Transmission Line & Feeder Protection
Transmission Line & Feeder Protection
Transmission Line & Feeder Protection
Need for protection
Protective relay
Methods of protection of feeder
Protection of parallel feeder
Feeder is the line that transfers the power
from source end to the distribution end.
To have a uninterrupted power supply for
consumers, feeders need to be protected
from various faults using different schemes.
The word FEEDER may be referred as the connecting link
between the two circuits. The feeder could be in the form
of transmission line that is short, medium, or long or this
could be a distribution circuit.
Feeders form the integral part of power system, as power
is transferred through feeders from source to load.
Hence it is important to protect feeders from faults for
continuous supply of power to consumers.
Need for protection
Following conditions lead to various faults:
Over loading
Over voltage
Under Frequency
Power Swings
Transient Faults
Permanent Faults
Atmospheric Conditions(Temperature, Lightening)
Short circuit Faults
Protective relay
It is a device that detects the fault and initiates the
operation of the circuit breaker to isolate the defective
element from rest of the system.
Time lag is provided which is not desirable on short circuits.
Suitable for radial feeders with supply at one end only
Difficult to coordinate and requires changes with addition of load.
Current graded protection