas, mixed flow). The
performances of these meters in terms of value of discharge
coefficient and pressure loss have been investigated by
several researchers. Gordon Stobie et al [1] made a
performance study on effect oferosion in a Venturi Meter with
Laminar and Turbulent Flow and measurement of discharge
coefficient at low Reynolds Number.Naveenji Arun et al [6]
conducted a CFD analysis to predict the discharge co-efficient
of venturimeter as a function of Reynolds number with
different beta ratios for single phase non-Newtonian flows. C.
L. Hollingshead et al [2], conducted experimental studies on
discharge coefficients of venturi and validated using
numerical analysis. T. Nithin et al [4] investigated the effect
of divergence angle on the total and differential pressure

Fig.2. Classical Venturimeter

Diameter of pipe
Diameter of throat
--Upstream pipe length
Downstream pipe length
Convergent angle
Divergent angle
Table 1: Dimensions of Venturi geometry
Fig. 3 shows the CFD grid used for the venturimeter
simulation. The modeled geometry includes 6D of straight
pipe upstream of the convergent section and a 20D of straight
pipe downstream of divergent section. The convergent, throat
and divergent region were meshed with very fine grids, while
the upstream and downstream pipe region was meshed with
coarse grids. A total of 183546 quadrilateral elements were
used to generate a suitable mesh for the analysis.



International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
In the modeling, mass, momentum, energy conservation
equations (if necessary) must be satisfied. The governing
equations for steady incompressible flows are:
Conservation of mass equation, this equation is valid for
both incompressible and compressible flows.

Conservation of momentum equation and for steady flow it

is written as,

Fig.3. Computational grids used for venturimeter simulation

As per the ISO-5167-1 [3], the different types of classical
venturimeter based on methods of manufacturing are,
classical venturi tube with an as cast convergent section,
classical venturi tube with a machined convergent section and
classical venturi tube with a rough-weld sheet-iron
convergent section.
For validation of CFD methodology a standard classical
venturimeter with a machined convergent section was
selected. As per ISO-5167-1, the standard dimensions of a
classical venturimeter with a machined convergent section are
in the ranges of,
50mm < D <250mm
0.4 < < 0.75
2x105< Re < 1x106
The ISO-5167-1[3] also gives specification for various
geometry details like convergent and divergent angles, length
of the throat, sharpness of the edges etc. when the
venturimeter is fabricated as per the above requirements and
used in the limits of applicability the value of Cd for such a
meter would be 0.995 with an uncertainty limit of 1.25%.
Based on the standard limits, a venturimeter with
D=100mm and =0.5 was constructed as a 2D axis symmetric
geometry. In the simulation procedure, the process of grid
generation is a very crucial step for better accuracy, stability
and economy of prediction. Based on mesh convergence
study, it is revealed that a total of quadrilateral elements
beyond 150000 yields a consistent result. Hence a total of
183546 quadrilateral elements were used.


Where p is the static pressure, g is the gravitational

body force.
It is an unfortunate fact that no single turbulence model is
universally accepted as being superior for all classes of
problems. The choice of turbulence model will depend on
considerations such as the physics encompassed in the flow,
the established practice for a specific class of problem, the
level of accuracy required, the available computational
resources, and the amount of time available for the simulation.
Among various turbulence models available, the realizable
k- model is a relatively recent development and differsfrom
the standard k- model in two important ways:
a) The realizable k- model contains a new formulation for
the turbulentviscosity.
b) A new transport equation for the dissipation rate, , has
been derivedfrom an exact equation for the transport of the
mean-squarevorticity fluctuation.
The term realizable" means that the model satisfies certain
mathematical constraints on the Reynolds stresses, consistent
with the physics of turbulent flows. Neither the standard k-
model nor the RNG k- model is realizable.
An immediate benefit of the realizable k- model is that it
more accurately predicts the spreading rate of both planar and
round jets. It is also likely to provide superior performance for
flows involving rotation, boundary layers under strong
adverse pressure gradients, separation, and recirculation.
Thus the Realizable k- turbulence model with standard
wall conditions was selected to model the flow domain as it is
superior to the Standard k- model for the prediction of
separated turbulent flows. SIMPLE algorithm with second
order upwind differencing scheme was used for iterative
process.Velocity at the inlet was specified as 1m/s and at
outlet the gauge pressure was set to zero. The heat transfer
from the wall of the domain was neglected.The solution was
computed in the commercial CFD code Fluent 14, in which
the pressure based solver, was selected for this particular case.
The results obtained from the CFD simulations were very
close to the Cd value specified in the standard ISO 5167-1 and
hence CFD methodology was validated.
Cd specified in
Cd obtained from
ISO 5167-1
Table 2.Comparison of Cd value of ISO 5167-1 and CFD Cd


Predictionof discharge coefficient of Venturimeter at low Reynolds numbers by analytical and CFD Method

specified and the heat transfer from the wall of the domain
was neglected. The flow solutions were obtained for steady,
incompressible flow. The range of Reynolds number covered
in this computation is from 1 to 1500.
Analytical correlation for the discharge coefficient of
venturimeter in laminar region:

Pressure contour: Max=8.83x102, Min= -9.82x103

Fig.6. Venturimeter
Assuming the flow is ideal and applying Bernoullis
equation before and after contraction,

But Z1= Z2,

Velocity contour: Max=4.37, Min=0

Fig.4. Pressure and velocity contours of Venturimeter

From continuity equation, we have

The above equation is based on the assumptions that the

flow is steady, incompressible, inviscid, irrotational, no losses
and the velocities V1 and V2 are constant across the cross

Velocity vectors: Max=4.41, Min=3.62

Fig.5. Velocity vectors
In the prediction of Cd at low Re the venturimeter was
modeled as per the dimensions specified in the table 2.In
simulating a fully-developed laminar flow profile at the
Venturi meter inlet, a laminar velocity profile was prescribed
at the pipe inlet with throat Reynolds number, located six D
upstream of the upstream pressure tap. This ensured a
fully-developed laminar velocity profile at the Venturi
upstream pressure tap location.
The laminar model with standard wall conditions was
selected to model the flowin the laminar region for the
prediction of Cd. The solution was computed in the
commercial CFD code Fluent 14, in which the pressure based
solver, was selected for this particular case. The velocity at
the inlet was specified as 1m/s, the gauge pressure at the outlet
was set to zero Pascal. At the wall no slip condition was

The coefficient of discharge Cd takes care of real fluid

effects i.e., the kinetic energy correction factor, viscous
effects and the losses due to sharp edges.
As per ISO-5167-1 [3], for a classical venturimeter the
flow with Reynolds number RD> 2x105 the value of discharge
coefficient Cd is equal to 0.995, therefore the losses are only
0.5%. But in case of laminar flow the losses are higher and it
is mainly due to viscous losses. When a liquid is flowing
through a pipe, the velocity of the liquid layer adjacent to the
pipe wall is zero. The velocity of liquid goes on increasing
from the wall and thus velocity gradient and hence shear
stresses are produced in the whole liquid due to viscosity.
This viscous action causes loss of energy which is usually
known as frictional loss. Thus the fluid experiences some
resistance due to which some of the energy of fluid is lost, this
head loss is due to friction and is given by Darcys law,



International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
the corner loses and kinetic energy correction factors.
However it should represent the trend in the variation of Cd
with Reynolds number in the laminar region.



Where, f is the friction factor which is a function of
Reynolds number and for laminar flow f is given by,

Now, applying Bernoullis equation between two pressure


To estimate the value of L/D between the section (1) and

(2), we will use local D.
In the pipe, L/D = 0.5
In the throat, L/D = 0.5

CFD simulations were performed over a wide range of

conditions. Venturimeter discharge coefficients were
calculated from the CFD predicted venturi pressure drops and
the flow rates. The simulations were done for different low
Reynolds numbers by varying the fluid viscosities and
keeping the constant inlet velocity as 1m/s. Initially the
simulation was carried out for a standard classical machined
venturimeter and the CFD results were validated with the
The simulations for actual low Reynolds number were
carried out and the CFD results were validated with the
experimental test data available [1]. Additional CFD
simulations were conducted to predict Venturi meter
operation at Reynolds numbers lower than that could be tested
in the laboratory.
The CFD results were also compared with the analytically
calculated Cd by using the correlation.

Where, for laminar flow f is given by

Thus the total actual (L/D) between the sections (1) and (2)
= (0.5+1.8+0.5) = 2.8
For simplicity, we will put V=V2 in Darcy equation and

The CFD discharge coefficients follow the same general

trends as the experimental and analytical results, but CFD
results do not agree exactly with any of the correlations. For
Reynolds numbers below about 1,000, the data falls within the
range of the various published results. Table 3, shows the
comparison of CFD results with experimental data available
and the analytical result.
In figure 7, the discharge coefficients for the venturimeter
from CFD simulations are compared with published data from
several sources and also with the analytically predicted
discharge coefficients. The discharge coefficients were found
to follow the same general trends as the published results. And
also the overall behavior of the discharge coefficient curve is
found to be consistent with what is described in the literature
and ISO 5167-1.



et. al [1])




























Comparing (A) and (B) we get,

If =0.5 then,

Where f=64/Red
Equation (c) gives the discharge coefficient for the laminar
flow with Reynolds number less than 2000 and beta ratio
equal to 0.5. The above equation does not take into account


Cd results

Cd Value

Table 3. Comparison of Discharge coefficients


Predictionof discharge coefficient of Venturimeter at low Reynolds numbers by analytical and CFD Method

[3] Indian standard ISO-5167-1, Measurement of fluid flow by means of

pressure differential devices (1991).
[4] T. Nithin, Nikhil Jain and AdarshaHiriyannaiah (2012). Optimization of
Venturi Flow Meter Model for the Angle of Divergence with Minimal
Pressure Drop by Computational Fluid Dynamics Method.
International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in
Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management
[5] Nikhil
VaibhavBansode (2014). Experimental and CFD analysis of flow
through venturimeter to determine the coefficient of discharge.
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology.
[6] Naveenji Arun, Malavarayan S, Kaushik M, H.Sriananth (2010). CFD
analysis on discharge coefficient during non Newtonian flows through
orifice meter. International Journal of Engineering Science and
Technology Vol. 2(7).
[7] P. Hari Vijay, V. Subrahmanyam(2014). CFD simulation on different
geometries of venturimeter. International Journal of Latest Trends in
Engineering and Technology vol-3

Fig.7: Comparison of published values of venturimeter

discharge coefficients for low Re with the CFD results
The agreement between the analytically calculated and
CFD simulated results is good; although it appears that two
data sets have slightly different slopes. Also the CFD results
were in close comparison with the experimental data [1]. The
favorable agreement between the analytical, CFD and
experimental results suggests that CFD can be used to model
the low Reynolds number flows when using venturimeters.
CFD modeling and simulation was performed to determine
if CFD simulations could predict the performance of a
venturimeter under non-ISO standard conditions typically
encountered in metering viscous fluids. The results obtained
from CFD were used to study the detailed information on
venturimeter flow characteristics that could not be easily
measured during experimental testing at very low Reynolds
Considering the uncertainty involved in the experimental
study and CFD analysis, the agreement between the computed
values and experimental data of Cd can be considered as
satisfactory.It can also be inferred that for a laminar flow in a
specific venturimeter (fixed D and ), the discharge
coefficient is a function of throat Reynolds number over a
range of viscosities and flow rates.
It is observed that as the Reynolds number decreases, the
value of Cd reduces very rapidly. This can be attributed to the
viscous losses that occur at these Reynolds number. Hence
while using venturimeter at low Reynolds number, it is
essential to use the correct value of Cd.
It is also necessary to be mentioned that since Cd varies
significantly with Re (hence flow rate), it is not very
convenient to use venturimeter for such applications because
Cdwill not be known a prior. Hence it would require an
iteration process to arrive at the actual flow rate.
[1] Gordon Stobie, Conoco Phillips, Robert Hart and Steve Svedeman,
Southwest Research Institute. Erosion in a Venturi Meter with Laminar
and Turbulent Flow and Low Reynolds Number Discharge Coefficient
[2] C.L. Hollingshead, M.C. Johnson, S.L. Barfuss, R.E. Spall (2011).
Discharge coefficient performance of Venturi, standard concentric
orifice plate, V-cone and wedge flow meters at low Reynolds numbers.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.



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