Water Hardness Test
Water Hardness Test
Water Hardness Test
Course Code
Course Title
Experiment No.
Title of Experiment
Date of Experiment
Prepared for
Student Name
Matric No.
Group No.
Examiner Comment
Received Stamp
To learn the cause and the effect of hard water
To determine the total, Ca and Mg hardness of a water sample
Hardening ions present in natural water are the result of slightly acidic rainwater
flowing over mineral deposits of varying decompositions; the acidic rainwater reacts
with the very slightly soluble carbonate salts of calcium and magnesium and with
various iron-containing rocks. A partial dissolution of these salts release the ions
into the water supply, which may be surface water or ground water.
CO2(aq) + H2O(l) + CaCO3(s) Ca2+(aq) + 2HCO3-(aq) (Eq.1)
Hardening ions, such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+ and Fe2+, from insoluble compounds
with soaps and causes many detergents to be less effective. Soaps, which are
sodium salts of fatty acids such as sodium stearate, C17H35CO2-Na+, are very
effective cleansing agents as long as they remain soluble; the presence of
hardening ions however cause the formation of a gray, insoluble soap scum such as
This gray precipitate appears as a bathtub ring and its also clings to clothes,
causing white clothes to appear gray. Dishes and glasses may have spots, shower
stalls and lavatories may have a sticky film., clothes may feel rough and scratchy,
hair may be dull and unmanageable, and your skin may be irritated and sticky
because of hard water.
Hard water is also responsible for the appearance and undesirable formation of
boiler scale on tea kettles. And pots used for heating water. The boiler scale is a
poor conductor of heat and thus reduces the efficiency of transferring heat. Boiler
scale also builds on the inside of hot water pipes causing a decrease in the flow of
water. In extreme cases, this build up causes the pipe to break.
Boiler scale consists primarily of the carbonate salts of the hardening ions and is
formed according to
Ca2+(aq) + 2HCO3-(aq) CaCO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) (Eq. 2)
Note that this reaction is just reverse of the reaction for the formation of hard water
(Eq. 1). The same two reactions are also the key to formation of stalactites and
stalagmites for caves located in regions with large limestone deposits. Because of
relatively large natural abundance of limestone deposits
and other calcium minerals such as gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O, it is not surprising that
Ca2+ ion, in conjunction with Mg2+ is a major hardness contributing ions in natural
water. Thus, generally total hardness is taken as the sum of Ca and Mg hardness.
Table 1. Hardness
classification of
water Hardness
(mg/L as CaCO3)
0 75
75 150
Moderately hard
150 300
> 300
Very hard
5. Excess lime-soda ash process: For high calcium, high magnesium carbonate
hardness and some noncarbonated hardness. One or two stage process. 60 mg/L
excess lime is typically added.
After precipitation process, the pH remains high and remaining calcium and
magnesium is just at the solubility equilibrium. To limit post-precipitation, water is
usually stabilized by lowering pH with the addition of H2SO4 or CO2.
Precipitation softening cannot produce a water completely free of hardness because
of the solubility of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide. Furthermore,
completion of the chemical reactions is limited by physical considerations, such as
adequate mixing and limited detention time in settling basins. Therefore, the
minimum practical limits of precipitation softening are 30 mg/L of CaCO3 and 10
mg/l of Mg(OH)2 expresses as CaCO3.
Hardness level of 80 100 mg/L are generally considered acceptable for a public
water supply, but the magnesium content should not exceed 40 mg/L as CaCO3 in
softened municipal water.
3.2.1 Pipette
3.2.2 500 and 1000 ml beakers
3.2.3 100 ml volumetric flask
3.2.4 DR2800 spectrophotometer
4.1 Press Stored Programs and select the test, 225 Hardness, Mg.
4.2 Pour 100 ml of sample into a 100 ml graduated mixing cylinder.
4.3 Add 1.0 ml of Calcium and Magnesium indicator solution using a 1.o ml
measuring dropper.
4.4 Stopper the cylinder and invert it several times.
4.5 Add 1.0 ml of Alkali solutions and Magnesium Test using a 1.0 ml measuring
4.6 Stopper the cylinder and invert it several times
4.7 Pour 10 ml of the solutions into each three square sample cells.
4.8 Blank Preparation: Add one drop of 1 M EDTA solution to the first cell. Swirl to
4.9 Magnesium Sample: Add one drop of EGTA Solution to the second cell. Swirl to
4.10 Insert the blank (first cell) into the cell holder with the fill line facing right.
Press Zero, the display will show: 0.00 mg/L Mg CaCO3
4.11 Insert the magnesium sample (second cell) into the cell holder with the fill line
facing right.
4.12 Press Read. Results are in mg/L magnesium as calcium carbonate. This value
is the amount of magnesium in the sample expressed as CaCO3.
4.13 Do not remove the cell from the instrument. Press Exit. And select the test
220 Hardness, Ca.
4.14 Press Start and then press Zero. The display will show: 0.00 mg/L Ca
CaCO3. Remove the second cell.
4.15 Calcium sample: Insert the third cell into the cell holder with the fill line facing
4.16 Press Read. Result are in mg/L calcium as calcium carbonate. This value is
the amount of calcium in the sample expressed as CaCO3.
Calcium hardness
Magnesium hardness
Total hardness
Based on the experiment hard water is water that has high mineral content. Hard
drinking water is generally not harmful to one's health, but can pose serious
problems in industrial settings, where water hardness is monitored to avoid costly
breakdowns in boilers, cooling towers, and other equipment that handles water. In
domestic settings, hard water is often indicated by a lack of suds formation when
soap is agitated in water and by the formation of lime scale in kettles and water
heaters. The experiment to determine the total of Calcium and Magnesium hardness
of the water samples (tap and river water). The result showed the differential
hardness reading between the water samples. The reading of the pH for tap water is
7.050 and river water is 7.745. For the calcium hardness of the tap water is 0 and
the river water is 30 mg/l. Moreover, the magnesium hardness of the both samples
is 2.16 for tap water and 21.6 mg/l for river water. Thus, the total of the tap water is
2.16 mg/land river water is 60.6 mg/l. From the observation the result that is
differential result for the both samples. The differential the total hardness of the
both samples are around 58.44 mg/l. The result showed that the river water more
hardness from the tap water. The river water consist two mineral which is calcium
and magnesium. Meanwhile the tap water just consist magnesium and only 2.16
mg/l the magnesium mineral. Nevertheless, the results of the river water have a
problem which is the
machine (DR 2800 Spectrophotometer) cant read the reading of the river water
solution. Thus, the reading of the river water should do the dilution which is use in
ratio. The steps for the dilution which are pour 5 ml river water in the volumetric
flask. After that, added 100 ml ultra pure water and add 1 ml of Calcium
and Magnesium Indicator solution and 1 ml Alkali Solution. Swirl the solution and
pour the solution into the three square sample cells. Add 1 drop EDTA solution to
the first cell and 1 drop the EGTA solution to the second cell. Continue the procedure
and read the result for the river water. The ratio of the dilution process is 5:100 and
become 1:20.So, the river water results that get at the machine should times 20. Al
though the both samples in classification of the soft water but the tap water more
soft because the tap water through the water treatment process. The river water
not through any process to became soft water. The river water also contaminate
with contaminated material like waste from factory, residential and soon.
As the conclusion, the experiment showed that the softer than the river water
although the both of the water samples in the soft classification. Tap water in some
parts of the country is very pure and is said to be soft. It easily makes lather with
soap. Water from other parts may contain various dissolved impurities and is
described as hard water. Temporary hardness may be removed by boiling, but
permanent hardness survives the boiling process. The upshot is that hard water
doesn't wash as well as soft water. Clothes and sheets washed in hard water can
feel rough, even harsh to the touch. Skin washed in hard water is typically reported
as feeling scratchy and dry as a result of the soap scum, and hair is often reported
as being dull-looking and sticky. Nevertheless, the hard water is not interfere the
citizen healthy because Hard water can be problematic in terms of taste, colour, and
deposits inside pipes and plumbing and on cookware and appliances such as water
heaters and dishwashers .It's not generally considered a health hazard, though.
Thus, the water hardness water test can classify the several of water in the world
1. What are the problems associated with hardness in water?
The problems associated with hardness in water:
a. Laundering Clothes washed in hard water often look dingy and feel harsh and
scratchy. The hardness minerals combine with some soils to form insoluble salts,
making them difficult to remove. Soil on clothes can introduce even more
hardness minerals into the wash water.
b. Bathing Bathing with soap in hard water leaves a film of sticky soap curd on
the skin. The film may prevent removal of soil and bacteria. Soap curd interferes
with the return of skin to its normal, slightly acid condition, and may lead to
irritation. Soap curd on hair may make it dull, lifeless and difficult to manage.
c. Dishwashers When washing dishes, especially in a dishwasher, hard water
may cause spotting and filming on your crockery. The minerals from hard water
are released faster when it comes into contact with heat, causing an increase in
the amount of spotting and filming that occurs.
This problem is not a health risk, but it can be a nuisance to clean and reduce
the quality of your crockery.
slacker, as there exists the potential of explosion resulting from escaping gases
in heat from the interior of the lime pile