I Objectives:: Grade 7
I Objectives:: Grade 7
I Objectives:: Grade 7
Grade 7
I Objectives:
A. Identify the different seasons.
B. Relate the different seasons to real life experiences.
C. Develop their skills in making play and song.
II Subject Matter
A. Topic: Earth seasons
B. Reference: https://shortstory.wordpress.com.
C. Materials: Projector ,laptop ,visual aids.
Infuse values:
III Suggested Activities
1. Daily Routine
-Arranging of chairs
-Checking of attendance
2. Review of the past lesson
The teacher will make a concise summary of their
previous topic about calamities.
3. Motivation
7. Generalization
The students will summarize the different seasons
and the teacher will add some moral lesson came
from their song, play, slogan, poster they
8. Assignment:
What is climate change?
What is the major cause of climate change?