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Bulletin7 20 2010

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E-Edition July 20, 2010

Woodruff Church of God
172 Poole St. Ext., PO Box 275
Woodruff, SC 29388

Pastor’s Page
“There’s Power in prayer if you'll believe, He's standing right there for you to receive;
for the problems you face, He's all that you need, there’s power in prayer. He's the God that
can’t fail when friends let you down, so cast all your cares on Him ‘cause I've found; He can
take the heart ache and turn it around, there’s power in prayer.” Well, that’s the song that has
been on my mind since the prayer service on Sunday night. WOW! What a time we had! I’m
convinced that the enemy of our soul has devised an evil scheme against the people of God by
oppressing them with a “spirit of infirmity”. As I declared Sunday night, “IT’S TIME FOR
THAT SPIRIT TO GO!” I am believing that the spirit of infirmity was broken and the Holy
Spirit of God was released to impact and control the lives of His people. DO NO ALLOW THE
your ground and believe the report of the Lord!!!! I am waiting for the testimonies from those of
you that were touched and ministered to by the Lord. You are made over-comers by the word of
your testimony…..

This coming Sunday morning will be the last of the messages

from the sermon series “LOST”. We’ve talked about how America had “Lost Her Way”, “Lost
In Sin” “Un-Lost” and this week I’ll be dealing with being “Lost in Him”. Please be in the
House of God Sunday as I believe we are going to encounter God in a most powerful way. I
want to be Lost in Him….. How about you?

Baby/Parent Dedication will be this Sunday morning. As I have mentioned

before, the act of dedication is more than just a cute thing we do so the baby will have a
certificate for the baby book and nice pictures. Baby dedication is an act of presenting the baby
to the Lord with the understanding that the one’s presenting the baby will be responsible for the
spiritual nurturing and upbringing of the baby. For that to happen, the people bringing the child
to the Lord need to be believer’s themselves (or at least one of them). I hope you understand.
This is a spiritual thing…. It has spiritual significance…. As a matter of fact, you are making a
covenant with the Lord. That, my friends, is very spiritual! Please take spiritual examination of
yourself and make sure you meet the criteria. If so, we’d love to dedicate your child to the Lord.
If you would like to have grandparents, etc. to be the spiritual support for the child, that would
work as well. Once you know that the spiritual side is covered, make sure you’ve given the
proper information to our secretary (476-2977).

Sunday is also church membership day. If you would like to join with our church, either by
transfer or new membership, please call the office and give that information to our church
secretary (476-2977). Then meet with Pastor Terry at 9:30 Sunday morning in the CLC across
from the Church. Come in the door marked “Staff” and go straight into the long room. In
advance, let me say “WELCOME”!!!!!

Sunday is the deadline to turn in your Christian Education Evaluation Sheets. It is imperative
that we get those so we know who is returning as teachers and who is not. CAREFULLY and
PRAYERFULLY consider what you decide to do. Make sure that you are in the absolute will of
God. Sunday School is a vital ministry of our church in which we teach and instruct form the
Word of God. It also provides excellent small group opportunities. Should you have a desire to
teach and you meet the qualifications, please let Jonathan Atkins or Pastor Terry know. You
must be saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence in speaking with
tongues, faithful in your support of the church in attendance and a member in good standing,
faithful in tithes and offerings.

Next week, the 73rd General Assembly of the Church of God

will convene in Orlando, Florida. The General Assembly is the official business meeting for our
denomination and meets every two years. Please pray for our safety as we travel and pray that
the Lord’s will be done in the selection of leaders and the business that is conducted. I don’t
have a link address for the live streaming of the services, but it should be found on the Church of
God website at: www.churchofgod.org. Watch the services on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday. Franklin Graham will be preaching on Wednesday, Tim Hill on Thursday and Raymond
Culpepper on Friday.

Mark you calendar: August 13th…. STREET GOSPEL SINGING

Main street will be blocked off and there will be Gospel singing by the following groups:
“Delivered”, “Kaitlin Hosea”, “The Centurions”, and “The Epps Family”. Bring your lawn
chairs…. Time is 7:00 PM. Singing is free but a love offering will be received. Let’s all turn out
and show those who think we will be silent that we will not…. We stand for the gospel of Christ,
for the Cross of Christ and for the Blood of Christ. Can I count on you to be present? There will
be a flyer at the end of the bulletin material. Print if off…make copies….distribute it…. Get the
word out!!!!!!!
Prayer Focus: Purity of Heart and Motive

Prayer: “Lord, may our motives be only to please you. May we not seek to make a name for
ourselves. May we not touch your glory. May nothing be done for vainglory or human praise.
Stop, we ask, expose those who would preach for personal gain and profit, who would use the
gospel as means to personal fame and power. Give us humble hearts. Purify our motives.
Cleanse our hands and our hearts. May even the world praise us as having noble purposes.”

Daily Prayer Points:

• MONDAY - Without holiness, no man will see the Lord – in heaven, or on earth (Heb. 12:14).
Witness demands credibility in our life. God, make me holy.

• TUESDAY - Pray that all we do all for “His Glory!” That we will join the company of the
anonymous (II Cor. 4:6, 15).

• WEDNESDAY - Pray that our motives will be pure – our lifted hands holy (I Tim. 2:8), and our
hearts unpolluted (Psa. 24:4).

• THURSDAY - Stop – and ask yourself the hard questions! Is it really well with your soul?
(Psa. 26:2; Lam. 3:40)

• FRIDAY – Genuine freedom and liberty in Christ, is the freedom to live guilt free and love
rich. Practice spiritual liberty today. Love liberally. Laugh. Smile. Let others see the joy of the
Lord – live only for Him (Phil. 4:4-6).

Window on the World: According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, from A.D. 33 to 1914,
24 million Christians died for their faith. Since A.D.1915, an additional 45 million Christians
have died for their faith. This
means that more Christians were martyred in the last century than all the previous centuries

Harvest Notes: He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.
Jim Elliot

Bible Insights:
Psalm 24:3-5 - Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn
deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the LORD, And righteousness from the God of his
salvation. Psalms 66:18 - If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear.

Consider This: In Buenos Aires, 550 believers met in a train depot at rush hour. They began
softly singing “hallelujah!” The atmosphere of the station was dramatically changed. They
boarded trains and fanned out into the city. They touched 7000 people in one evening. 6736
wanted prayer.
Prayer Principle: Quit playing, start praying. Quit feasting, start fasting. Talk less with men,
talk more with God. Listen less to men, listen to the words of God. Skip travel, start travail.
Leonard Ravenhill.

Action Idea:
Do something good, really special, for at least two people, something that is costly in some way
– time, resources, pride, money. And do so anonymously. Leave only a note or a clue. Let it be
done for the glory of God. Choose one person that you know – a family member, a fellow
Christian, a missionary. Choose another that you do not know in a personal way or with whom
you have had some disconnect. They may be at odds with you or distant in some way. They may
be only an acquaintance. Do good to them and for them with no intention of personal gain.


Larry Laster Diane Phillips SCHOOL WILL BEGIN SOON and

Margie Richards Harold Grubbs many children in our area will not be
David Hughes Ricky Miller able to get the necessary supplies. If
Diane Arnold Randy Greene you would like to make a donation of
Johnny Caldwell Courtney Grass any school item, please place it in the
Roy Clevenger Denise Manley box prepared for this in the Cloak
Shut Ins Those in Nursing Homes Room. There are lists of needed items
on the bulletin board in the Main
Hallway, or you may see Annette
Christian Sympathy is extended to Betty Richards.
Culpepper on the death of her sister-in-law,
and to Robbie and Darrell Crowe on the death (Teachers need supplies also…..they
of their Father. May God bless and comfort are on a VERY limited budget so be
these families. sure to include something to make
their job easier.)

Thanks in advance for anything you

THIS WEEK: By: Michael Osborne
Greeters - Todd and Karen Rhodes Look beyond a color
Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan A gender or a creed
CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg And you will be the person
Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields God intended you to be
Bobby Brown Everyone is God’s child
Usher Team # 2 - No matter how they look
Walter Housand Every person has a story
Ryan Ballard Everyone’s a open book
Sam Garrett Yet some rush to judgment
John Nemitz From only what they see
Paul Lundberg They never stop to look within
Phillip Pruitt At the person they might be
Finance Committee - Everybody still bleeds red
Ryan Ballard We all need air to breathe
Mike Osborne But so often who we’re looking at
John Nemitz Are the same as you and me
Nursery - Everybody has their heartaches
Wednesday - Betty Ball Their trials and their tears
Sunday AM - Ann Knight They also share the joys of life
Jessica Atkins The hopes, the dreams, the fears
PM - Genise Watson You cannot tell the story
Kiddie Church - Garren Burdette From the cover of a book
Donna Burdette And you’ll never know a person
Music - Wednesday - Brad Burnett Until you take a second look
Sunday AM - Ladies’ Ensemble So never render judgment
PM - Korey Hawkins Until you look within
Praise Team - Maroon For you may just find a blessing
If you know where to begin
***CHOIR - Please remember to wear black
and white again this Sunday. THANKS for “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in
your cooperation ! this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”
Galatians 5:14
Youth Ministry is sponsoring a car wash/hotdog
sale, bake sale…..SATURDAY, JULY 24th , in front of ACE HARDWARE from 9 AM - 2 PM.
If you have promised to bake something for the youth, please bring your “goodies” to the CLC
dining area on Friday morning.


Then at 5 PM….YOUTH will participate in Jello-Water Wars………See Jason Fowler for

details about this event.
August 9 - 13 6:30 - 8:30 P.M.
Ages 2 - 12

Fun…..Food……Games…..Bible Lessons

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