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Contract #YX-XXX

Engineering Services Proposal

Gravity R/R Package X Wastewater Improvements
SA number (name of subdivision)
SA number (name of subdivision)
SA number (name of subdivision)
SA number (name of subdivision)
SA number (name of subdivision)

Pump Station R/R Package X Improvements

PS number (name of pump station)
PS number (name of pump station)
PS number (name of pump station)
PS number (name of pump station)
PS number (name of pump station)
Project Purpose
The Gravity R/R Program for the next 5 years is addressing all of the 306 miles of vitrified clay
pipe. We have grouped VCP gravity service subareas into final design and construction
packages. The Gravity R/R Program has developed a database for gravity CCTV inspection,
condition assessment, and recommendations for the R/R work. A data computer software
program has been developed to manage the data and evaluate the defects observed to assist in
condition assessment and recommendations for the R/R work. We are able to plot from the
database, which is accessible from GIS, graphic maps and tables of the R/R work to be done.
These plots become our design drawings for the lining of gravity mains. These drawings are
included in the construction documents with the Engineers documents for the replacement of the
gravity mains, the manholes, and the laterals that need R/R work.
Orange County Utilities owns and maintains 675 duplex and triplex pump stations within its
three service areas. The Pump Station R/R program includes the inspection, assessment, and
prioritizing of pump stations for R/R based upon the following functional areas: mechanical,
electrical, structural, health and safety, and site requirements. The condition assessment results
in an overall pump station priority ranging from Priority 1 low priority pump station with no
immediate needs to Priority 4 highest priority pump station. This project contains pump
stations which have an overall Priority 4 ranking.
Description of Project
Based on these evaluations and recommendations from Utilities the replacement and /or
rehabilitation of the potable water system and gravity sewer system will include replacement of
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approximately XXX linear feet of potable water main; replacement of XXX linear feet of gravity
sewer main and associates laterals; CIPP lining of XXX linear feet of gravity sewer main and
XX laterals; XX sanitary sewer point repairs (totaling XX linear feet); lining of XX sanitary
manholes and the patching, sealing and coating of XX sanitary manholes.
Utilities will provide the drawings for CIPP lining of the gravity wastewater system each service
subareas (SA) listed below.
R/R for PS number (name of pump station)
The renewal work is based on the recommendations provided on the summary report dated
month day, 2013 and the report is included as Attachment 1. The pump station is located at
address and can be improved in place. The improvements are generally described as follows:
Convert of pump station wetwell to a manhole and remove the existing valve vault
Replace a portion of 8 gravity main
Construct a new pump station
Replace a portion of the existing force main
Line the existing wetwell
Replace the access hatches
Replace the existing pumps
Replace the existing riser pipes
Replace valve vault with above grade piping
Replace valve vault piping and valves
New emergency pump out
Relocate control panel and SCADA system
New concrete access drive
New CMU wall with anti-graffiti paint
Replace access gate
New odor control unit
New generator and associated fuel storage tank
Replace the electrical control panel and SCADA system
NOTE: The projects as described separately above, will be included together in one set of
construction documents and be bid and constructed together.
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The appended Exhibit C includes the following.

Preliminary Engineering Construction Cost Estimate

Table 1 Water Distribution System Improvements

Table 2 Gravity System Improvements
GIS Map Delineation

o water main replacement locations

o topographic survey limits
o GPR cross sections with VVHs
o groundwater sampling locations
Utilities Sample R/R Schematic Drawing for CIPP Lining

FDEP OCULUS Contamination Location Map and Descriptions

The professional services that will be performed by subconsultants are as follows:
Computer Aided Drafting Services:
QA/QC and Constructability Review of Final Design phases:
Surveying Services:
o Subtasks
Geotechnical Investigations:
Groundwater Sampling/Testing:
o Lab Analysis:
Ecological Investigations:
Construction Administration Services:
Scope of Work
Engineering services shall provide design drawings and specifications that meet or exceed the
requirements of Utilities Standards and Construction Specifications Manual (Manual), utilize
Utilities Master CIP Technical Specifications, and standard drawing templates for the
construction of water mains, force mains, reclaimed water mains, gravity system, and pump
stations. The Engineer has read the Orange County Utilities Master CIP Technical
Specifications Consultant Responsibilities and concurs with this document dated December
2015. The Engineer is responsible for all work of their subconsultants/subcontractors to meet
the requirements of the Engineers proposal.
The County requires the
subconsultant/subcontractor proposals to be attached to the Engineers proposal.
The following tasks will be performed as part of the work:

Task 100 Preliminary Engineering: (SA # or PS #)

Task 200 Construction Documents: (SA # or PS #)

Task 300 Surveying: (SA # or PS #)

Task 400 Geotechnical Investigation and Groundwater Sampling and Testing: (SA #
or PS #)

Task 500 Ecological Investigation: (SA # or PS #)

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Task 600 Public Relations: Community Meeting/Public Notification-Flier Production and

Mailing Procedure: (SA # or PS #)
Task 700 Bidding Assistance
Task 800 Construction Administration Services


The purpose of the preliminary engineering phase is to present project completion alternatives to
Utilities in a manner that will allow Utilities to make an informed decision as to how the project
shall proceed. Minimal survey services will be performed during the Preliminary Engineering
unless approved by the Utilities Project Manager.
Subtask 110 Data Collection
Coordinate and attend Kick-off meeting. Prepare and distribute meeting minutes.
Collect and review all available information such as records, maps, aerials, surveys,
easements, ROW records, zoning classifications, plans, record drawings, soils investigation
reports, building codes and standards that may be pertinent to execution of the Project.
Review all requirements of all agencies having jurisdiction over the Project. Collect and
review any other information that may have a bearing and impact on the planning, design,
approval, permitting, construction or operation of the Project.
Review any previous inspection and condition assessment reports and recommendations
prepared by Utilities.
Coordinate with Utilities any inspection and testing work of the gravity sewer one (1)
manhole upstream outside the pump station. Inspection work to be performed by Utilities
staff shall include televising the gravity main, manhole inspections, one week of VoluCalc
pump station flow data, and if available, pump station draw down test data.
Evaluate existing conditions along the proposed pipe installation route by site visitation.
Consider current field conditions and any proposed site improvements and/or changes that
may impact the project and recommended location of the proposed pipeline.
Subtask 120 Preliminary Engineering Report
As a minimum the Engineer shall provide the following:
For each pump station, Utilities will estimate the wastewater flows based upon Utilities
hydraulic model, one week of VoluCalc data from each pump station, and provide system
curves for use by the Engineer. Engineer will perform the following duties:
Estimate the capacity of the influent gravity lines based on the Manning Equation,
appropriate Orange County Standards, and generally accepted engineering practice. Also,
Engineer will consider the wet well storage volumes, appropriate Orange County
Standards, and generally accepted engineering practice to ascertain the ability of the wet
wells to accommodate the design flows. Subsequently, Engineer will document the
capacity and operational conditions for each pump station, provide pump selections for
both Flygt and ABS pumps.
Develop a preliminary site and yard piping plan for each pump station.
The submitted bound preliminary design report shall comprise the following contents:
Section 1
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Section 2


Capacity requirements (discuss data supplied by Utilities and Engineers

Section 3
Condition Assessment (prepare an itemized list of Utilities condition
assessments, Standards Manual requirements, and Engineer observations
for each pump station).
Section 4
Gravity condition assessment (Any collection/transmission system
improvements associated with the pumping stations)
Section 5
Permit requirements
Section 6
Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (Use the Utilities schedule of
values for the pump stations).
Section 7
Recommendations (include preliminary site and yard piping plan)
Appendix A Photographs
Appendix B Design calculations (Pump calculations, working volume calculations for
run-starts per hour, pump impeller selection, capacity of incoming gravity
main, and force main calculations if the force main flows into gravity).
Appendix C Surveys (Boundary and Topographic Survey and Boundary Survey)
Appendix D Information provided by Utilities Condition Assessment, system curves,
VoluCalc data, and CCTV recommendations made for the gravity system.
Documentation of the proposed water main and forcemain improvements.
The preliminary design report shall comprise the following contents:
Section 1
Introduction (general design criteria)
Section 2
Observations (sequence of work, MOT, new pavement resurfacing,
existing utilities, fences in right-of-way, etc.)
Section 3
A table tabulation of water mains to be replaced based upon adequate
water pressure for fire flow and the quantities of cement asbestos pipe
with their respective sizes to remain
Section 4
Photographs of street (potential alignment conflicts with trees, etc.)
Section 5
Permit requirements
Section 6
Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (Use Utilities measurement and
payment items).
Section 7
Recommendations (include pipe alignment schematic map and indicate all
major conflicts with existing utilities and all areas where special
construction techniques must be considered. Additionally, present any
other pertinent information necessary for Utilities to evaluate the proposed
Appendix A Design calculations

Preliminary Design Report will include tabs for each of the sections and appendices
Submit six (6) copies of the draft Preliminary Design Report to Utilities. Meet with
Utilities to discuss and revise in accordance with the comments from Utilities. Submit two
(2) hard copies and a digital copy as a single PDF of the final Preliminary Design Report.
A separate PDF digital copy of the Pump Station PDR portion after the PDR has been
approved. The Pump Station PDR will be downloaded into the Pump Station R/R Program
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The construction documents shall be complete and meet all requirements for construction
contract competitive bid formulation and subsequent construction of the Project. All documents
shall comply with the current requirements of the Orange County Utilities Standards and
Construction Specifications Manual, Attachment 2 Drawing File Naming Conventions, and the
requirements as described in this proposal. Provide quality assurance and "constructability"
review prior to all submittals to Utilities. Design services will include 60%, 90%, and 100%
document submittals, survey, geotechnical, ecological investigation, and permitting. The
Engineer has estimated insert # single plan and profile drawings for water and force main
replacement drawings at a scale of 1= 20 horizontal and 1= 4 vertical, insert # schematic
gravity main R/R improvement drawings at a scale of 1=200, and insert # GIS aerial plan
drawings for gravity main point repairs and manhole replacement at a scale of 1=20, and insert
# general information and detail drawings. The Engineer shall confirm with the Utilities Project
Manager (PM) the ground penetrating cross sectional areas to be investigated at Utility Quality
Level A prior to any survey work performed.
Subtask 210 60% Level of Completion
Shall be defined as a complete set (all sheets that will be in the bid package) of plan and profile
drawings indicating all survey and topographic information, depiction of all subsurface utility
data in accordance with CI/ASCE 38-02, ASCE Standard Guideline for the Collection and
Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data, all utility connections, Standard Drawing Detail
Checklist and proposed drawing details, Utilities Master CIP Technical Specifications checklist,
specific technical specification sections with proposed changes, any proposed new pay items,
and Engineers Estimate of Probable Cost utilizing Utilities Standard Pay Items. If in the
opinion of the PM the 60% level of completion is not met, the submittal shall be resubmitted
with the appropriate missing information.
General Requirements
If ground water sample results of the water analysis exceed the allowable levels of
the specified water quality parameters (see Table 2, Screening Values for Discharge of
Produced Ground Water), the Engineer shall provide remedy(s) in the Utilities Master CIP
Technical Specifications Section 02140, Dewatering, paragraph 3.03.
All existing utilities shall be shown on the plans in accordance with the CI/ASCE
38-02, ASCE Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface
Utility Data. Existing utilities shall be identified with a utility quality level by an appropriate
abbreviation and legend. In addition, place on the drawings: the note found below, index
notes, legend and abbreviations, and a horizontal and vertical data table in accordance with
CI/ASCE 38-02 Utility Quality Level Information Index on the plan and profile drawings.
NOTE: This drawing was prepared in conformance with ASCE standard
CE/ASCE 38-02 American Society of Civil Engineers Standard Guideline
for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data.
A physical walk-through of the proposed pipe(s) route shall be made by
the Orange County Utilities construction inspector, PM, and the Engineer prior to the 60%
review meeting.
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Drawings shall use the Utilities drawing naming convention shown in

Attachment 2 of this proposal.
Any modifications to the OCU Standards and Construction Specification
Manuals Standard Drawings shall be noted.
Meet with Utilities to discuss the 60% submittal, prepare a written list of
Utilities comments, submit to Utilities for verification and subsequently revise the
construction documents per Utilities comments.
Coordinate with the Orange County Public Works Department (Public Works). Submit one
(1) printed set of 60% construction drawings as a separate submittal package with cover letter
for review and comment to each:
Manager of Development Engineering Division
Manager of Highway Construction Division
Manager of Stormwater Management Division
Manager of Public Works Engineering Division
Manager of Traffic Engineering Division
Manager of Roads and Drainage Division
Manager of Transportation Planning Division
Incorporate Public Works comments into the drawings and specifications
after approval by the PM. An email shall be submitted by the Engineer verifying whether
each of the preceding Public Works Divisions have reviewed and commented on the

Submit all Survey deliverables.
Submit seven (7) printed sets of the 60% design drawings.
All required plan and profile drawings
Design packages from Utilities
AutoCAD drawings for title sheet, general notes and details
All AutoCAD drawings for the renewal and/or replacement of pump stations
Complete the Utilities Master CIP Technical Specification Checklist.
Any Master CIP Technical Specifications with proposed tracked changes.
Complete the Utilities Standard Drawing Detail Check List
Any proposed Drawing Detail(s)
Provide the Engineers Estimate of Probable Cost utilizing Utilities Standard Pay Items.
Any proposed new pay items shall be submitted with measurement and payment
description to match Utilities format and numbered with an appropriate payment item
Submit a paper copy of the Geotechnical Investigation Report to Utilities and a digital
CD copy in MS Word format.
Submit a paper copy of the Ecological Investigation Report to Utilities and a digital CD
copy in MS Word format.
Subtask 220 - 90% Level of Completion
Shall be defined as a complete set the construction drawings and specifications containing all of
the general and preceding requirements that would allow the Project to be bid, Utilities 60%
review comment tabulation (Excel spreadsheet), and 60% review comments were addressed, and
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an opinion of the probable construction cost utilizing Utilities Standard Pay Items. If in the
opinion of the PM the 90% level of completion is not met, the submittal shall be resubmitted
with the appropriate missing information.
General Requirements:
The Engineer shall indicate fittings on the construction plans for pipe deflections.
PVC pipe shall be designed with no pipe deflections and shall have fittings for all bends.
An electronic blank file of the Record Drawing Asset Attribute Data Table in Excel
format will be provided by Utilities to the Engineer upon request.
The As-built Asset Attribute Data Table worksheets shall be shown in the construction
drawings and placed as the last sheets of drawings. Identify all assets on the drawings with a
unique numbering procedure. Utility assets and infrastructural features shall be labeled on
the drawings with unique identification numbers in order to create a link between the
drawings and the As-Built Asset Attribute Data Table. The unique numbers with asset
descriptions are to be filled in on the latest Utilities As-built Asset Attribute Data Table in the
appropriate worksheet. The worksheets shall include all of the Utilities pertinent assets
listed in Table 1 Minimum Survey Accuracies per Asset (proposed and existing Water,
Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water). All of the Countys manhole asset numbers will be used.
Submit the 60% review comments Excel spreadsheet.
Meet with Utilities to discuss the 90% design drawings submittal, prepare an updated
written list of 90% Utilities review comments Excel spread sheet.
Incorporate into this submittal any governmental agency permit review comments.
Deliverables for the Review Meeting:
Submit seven (7) printed sets of the 90% design drawings.
All required plan and profile
Design packages from Utilities
AutoCAD drawings for title
sheet, general notes and details
All AutoCAD drawings for the
renewal and/or replacement of pump stations
Updated Utilities Master CIP Technical Specification Checklist.
Any Master CIP Technical Specifications with proposed tracked changes.
Complete the Utilities Standard Drawing Detail Check List
Any proposed Drawing Detail(s)
Any proposed new pay items shall be submitted with measurement and payment
description to match Utilities format and numbered with an appropriate payment item
Provide the Engineers Estimate of Probable Cost utilizing the Utilities Standard Pay
Item List.
After the 90% review meeting:
Prepare and submit all required Project related permit applications and supporting
documentation necessary to obtain required permits for construction and operation of the
Project from all applicable agencies (Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
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Florida Department of Transportation, County Public Works and Building Departments,

Water Management Districts, Railroad, etc.) with jurisdiction over the Project.
Respond to all requests for additional information from permitting agencies.
Submit all acquired permits.
All permit fees are included in the engineering fee compensation. Utilities will reimburse
permit fees paid by the Engineer.
Red-line a set of plans and spreadsheet for Utilities 90% review comments. Red-line and
flag each page of the specification showing Utilities 90% review comments. Do not make
changes to the project documents until after the Utilities Design Review Group (DRG) has
performed a final review. Final review comments will be transmitted by the PM to the

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Table 1
Minimum Survey Accuracies Per Asset
(Proposed and Existing Water, Wastewater, Reclaimed Water)



Survey Monuments



Operating Nut
Valve Enclosure
Valve Enclosure

Meter Box or Curb Stop

if box does not exist
Pump Station



Top of Meter Box



System Valves
Fittings and end of the
pipe if plugged.
Piping at 100 max
Restrained Pipe
Bore & Jack Casing
Directional Drilling



Top of well
Top of Clean-out
Top Center of Wet Well and Pipe
Top Center of Cover and pipe inverts
Pipe Inverts
Operating Nut and Valve Body
Top of Fitting



Top of Pipe



Existing Orange County

Utilities Water,
Wastewater, and
Reclaimed Water Main



Pipe Invert
Top of Casing at Limits of Casing
Top of connection fitting for the
beginning and end of HDPE or PVC
Top of pipe or top and center of

Baseline Control
Locational Accuracy
Property and Easement
Blow off Valves
Air Release Valves
Master Meters

Location: horizontal center and

vertical top, unless otherwise

* Shall conform to the requirements of the Chapter 5J-17 Minimum Technical Standards, F.A.C. for a boundary

Subtask 230 - 100% Level of Completion

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Shall be defined as a complete set the construction drawings and technical specifications
including the Bid Schedule that will allow the Project to be bid and all of Utilities 90% review
comments were addressed. Incorporate all final red-line review comments into the drawings and
If the project is going to be bid soon the following apply:
Submit three (3) hard copy sets of 100% complete construction drawings and specific
specification sections of the Utilities Master CIP Technical Specification and Checklist.
Submit a copy of the drawings and specifications in electronic format as .pdf
documents on a CD.
Submit a copy of the drawings in electronic AutoCAD format (.dxf or .dwg) and a
copy of the specifications in Microsoft Word format on a CD
Provide a Bid Item Schedule and an updated Engineers Estimate of Probable Cost
utilizing the Utilities Standard Pay Item List.
Submit an electronic Excel file of the As-built Drawing Asset Attribute Data Table for
all of the assets.
If the project will be on hold for budgeting, then the only documents required for
each of the items defined above are documents that are not the same as Utilities Master or
Standard drawings and specifications until the project is budgeted.
Description of Project
Insert (if applicable, include linear feet of route)
Subtask 310 - Title Search
If the proposed site or alignment falls outside of a public right-of-way, the Surveyor shall review
the title work supplied by the County, supplemental surveys and investigations and/or other
record information. This information shall be shown on the Survey, as appropriate. Recorded
and unrecorded easements shall be shown to the extent they can be identified and located on the
Subtask 320 - Description and Sketch to Accompany Description for Temporary
Construction Easement Acquisition
The Surveyor will provide Temporary Construction Easement(s) description with sketch
prepared on 8 x 11 sheet(s) with a 1" x 3" blank space in upper right hand corner for
recording in the Official Records of Orange County. The description with sketch shall meet or
exceed MTS and meet Real Estate Managements requirements. A Boundary Survey is not
required for temporary construction easements (for format purposes, see Example 1, Boundary
Survey for Acquisition).
Subtask 331 - Boundary Survey for Non-acquisition Purposes
Provide a Boundary Survey for fee simple property and/or permanent easements including all
improvements to the site described in the Description of the Project above. The area of the
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parcel being surveyed is estimated to be insert # acres. The Survey along with the Survey Map
Report and/or legal description shall meet the minimum requirements of Chapter 5J-17
Minimum Technical Standards for a boundary survey.
Subtask 332 - Boundary Survey for Acquisition Purposes
Provide a Boundary Survey for fee simple property and/or easements including all improvements
to the site for acquisition by Orange County and shall be prepared on an 8 x 11 sheet(s) with
a 1" x 3" blank space in upper right hand corner for recording in the Official Records of Orange
County. The Survey along with the Survey Map Report and/or legal description (see Example 1,
Boundary Survey for Acquisition) shall be submitted to use in parcel acquisitions and shall the
minimum requirements of the following:
Chapter 5J-17 Minimum Technical Standards (MTS)
Meet 2011 Minimum Standard Detail requirements for ALTA/ACSM Land Title
Surveys that does not include Table A items
Meet Orange County Real Estate Management requirements
The Boundary Survey shall be certified to Orange County and First American Title Insurance
Company and use the MTS certification statement (see General Requirements) and the
ALTA/ACSM certification statement: This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on
which it is based were made in accordance with the 2011 Minimum Standard Detail
Requirements for ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and
NSPS, and includes no Table A items. The field work was completed on ___________.
The area of the parcel being surveyed is estimated to be insert # acres.
Subtask 333 - Wetlands Boundary Survey
The Surveyor shall subcontract or flag by in-house staff the wetland boundaries. Wetlands
delineation shall be determined using the Florida Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology
detailed in Chapter 62-340, of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) and according to the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland
Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Plain Region, most current version.
Provide a Boundary Survey for the Wetlands which shall be conducted in accordance with the
MTS. The wetland perimeter being surveyed is estimated to be insert linear feet.
Subtask 340 - Right-of-Way Locations
Existing plats and land records containing the project right-of-ways shall be obtained and
reviewed. Sufficient monumentation will be recovered, field located and verified in order to
calculate and determine the right-of-way lines through the project area, as well as any platted
easements adjacent to the right-of-ways. The right-of-ways will be monumented at each block
corner, angle point, and the beginning and end of each curve. This task will require setting or
recovering approximately insert # of monuments. Found or set monuments for right-of-ways,
easements and lot lines shall be adequately depicted on the Topographic Survey. Sufficient
dimensions will be shown to support the location of the right-of-way lines relative to the survey
control baselines. Reference point details will be included in the CADD files provided.
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Any major discrepancy between field monumentation and the right-of-way established by the
surveyor shall be noted on the survey and described within the Surveyors Report. The Surveyor
shall notify the Utilities Project Manager in writing the effect of the discrepancy.
Subtask 350 - Topographic Survey
Provide a Topographic Survey (see Example 3 Topographic Survey for Design) for [describe
the limits of the survey]. The survey shall be conducted in accordance with the MTS and meet
the requirements of Table 1 Minimum Survey Accuracies, whichever is more stringent. The
Surveyor shall prepare a Topographic Survey to provide Utilities with sufficient data to design a
proposed water, reuse, force and/or gravity main and/or pump station constructed within existing
and/or proposed right of way, easement or site. The construction corridor referenced herein
(limits of the Topographic Survey) is defined as the area to be impacted by construction of the
proposed improvements. Other factors outside the construction corridor shall be surveyed to
support ancillary activities, such as maintenance of traffic (MOT), etc.
The horizontal and vertical spatial relationship of the above ground natural or man-made features
lying within the limits of survey defined will be established and mapped. Elevations shall be
taken along the route at 100 foot intervals and at apparent high and low points. Spot elevations
shall be taken as necessary to identify significant elevation changes occurring within the limits of
survey. Trees having a diameter of six (6) inches (measured three feet above the ground level)
lying within the limits of survey, shall be located. Monuments shall be set for bench marks
outside the limits of construction at intervals not to exceed 1,400 feet. The location of
benchmarks shall be coordinated with the design such that a minimum of one monumented
bench mark is located within the limits of each sheet of the construction plans. The Topographic
Survey shall be shown on 22 x 34 drawings at a scale of 1 = 20.
Subtask 360 - Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data
Surface appurtenances of utilities such as water meters, hydrants, valves, sanitary lateral cleanouts, utility poles, guy poles and anchors, junction boxes, and transformers shall be located
within the limits of the proposed topographic corridor. Utility poles with direction of overhead
lines shall be shown on the Topographic Survey. Sanitary and drainage structures and shall be
located with rim and invert elevations, size, and material. The size, material, and the direction of
sewer pipes shall be located. The Surveyor shall investigate any utility systems within or
crossing the Topographic Survey area.
Surveyor shall request utility locates from the Sunshine State One Call Service. Surveyor shall
submit verification that Sunshine One was notified as follows.
A. Utilities listed with match design ticket provided by SSOCOF One Call.
B. Copies of letters to utilities sent requesting markups
C. Follow-up with utilities that did not respond by date requested verified
The Surveyor shall locate the marked utilities performed by the Utility Company representatives
and designate on the Topographic Survey the respective CI / ASCE 3802 Subsurface Utility
Quality Level B through D Indexes.

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The Surveyor shall use ground penetrating radar and electronic line locating equipment to
determine the horizontal location of the existing utilities for Quality Level A utilities not under
roadway pavement. The utilities shall then be verified by some excavation means to verify the
type of utility and size and establish the vertical elevation of the utility. Surveyor has made an
allowance of insert # Verified Vertical and Horizontal (VVh) locations for Utility Quality Level
A and insert # ground penetrating radar cross sections at the following locations. See attached
drawing for the location of the GPR cross section locations.
Ground penetrating radar shall be used for the full width of the right-of-way to locate all
utilities at minimum cross section intervals of 300 or before and after each road intersection
whichever is appropriate. VVhs shall be performed for all utilities located.
Proposed pipe crossings of existing utilities
Proposed pipe connections to existing utilities
All existing utilities shall be shown on the Topographic Survey in accordance with the CI/ASCE
38-02, ASCE Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility
Data. The date of the field work shall be depicted with the Subsurface Utility Data. All existing
utilities shall be identified with a utility quality level by the appropriate abbreviation and legend.
Show on all of the Topographic Survey drawings the following tables:
Table 2 - CI / ASCE 3802 Subsurface Utility Quality Level Indexes
Table 3 Legend and Abbreviations
Table 4 Utility Quality Level A Horizontal and Vertical Example
The drawing note: This drawing was prepared in conformance with ASCE standard
CE/ASCE 38-02 American Society of Civil Engineers Standard Guideline for the Collection
and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data..

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Table 2
CI / ASCE 3802 Subsurface
Utility Quality Level INDEXES
1. Quality Level A (QLA): Utility information which has been visually verified, survey located
(both horizontally and vertically) and accurately reduced onto these drawings. This is
typically shown as a HV verification excavation hole.
2. Quality Level B (QLB): Utility information derived by marking the approximate surface
horizontal location of utility using electronic methods. Marking is subsequently field survey
located and accurately reduced onto these drawings.
3. Quality Level C (QLC): Utility information obtained as below for quality level D, plotted to
correlate with surface utility features which have been field verified, survey located and
accurately reduced onto these drawings. Included in this category are aerial utility
information and utility depictions, which in the professional opinion of the subsurface utility
engineer, represent the most probable approximate horizontal location, type and / or existence
of a utility.
4. Quality Level D (QLD): Utility information plotted on the drawing based solely on record
information, individual recollections or the existence of utility service. It shall be noted that
all information shown (other than at test hole locations, see QLA above) with reference to a
utilities size, capacity, material composition, condition or service status shall be considered
QLD even though the utility may be plotted and labeled QLC or QLB.

Table 3
--FM---RWM---UT---OH TEL


Quality Level B
Quality Level C
Quality Level D
Water Main
Sanitary Sewer
San. Clean-Out
WW Force Main
Reclaimed WM
Buried Telephone
Overhead Telephone
Buried Fiber Optic Cable
Buried Elect. Cable
Overhead Elect. Cable
Gas Main

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Table 4
Coordinates (ft)
N 1363520
E 2221723
N 1363521
E 2221724
N 1363520
E 2221727
Survey field work for VVh locations was performed on date
Location ID

Utility Size &

Owner Material
2" galv

1" cable


6" PVC

Subtask 370 - Survey Control and Baselines

The Surveyor shall prepare a survey control drawing for the baseline horizontal and vertical
controls. Tie Orange County GIS control points to the baseline established along the route. The
baseline shall be referenced to permanent monumentation located outside the limits of
construction at the beginning and end of the route, at angle points, and at intervals not to exceed
1200 feet. A table shall provide state plane coordinates with elevations (x, y, z) at all changes in
baseline direction. Baseline turning points shall be labeled on the design drawings to identify
these points referenced in the survey control drawing table. The table shall include the type of
monument set. Iron pins are required when setting the baseline in easements or rights-of-way
without pavement. The survey control drawing shall state what horizontal and vertical datum
used and shall contain adequate graphical or written descriptions of the locations, construction
and marking of all marks used or set and shall explain methods employed in the survey and
adjustment. Two horizontal and vertical datum are required for horizontal and vertical controls.
The Surveyors name, registration number, and the date the survey was performed shall be
labeled on the survey control drawing.
Baselines shall be parallel to the right-of-way and monumented at the beginning and end
of the project and at all changes in direction.
Enough corners shall be found to determine the right-of-ways and these monuments shall
be indicated on the survey.
GPS surveyed control baselines shall meet these post processed GPS survey
specifications using the kinematic survey method. Kinematic GPS surveys make use of two
or more GPS units. At least one GPS unit is set up over a known (reference) station and
remains stationary, while other (rover) GPS units are moved from station to station. These
surveys can be either continuous or stop and go. Stop and go station observation periods
are of short duration, typically under two minutes.
A. Minimum number of reference stations to control the project is 3rd order or better
B. Minimum number of check stations is 2
C. Maximum distance between the survey project boundary and the network reference
control stations is 6 miles.
D. Maximum PDOP during station occupation is 5.
E. Minimum observation time on station is 5 epochs
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F. Minimum number of satellites observed simultaneously at all stations is 5 (100% of time)

G. Maximum epoch interval for data sampling is 1 to 15 seconds
H. Minimum satellite mask angle above the horizon is 10 degrees. During office processing,
start with a 15 degree mask.
Other control surveys shall detail the datum used and control stations used in a manner consistent
with the general survey and map provisions of subsection 5J-17.051, F.A.C. The survey control
and baseline points shall maintain a minimum positional reliability of 1:10,000 feet relative to
the nearest control station. All baseline control traverses shall be tied to at least two existing
horizontal controls of second order class I or higher standards or a control established by the
Subtask 380 - As-Built Drawings
The Surveyor shall obtain field measurements of vertical and horizontal dimensions of
constructed improvements for all of the assets described in Table 1 Minimum Survey Accuracies
Per Asset and the applicable items identified in the Digital Data below. Prepare Maps from the
electronic Auto-CAD files provided by the design Engineer and the Maps shall meet applicable
MTS. The Maps shall clearly show by symbols, notations, or delineations those constructed
improvements located by the Survey. A paper copy and an electronic AutoCAD file of the
completed As-Built Survey shall be submitted to Utilities.
Subtask 390 - As-Built Digital Data
Submit completed tables to Utilities of the Asset Attribute Data, Pipe Deflection, and Gravity
Main signed, sealed and dated by the Surveyor the paper copies and electronic Excel
spreadsheets. These spreadsheets shall be the same Excel work sheets provided by Utilities. A
Survey Map Report is required to accompany the Digital Data.
The following General Requirements shall apply to all TASK300 Subtasks described above.
MTS Requirement
All Surveys shall be conducted in accordance with the Minimum Technical Standards
promulgated by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors, 5J-17, of the Florida
Administrative Code, Section 472.027, Florida Statutes.
Survey shall note when the field work was completed.
Horizontal and Vertical Controls
The horizontal control data shall be relative to the Florida State Plane Coordinate system, East
Zone, North American Datum of 1983/1990 adjustment.
All vertical control shall be established from benchmarks published by Orange County or other
governmental agencies utilizing the North American Vertical Datum 1988 adjustment.
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State Plane and Vertical Coordinates

State plane coordinates with elevations (x, y, z) shall be provided for all of the items listed in
Table 1 Minimum Survey Accuracies Per Asset.
CAD Templates
If the Surveyor is contracted in-house design by Utilities, the Surveyor shall request a current
version of Utilities AutoCAD Template for preparing final documents. The digital file submitted
will match Orange County Utilities In-House CAD Standards including but not limited to: Linetype Files, Hatch Patterns, Symbol Library, Layer names, and the "stb" and "ctb" files.
Surveyor Map Report
Provide a Survey Map Report which will meet or exceed MTS. The survey report should, at the
very least, provide a clear, complete, and concise summery of work performed to prepare the
survey. The Report shall include, but not be limited to: Scope, project location, survey
equipment/software, survey data resources, field monumentation and any boundary
discrepancies, relative positional accuracy of measurements, flood statement, subsurface utility
locates, ownership and encumbrances, jurisdictional wetland boundaries, horizontal and vertical
control, accuracies obtained for the survey traverse and surveyor's certificate (see Example 2,
Survey Map Report).
In lieu of a Survey Map Report, information in the report shall be listed on the survey map as
Surveyors Notes.
MTS Certification Statement
All survey deliverables shall be certified to Orange County and use the following certification:
This Survey was performed in accordance with the Minimum Technical Standards as set forth
by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers, Chapter 5J-17, Florida
Administrative Code, Pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes.
A single PDF file for data collected, control, title search of public records, last deeds of
records or other data utilized in the Survey work effort.
Submit three (3) signed and sealed paper copies and electronic AutoCAD files of the
Topographic and Boundary Survey in the 60% Design submittal.
Submit three (3) signed and sealed 8 1/2 x 11 paper copies and electronic PDF files of
the Boundary Survey.
Submit four (4) signed and sealed paper copies of the Temporary Construction Easement
and an electronic PDF file.
One (1) signed paper copy of MTS Survey Checklist completed.
If the County has any review comments, the Surveyor shall address those comments and
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Subtask 410 - Geotechnical

Perform a geotechnical investigation to facilitate design of the proposed main and construction
of the Project. The scope of services is based on the supplied information and the Geotechnical
Engineers experience in the area with sites and projects similar to this Project. See attached
map for the location of the proposed borings. Our exploration is planned to include the
Stake boring locations and coordinate underground utility clearance at the site.
Mobilization of truck mounted drill rig and crew.
Perform up to insert # auger borings and to a depth of insert in the proposed pipeline
alignments along the interior roadways within the subdivision and/or pump station site.
For projects that include proposed directional drilling or jack-and-bore construction
methods, perform up to insert # Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings to a depth of insert
in the proposed pipeline alignments along the interior roadways within the subdivision and/or
pump station site.
If pavement evaluation and/or design is required, perform up to insert # pavement cores
within existing roadways to determine the functional and structural conditions of the
Asphalt patching for boreholes located in paved roadways.
Perform visual classification and required laboratory testing of the soil samples obtained
from the borings. Laboratory testing may include grain size, organic testing, and corrosion
analysis to verify visual classification of soil types.
The exploration will be supervised by a qualified Geotechnical Engineer registered in the state of
Florida, and the results of the exploration will be presented in a geotechnical engineering report.
The report will address the following items:
Existing site conditions
Exploration, testing and sampling methods
Subsurface soil conditions encountered and soil classifications
Soil densities, if required due to proposed directional drilling or jack-and-bore
construction methods.
Encountered pavement section characteristics and recommendations for new pavement
sections, if applicable.
Depth to groundwater at the time of the exploration and estimated seasonal high
groundwater levels.
A discussion of general site preparation techniques, excavation, backfilling and fill
compaction for installation of the proposed pipeline(s) and/or pump station.
Subtask 420 Groundwater Sampling/Testing
For preparation of this proposal, the Contamination Locator Map on the FDEP OCULUS website
was used to identify if contaminated sites were identified within or near the project site. Search
the FDEP website for Brownfields, Petroleum, Superfund, or other waste cleanup sites that are
currently under the FDEPs cleanup oversight. If the project requires dewatering for the
installation of piping or a wetwell, the Geotechnical Engineer shall perform groundwater
sampling at potential contamination locations a maximum distance of every 1,000 along the pipe
route or at the pump station site or a 1,000 grid in a subdivision. Ground water sampling tests
will be collected at insert # locations throughout the project site and tested for the water quality
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parameters specified in the FDEP Generic Permit for the Discharge of Produced Ground Water
from any Non-contaminated Site Activity, per Chapter 62-621, paragraph 62-621.300(2), F.A.C.
(see www.dep.state.fl.us/Water/wastewater/iw/docs/62-621.300_2.pdf) and the FDEP NPDES
Generic Permitting.
The Geotechnical Engineer will install temporary groundwater monitoring points at the subject
locations, for the purpose of obtaining a representative groundwater laboratory analytical sample.
The collected groundwater samples will be transported under proper chain of custody on wet ice
to a local Florida Department of Health certified environmental testing facility for laboratory
analyses of the parameters required. A finalized laboratory summary of the analytical results of
the ground water samples will be provided.
Should the results of the water analysis exceed the allowable levels of the specified parameters
(see Table 5, Screening Values for Discharge of Produced Ground Water), the Geotechnical
Engineer shall address possible remedies for the Contractor for dewatering.
Table 5
Screening Values for Discharge of Produced Ground Water
Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
pH, standard units
Total Recoverable Mercury
Total Recoverable Cadmium
Total Recoverable Copper
Total Recoverable Lead
Total Recoverable Zinc
Total Recoverable Chromium (Hex.)

Fresh Waters
10.0 mg/l
0.012 g/l
9.3 g/l
2.9 g/l
0.03 mg/l
86.0 g/l
11.0 g/l
1.0 g/l
100.0 g/l

Coastal Waters
10.0 mg/l
0.025 g/l
9.3 g/l
2.9 g/l
5.6 g/l
86.0 g/l
50.0 g/l
1.0 g/l
100.0 g/l

See attached drawing for the location of the well locations.

Submit a paper copy of the Geotechnical Investigation Report and Groundwater
Sampling Analytical Report with recommendations to Utilities and a digital CD copy in MS
Word format.
Subtask 510 Ecological Investigation
Perform an ecological investigation to insure compliance with any permitting requirements of the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, South Florida Water Management District,
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the Orange County Environmental
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Protection Division and other governmental agencies as applicable. The results of the ecological
investigation shall be summarized in a report that includes at a minimum the following.
1. Identify existing wetlands; perform corridor assessment to evaluate existence of threatened
and endangered species and quality of potentially jurisdictional wetlands.
2. Request and conduct site reviews with governmental agencies for wetlands determination
3. Prepare reports and permit applications related to ecological conditions at the Project,
determine mitigation requirements and alternatives if applicable
4. Provide other biological and ecological support data as necessary in order to represent
Utilities interest with governmental agencies
Submit a paper copy of the Ecological Investigation Report to Utilities and an
electronic digital CD copy in MS Word format.
Subtask 610 Community Meeting
1. Immediately following the 100% level of completion, the Engineer shall prepare the
A. Engineer identifies and provides location to the PM (Orange County public school) for
the community meeting that is in proximity of the proposed construction.
B. Engineer identifies properties adjacent to or affected by proposed construction utilizing
County Buffer Notification Criteria and obtains property owners mailing addresses.
Engineer develops mailing list and provides a copy to the PM.
C. Obtain the Community Meeting Notice guidelines and coordinate with the PM to create
the Community Meeting Notice Flyer (8 x 11-inch size), Sign-in Sheet, and property
mailing list. The notice shall include the anticipated construction start date.
PM establishes date for the community meeting and processes PIO Package.
PM has Engineer make any changes required by the PIO approval process.
Fliers shall be printed on white glossy 8 x 11-inch paper
Paper stock shall be a minimum of 60 lb weight and four-color process paper
Fliers shall be in color
Engineer mails Utilities approved Community Meeting Notice to property owners two (2)
weeks prior to the meeting date.
A. Construction projects that are 1 year or more in duration, a notice shall be sent to the
subject property owners every 6 months and provide the status of the project.
B. Additional notices may be needed if an urgent or emergency situation arises on the
project where public notification is warranted.
Engineer shall conduct a pre-construction community meeting to discuss the proposed
construction with the affected community
Engineer shall provide a copy of the sign-in sheet (see example below) and meeting
minutes to PM within three (3) working days of the community meeting.


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Orange County Utilities Department

Contact Person:
Phone: (407) 254-97

District X
DATE: Day, Date



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Subtask 710 Bidding Assistance
Within 30 days before the project is advertised to be bid, revisit any
easements containing proposed pipes to determine if any protected animals (gopher turtles,
eagles, etc.) have inhabited the area.
Create construction drawings and specifications for bidding and
ePlan distribution by the Orange County Contracts and Purchasing (Purchasing) Division.
Construction drawings and specifications shall be formatted as .pdf documents and furnished
to Purchasing on CD. Furnish five (5) copies of the CD containing the .pdf documents.
Furnish fifteen (15) sets of 24-inch by 36-inch size hard copy of all
construction drawings, one (1) unbound, single page-sided, set of technical specifications
with Index of Specification Sections and an Index of Construction drawings, the Bid
Schedule and any Special Provisions to Purchasing for use during the bidding process.
Submit a list of prospective bidders.
Attend a pre-bid conference scheduled by Utilities.
Consider written questions from bidders related to the Project and
prepare all addenda as required to interpret, clarify or expand the Bidding Documents.
Submit addenda to Utilities in a timely manner that allows reception of addenda by all
bidders no later than a minimum of three (3) days prior to bid opening date.
Prepare a tabulation of all bids received in spreadsheet format and
provide a digital copy, review and evaluate the apparent three (3) lowest bidders unit prices,
experience and references and make recommendations to Utilities regarding the award of the
construction contract.
Subtask 810 Conformed Documents and Preconstruction Conference
Utilities will provide construction inspection. All instructions to the Contractor(s) shall be issued
through Utilities. The Engineer shall:
1. Incorporate into the construction documents any revisions and clarifications that occurred
during the permit review stage and the bidding phase and all County (Purchasing) required
and Contractor executed documents.
2. Provide the County ten (10) full size and five (5) half-size hard copy sets of the Conformed
construction drawings and fifteen (15) complete, bound Project Manuals (collectively
referred to as the conformed Contract Documents) for Utilities use during the construction
phase of the Project.
3. Conformed Construction Documents
Submit an additional one (1) certified, full size, hard copy set of Conformed
Construction Documents signed and sealed by the Engineer.
Submit digital PDF files on formatted CDs to the County. These CDs will show
signature and seals of the Engineer.
4. Preconstruction Conference
Plan, organize and conduct a pre-construction conference; distribute the Conformed
Contract Documents, take meeting minutes and distribute written minutes to all
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attendees. Engineer will use Orange Countys Preconstruction Template, track all
changes to the Template, and submit to the Project Manager five (5) working days prior
to the preconstruction meeting.
Provide a digital version of the conformed construction drawings in AutoCAD
format (.dxf or .dwg) format to the Contractors Surveyor for preparing the As-built
Drawings. Provide an electronic copy of the As-Built Asset Attribute Data Tables to the
Subtask 820 Shop Drawings and Correspondence
Shop Drawings
A. Review shop drawings and product submittals for conformance with the Contract
Documents and is/are compatible with the design concept.
B. If the drawings or schedules as submitted describe variations and show a departure from
the Contract Documents which the Engineer finds to be in the interest of Utilities and to
be so minor as not to involve a change in Contract Price or Contract Time, the Engineer
may return the reviewed drawings without noting an exception.
C. The proposed budget for this task is based on reviewing # shop drawing submittals and
A. The Engineer will consider proposals for substitution of materials, equipment, and
methods only when such proposals are accompanied by full and complete technical data
and all other information required by the County/Professional to evaluate the proposed
B. The proposed budget for this task is based on providing assistance with # substitution
submittals or resubmittals.
Subtask 830 Request for Information (RFIs), Request for Proposals (RFPs), and
Construction Change Directives (CORs)
1. Receive, review, evaluate, distribute and/or issue RFIs, Supplemental Instructions, RFPs,
CCDs, and sketches and drawings to resolve actual field conflicts encountered and provide
consultation and advice during the construction process.
2. The proposed budget for this task is based on providing responses to a total of # with # hours
per response.
Subtask 840 - State Revolving Fund Program Forms
1. Prepare and fill out the necessary forms for compliance with the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection, State Revolving Fund Management Program.
2. The proposed budget for this task is based upon # of pay applications.
Subtask 850 - Schedule of Values
Review and negotiate Contractors schedule of values to ensure the breakdown is
adequate to allow accurate measurement for payments and will compare the proposed
schedule of values to the Engineers estimate of probable construction costs for apparent
imbalances, i.e. front-end loading. Engineer will also check the loading of schedule of values
into the schedule as required. The proposed budget for this task requires negotiation and
coordination with the cost loading of the schedule.
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The proposed budget for this task is based upon # of lump sum items requiring a
schedule of values.

Subtask 860 Monthly Construction Progress Meetings and Site Inspections

1. Attend monthly construction progress meetings, take meeting minutes and distribute minutes
to all attendees. Concurrently on the day of the monthly construction progress meeting,
observe the construction of the Project and discuss any concerns with Utilities.
2. Review the progressive As-built Drawings and the Contractor Surveyors tables to determine
if the constructed improvements meet the Engineers design intent.
As-built Asset Attribute Data Table
Pipe Deflection Table
Gravity Main Table
3. Conduct up to one additional site visit per month to observe construction.
Subtask 870 Substantial Completions and Partial Certifications
1. Substantial Completion Inspections
Conduct substantial completion inspections of Project and prepare the appropriate
punch lists.
Attend pump station start-up conducted by the Contractor.
2. Partial Certifications
Submit As-built drawings and necessary documents for partial project certification of
completion to the permitting agencies (FDEP, Water Management Districts, etc.) to obtain
all approvals for the release of the water main, force main, gravity main, pump station,
reclaimed water main and building for beneficial use.
Subtask 880 Final Completion Inspection and Record Drawings
1. Conduct final completion inspection of Project.
2. The Engineer shall develop the Record Drawings from the As-built Drawings supplied by the
Contractor. The Record Drawings shall incorporate all partial clearance information. The
Engineer shall indicate substantive deviations from the original design documents and certify
whether the deviations are such that the original engineering design intent has or has not been
materially accomplished by the finished construction. The accuracy of the location
information is to be based upon the Contractors Surveyors As-Built Asset Attribute Data
Table and As-builts.
3. The Record Drawings shall be a compiled representation of the constructed project; shall
contain a listing of the sources and the basis of information used in the preparation of the
Record Drawings; shall contain a certification that they are believed to be correct to the best
of the Engineers knowledge and that the drawings meet the design intent including, but not
limited to, gravity main slopes, over deflecting of pipe, pipe separation, etc. Final Record
Drawings combine all previous partial clearances, contractor As-builts, surveyed coordinates
with asset table, and all Orange County Utilities work into one complete set.
4. The Engineer shall submit three (3) certified, full size, hard copy sets of Record Drawings,
signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record and containing appropriate notes or disclosures
accompanying the certification that state the Engineers determination that such
modifications do or do not materially affect the permitted design. Exclusions are not
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Provide a complete set of scans signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record. Include a
TIFF image for each sheet and a complete set in a single Adobe PDF file.
Provide the AutoCAD file in .dxf or .dwg format.
The Engineer shall be responsible for the professional quality of all deliverables. The Engineer
shall have and shall implement an internal Quality Assurance Plan that as a minimum provides
review of all deliverables and significant calculations by another qualified professional that was
not responsible for preparing the deliverable or calculation. The Engineers Project Manager
shall certify with each deliverable that the appropriate internal Quality Assurance review was
performed prior to submittal to Utilities. Any exceptions will require approval by the Utilities
Project Manager.
The work effort described herein will be completed within insert # months in accordance with
the proposed schedule provided in the attached Exhibit A.
The schedule for the accomplishment of the Project reflects the proposed elapsed time in days
for completion of the preliminary engineering design, construction documents phase (final
design), the bidding phase, and the construction phase of the Project. The schedule identifies and
addresses accomplishment of each task enumerated in Utilities Standard Schedule Events. The
duration of activities controlled by the County shall be estimated and included in the schedule.
In accordance with insert Contract #, the Engineers proposed lump sum to provide engineering
services for the foregoing described project for the preceding tasks 100 through 700 inclusive is
insert $ and an hourly not to exceed fee of insert $ for Task 800 Construction Administrative
Services or a total fee to provide all of the services is insert $. A cost breakdown is provided in
the attached Exhibit B Budget Detail.
The fee is separated into the following headings and work items are described on each
corresponding line:
Task 100 Preliminary Engineering
Subtask 110 Data Collection
Subtask 120 Capacity Evaluation
Subtask 130 Preliminary Engineering Report
Task 200 Construction Documents
Subtask 210 60% Level of Completion
Subtask 220 90% Level of Completion
Subtask 230 100% Level of Completion
Task 300 Survey
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Subtask 310 Title Search

Subtask 320 Temporary Construction Easement (acquisition)
Subtask 331 Non-acquisition Purposes
Subtask 332 Acquisition Purposes
Subtask 333 Wetlands Survey
Subtask 340 Right-of-Way Locations
Subtask 350 Topographic Survey
Subtask 360 Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data
Subtask 370 Survey Control and Baselines
Subtask 380 As-built Drawings
Subtask 390 As-Built Digital Data
Task 400 Geotechnical Investigation and Groundwater Sampling/Testing
Subtask 410 Geotechnical
Subtask 420 Groundwater Sampling/Testing
Task 500 Ecological Investigation
Task 600 Public Relations: Community Meeting/Public Notification-Flier Production and
Mailing Procedure
Task 700 Bidding Assistance
Task 800 Construction Administration Services
Subtask 810 Conformed Documents and Preconstruction Conference
Subtask 820 Shop Drawings and Correspondence
Subtask 830 Request for Information (RFIs), Request for Proposals (RFPs), and
Construction Change Directives (CCDs)
Subtask 840 State Revolving Fund Program Forms
Subtask 850 Schedule of Values
Subtask 860 Monthly Construction Progress Meetings
Subtask 870 Substantial Completions and Partial Certifications
Subtask 880 Final Completion Inspection and Record Drawings
Fee direct costs can be determined by examination of the area of the project utilizing tax maps,
Invoices will be submitted monthly and as described in Attachment 1 Invoicing Format and
Total MBE percentage for this authorization is insert %, insert MBE firm an MBE firm and
insert %, insert other MBE firm an MBE firm will be involved in this project. The insert
MBE firms fee total is not to exceed fee of insert $, and insert other MBE firms total not to
exceed fee is insert $.

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Invoices for services by the Engineer shall provide a narrative describing the activities being
performed, date range as well as the project specific duties / tasks performed by each person
billed to the County.
Engineer shall utilize the following format and procedures. Invoice submittals that do not meet
the following format, will be disapproved and returned to the consultant. If you have any
questions concerning your invoice submittal, please contact the PM.
1. Invoice Format
Invoices shall be submitted to:
Orange County Utilities
Attn: Manager, Fiscal Services Division
9150 Curry Ford Road
Orlando, Florida 32825
A transmittal letter shall be included with the invoice. Faxed invoices are not
Invoice shall have the current date of submittal and not backdated.
Invoice shall have the billing period stated; for example: For services provided from
May 1, 2009 to June 1, 2009.
If the invoice is a re-submittal of a previously submitted invoice, the invoice shall
have the words Revised and/or Re-submitted followed by the date of re-submittal.
Invoices shall be consecutively numbered, starting with Invoice No. 1, followed by
the Purchase Order Number and the Project Name; for example: Invoice No 1-PO
C9680002; Hemple Avenue Force Main Project.
Invoices shall have a complete listing of tasks that are identical to the listing of tasks
in the approved scope of work. Each task breakdown shall include the total task dollar
amount and the dollar amount for that billing period with an itemization of hours by
discipline and dollar amount by discipline. The sum of the dollar totals for each task
shall be equal to the fee amount.
A complete description of the provided services shall be included with the invoice.
All sub-consultant costs and all direct cost shall be presented as a separate
All sub-consultant and direct costs shall include back-up documentation that clearly
indicates incremental cost amounts.
2. Invoice Processing Procedures
OCUD Fiscal Services Division will mathematically review invoice, verify
documentation and submit to Engineering Division with their payment recommendation.
The Engineering Divisions Project Manager will review invoice in regards to amount
billed versus services received and either approve or disapprove invoice.
Disapproved invoices are returned to Fiscal Services Division for return to
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D. Approved invoices are sent to Engineering Division Manager for final approval and
returned to Fiscal Services Division, which initiates the payment procedure through the
Contracts and Purchasing Department. The Orange County Comptrollers Office issues

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Drawing File Naming Conventions
The project file naming convention consists of a two character Project Type Code and a five
character Project Type Number separated by a hyphen.
Project Type Codes:
PS = Pump Station used for all pump station projects
SA = Service Area used for all gravity sewer R/R projects
Project Type




Project Type Number

Figure 1 Project File Naming Convention

The project file will contain drawings specific to the individual project. Standard detail sheets
and notes sheets will not be included in the project file. Those drawings will be added as
individual projects are compiled into projects.
Drawing File Naming
Each project file will include a number of drawings represented by tabs located in paper space.
Each tab will be renamed to a drawing name. Drawing names consist of a single character
discipline designator followed by a pump station reference number and ending with a one or two
character sequential number with each field separated by a hyphen.
The pump station reference number will be a 5 digit number, with the first digit reserved for F
pump stations (e.g. F3905). If there is no F prefix, the pump station reference number will be
4 digits.
For Pump Station R/R projects the pump station reference number will be the pump station
number. For Gravity R/R drawings the pump station reference number will contain a SA
prefix (e.g. SA3000, SAF3905).

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Table 1. Discipline Designator Codes









As-built Drawing
Asset Attribute Data

Discipline Code

Sequential Number

(SA prefix for Gravity R/R
Pump Station Reference

Figure 2 Drawing Tab Naming Convention

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This sheet should be tab page.

Exhibit A

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This sheet should be tab page.

Exhibit B
Budget Detail
Note: All subconsultants/ subcontractor fees shall be included in the budget detail sheets.

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This sheet should be tab page.

Exhibit C
Proposed Work

Preliminary Engineering Construction Cost Estimate

Table 1 Water Distribution System Improvements
Table 2 Gravity System Improvements
GIS Map Delineation for
o water main replacement locations
o topographic survey limits
o GPR cross sections with VVHs
o groundwater sampling locations
Utilities Sample R/R Schematic Drawing for CIPP Lining
FDEP OCULUS Contamination Location Map and Descriptions

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This sheet should be tab page.

Exhibit D
Subconsultant Proposal(s)

Computer Aided Drafting Services:

QA/QC and Constructability Review of Final Design phases:
Surveying Services:
o Collection of Existing Subsurface Utility Data Services:
Geotechnical Investigations:
Groundwater Sampling/Testing:
o Lab Analysis:
Ecological Investigations:
Construction Administration Services:

The Engineer is responsible for all work of their subconsultants and

subcontractors to meet the requirements of the Engineers proposal.

The County requires all of the subconsultant/subcontractor proposals be included with the
Engineers proposal.

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